SmugMug Feature Requests #4



  • weronikaweronika Registered Users Posts: 44 Big grins
    edited October 14, 2006
    two feature requests: separate gloss/matte option, and smaller photo sizes
    Smugmug is awesome, but a few things would make it even better...

    1. Would it be possible to have a single gloss/matte/luste option on the cart instead of setting it individually, or at least to separate the texture option from the size option in the individual menus so that I can copy the texture settings from one photo to all the others without also changing the sizes? Plus it would make the print size menu shorter.

    2. Are you ever planning on having photo sizes smaller than 3.5x5 available? Well, I suppose EZprints doesn't do them, so no, but how about wallet sets that have four different photos instead of one? I like wallets, but I never need four, so I usually just stick four small photos on one image in an editor and buy that as a single 4x6, but a simpler way would be nice, and I'd be willing to pay .99 (the wallet price) instead of .19 (the 4x6 price) for something like that...
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 14, 2006
    weronika wrote:
    Smugmug is awesome, but a few things would make it even better...

    1. Would it be possible to have a single gloss/matte/luste option on the cart instead of setting it individually, or at least to separate the texture option from the size option in the individual menus so that I can copy the texture settings from one photo to all the others without also changing the sizes? Plus it would make the print size menu shorter.

    2. Are you ever planning on having photo sizes smaller than 3.5x5 available? Well, I suppose EZprints doesn't do them, so no, but how about wallet sets that have four different photos instead of one? I like wallets, but I never need four, so I usually just stick four small photos on one image in an editor and buy that as a single 4x6, but a simpler way would be nice, and I'd be willing to pay .99 (the wallet price) instead of .19 (the 4x6 price) for something like that...
    Thanks for the feature requests!
  • Michael LandryMichael Landry Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
    edited October 15, 2006
    Feature request: copy options
    Hi again, sorry if any of these have been requested before. I tried searching, but the threads are so long it's hard to read them all...

    1) Copy a Gallery option to make a duplicate of an entire gallery
    2) Bulk 2nd Copy - present the same screen as Bulk Move, select the pics to duplicate, click Go!
    Maybe integrate the two, select your photos to make 2nd copies of, then at the top or bottom, a drop down box to select a gallery to move the copies to. Seems like all it would take (in concept) would be to modify the move code to not-delete the files after the move...?

    This would be awesome! clap.gif Ever try to make a duplicate of a gallery with 60 photos in it? Not fun. Especially if friends or family have uploaded some photos, so you can't "just re-upload" them... I have to do this every month, sometimes for multiple galleries... :(

    OK, stepping down from the podium now... mwink.gif


    PS - Oh, and please correct me if I've missed some other way to do this stuff? Thanks!!!!
    Michael Landry Photography, LLC
  • Michael LandryMichael Landry Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
    edited October 15, 2006
    And one more... :)
    One more FR:

    Add options to the Customize Gallery screen to be able to enable or disable all the different view sizes, not just Originals. I set up a gallery each month for my local camera club with the digital images that are submitted for competition; the makers have to submit hi-res versions for the competition; but they don't want the hi-res versions posted online. It would be nice to limit viewing sizes to only medium or something...? :ivar

    Cool. Thanks!

    Michael Landry Photography, LLC
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 15, 2006
    Hi again, sorry if any of these have been requested before. I tried searching, but the threads are so long it's hard to read them all...

    1) Copy a Gallery option to make a duplicate of an entire gallery
    2) Bulk 2nd Copy - present the same screen as Bulk Move, select the pics to duplicate, click Go!
    Maybe integrate the two, select your photos to make 2nd copies of, then at the top or bottom, a drop down box to select a gallery to move the copies to. Seems like all it would take (in concept) would be to modify the move code to not-delete the files after the move...?

    This would be awesome! clap.gif Ever try to make a duplicate of a gallery with 60 photos in it? Not fun. Especially if friends or family have uploaded some photos, so you can't "just re-upload" them... I have to do this every month, sometimes for multiple galleries... :(

    OK, stepping down from the podium now... mwink.gif


    PS - Oh, and please correct me if I've missed some other way to do this stuff? Thanks!!!!

