*** new comments and critiques procedure ***



  • muddykneesmuddyknees Registered Users Posts: 181 Major grins
    edited August 24, 2004
    muddyknees wrote:
    Hey - I just linked to this thread from dgrin.smugmug - here:

    ...and am now testing to verify that one can link to a particular post within a thread ...

    ...which also works.


  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited August 24, 2004
    jeff wrote:
    looked at challenge
    andy wrote:
    dudes and dudettes:

    you don't need to login to simply make comments on people's pics. you can just put your name in the name field. email addy is not required, either. or you can leave these blank, make your comment, and sign your name like this:

    "hey this pic is really great. it could be outstanding if you bumped the exposure up just a bit, and maybe crop out the left 1/4 of the frame... -- andy"

    not hard, right?

    regarding smilies - so you do it the old-fashioned way guys! c'mon :) just like this :-) it's really easy :P and if you want to go hog wild, you can give theme a ^5.
    jwear wrote:
    tried the smugmug and find it easier to comment and view than old challenge that i could not post a pic. to or seem to get the comment down .I do not know if this will work but my comment did post on the bridge photo and who every said that not having the time to go on line 2 or more times a day is right on.I am lucking to hit it for 1/2 hr at night when i get home and if you spend 3/4 hr tring to get it to work do the math ? Thank you for all the work and with any luck i can go to my bridge this weekend and take a shot jeff
    here are some common emoticons, old-fashioned style:

    :-) Standard Smiley (you are joking; satisfied)
    :) Standard Smiley for lazy people
    :-> Follows a really sarcastic remark
    (-: Left handed Smiley
    :-( Sad Smiley. You aren't joking; You are not satisfied
    :< Very Sad Smiley.
    :C Very Sad Smiley
    :-* Kissing Smiley
    jwear wrote:
    tried the smugmug and find it easier to comment and view than old challenge that i could not post a pic. to or seem to get the comment down .I do not know if this will work but my comment did post on the bridge photo and who every said that not having the time to go on line 2 or more times a day is right on.I am lucking to hit it for 1/2 hr at night when i get home and if you spend 3/4 hr tring to get it to work do the math ? Thank you for all the work and with any luck i can go to my bridge this weekend and take a shot jeff
    Jeff W


  • snapapplesnapapple Registered Users Posts: 2,093 Major grins
    edited August 24, 2004
    What's the purpose of the link?
    muddyknees wrote:
    ...which also works.



    Why do you need this link?
    "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
    Susan Appel Photography My Blog
  • muddykneesmuddyknees Registered Users Posts: 181 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    andy wrote:
    the c & c thread *is* getting a bit unmanageable. let's try something new, okay?

    go to www.dgrin.smugmug.com

    at bottom of page, click "login"
    username is "dgrin" (no quotes)
    use guest password "dgrinchallenge" (no quotes)

    upload your photos. comment and critique away using the comments button right there in the gallery. don't forget to add a caption (title) to your photo, and put your name on it to. use the html tag <br>to make a new line for your name.

    for example

    "how much is that doggie in the window"<br>
    by jane challenger

    *** if you are a smugmug user, you must first "logout" of your own account before you can "login" as a guest user on the dgrin.smugmug.com account.

    the password is dgrinchallenge

    have fun, kids.
    One thing to keep in mind that I didn't when I made my recent comments at dgrin.smugmug is to adjust the ratings from the default 5-stars - this could obviously be another way to come up with final "vote" for the winning entry - assuming the current "final contest submissions" thread will eventually end up as a gallery there as well.

  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    jeff wrote:
    Andy IN PREVIEW POST What Does To Short And One Letter Mean Some Go Thru But More I Just Give Up ?? Jeff
    Jeff W


  • muddykneesmuddyknees Registered Users Posts: 181 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    snapapple wrote:
    Why do you need this link?
    to mitigate the "lack-of-community" feeling resulting from the non-threaded nature of the smugmug comments area. Using these links, we can fluidly jump back and forth from a threaded conversation about a photo posted there.

