I dont know if it has been requested or not - I like the 'featured gallery' functionality...perhaps more than four featured galleries at a given time...
I dont know - pick a prime number
- jr
There are no even prime numbers greater than 2.
And an odd number wouldn't look good at all unless you increased the number of galleries displayed across a page to 3. And in that case only odd multiples of three would look good.
Point is, you won't want a gallery hanging off on the bottom by itself.
Also, I think 4 is enough...the point of featured galleries is to have a few spots you want people to see, but there is always the regular gallery display. If you just toss all your galleries in there, what's the point of featuring any of them?
Mac uploader - make a smarter upload/sync?
I've been using JAlbum and have just started switching to smugmug. One of the things I've really liked about JAlbum is that it has a "smart upload" where it only uploads changes to the given gallery/album.
One time this is really helpful is when a connection is lost during the upload - all the uploaded info is retained, so the user only needs to upload remaining changes. Right now, if the Mac uploader fails to upload, the whole gallery needs to be uploaded again, with duplicates.
And an odd number wouldn't look good at all unless you increased the number of galleries displayed across a page to 3. And in that case only odd multiples of three would look good.
Point is, you won't want a gallery hanging off on the bottom by itself.
Also, I think 4 is enough...the point of featured galleries is to have a few spots you want people to see, but there is always the regular gallery display. If you just toss all your galleries in there, what's the point of featuring any of them?
Brett - relax - just a joke - I agree with you - even number would look the best.
ok, 8
Its just a recommendation....
Pro Sales summary (pending payment) request...
I like the sales to date info on the control panel but often when I'm away from email (work) and want to check on sales, it can be a pain to try to tell if the total sales have increased and it takes foreeeevvvver to load the sales details (to see the latest sale).
My request would be to have a summary of your "not paid" in the sales summary in addition to the total sales. Would this be tough to add by SM?
I like the sales to date info on the control panel but often when I'm away from email (work) and want to check on sales, it can be a pain to try to tell if the total sales have increased and it takes foreeeevvvver to load the sales details (to see the latest sale).
My request would be to have a summary of your "not paid" in the sales summary in addition to the total sales. Would this be tough to add by SM?
Thanks for taking the time to make this request, it's a good one!
One thing that I have not seen that might be nice:
Allow pro users to "set" a default print size/type for each image in a gallery. That way, if a gallery has a plethora of differently-sized images then, when a users puts it in his/her basket, the checkout screen will show that pre-selected print size/type; e.g., hightlighted in red, by default rather than the smallest print size for which the photographer has set prices.
Private gallery sharing and better slideshows
I am using Smugmug (Pro version) for posting online galleries of weddings I shoot. I usually create a new subcategory (under my wedding category) for each wedding I shoot and then add 5-10 galleries covering different parts of the wedding (e.g. The Ceremony, The Bride & Groom, Dinner & Dancing, etc). To maintain my client's privacy I make all of these galleries private and then create a sharegroup containing the galleries. I then email the link for the sharegroup to the client and any of the wedding guests who sign up to receive the link at the wedding.
This is working ok, but not great. When a viewer finishes with one gallery, they have to go all the way back to the sharegroup or click on the original link to the sharegroup since they can't just go up one level (since the galleries are all private, they won't show up).
I understand a lot of users love the sharing aspect of SmugMug, but as a Pro user I do not feel it is right for me to post the images of my clients to websites where anyone could stumble across them through a keyword search on Google. I make almost all of my galleries private for this reason and don't caption my images because I am paranoid the captions would be picked up by a search service (even though the galleries are private). I think it would be great if SmugMug came up with a way to "turn off" the usual SmugMug sharing features for pro users so we can focus on serving our clients and not worry about privacy concerns. I know I saw some discussion on this topic a while back and appreciate that there is only so much SmugMug can do to keep things private when they are posted on a publicly accessible internet site. Even with my current system, someone can still stumble across my galleries by just looking through smugmug gallery numbers, but at least it requires some effort and there is no easy way to search the private galleries.
