SmugMug Feature Requests #4

Please put your feature requests in this thread.
Occasionally we will move a thread, or posts from a thread, to here, for the sake of having everything in one place. Thanks in advance for your input and telling us like it is!
Here are the prior three FR Threads, for reference:
From the prior feature thread, FRs that have been added to the site:
From the prior feature thread, FRs that have been made:
Occasionally we will move a thread, or posts from a thread, to here, for the sake of having everything in one place. Thanks in advance for your input and telling us like it is!
Here are the prior three FR Threads, for reference:
From the prior feature thread, FRs that have been added to the site:
FR Thread wrote:Digital Downloads
Custom Watermarks
Pro notification email
Proof and reupload
Put pro's name in confirmation email to customer
Speed up pro sales details
Show shipping mode chosen to the pro
Filter the good stuff better --> /popular
Better Google Maps usage
Improve the uploaders, don't allow bogus files
Set prices by aspect ratio
Bulk Gallery pro pricing
Pricing templates
Breadcrumb navigation in control panel and underlying pages
State "sizes in inches" for printed products
Speed up the pro pricing
Load thumbnails faster
Improve the help pages
More help pages
From the prior feature thread, FRs that have been made:
FR Thread wrote:Coupons
Virtual Galleries
Enhance Journal viewing style
Make smugmug XL
Pricing by Category and Subcategory
Better Uploader
Community personalization
Template or gallery tools for a whole category or subcat
Keyword GUI mods: check similar, etc
Allow pro branding in the cart
Allow meta-tag customization
Allow /popular results to show to site owner
Parse/error check for HTML (like missing </div> etc like HTML Tidy
Add Bulk Zoom Thumb as a SmugMug Feature
Homepage Slideshow
Paypal Integration
Owner access originals when logged in.
Better exif (lose the popup)
Add exif link to the page
Auto-rotate based on Exif, be a user settable toggle
DITCH "negative" and make a COOLING filter.
Filenames in the shopping cart
Message notification of invite to community
Bulk Geo-tagging
Add calendars, cards, photobooks, multi-image items, panorama prints
More video support other than MPG-1
Improve the GUI for arranging galleries
Add Gallery Name to Password prompt screen
Pro's pricing - ajax the pricing allow buyers to see before going to cart
set expiration for pricing, and/or password in a gallery
set default gallery style (starting gallery style, but leave viewer contolled ON)
Category, subcategory passwording
Search in private and or passworded galleries
Make all of smugsearch customizable and theme-able
Comments control panel
Comments page for public consumption (cross-gallery)
Add B&W as an option in the shopping cart.
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Geeze why doesn't smumug ever listen to its users' requests?
I keeeeeed!
gee whiz, looking at the list of "current" FR's, I see almost no requests for enhancements to the picture viewing experience... I know I've been a broken record about new features within the current styles... specifically in the Journal style.... and I don't see it listed :cry ...
from 2 FR threads ago, Dec 2005.
Journal Medium/Large (or whatever size I want) plus allow me to select how many pics per gallery page...
I've seen other requests to be able to see comments and add comments to pics while in journal style.
they are there, and we're aware
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Hey, did you just add it, or did I really miss it???
thanks either way!
Request: Please extend the ability to set the default for TRUE color or AUTO color prints to Power Users.
I'll second this.. and give power users backprinting or at least something new
Also, a vote for panorama's (since EZ prints does them)
And one more thing, id like to see the navigation buttons on the critique style bigger (as in buttons maybe, not text). I will get around to customizing them at some point, but frankly, i am perpetually having trouble finding them and i know people (like grandparents) that didnt even realize there were more images in the gallery
Yes, we can add Statcounter and/or Google Analytics, but there's no reason that smugmug can't clean up this page as well.
Not sure how doable this might be, but I know the photo replace feature is one-file-per in a command line fashion. Wouldn't it be possible to take the same idea, but use the Smuggy drag and drop? So when you'd click "replace photo (batch)" it'd bring up the same general watermark/move/delete batch GUI we're used to, the difference being each little thumbnail would be a tiny Smuggy face drag/drop window, with Smuggy replaced by our appropriate thumbnail. Seems like almost all the code is there, just would have to be reworked and each Smuggy instance would have to know where he belonged (to which file) and only allow for one file to be dropped. That certainly would make things a lot easier for batch replace and the new proof delays.
Speaking of the Smuggy drag/drop, I'd also like to see not just the a "View your upload log" and "Return to your gallery" but an echo of the filenames it received, cuz I'm old and sometimes I lose my place.
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
This is something I'd really like to see, and I know it's been previously requested on more than a few occasions, but here's how I envision it realistically.
1) A simple pro user interface, similiar to the pro pricing interface that allows you to add a new package profile and include certain sizes and amounts of prints. It would then show you based on your new package profile, Smugmug's @cost pricing for you and allow you to define a package price for the customer.
2) After you have at least one package profile set, you could add the option to each gallery, or globally (or another neat batch feature, with checkboxes or those neat red/green clicky borders) which would show an icon next to the shopping cart/buy this photo icons when viewing a photo that exists in a gallery where a package purchase is available.
3) With at least one photo added to the package option, the customer could be taken to a variation of the "arrange photos" GUI. Thumbnails of the photos they selected could be shuffled around to fill the available slots to decide how many of each and which size of what.
4) After the package selection is made, it'd be off to the shopping cart as usual, but with those selections automagically inputted at the correct amount and sizes, ready for fine tuning by the customer as to cropping, etc., only instead of price, listing the package profile name, i.e., "Family Package" or "Three 8x10 Package" or whatever the pro user defined.
I know this would increase my sales at least somewhat and make for a far more flexible, more professional environment for our customers.