    ...in fact, let me just try this - should be able to reference a small version of the photo there, here:


  • muddykneesmuddyknees Registered Users Posts: 181 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    muddyknees wrote:
    to mitigate the "lack-of-community" feeling resulting from the non-threaded nature of the smugmug comments area. Using these links, we can fluidly jump back and forth from a threaded conversation about a photo posted there.

    ...in fact, let me just try this - should be able to reference a small version of the photo there, here:


    well let me try that embedded link again...


    Hm... OK, what am I doing wrong - I'm trying to use the insert image icon at the top of the edit-message-window that I'm typing into right now, and inserting above link into the text-box asking for a URL, but nothing happens after I click OK.

    But I suppose that's off-topic here... ...except... as a new user I did find the huge comment thread unnavegeable, and, as you can see here, even the image posting procedure here is not fool-proof to complete-idiot-newby's like...

  • PerezDesignGroupPerezDesignGroup Registered Users Posts: 395 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    andy wrote:
    the c & c thread *is* getting a bit unmanageable. let's try something new, okay?

    have fun, kids.
    I can't believe this! Just yesterday I really started paying attention to the Challenges over here and I was extremely overwhelmed by the way the photos were being submitted in one thread and critiqued in another. I spent close to 1 hour just trying to follow the trail back and forth between the images and the critiques. Needless to say, this disillusioned me quite a bit. I shrugged it off and low and behold...today you've streamlined the process and re-piqued my curiosity. I look forward to participating in these. Thanks for making it easier, Andy. I just hope my puny A70 can keep up with all you pros. :D At least 'til I can save up some more money...
    Canon Digital Rebel | Canon EOS 35mm | Yashica Electro GSN | Fed5B | Holga 35 MF

  • muddykneesmuddyknees Registered Users Posts: 181 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    jwear wrote:
    jeff wrote:
    Andy IN PREVIEW POST What Does To Short And One Letter Mean Some Go Thru But More I Just Give Up ?? Jeff
    looks like after you pressed the "reply" button, you didn't type any new text into the reply window that comes up, but instead just pressed the preview post or submit button.

    Maybe what happened is you took a long time to write a reply so that your session timed out, so when you tried submitting you got some message about no longer being logged in, and that you then somehow backed up with your browser to the reply window in which your text was missing, and then pressed Submit (or Preview Post), which would get you the message about needing to type at least one character in your reply?

    Dont give up - just try it again. One thing I've learned to do when I start taking a long time on my reply is to copy the text of my reply to the clipboard (or to notepad) just before I submit, in case I've timed out, then I can just go back to the thread and re-reply and just paste my reply back in. (I'm gonna do that now, in fact, before I submit this long reply.

  • PerezDesignGroupPerezDesignGroup Registered Users Posts: 395 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    muddyknees wrote:
    ...in fact, let me just try this - should be able to reference a small version of the photo there, here:


    You need to get the final "Image" Address including the .jpg extension. What you listed is the "Page" address. Sometimes an image is called remotely from a different location. You can get that by clicking on the "Share with Friends, Forums" button below the image.
    Canon Digital Rebel | Canon EOS 35mm | Yashica Electro GSN | Fed5B | Holga 35 MF

  • evil eggplantevil eggplant Registered Users Posts: 464 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    This seems simple enough, lets see...
    "exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
  • muddykneesmuddyknees Registered Users Posts: 181 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    You need to get the final "Image" Address including the .jpg extension. What you listed is the "Page" address. Sometimes an image is called remotely from a different location. You can get that by clicking on the "Share with Friends, Forums" button below the image.
    OK, how about:



  • gubbsgubbs Registered Users Posts: 3,166 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    Gosh, I go to bed and everything changes :D

    Well, I like it so far! thumb.gif

    The only drawback that I can see is that when shots are being progressed and you have new versions, they won't tie in together very well. I suppose that was a problem with original C & C too (unless you were very quick).
    Could pull the shot down to PS shaninigans/another thread, and bring it back when your happy ne_nau.gif then tie it all in with muddyknees link ideas
  • SeeMoonSeeMoon Banned Posts: 355 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    ginger_55 wrote:
    Some people had no problem that I know of with the comments and critique thread, they posted their entries directly onto the submission thread, bypassing that awkward critique thread.