If there is no way to really do what I am looking for above, then I would welcome some incremental improvements to better organize sharegroups or create a similar feature to simplify the viewing experience for my clients' private galleries. Or maybe I am missing a better way of doing this within SmugMug's current capabilities?
Also, the slideshow feature is very nice when it works, but I have had several clients complain about the speed of the slideshow - images display at inconsistent intervals and sometimes appear to be stuck. This may be due in part to slow internet connections on their end, but I have had trouble with this from time to time with my high-speed cable modem connection. I request better slideshow functionality - maybe a little smaller size to speed the loading time with a crossfade between images? The Shutterfly slideshow function has these features and looks very nice to me. Anything to make the slideshow more aesthetically pleasing and faster to load would be great!
Thanks for continuing to improve this service - the new backprinting option and custom watermark abilities are great!
Sort Option in stats?
It would be great to be able to sort the images either by number of hits or bytes that were transferred. This would be the page one sees after clicking on the bar graph.
I have a feature request that should be pretty easy to achieve. Some of you may know I'm an event photographer. I shoot lots of individual people at one event. Occasionally I have a need to search for images of John Smith from an event gallery and make a separate John Smith gallery. As it is now, when I find images of John Smith, one by one I have to "Make a second copy" of each image, then using the Move tool, go back through 400 photos looking for duplicates, and move those to the new John Smith gallery. Is there an easier way?
What I would LOVE to see is using the same system as the Move tool, a bulk Copy tool. Same function exactly, just one step removed, that being deleting the photo from the original gallery.
This would make things so much easier in setting up personal galleries, compilation galleries to use as a source for our slideshows and portfolios, even subcategories like "Black and White" without having to reupload or pick through our online galleries twice over.
I know your agenda is long long long, so please consider this quickie.
I have a feature request that should be pretty easy to achieve. Some of you may know I'm an event photographer. I shoot lots of individual people at one event. Occasionally I have a need to search for images of John Smith from an event gallery and make a separate John Smith gallery. As it is now, when I find images of John Smith, one by one I have to "Make a second copy" of each image, then using the Move tool, go back through 400 photos looking for duplicates, and move those to the new John Smith gallery. Is there an easier way?
What I would LOVE to see is using the same system as the Move tool, a bulk Copy tool. Same function exactly, just one step removed, that being deleting the photo from the original gallery.
This would make things so much easier in setting up personal galleries, compilation galleries to use as a source for our slideshows and portfolios, even subcategories like "Black and White" without having to reupload or pick through our online galleries twice over.
I know your agenda is long long long, so please consider this quickie.
You could tag the photos with keywords that would make it possible to have a virtual gallery for john smith. For example you could tag a photo with event name; john; smith; and then if you went to http://www.downriverphhotography.com/keyword/event%20name-john-smith you'd get all the images of john smith at that event name. Pretty easy.
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
Better statistics
I just want to chime in on having better statistics. I've just started to really use my Pro account and noticed that there's no easy way to determine which pictures are being viewed more than others.
Also, the number of graphs is becoming unwieldy.
Also, although it would have no real use, it would be very interesting to be able to tell where in the world my visitors are coming from.
I just want to chime in on having better statistics. I've just started to really use my Pro account and noticed that there's no easy way to determine which pictures are being viewed more than others.
Also, the number of graphs is becoming unwieldy.
Also, although it would have no real use, it would be very interesting to be able to tell where in the world my visitors are coming from.
Can't help on the stats part, but sign up for Google Analytics or Yahoo's flavor and paste the code into your footer. It will give you more information about page views, Geo locations, referring link, google or yahoo keywords than you can shake a stick at.
I just want to chime in on having better statistics. I've just started to really use my Pro account and noticed that there's no easy way to determine which pictures are being viewed more than others.
Also, the number of graphs is becoming unwieldy.
Also, although it would have no real use, it would be very interesting to be able to tell where in the world my visitors are coming from.
Hi Final Blue, thanks for Posting!
