Car Talk Thread



  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006
    Yeah they do advance the timing. The thing is one of our friends custom burns the chip for us in accordance to what modifications we already have done to the engine. Like my chip would be different with my m30 MAF, 19lb injectors, cold air intake, shorty headers, and exhaust, than the chip for a stock BMW.

    Generally speaking, manufacturers make outlandish claims on the hp gains of their chips. Go on your models internet forum and I'm sure someone has some opinions onit.
  • marlinspikemarlinspike Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2006
    SnowWhite wrote:
    Generally speaking, manufacturers make outlandish claims on the hp gains of their chips. Go on your models internet forum and I'm sure someone has some opinions onit.

    The problem is all the kool-aid drinkers turn out. The only way to sort it is to first find the guys who think a K&N filter insert increases horsepower, then disregard everything they say.
  • TristanPTristanP Registered Users Posts: 1,107 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2006
    ian408 wrote:
    I have a question.

    In response to the "hey you should chip it" comment, I took a look around.
    How the heck do you know who's telling the truth and who's lying? I mean
    one says one thing and another something else with regard to processing
    claims. Who are "reliable" mfgr's?
    For your Audi, GIAC and APR are the top two aftermarket chip tuners. Both have a dealer network (AWE Tuning in Willow Grove, PA is my local GIAC affiliate) that will do the installs for you and provide service after the sale. You should probably do some reading on Audiworld's B7 forum to see what they have to say about the chips for the 2.0T. I've had both GIAC and APR for my B5 Avant (buying used saves some $ and having a spare ECU is always a good idea), and they're both great. Dahlback may be doing something for the 2.0T as well. (personal) (motorsports)

    Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
    Sony F717 | Hoya R72
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006
    The problem is all the kool-aid drinkers turn out. The only way to sort it is to first find the guys who think a K&N filter insert increases horsepower, then disregard everything they say.
    Yes I know what you mean. I have a cold air intake with a properly set up heat shield. That and a catback free flow exhaust MAYBE add 2 bhp which is negligable. The real purpose for those mods is looks and sound.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2006
    SnowWhite wrote:
    which is negligable.

    Somebody needs a dictionary - and more time in the library and less on bimmerforums and Autox lol3.gif
  • marlinspikemarlinspike Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2006
    If snowwhite were really how you guys are saying, he'd be on

    Seriously though, don't misunderestimate the power of spending a capricious amount of time in the library. Studying hard is something that really resignates with me. :D
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006
    Andy wrote:
    Somebody needs a dictionary - and more time in the library and less on bimmerforums and Autox lol3.gif
    What is this, a spelling bee?
    If snowwhite were really how you guys are saying, he'd be on
    Laughing.gif at dtmpower. That site has been dead for over a year.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2006
    SnowWhite wrote:
    What is this, a spelling bee?

    Fact of life, boy. People judge you in life by the words you use, how you use them, and yes, correct spelling. In a written medium like a forum, it's even more critical.

    Back to the library with you!


    Ok Ok here's a car for ya: Pop-Pop's old Mercedes convertible
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006


    My brother Oliver's car.



  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006

  • marlinspikemarlinspike Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2006
    Andy wrote:
    Fact of life, boy. People judge you in life by the words you use, how you use them, and yes, correct spelling. In a written medium like a forum, it's even more critical.

    Back to the library with you!
    Ok Ok here's a car for ya: Pop-Pop's old Mercedes convertible

    Does he still have that???!!! Old Benz's are my forte.
  • DoctorItDoctorIt Administrators Posts: 11,952 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006
    So how'd you do? ear.gif
    Since 2004...
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006
    SnowWhite wrote:

    The owner let me drive it too. What a great car.
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006
    DoctorIt wrote:
    So how'd you do? ear.gif
    Not as good as the other BMW's but only 2 seconds behind which isn't too bad.

    There were so many BMW's there they gave us our own class!

    1st: e46 325i
    2nd: e30 m3
    3rd: e30 325ix (me)
    4th: e36 325is
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2006
    SnowWhite wrote:
    The owner let me drive it too.

    Evidently he doesn't know your "track" record with BMWs naughty.gif
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2006
    Does he still have that???!!! Old Benz's are my forte.

    :nah too bad, too. We loved it. He now drives an '04 Caddy STS.
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006
    Andy wrote:
    Evidently he doesn't know your "track" record with BMWs naughty.gif
    30mph in a wide open parking lot. Kind of hard to screw anything up.
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006
    Andy wrote:
    :nah too bad, too. We loved it. He now drives an '04 Caddy STS.
    rolleyes1.gif'03 Caddy CTS
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2006
    SnowWhite wrote:
    30mph in a wide open parking lot. Kind of hard to screw anything up.