    I would've liked to put pictures in the c&c but just found it so confusing and didn't always have time to look at all the posts. If i'm away for 5 days there's no way i can keep up! When i'd have a comment on somebody elses pics i couldn't see if it was already commented on or no longer an option for the challenge. But i certainly wasn't always a 100% sure of my submissions in the first place, and would've liked some feedback. But i agree with Andy; this works if you give+receive and i didn't want to ask for comments and not write any myself.

    Let's give it a try Ginger! thumb.gif
  • gubbsgubbs Registered Users Posts: 3,166 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    Just thought of something else, is there anyway unread/new comments can be highlighted??

    Can't edit either means I've got to get it right first time11doh.gif
  • dugmardugmar Registered Users Posts: 756 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    I understand the new format 100%, how to post, comment, etc. I have to agree with Ginger however, emotionally, it has lost something. It just feels colder this way. There was something about the back and forth conversation of the forum that this format simply cannot provide us with.

    Plus, on the technical side of it, now when you read coments, instead of reading the comment and looking at a thumbnail of the photo for reference, you now have to read the comment, scroll back up to see what the comment is referring to, and then scroll back down to find where you left off.

    Technically speaking again, you have to upload twice (if you want to store your photo on your own smugmug site as well.) Not a big deal for me, but for some with slower dial-up connections it may be.

    I'm suddenly less excited about this weekly challenge thing now. I know it's a change, and we are human, and humans are reluctant to change... I'll come around once I get used to it.

  • bikehikerbikehiker Registered Users Posts: 79 Big grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    I know my opinion is small here, but I believe I'll like the new way better because my time is pretty limited and this will make the challenges easier to keep up with, without have to keep up with the thread 3 times a day. I like the site and challenges but have been getting lost and discouraged at the number of posts per day.
  • dugmardugmar Registered Users Posts: 756 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004

    So I did two things on the new page today. 1.) uploaded a photo, 2.) commented on someone elses photo. This is what I had to do...

    First, upload the photo to my smugmug page (Because I keep them for my records, which I'm sure a lot of people will do.) Then I logged off my smugmug page (Which I haven't done in 3 months), went to the dgrin comments page, logged on. Uploaded my photo for a second time (to the dgrin challenge page), forgot to sign it, went back and added that.

    Then, I wanted to comment on someone elses photo that was there, but I was logged in as "dgrin" since I had just uploaded a photo, so once I submitted the comment, when it appeared, "dgrin" was listed as the comment author, not "dugmar" since I was signed in as "dgrin" in order to upload. So I had to go back, delete the comment, log BACK out from the dgrin sign-in name, umph.gif try to log BACK in as myself (dugmar), but I forget my passwords since I haven't logged off my smugmug page in so long (see 3 months above), request my password be sent to me, get it, log on as dugmar and finally leave the comment so the correct author was posted. Even if I had got it all right the first time, it is still a lot of steps compared to the old way.

    Phew... I fear for the newbies...

  • cmr164cmr164 Registered Users Posts: 1,542 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    dugmar wrote:

    So I did two things on the new page today. 1.) uploaded a photo, 2.) commented on someone elses photo. This is what I had to do...

    First, upload the photo to my smugmug page (Because I keep them for my records, which I'm sure a lot of people will do.) Then I logged off, went to the dgrin comments page, logged on. Uploaded my photo for a second time (to the dgrin challenge page), forgot to sign it, went back and added that.

