This one is technically poor, but it makes me smile.
The Flaming Lips played a festival here in London's Hyde Park this week, and it was a lot of fun. There were dancers dressed as santa, scientologists and superheroes, giant inflatable dancing spacemen, plastic hands, confetti blowers and Wayne Coyne walking over the crowd in a plastic bubble.
How I wish I'd taken my SLR with me... this band are a gift to photographers.
I love the flaming lips!! I bet their live show is MAD.
"There is a place for me somewhere, where I can write and speak much as I think, and make it pay for my living and some besides. Just where this place is I have small idea now, but I am going to find it" Carl Sandburg
I've seen the Flaming Lips around 10 times. Their live show is definitely camera worthy.
Well, I easily got my camera into Bonnaroo, however, my shots weren't all that great. I took the camera in Thursday and Friday, but decided to leave it at the hotel the rest of the weekend. With no rain this year, the place was very dusty and I just didn't want to expose my camera to it. Plus, since I was taping, I had to stay by my gear, and couldn't get up front. But I did get some decent snapshot style shots.
This was a band called Electric Eel Shock. They were a punk rock band from Japan and were quite entertaining. They started the show with their drummer stripping on stage and the bass and guitar players throwing their instruments into the air and head-butting them. Very interesting!
This is Devendra Banhart (guy on the left). I took this all the way in the back of the tent by the soundboard. I ended up sharpening it up a bit and cropping the hell out of it. Still not a good shot, but its better than I could have gotten with a P&S.
Here's one of the crowd during Oysterhead's set. This was at the main stage looking back. I just held my camera up and shot, didn't come out too bad. Looking at it now, I should have straigtened it a bit. Man, there were a lot of people. However, it was about twice as crowded Saturday night for Radiohead.
I have more pictures of the festival here:
if anyone is interested. Nothing really all that special. Overall though, the festival was a blast - hopefully I'll get to go again next year.
And last but not least, I recently photographed a band called the Black Angels. Great band that are still relatively unknown, well at least in Detroit anyway. There were about 50 people at their show, so I got to run around up front with my camera. The lighting was a little dark so I set my camera to burst mode and figured that I'd get at least one good picture out of a set. I did pretty well, got some really sharp pictures, only all of them are plagued with redness. The band wanted only red lights, so all of my pictures look like this:
I got some help in the photoshop forum, so when I get some free time I'm going to try to fix them up and make them look a bit more natural.
bored? check out my photo site...and if you have the time, leave a comment or rate some pictures while you're there.
Canon 20D | Canon 17-40mm f/4L USM | Tamron 28-75 f2.8 XR Di LD IF | Canon 50mm f/1.8 II | Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM
this show was sweet in the fact that not many people were there so I got to walk around and take all the photos I wanted. That uncool thing was the band only wanted red lights on, which made all the pictures RED. I attempted to fix some of them in photoshop, but my skills are definitely lacking. I'd say these were some of the best from the night.
My first contribution - G. Love/Citizen Cope
General: Nikon D50 - ISO High (Can't seem to find the number), 55mm, f/5.6, 1/40s
Kudos to everyone on this thread. It's a pleasure to find those like me. This was the only chance I've gotten to use my camera so far, but I've got a Foo Fighters acoustic show next week, so I'll be seeing you all soon. Speaking of the Foos, nice photos Kevin. I assume you didn't see Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters at the same show? Either way...good stuff.
General: Nikon D50 - ISO High (Can't seem to find the number), 55mm, f/5.6, 1/40s
Kudos to everyone on this thread. It's a pleasure to find those like me. This was the only chance I've gotten to use my camera so far, but I've got a Foo Fighters acoustic show next week, so I'll be seeing you all soon. Speaking of the Foos, nice photos Kevin. I assume you didn't see Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters at the same show? Either way...good stuff.
I didn't see them in the same show.....but back to back days. That was a fun weekend. You're going to enjoy them acoustic.