    Oh, Zach, Zach, Zach. Don't go there :nono
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006
    SnowWhite wrote:
    rolleyes1.gif'03 Caddy CTS
  • marlinspikemarlinspike Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2006
    I know, I know, I'm contributing to the "dewd my car roxorz" aspect of this thread, but I got a call a little while ago from my dad. Last week he told me he test drove a Cayman S, decided that it is too much money for what it is and has decided to put off buying a car. Today he tells me he got a 911 (996 chassis but it's a 6-speed...this from a man who said he wouldn't buy a stick shift car ever since buying his first automatic in 1976 - had an old beat up citroen, then a firebird 400, bmw 2002, bmw 2002 again, bmw bavaria, then got an MB 240D 4-speed in 1976 which he traded in after 300 miles for one with an automatic, and from then on only bought automatics...another 240D, 300D, 1985 380SE bought when I was born and now driven by me, Lincoln MkVII LSC, BMW 540iA, and now a odd list when you think about it).

    Man, my grammar rivals SnowWhite's (am I too new to this thread to be allowed to bash him?).

    PS - Wait, I'm Andy snowwhite's dad?
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006
    rolleyes1.gifI love that whole post!
    I know, I know, I'm contributing to the "dewd my car roxorz" aspect of this thread, but I got a call a little while ago from my dad. Last week he told me he test drove a Cayman S, decided that it is too much money for what it is and has decided to put off buying a car. Today he tells me he got a 911 (996 chassis but it's a 6-speed...this from a man who said he wouldn't buy a stick shift car ever since buying his first automatic in 1976 - had an old beat up citroen, then a firebird 400, bmw 2002, bmw 2002 again, bmw bavaria, then got an MB 240D 4-speed in 1976 which he traded in after 300 miles for one with an automatic, and from then on only bought automatics...another 240D, 300D, 1985 380SE bought when I was born and now driven by me, Lincoln MkVII LSC, BMW 540iA, and now a odd list when you think about it).
    What a crazy list of cars. I used to own a 2002 but that only lasted a day (not my fault, engine blew up). There was a Bavaria by my house a couple years ago and I think they are super rare especially state side.
    Man, my grammar rivals SnowWhite's (am I too new to this thread to be allowed to bash him?).
    My grammer isn't always bad, just when I'm inebriated.
    PS - Wait, I'm Andy snowwhite's dad?
    Oh yeah, this guy is my loving father.

  • marlinspikemarlinspike Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2006
    SnowWhite wrote:
    rolleyes1.gifI love that whole post!

    What a crazy list of cars. I used to own a 2002 but that only lasted a day (not my fault, engine blew up). There was a Bavaria by my house a couple years ago and I think they are super rare especially state side.

    His Firebird 400 met a similar fate as your 2002. He bought it in '68 IIRC (it was new, so whenever the Firebird 400 was new, which I think is 68), then while still within the 1 year warranty it needed a new transmission, which was a sign of things to come. So 2 years after buying it he traded it in on a 2002, but since that Firebird fell apart so quickly it only got him a few hundred bucks (the 2002 was 3k). So a couple days later he goes to pick up the 2002 and the dealer says to him "You know what happened to that Firebird we bought from you? We were driving it to our used car lot, it caught fire, and burnt to the ground" A little more than 2 years later he had 180k miles on that car and traded it in on another 2002, so I'm surprised to hear the engine on yours blew.
    Oh, and the Bavaria's are very hard to find in nice shape nowadays. At the time he bought it for $4200. They'll get to 60 in just under 6.
    Don't ask me what all those diesels are doing in that list, I haven't the slightest clue. That Lincoln though, that thing rocked. A coupe with 225hp and 300lb-ft (what I find online says 200 and 285, but I remember the numbers 225 and 300 distinctly), not to mention a computer in the center console that could put just about any modern electronic info console to shame. That one only stuck around for 5 years and then it too got expensive to upkeep...something about American cars and falling apart.
    And in case you're wondering why 2 240D's (you would think one 64hp car would be enough). The first one hit a patch of black ice at about 80, rolled, and ended up in a ditch. So naturally he called a tow truck, pulled it out of the ditch, started the car, and drove it from Ohio to DC (home) and traded it in on another. That's what I call tough.
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 25, 2006
    Yeah that 2002 was a bucket of trouble. I bought it for $500 and had to do some body work to get it road legal. The very first day I got it on the road I was driving at a 55mph when, well, you know how it goes. I pulled over and there was a hole in the block that I could almost stick my fist into. So I posted on a 2002 forum and some guy in CT gave me an engine which I rebuilt. I sold the car and both engines on ebay before I even got it running again.

    *sigh* It was a learning experience for sure (I was 17)
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2006
    SnowWhite wrote:

    My grammer isn't always bad,

  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 26, 2006
    Andy wrote:
    Hows the Mini? Using 91/93 octane like your suppose to?
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 27, 2006
    A few of my friends and I drove around and took some pictures.




    I left mine out because I thought the silver/gold concept would be kind of interesting.
    Plus mine isn't really a car, its more of a 4x4
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 27, 2006
    SnowWhite wrote:
    I left mine out because I thought the silver/gold concept would be kind of interesting.
    There's not some other reason?
  • DoctorItDoctorIt Administrators Posts: 11,952 moderator
    edited March 27, 2006
    Andy, what have you done to SnowWhite? He's talking like a photographer! :uhoh
    Since 2004...
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 27, 2006
    DoctorIt wrote:
    Andy, what have you done to SnowWhite? He's talking like a photographer! :uhoh
    Thanks eric mwink.gif
This discussion has been closed.