There are two FREE packages that many of our Power and Pro customers use and love, giving you what you are asking for - and we even show how to easily set them up on your SmugMug: http://dgrin.smugmug.com/gallery/1100284
Look to the bottom of the page, Statcounter and Google Analytics
You could tag the photos with keywords that would make it possible to have a virtual gallery for john smith. For example you could tag a photo with event name; john; smith; and then if you went to http://www.downriverphhotography.com/keyword/event%20name-john-smith you'd get all the images of john smith at that event name. Pretty easy.
That is a great idea and I'm going to make use of that elsewhere, but for this event situation it's not appropriate. I would have to keyword 400+ photos with 1-10 people in a frame, then either reveal real names, or hide the keywords. I imagine that would be the most thorough way to do things "just in case", but like the proof delay, why retouch 400 photos when you can proof them and retouch the 10 that sell.
I just want to chime in on having better statistics. I've just started to really use my Pro account and noticed that there's no easy way to determine which pictures are being viewed more than others.
Also, the number of graphs is becoming unwieldy.
Also, although it would have no real use, it would be very interesting to be able to tell where in the world my visitors are coming from.
If you click a graph itself (not the header above a graph), you get a page with showing hits for each photo. That at least gives you the per-photo usage within one particular gallery, but not sitewide though.
minor usability enhancement
It would be very nice if:
iff (you are logged in && viewing one of your own galaries that is private && and the image being viewed has keywords set) then instead of not displaying the keywords at all, you printed them as:
Keywords (not used because this is a private gallery): key1 key2 key3.
I'm sure it will help others who run into this, and I'm sure it will help me the next time I forget this little detail.
On the keyword edit pages (single photo and bulk) a reminder that "while you can set keywords in this gallery, since it is private, they will not be used." Or words to that effect.
SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support http://wall-art.smugmug.com/
Is it possible...
When I client is purchasing photos, can we get a prompt that looks something like this? --- "You can add x photos at y X z print size to your shopping cart with no additional shipping charges!"
Or something along those lines. I would like my customers to maximize the no. of photos they can purchase before shipping costs increase.
I think this would be a good feature for us pros. Any thoughts???
When I client is purchasing photos, can we get a prompt that looks something like this? --- "You can add x photos at y X z print size to your shopping cart with no additional shipping charges!"
Or something along those lines. I would like my customers to maximize the no. of photos they can purchase before shipping costs increase.
I think this would be a good feature for us pros. Any thoughts???
Thanks, for the feature request! I'll be sure the team sees it
Bulk Edit Geography, take 2
I was looking around for a way to bulk edit geography and ran across this thread on the subject.
The basic issue seems to be that if you give a bunch of photos the same location you'll get a bunch of pins on top of one another on Google Maps... which of course is not ideal.
But what is also not ideal is going through 5,000+ photos (and I know I am on the smaller side here based on some of the SM collections i've seen) and giving them locations individually.
On top of that, I have 100s of photos that are basically from the same location anyway. For example, I've got several hundred wedding photos, my sister's graduation, etc... so even if I did all those individually it would still result in the unwanted pin stacking on the map.
So... why not simply assign a location to a SmugMug Gallery instead of individual photos? In this scenario I would just customize a Gallery, say wedding photos, add a location for Google Maps, and be done. That location is not given to each photo, just the gallery. That way if I want to give individual locations to photos I still can.
On Google Maps it shows the thumb for that Gallery and the link takes me to the gallery instead of the individual image.
My guess is that this solution would work for most people who want to bulk edit Google Map locations since there is a tendency to group travel photos in galleries anyway.
Something similar would be grand for Share Groups as well.
On top of that, I have 100s of photos that are basically from the same location anyway. For example, I've got several hundred wedding photos, my sister's graduation, etc... so even if I did all those individually it would still result in the unwanted pin stacking on the map.
So... why not simply assign a location to a SmugMug Gallery instead of individual photos?....
I agree with this scenario... I just pick one representative picture from the gallery and set location on it... then the map just shows 1 pin... the viewer could follow that pic to the gallery if they want
Photo Comments
I’ve had a few visitors leave gallery comments that obviously were
targeted to a single photo. I think it would be more intuitive if it
read like this below the photo and was a point or two larger:
Replace this: comments: 4 add comment
original size: …….
