Oh, now I know why a guy would go by Snow White, it's the name of the car. Andy, you ought to get that boy a Valentine 1. It's the only radar detector worth its salt, and that's a whole lot of salt.
No way. You're not allowed a radar detector until you're on your own. That's what my dad always said. As long as he had to help me with cars and such, I had to learn to moderate myself. That and I developed eagle eyes which is a very very good thing.
Ever heard of Sierra Alpha (Situational Awareness)? It's something more young drivers should learn and develop.
No way. You're not allowed a radar detector until you're on your own. That's what my dad always said. As long as he had to help me with cars and such, I had to learn to moderate myself. That and I developed eagle eyes which is a very very good thing.
Ever heard of Sierra Alpha (Situational Awareness)? It's something more young drivers should learn and develop.
or you could just live in a state where radar detectors are illegal.
you develop Sierra Alpha quickly or find yourself in quite the Charlie Foxtrot.
Oh, now I know why a guy would go by Snow White, it's the name of the car. Andy, you ought to get that boy a Valentine 1. It's the only radar detector worth its salt, and that's a whole lot of salt.
No, it was something else. I found out that "the good son" was with Snow White and got a speeding ticket.
Yeah it was a main road in Troy and I honestly thought the speed limit was at least 40. Black and white pulled up out and I was like what did Oliver do? Come to find out that its 30mph where he tagged him but 20 feet down the road it turns into 40mph. Oh well.
Yeah it was a main road in Troy and I honestly thought the speed limit was at least 40. Black and white pulled up out and I was like what did Oliver do? Come to find out that its 30mph where he tagged him but 20 feet down the road it turns into 40mph. Oh well.
What state is this? Some states have speed trap rules that would forbid this (Georgia for one, which is funny since they are the masters of the speed trap). And here in Davidson there is a part of the road where it goes from 25 to 55, and a cop parks right behind the sign that changes it to 55 and tickets people for doing 40 in a 25 (but about 5 feet away from a 50). I've, of course, never gotten a ticket.
Safe driving keeps the insurance premiums from rising, last time I checked.
The kid is 19. He should be obeying the speed limits. Radar detectors are nothing more than ways for people to break the laws IMO.
I hate being a prude, but I totally agree with papa Andy here.
Radar detectors are not a fail-safe anyway. In fact, an idiot with a radar detector is more apt to get in even bigger trouble because he thinks he has a force-field around him.
Nothing wrong with "spirited driving" but do it within your limits, close to the limits of the road, and on a well maintained road with very good visibility.
... I honestly thought the speed limit was at least 40. Black and white pulled up out and I was like what did Oliver do? Come to find out that its 30mph where he tagged him but 20 feet down the road it turns into 40mph.
Time for Oliver to suit up with a nice tie and go to court. If you are not exagerating with the 20ft, and you can see the 40mph limit sign from where you were pulled over, you have a very good argument. I don't know about "illegal" speed trap, but driving classes and police rules typically state that you need to start responding to speed limit signs as soon as you see them, not once you pass them. Go to court, state your case - don't argue, don't sound stupid, but if you plainly say "the 40mph limit sign was within site, we were accelerating..." is great case.
Not that I recommend getting as much experience as me in traffic court, but some etiquette and a few tricks go a long way.
Safe driving keeps the insurance premiums from rising, last time I checked.
The kid is 19. He should be obeying the speed limits. Radar detectors are nothing more than ways for people to break the laws IMO.
See Andy here is where you and I completely differ on this. You want to teach them to be responsible. I get that. You want them to obey the laws, and I get that. But what does it cost them if they don't? After all it's not their money that is getting used to but the cars, pay the tickets, buy the gas, etc. I know you want them to focus on school, but then again if they had to focus on school and work, and be responsible for both....... IE bad grade = not working = no driving, no going out, no getting to have fun. Seems these boys just have too much time on their hands. If your too busy working to pay for insurance and gas, and studying so you can work to pay for insurance and gas, so you can drive and be an adult, then you don't have time to get into as much trouble.
Work = 50+ (46+ day job, then side jobs) hours a week regularly
Studies/School = 20+ hours
Throw in sleeping (56 hours avg), time for eating, grooming, commuting, etc.
Who has time to date (or get into trouble ) let alone have kids.
But then again my mother is doing her best to get me married off and giving her grand kids .
So although I don't plan on it now, I can only take so much nagging (hence why I would rather work all the time, than have a relationship)
Andy when was the last time you saw the car? I'm hoping it isn't already in need of a body shop. :uhoh
Wait - I'm supposed to use gasoline?
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No, it was something else. I found out that "the good son" was with Snow White and got a speeding ticket.
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No way. You're not allowed a radar detector until you're on your own. That's what my dad always said. As long as he had to help me with cars and such, I had to learn to moderate myself. That and I developed eagle eyes which is a very very good thing.
Ever heard of Sierra Alpha (Situational Awareness)? It's something more young drivers should learn and develop.
I coulda told ya snow would be a bad influence. But then again, if he is like this I'd hate to see what you were like at his age.
or you could just live in a state where radar detectors are illegal.
you develop Sierra Alpha quickly or find yourself in quite the Charlie Foxtrot.
Worst. Advice. Ever.
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Not good enough.
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
It may be illegal in VA, but it's pretty easy to get away with it, and even still the county with the highest fine (Farifax county IIRC) is $110.
And Andy, hey it keeps the insurance premiums from rising.
Worst. Advice. Ever.
Safe driving keeps the insurance premiums from rising, last time I checked.
The kid is 19. He should be obeying the speed limits. Radar detectors are nothing more than ways for people to break the laws IMO.
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Let me be more clear then: Neither YOU nor YOUR BROTHER should have radar detectors. mkay?
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Radar detectors are not a fail-safe anyway. In fact, an idiot with a radar detector is more apt to get in even bigger trouble because he thinks he has a force-field around him.
Nothing wrong with "spirited driving" but do it within your limits, close to the limits of the road, and on a well maintained road with very good visibility.
Up in the navbar click on "You!", then "Edit Options". It's in there.
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Not that I recommend getting as much experience as me in traffic court, but some etiquette and a few tricks go a long way.
See Andy here is where you and I completely differ on this. You want to teach them to be responsible. I get that. You want them to obey the laws, and I get that. But what does it cost them if they don't? After all it's not their money that is getting used to but the cars, pay the tickets, buy the gas, etc. I know you want them to focus on school, but then again if they had to focus on school and work, and be responsible for both....... IE bad grade = not working = no driving, no going out, no getting to have fun. Seems these boys just have too much time on their hands. If your too busy working to pay for insurance and gas, and studying so you can work to pay for insurance and gas, so you can drive and be an adult, then you don't have time to get into as much trouble.
When I have kids they are gonna loathe me.
Parent/teacher rule #1 (MrsIt gets me on this all the time): never ever waiver in your decisions!
Dad loaned me money to get this one but it'll be paid back by the end of June.
I paid the $150 for my ticket
I always pay for gas
I pay for insurance
Studies/School = 20+ hours
Throw in sleeping (56 hours avg), time for eating, grooming, commuting, etc.
Who has time to date (or get into trouble
But then again my mother is doing her best to get me married off and giving her grand kids
So although I don't plan on it now, I can only take so much nagging (hence why I would rather work all the time, than have a relationship)
But as you have said you don't work, right? So where does the money come from?
Last year I made $5000 scooping icecream. This summer I am waiting tables so I plan on making between 6-7k maybe more.