    Then, I wanted to comment on someone elses photo that was there, but I was logged in as "dgrin" since I had just uploaded a photo, so once I submitted the comment, when it appeared, "dgrin" was listed comment author, not "dugmar" since I was signed in as "dgrin" in order to upload. So I had to go back, delete the comment, log BACK out from the dgrin sign-in name, log BACK in as myself (dugmar) and finally leave the comment so the correct author was posted. Even if I had got it all right the first time, it is still a lot of steps compared to the old way.

    Phew... I fear for the newbies...

    I agree that this is awkward for the newbies and maybe I would have tried a different way to fix the problem but I really appreciate the fact that Andy is trying to rectify the problem with C&C and I'll certainly try to help work through issues. As I see it, Andy recognises underlying issues and is dealing with them.
    Charles Richmond IT & Security Consultant
    Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
    Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
  • dugmardugmar Registered Users Posts: 756 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    cmr164 wrote:
    I agree that this is awkward for the newbies and maybe I would have tried a different way to fix the problem but I really appreciate the fact that Andy is trying to rectify the problem with C&C and I'll certainly try to help work through issues. As I see it, Andy recognises underlying issues and is dealing with them.
    No doubt about it, I should have said it earlier, thank you Andy for trying to make this a more user friendly environment. Only time will tell if this new format will work out. Thanks Charles for opening my eyes to that as well.

  • dugmardugmar Registered Users Posts: 756 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    dugmar wrote:
    I wanted to comment on someone elses photo that was there, but I was logged in as "dgrin" since I had just uploaded a photo, so once I submitted the comment, when it appeared, "dgrin" was listed as the comment author, not "dugmar" since I was signed in as "dgrin" in order to upload. So I had to go back, delete the comment, log BACK out from the dgrin sign-in name, umph.gif try to log BACK in as myself (dugmar), but I forget my passwords since I haven't logged off my smugmug page in so long (see 3 months above), request my password be sent to me, get it, log on as dugmar and finally leave the comment so the correct author was posted.
    Perfect example of what I was saying earlier right here (click link below.) Four people left comments for Andy's photo under the dgrin sign in name, so these comments are pretty much anonymous. And how do you reply to a comment that has been left? There is no way to quote someone in a reply and then post it without cutting and pasting? How do I edit a comment after posting? The only option it gives me is delete.


    Snappy posted the same concerns.... I'm trying to read the comments. Very confusing. Don't know who wrote a bunch of them. How can I comment back. Remember to put your name in the blank or sign your comment,Please. Don't understand what your doing with the link back to a thread. What is the purpose. Sounds too hard anyway. >

    I'm voicing concerns about this new format because I'm worried that it might scare a few of the regulars away and for sure it will scare off some first timers that haven't posted before. Andy, recently you said you wanted more participation in these challenges, I just hope this new format doesn't have the opposite affect.

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    if anyone doubts the effectiveness, look here...
    this warms my heart: click here

    good, honest feedback. well received, and the poster (evil eggplant) seems to have benefited immensely from the comments.

    thanks guys this is really great stuff.
  • dugmardugmar Registered Users Posts: 756 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    andy wrote:
    good, honest feedback. well received, and the poster (evil eggplant) seems to have benefited immensely from the comments.
    Sorry Andy, but... What? Did I miss something? The evil eggplant thing went right over my head. Please explain.
  • PerezDesignGroupPerezDesignGroup Registered Users Posts: 395 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    dugmar wrote:
    Sorry Andy, but... What? Did I miss something? The evil eggplant thing went right over my head. Please explain.
    'evil eggplant' is the name of photographer of the photo. thumb.gif
    Canon Digital Rebel | Canon EOS 35mm | Yashica Electro GSN | Fed5B | Holga 35 MF

  • damonffdamonff Registered Users Posts: 1,894 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    Evil Eggplant
    He posts a lot over at dpReview...check his stuff out...it's good.
    'evil eggplant' is the name of photographer of the photo. thumb.gif
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    signing your name to comments
    guys, it doesn't matter if you're logged in as "dgrin" (becuase you uploaded a photo) or your own smugmug name (becuase you've been logged into your smugmug account, or you are simply "guest" or no name!