I didn't see them in the same show.....but back to back days. That was a fun weekend. You're going to enjoy them acoustic.
Is that G Love?
Sure is. He puts on a great live show, and is amazingly good to his fans. After the show, he stuck around for at least 20 minutes to make sure every fan had a picture or autograph. Now if only Dave Grohl would do the same...
Sure is. He puts on a great live show, and is amazingly good to his fans. After the show, he stuck around for at least 20 minutes to make sure every fan had a picture or autograph. Now if only Dave Grohl would do the same...
Grohl stuck around for my friend who scored a backstage pass from some random guy with an extra ticket!!!!!!!!!!
I'm gonna get some Guster/Tristan Prettyman tix this weekend. They are coming to the community theater.
Something fun....
I recently attended for the THIRD time in as many years a concert by The Wiggles. The group is an Australian children's musical act. They have TV programs, videos, albums, toys, etc... They are an extremely lucrative act. However, these guys are fun and don't seem pretentious at all. Their music is no where near the sugary smack crap of some kid's groups. My kids adore them. Here are some shots taken at the Nokia Theater in Grand Prarie, Texas.
Here is the set darkened awaiting The Wiggles.
Opening ballet number to one of their songs.
Grand entrance in their famous "Big Red Car."
Big number with Captain Feathersword and Dorothy the Dinosaur.
Jumping around is a big part of the concert.
They are all actually musicians and play most instruments on their albums.
But much of the music in the concert is taped. It's the nature of the beast with all the jumping around for the kids.
Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team in the NBA, made a surprise appearance during a song called "Sail Around the World." That is why you see the flags in the pics.
Grand finale
Time to say bye...
As far as Rock n Roll, I've attended more concerts than I can think of, but none with a camera; only The Wiggles.
these are of the band Absylom Rising, they were playing in my uncle's resturant down on River Street in Savannah.
the guy on the left in the 1st pic is actually my cousin, he's not in the band but is friends with them. I even got some time on the congas, i had so much fun that i played until my fingers were pretty badly bruised heh.
With 2 weeks left until DMB @ the Gorge...I've got a bit excited and I've reproccessed some of my crappy shots from Red Rocks last year. I guess I think I've gotten better at salvaging some of my noob shots from my P&S.
Not too long ago I purchased my first dSLR (dig. rebel xt) because I wanted better pictures. What I mainly shoot is concerts because I go to them pretty frequently. I'm planning on getting the 50mm f/1.8 II because I have read numerous times that this is the best fast lens for shooting that comes at a low price. If you know anything about this lens or a better one, please let me know!
I might have missed this somewhere in the thread, so I apologize if its already been discussed, but does anyone have any suggestions for getting photo passes for shows?
As of late, no matter how photo friendly the band is, the local venues haven't been too keen on letting the dslr's go through the doors.
bored? check out my photo site...and if you have the time, leave a comment or rate some pictures while you're there.
Canon 20D | Canon 17-40mm f/4L USM | Tamron 28-75 f2.8 XR Di LD IF | Canon 50mm f/1.8 II | Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM
I might have missed this somewhere in the thread, so I apologize if its already been discussed, but does anyone have any suggestions for getting photo passes for shows?
As of late, no matter how photo friendly the band is, the local venues haven't been too keen on letting the dslr's go through the doors.
Advance requests help, but it's mostly about getting known by the right people. If it's a venue you will be going to more than once and can make your presence known with-or-without a camera, then get friendly. Do a favor for whomever you can, though management is obviously the ultimate goal since they'll be making the final decision. Most of the tweaks I've done to my Smugmug site have been to the purpose of making it an advertising platform for venues and musicians. I don't charge for this advertising and it's a little something extra I can offer for the privelege of shooting. That said, photos cost money, so I still charge for prints. I'm not losing out completely.
In sum, there is no real secret; it's just a matter of playing the people game and getting a good network going. Until you become a renowned photographer, that is.