With this: photo comments: 4 add photo comment
original size: …….
In the dropdown after clicking “gallery comments”
Replace this: new gallery comment:
With this: new gallery comment: (For specific photo comments pick “add photo comments” under picture.)
This probably could be done with a hack but I think it would be
advantageous to everyone.
I would like to have more than 4 featured galleries. It seems silly that there is a hard limit at all, I mean it seems like it would be pretty easy to just let you add as many as you want, and they would just get added like regular galleries get added.
Also, when bulk adding keywords, if I add
word1, word2, word3, word4
in the Add box and hit preview, it puts it in the keyword as "word1, word2, word3, word4" with the quotations. So now it's one big keyword instead of 4 seperate ones. The workaround to this seems to be to go into "remove" and type " and then click preview. This is all well and good (besides being an extra annoying step) but if you have other quotations for some reason it will remove those as well. Why can't it just add the keywords without quotations?
I would like to have more than 4 featured galleries. It seems silly that there is a hard limit at all, I mean it seems like it would be pretty easy to just let you add as many as you want, and they would just get added like regular galleries get added.
Well, you can actually have as many as you like, simpy by making your homepage view by "galleries" not categories, and making private any galleries you do not want to have show on the homepage.
Well, you can actually have as many as you like, simpy by making your homepage view by "galleries" not categories, and making private any galleries you do not want to have show on the homepage.
Yes, but it's not possible to do that and still keep the same file structure I have at the same time.
Guest permissions
Two requests for guests on a Pro account:
1. Block control panel access or viewing
Anyone with the guest password can see the last few digits of my credit card number and the expiry date. I would rather they couldn't do that if possible. In fact I would rather they couldn't access the control panel at all (even though they can't change anything it would be better not to tempt them to try).
2. Multiple guest passwords/accounts
It would be nice to be able to have more than one guest username/password that can upload and caption photos. Maybe even with a log of who was on when.
There are no even prime numbers greater than 2.
And an odd number wouldn't look good at all unless you increased the number of galleries displayed across a page to 3. And in that case only odd multiples of three would look good.
Point is, you won't want a gallery hanging off on the bottom by itself.
Also, I think 4 is enough...the point of featured galleries is to have a few spots you want people to see, but there is always the regular gallery display. If you just toss all your galleries in there, what's the point of featuring any of them?
I've been using JAlbum and have just started switching to smugmug. One of the things I've really liked about JAlbum is that it has a "smart upload" where it only uploads changes to the given gallery/album.
One time this is really helpful is when a connection is lost during the upload - all the uploaded info is retained, so the user only needs to upload remaining changes. Right now, if the Mac uploader fails to upload, the whole gallery needs to be uploaded again, with duplicates.
Brett - relax - just a joke - I agree with you - even number would look the best.
ok, 8
Its just a recommendation....
SmugMug Sites - Creative Examples
Favorite Images and SmugMug Designs
I like the sales to date info on the control panel but often when I'm away from email (work) and want to check on sales, it can be a pain to try to tell if the total sales have increased and it takes foreeeevvvver to load the sales details (to see the latest sale).
My request would be to have a summary of your "not paid" in the sales summary in addition to the total sales. Would this be tough to add by SM?
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Just to make sure the discussion there doesn't get lost:
Good points being made
Sony dslr A100, Minolta Maxxum 7000, Voighlander Bessa R and Calumet 4x5 View Camera
1. "New" label near recetly updated galleries.
2. More than one "featured" photo per gallery.
I didn't see this in the summary on the front page...
Reading a larger set of the IPTC fields, e.g., both caption and headline as discussed here
I'd really love to see full support of the IPTC Core Schema for XMP
Allow pro users to "set" a default print size/type for each image in a gallery. That way, if a gallery has a plethora of differently-sized images then, when a users puts it in his/her basket, the checkout screen will show that pre-selected print size/type; e.g., hightlighted in red, by default rather than the smallest print size for which the photographer has set prices.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
I am using Smugmug (Pro version) for posting online galleries of weddings I shoot. I usually create a new subcategory (under my wedding category) for each wedding I shoot and then add 5-10 galleries covering different parts of the wedding (e.g. The Ceremony, The Bride & Groom, Dinner & Dancing, etc). To maintain my client's privacy I make all of these galleries private and then create a sharegroup containing the galleries. I then email the link for the sharegroup to the client and any of the wedding guests who sign up to receive the link at the wedding.