    leave a comment, and simply add your name at the end of the comment.

    like this:
    great pic, i think you could benefit from some levels adjustment, a crop (upper left) and perhaps a boost in saturation. compelling subject, great title, too :-) -- andy

    let's not overcomplicate things, okay? i've already got 911 on speed dial for a number of cities around the country :D
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    I've asked this question twice before, but I don't think anyone noticed it in the heat of the moment. I think we can easily set things up so that any of us can submit a photo without having to logout/login. I asked Baldy for a smugmug feature to allow just this. Apparently the feature already exists for pro accounts. Here is the thread with my request and his response.

    So the (slight) refinement would be to make a dgrin challenges pro account with an obvious password actually given on the top of the page (or maybe an empty password would even work.)

    It's not a huge thing, but it would simplify the procedure of submitting for comments and critiques. And from what I understand, it doesn't use any nonexistent technology.

    So is there a reason not to do this?
    If not now, when?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004

    hang in there :D i'm workin' on it. been a few fires to put out first, eh? need to make sure that all the players are happy. not easy!

    thanks for your attention here, i appreciate it.

    rutt wrote:
    I've asked this question twice before, but I don't think anyone noticed it in the heat of the moment. I think we can easily set things up so that any of us can submit a photo without having to logout/login. I asked Baldy for a smugmug feature to allow just this. Apparently the feature already exists for pro accounts. Here is the thread with my request and his response.

    So the (slight) refinement would be to make a dgrin challenges pro account with an obvious password actually given on the top of the page (or maybe an empty password would even work.)

    It's not a huge thing, but it would simplify the procedure of submitting for comments and critiques. And from what I understand, it doesn't use any nonexistent technology.

    So is there a reason not to do this?
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    Well, you can tell I'm an engineer...
    ... along with Charles and Erik. So I can't help thinking of refinements to make the C&C system work better. Unfortunately, some involve a "small matter of software" and I don't think the smugmug people are in the business of hacking on the dgrin software, which doesn't make any money for them.

    I very much like the system of having a gallery of shots posted for C&C and comments specific to each shot. I like to critique and it makes it easier to do by a lot. On the other hand, submission is a little harder and some people (not me) miss the emoticons and the threaded nature of the threads.

    Here is a case where I think FM has it right, at least from a technical point of view. People enter a photo into a challenge by starting a new thread in the appropriate forum with a special topic. So to enter a photo into WA #120, you have a subject like "#120: Fire & Ice" The post must contain one URL, the location of the image. Some piece of software notices these thread starters and adds the images to a gallery of entries to the challenge. You can then click on one of these images in the gallery and be taken to the appropriate thread.

    I think something like this could address the issue of making it more easy to enter and comment. It would return some of the old feel of things because the comments would be dgrin style, not smugmug style.

    How hard is this to program? The right way, for someone who knows the PHP internals of dgrin? Not hard, I'd guess. I'd be willing to do it, but Baldy has shown a marked disinclinition to allow me to hack out new features for him (and I can easily understand not letting a wild man such as myself inside the delecate workings of his machine.) It could be done as an external kludge in a couple if days I think, by writing a program that scans the threads via http and looks for those special titles. I know how to do a lot of the rest after that.

    But as Andy says, we have to get ourselves over the hump first. I'd hate to lose Ginger, she really has given us a lot and her photographic growth has been pretty amazing.

    Still I'm an engineer and I can't help optimizing and inventing.
    If not now, when?
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2004
    Another nit
    The challenges gallery is set up with no download allowed. That makes it hard to get a copy of a shot and edit it. Perhaps we want to go this way. FM requires special permission to do this. But I doubt it was intentional. Since comments seem to allow arbitrary HTML, doing this and reposting an edit is feasible. Please can we turn off the download restrictions on this gallery?
    If not now, when?
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