I dig that BW of Dave... very nice work.
We are the music-makers; and we are the dreamers of dreams.
... come along.
Sounds like I need to start networking more. I've talked to some bands and they said if I had just talked to them before the show they could have gotten me a pass. I think I may just start emailing the bands that I plan on attending their upcoming shows and hoping for the best.
Thanks Dude!
bored? check out my photo site...and if you have the time, leave a comment or rate some pictures while you're there.
Canon 20D | Canon 17-40mm f/4L USM | Tamron 28-75 f2.8 XR Di LD IF | Canon 50mm f/1.8 II | Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM
I think I may just start emailing the bands that I plan on attending their upcoming shows and hoping for the best.
Thanks Dude!
That is EXACTLY what I do. I'll check the schedule of local venues on a Tuesday or Wednesday and email the bands I am interested in shooting asking them to guest-list my name and provide an all-access photo pass. Whoever responds first with what I need is who gets the shots. This has worked fantastic for the small clubs as well as the large stadiums (I'm shooting Nickelback at a huge venue tomorrow night). Sometimes I sell the prints, sometimes I trade them for sex and cocktails.
Sometimes I sell the prints, sometimes I trade them for sex and cocktails.
I have had some luck with emailing management...for example my ALO pics. They let me know it was ok as long as it was for personal use. Smaller this guy Syd I listen to told me, they were cool with me taking pics and if I had problems at the door, to come find them and they would get me in.
I love the flaming lips!! I bet their live show is MAD.
Thanks Toni. I tried the Gorman method for the conversion. Seems to work well, but I'm not sure I understand it yet.
Well, I easily got my camera into Bonnaroo, however, my shots weren't all that great. I took the camera in Thursday and Friday, but decided to leave it at the hotel the rest of the weekend. With no rain this year, the place was very dusty and I just didn't want to expose my camera to it. Plus, since I was taping, I had to stay by my gear, and couldn't get up front. But I did get some decent snapshot style shots.
This was a band called Electric Eel Shock. They were a punk rock band from Japan and were quite entertaining. They started the show with their drummer stripping on stage and the bass and guitar players throwing their instruments into the air and head-butting them. Very interesting!
This is Devendra Banhart (guy on the left). I took this all the way in the back of the tent by the soundboard. I ended up sharpening it up a bit and cropping the hell out of it. Still not a good shot, but its better than I could have gotten with a P&S.
Here's one of the crowd during Oysterhead's set. This was at the main stage looking back. I just held my camera up and shot, didn't come out too bad. Looking at it now, I should have straigtened it a bit. Man, there were a lot of people. However, it was about twice as crowded Saturday night for Radiohead.
I have more pictures of the festival here:
if anyone is interested. Nothing really all that special. Overall though, the festival was a blast - hopefully I'll get to go again next year.
And last but not least, I recently photographed a band called the Black Angels. Great band that are still relatively unknown, well at least in Detroit anyway. There were about 50 people at their show, so I got to run around up front with my camera. The lighting was a little dark so I set my camera to burst mode and figured that I'd get at least one good picture out of a set. I did pretty well, got some really sharp pictures, only all of them are plagued with redness. The band wanted only red lights, so all of my pictures look like this:
I got some help in the photoshop forum, so when I get some free time I'm going to try to fix them up and make them look a bit more natural.
I saw Foo Fighters and Pearl Jam this weekend. I brought the P&S, but got some decent pics...enough to bump this thread
Could you get some detail from the shadows ?
I looks realll grainy. I'll take another stab at it.
and the lowest speed possible 1/50 ?
the rest of them:
This one's amazing. I repeat, AMAZING! Supermuch congrats. Was it luck, coincidence, experience? Don't care. It's just superb. Cheers.
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.
I can't decide whether it would be stupefyingly awesome for gigs, or grainy as hell - but it's very tempting.
I've just found the thread all about this camera.
well are you going to share??? i'm curious!