This is working ok, but not great. When a viewer finishes with one gallery, they have to go all the way back to the sharegroup or click on the original link to the sharegroup since they can't just go up one level (since the galleries are all private, they won't show up).
I understand a lot of users love the sharing aspect of SmugMug, but as a Pro user I do not feel it is right for me to post the images of my clients to websites where anyone could stumble across them through a keyword search on Google. I make almost all of my galleries private for this reason and don't caption my images because I am paranoid the captions would be picked up by a search service (even though the galleries are private). I think it would be great if SmugMug came up with a way to "turn off" the usual SmugMug sharing features for pro users so we can focus on serving our clients and not worry about privacy concerns. I know I saw some discussion on this topic a while back and appreciate that there is only so much SmugMug can do to keep things private when they are posted on a publicly accessible internet site. Even with my current system, someone can still stumble across my galleries by just looking through smugmug gallery numbers, but at least it requires some effort and there is no easy way to search the private galleries.
If there is no way to really do what I am looking for above, then I would welcome some incremental improvements to better organize sharegroups or create a similar feature to simplify the viewing experience for my clients' private galleries. Or maybe I am missing a better way of doing this within SmugMug's current capabilities?
Also, the slideshow feature is very nice when it works, but I have had several clients complain about the speed of the slideshow - images display at inconsistent intervals and sometimes appear to be stuck. This may be due in part to slow internet connections on their end, but I have had trouble with this from time to time with my high-speed cable modem connection. I request better slideshow functionality - maybe a little smaller size to speed the loading time with a crossfade between images? The Shutterfly slideshow function has these features and looks very nice to me. Anything to make the slideshow more aesthetically pleasing and faster to load would be great!
Thanks for continuing to improve this service - the new backprinting option and custom watermark abilities are great!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
It would be great to be able to sort the images either by number of hits or bytes that were transferred. This would be the page one sees after clicking on the bar graph.
Just take the picture
Pictures are at available at:http://www.ballentphoto.com
My Blog: http://ballentphoto.blogspot.com
Hey Smug fam,
I have a feature request that should be pretty easy to achieve. Some of you may know I'm an event photographer. I shoot lots of individual people at one event. Occasionally I have a need to search for images of John Smith from an event gallery and make a separate John Smith gallery. As it is now, when I find images of John Smith, one by one I have to "Make a second copy" of each image, then using the Move tool, go back through 400 photos looking for duplicates, and move those to the new John Smith gallery. Is there an easier way?
What I would LOVE to see is using the same system as the Move tool, a bulk Copy tool. Same function exactly, just one step removed, that being deleting the photo from the original gallery.
This would make things so much easier in setting up personal galleries, compilation galleries to use as a source for our slideshows and portfolios, even subcategories like "Black and White" without having to reupload or pick through our online galleries twice over.
I know your agenda is long long long, so please consider this quickie.
Thanks guys,
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
I just want to chime in on having better statistics. I've just started to really use my Pro account and noticed that there's no easy way to determine which pictures are being viewed more than others.
Also, the number of graphs is becoming unwieldy.
Also, although it would have no real use, it would be very interesting to be able to tell where in the world my visitors are coming from.
Can't help on the stats part, but sign up for Google Analytics or Yahoo's flavor and paste the code into your footer. It will give you more information about page views, Geo locations, referring link, google or yahoo keywords than you can shake a stick at.
will give you the instructions
Just take the picture
Pictures are at available at:http://www.ballentphoto.com
My Blog: http://ballentphoto.blogspot.com
Hi Final Blue, thanks for Posting!