As a side note, for us portrait and sports photographers, I'd like to eventually see the same type of system used whereas a pro user could upload an image, lets call it a custom template/border/whatever, that may have perhaps COUGARS 2006 and some baseball/football/basketball graphics or whatever, with certain print-sized holes in the template, that could in the same way have photos added to them and ordered/printed as a whole. You get where I'm going with this. Team photos, collages, personal baseball cards, magazine covers, etc. that would require little to no intervention from Smugmug or the printhouse (maybe different printstock?), but... baby steps!
Anyhow, hope these ideas are something of a consideration. Thanks for reading, guys!
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
"Allow /popular results to show to site owner"
I'm not sure if this is the same thing I'm thinking of, but I'll just make a quick request for it here...
I'd like to be able to see how many thumbs up and thumbs down votes individual photos of mine have had. Also, I would like to be able to see where my photos/galleries are ranked in the daily rankings.
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Would love to see a feature to bulk upload replacement files as part of the proof-delay feature. Right now, each file has to be uploaded/replaced individually.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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PLEASE change this so I can set the Proof-Delay per PORTFOLIO instead of just PER GALLERY!
any word on getting that 800, 600, & 400 pixel width option under the digital download section yet? (that way we can still use a watermark on the original file).
Also, as previously mentioned in a prior comment, anyway to get the wording of 'Low Rez" changed to "small rez/ or small size" or something? I've had a few comments from potential customers concerning purchasing "low rez "files ( they believe the wording refers to a low quality file rather than a quality small file ).
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I really did look to see if this was already on the list.... I couldn't find it
Let me opt out of Smugmug's public access features from
How about adding Account level settings like these??? (Category, gallery, photo levels later )
Public Smugmug "Search" displays YOUR photos: NO
Public Smugmug "Browse" displays YOUR Categories/Galleries: NO
Public "Map This" displays YOUR photos: NO
Public "Popular Photos" displays YOUR photos: NO
Allow Google/Yahoo/etc crawling (if possible): NO
Allow Search access to your Real First and Last name from your account settings screen: NO (did you know this is intentionally not blocked?)
Lastly... Whenever I create a new gallery, I get all kinds of looky loos who have nothing better to do than browse the Family category for new galleries.... I say NO to this and any other public access features too.
This is all the security I need. hidden in plain sight (without Smugmug's searchlight) Not the same as making galleries private - which ruins the ability to invite someone to my site...
Of course, my keywords would still work.
a couple of reference links:
Feb 2005 - don't want photos to be public
Smugmug searches your real last name
more opt outers
I'd like to see the IPTC information in the original file get included in the 'smaller' versions that smugmug creates for viewing. it would be just one more level of protection for maintaining copyright to our work.
it would also be nice if the information entered into smugmug (keywords, captions, etc) were entered/added to the appropriate IPTC fields of the original. they would then go with the file as they are downloaded, regardless of how they are acquired.
Bug reporting thread and feature reporting threads were good when smumug was small. But not its all too big. Why not have a bug reporting system or something like bugzilla. Members can put in feature requests or bug reports.
Bugzilla has inbuild bug reporting system, that helps weed out duplicate bugs and feature requests. Lets move away from this
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I'd like to be able to assign (or not) guest passwords by gallery. That way I could be sure guests didn't retitle or reorganize galleries they have no business with while giving them effectively free access to certain galleries.
To make this more concrete, suppose I want to have some sort of photofinishing group project or contest with various people working on the same shot and uploading their completed versions to a specific gallery. And suppose this was publicized on the web. It'd be nice to restrict the access.
At a minimum, it be nice to have a gallery option to allow/prohibit guest access.
I read the help pages, and if they are up to date, there doesn't seem to be a good way to do this.
Thanks for the feature request, Rutt.
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This is a tiny request. In the cropping feature can we have a 7x5 in addition to 5x7. I find myself having to type this in the custom box way to often when uploading family photos where I want the orig on my harddrive so I just edit through SmugMug.
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Nobody gets in to see the wizard. Not nobody, not no how.
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I know this had been addressed and smugmug wants to keep it simple. What about for pros only? Has this been ruled out as a possibility?
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While I would love auto rotate on EXIF info, I would rename the current "Rotate Photos" to "Rotate Photos (Bulk)" and add 2 new options: "Rotate Photo Left" and "Rotate Photo Right" under Photo Tools. Reason is that in the current rotate photos page, all you get are thumbnails - for many of my photos its hard to tell which way it should be rotated, and if I can't remember, I'd have to leave the rotate page, go back to find the image, view it at a larger size, then go back and rotate again, a huge pain! (or if after I performed a bulk rotate, and notice later that one is incorrect, it could be adjusted immediately instead of having to go back into bulk rotate.) It would be so much easier to just browse through the photos normally and have rotate as a single image option so I don't lose my place.
Also, maybe on the Bulk Rotate page you can display what the EXIF rotate says, so we can at least see how it should be even if we still have to pick each photo.
Oh, and keywords & search for private and password protected galleries.
Nobody gets in to see the wizard. Not nobody, not no how.
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I need to somehow place descriptions over entire Catagory's &/or Sub-C exspecailly for sports photos.
Example Sports -> Softball (with a description) -> then all the galleries.
I'd really like the description to be listed on the page showing all the galleries... above the list of galleries. I'm thinking just adding the ability to put a gallery(s) in a gallery would be really helpful here as it would also enable: An extra catagory/gallery level. A whole new season/school year is beginning today. As it stands right now I'm wondering do I just start adding this years football galleries above last years (causes the sub-c page load time to be longer). Or should I re-name football to football 05/06 and create a new sub-cat titled football 06/07... I'd like to keep my list of sub-c page looking pretty clean and this may clutter it fairly quick. hmmmm decisions, decisions - lol.
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