General: Nikon D50 - ISO High (Can't seem to find the number), 55mm, f/5.6, 1/40s
Kudos to everyone on this thread. It's a pleasure to find those like me. This was the only chance I've gotten to use my camera so far, but I've got a Foo Fighters acoustic show next week, so I'll be seeing you all soon. Speaking of the Foos, nice photos Kevin. I assume you didn't see Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters at the same show? Either way...good stuff.
I didn't see them in the same show.....but back to back days. That was a fun weekend. You're going to enjoy them acoustic.
Is that G Love?
Sure is. He puts on a great live show, and is amazingly good to his fans. After the show, he stuck around for at least 20 minutes to make sure every fan had a picture or autograph. Now if only Dave Grohl would do the same...
Grohl stuck around for my friend who scored a backstage pass from some random guy with an extra ticket!!!!!!!!!!
I'm gonna get some Guster/Tristan Prettyman tix this weekend. They are coming to the community theater.
FireDancing... say hello to Tristan for me
... come along.
Not sure if I'm linking it correctly, but here goes:
I recently attended for the THIRD time in as many years a concert by The Wiggles. The group is an Australian children's musical act. They have TV programs, videos, albums, toys, etc... They are an extremely lucrative act. However, these guys are fun and don't seem pretentious at all. Their music is no where near the sugary smack crap of some kid's groups. My kids adore them. Here are some shots taken at the Nokia Theater in Grand Prarie, Texas.
Here is the set darkened awaiting The Wiggles.
Opening ballet number to one of their songs.
Grand entrance in their famous "Big Red Car."
Big number with Captain Feathersword and Dorothy the Dinosaur.
Jumping around is a big part of the concert.
They are all actually musicians and play most instruments on their albums.
But much of the music in the concert is taped. It's the nature of the beast with all the jumping around for the kids.
Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team in the NBA, made a surprise appearance during a song called "Sail Around the World." That is why you see the flags in the pics.
Grand finale
Time to say bye...
As far as Rock n Roll, I've attended more concerts than I can think of, but none with a camera; only The Wiggles.
the guy on the left in the 1st pic is actually my cousin, he's not in the band but is friends with them. I even got some time on the congas, i had so much fun that i played until my fingers were pretty badly bruised heh.
the entire gallery from that night is here:
I love the lighting in this picture. I like how it varies in color over the photo....from green to red.
Not too long ago I purchased my first dSLR (dig. rebel xt) because I wanted better pictures. What I mainly shoot is concerts because I go to them pretty frequently. I'm planning on getting the 50mm f/1.8 II because I have read numerous times that this is the best fast lens for shooting that comes at a low price. If you know anything about this lens or a better one, please let me know!
As of late, no matter how photo friendly the band is, the local venues haven't been too keen on letting the dslr's go through the doors.
Advance requests help, but it's mostly about getting known by the right people. If it's a venue you will be going to more than once and can make your presence known with-or-without a camera, then get friendly. Do a favor for whomever you can, though management is obviously the ultimate goal since they'll be making the final decision. Most of the tweaks I've done to my Smugmug site have been to the purpose of making it an advertising platform for venues and musicians. I don't charge for this advertising and it's a little something extra I can offer for the privelege of shooting. That said, photos cost money, so I still charge for prints. I'm not losing out completely.
In sum, there is no real secret; it's just a matter of playing the people game and getting a good network going. Until you become a renowned photographer, that is.
I dig that BW of Dave... very nice work.
... come along.
Thanks Dude!
I have had some luck with emailing management...for example my ALO pics. They let me know it was ok as long as it was for personal use. Smaller this guy Syd I listen to told me, they were cool with me taking pics and if I had problems at the door, to come find them and they would get me in.
The Band -The Corklickers, They play Oldtime Stringband music
Nikon 50mm 1.8D
Sigma 120-300 2.8
Sigma 70-300-4-5.6
my Galleries