There are two FREE packages that many of our Power and Pro customers use and love, giving you what you are asking for - and we even show how to easily set them up on your SmugMug:
Look to the bottom of the page, Statcounter and Google Analytics
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thanks for the idea!
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
If you click a graph itself (not the header above a graph), you get a page with showing hits for each photo. That at least gives you the per-photo usage within one particular gallery, but not sitewide though.
It would be very nice if:
iff (you are logged in && viewing one of your own galaries that is private && and the image being viewed has keywords set) then instead of not displaying the keywords at all, you printed them as:
Keywords (not used because this is a private gallery): key1 key2 key3.
I'm sure it will help others who run into this, and I'm sure it will help me the next time I forget this little detail.
On the keyword edit pages (single photo and bulk) a reminder that "while you can set keywords in this gallery, since it is private, they will not be used." Or words to that effect.
When I client is purchasing photos, can we get a prompt that looks something like this? --- "You can add x photos at y X z print size to your shopping cart with no additional shipping charges!"
Or something along those lines. I would like my customers to maximize the no. of photos they can purchase before shipping costs increase.
I think this would be a good feature for us pros. Any thoughts???
www.photographyontheside.com [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
Create A Gorgeous Photography Website with Smugmug in 90 Minutes [My free course if you need help setting up and customizing your SmugMug site]
Thanks, for the feature request! I'll be sure the team sees it
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I was looking around for a way to bulk edit geography and ran across this thread on the subject.
The basic issue seems to be that if you give a bunch of photos the same location you'll get a bunch of pins on top of one another on Google Maps... which of course is not ideal.
But what is also not ideal is going through 5,000+ photos (and I know I am on the smaller side here based on some of the SM collections i've seen) and giving them locations individually.
On top of that, I have 100s of photos that are basically from the same location anyway. For example, I've got several hundred wedding photos, my sister's graduation, etc... so even if I did all those individually it would still result in the unwanted pin stacking on the map.
So... why not simply assign a location to a SmugMug Gallery instead of individual photos? In this scenario I would just customize a Gallery, say wedding photos, add a location for Google Maps, and be done. That location is not given to each photo, just the gallery. That way if I want to give individual locations to photos I still can.
On Google Maps it shows the thumb for that Gallery and the link takes me to the gallery instead of the individual image.
My guess is that this solution would work for most people who want to bulk edit Google Map locations since there is a tendency to group travel photos in galleries anyway.
Something similar would be grand for Share Groups as well.
I agree with this scenario... I just pick one representative picture from the gallery and set location on it... then the map just shows 1 pin... the viewer could follow that pic to the gallery if they want
I’ve had a few visitors leave gallery comments that obviously were
targeted to a single photo. I think it would be more intuitive if it
read like this below the photo and was a point or two larger:
Replace this:
comments: 4 add comment
original size: …….
With this:
photo comments: 4 add photo comment
original size: …….
In the dropdown after clicking “gallery comments”
Replace this:
new gallery comment:
With this:
new gallery comment: (For specific photo comments pick “add photo comments” under picture.)
This probably could be done with a hack but I think it would be
advantageous to everyone.
My Website index | My Blog
Also, when bulk adding keywords, if I add
word1, word2, word3, word4
in the Add box and hit preview, it puts it in the keyword as "word1, word2, word3, word4" with the quotations. So now it's one big keyword instead of 4 seperate ones. The workaround to this seems to be to go into "remove" and type " and then click preview. This is all well and good (besides being an extra annoying step) but if you have other quotations for some reason it will remove those as well. Why can't it just add the keywords without quotations?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Yes, but it's not possible to do that and still keep the same file structure I have at the same time.
Two requests for guests on a Pro account:
1. Block control panel access or viewing
Anyone with the guest password can see the last few digits of my credit card number and the expiry date. I would rather they couldn't do that if possible. In fact I would rather they couldn't access the control panel at all (even though they can't change anything it would be better not to tempt them to try).
2. Multiple guest passwords/accounts
It would be nice to be able to have more than one guest username/password that can upload and caption photos. Maybe even with a log of who was on when.
Thanks for that.