    Have you thought about Keyword Galleries? Have a look on see "Featured" in the navbar.
  • photogmommaphotogmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,644 Major grins
    edited October 15, 2006
    Andy wrote:
    Hi Andi, thanks for the FRs!

    OK but for now, you know that if you have $500 or more in a month, the check will go out usually by the 8th of the following month. More than $200 and less than $500? Quarterly, by the 8th of the month following the end of the Quarter - (Apr, July, October, January). You may also request a check anytime, and it'll be sent the first week of the following month - all the details here:

    Cool. Thanks. I knew most of that from reading up about it, but didn't know about the 8th of the month.... (I had seen I was getting paid, but being in the boonies, I never know when the pony express to get here and I was worried that the check was lost in the mail since I had no clue when it was sent... Laughing.gif!) Thanks...
    Andy wrote:
    you can do this now, just call your 640x 480 the Original (yeah, requires separate gallery.. I'm just sayin' :D )

    But you can't watermark it... And if you had "met" my last customer and "seen" just how confoooosed she was by the whole ordering process, to toss in a new gallery?!? ACK! Just way too crazy for her! LMAO! (But, of course, she wouldn't have ever been able to figure out how to grab that image from a screen capture..... rolleyes1.gif )

    Thanks so much to you and SM for listening to your customers!
  • videooppvideoopp Registered Users Posts: 103 Big grins
    edited October 16, 2006
    Page titles reflecting Image description
    I know that I have read other posts on DG on how SM wants to keep one page title throughout, and I am not exactly sure on all of the reasons that go into keeping it that way, but I would like to propose that an option be given to pro users to have the Page title reflect the Image Caption or some other field provided where data can be entered.

    The site where I have my Stock Video listed has just changed their system to alow this, and I believe that it will be a real help with the seach engines, if we can have more control over what that Page title will be, especially if it can be tied to each individual image.

    Here is an example of what I mean:

    Pond5 Supplies the Phrase "Stock Video Footage of", and then what ever I provide as a title to the clip, is added, to make up the title for the page.

    Could we get something like this going in SM please? I believe that this will translate into better Search engine placement, which will translate into better sales, which can only be good for SM
    Frank Spangler
    Stock Images: (Smugmug Site)
    Stock Video:
  • SkipRowlandSkipRowland Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited October 17, 2006
    Replace Photo Suggestion
    if ya'll wouldn't mind, could you add this suggestion to ya'll's pile of stuff

    on the replace photo page, could you supply the current filename, in addition to the thumbnail?


    ps: just ran across the feature request thread...maybe this post needs to be moved there?
  • ChrisJChrisJ Registered Users Posts: 2,164 Major grins
    edited October 20, 2006
    Feature Request: Compare Two Images
    There are some offline programs that do this, but it would be cool to be able to compare two images side by side on smugmug.

    I know you can open two or more windows/tabs other programs, save them to disk, etc... lots of hassle. A nice program can get the position/size exactly right without any futzing around.

    Anyway, once the code is there it would be trivial to do 3 or even more... But just two would be sweet. I've certainly never seen it on-line!

    Just a thought as I was browsing my pics tonight.
  • devbobodevbobo Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,339 SmugMug Employee
    edited October 20, 2006
    ChrisJ wrote:
    There are some offline programs that do this, but it would be cool to be able to compare two images side by side on smugmug.

    I know you can open two or more windows/tabs other programs, save them to disk, etc... lots of hassle. A nice program can get the position/size exactly right without any futzing around.

    Anyway, once the code is there it would be trivial to do 3 or even more... But just two would be sweet. I've certainly never seen it on-line!

    Just a thought as I was browsing my pics tonight.


    I reckon this would be a fairly easy hack, u could load two images into the lightbox.


    David Parry
    SmugMug API Developer
    My Photos
  • MalteMalte Registered Users Posts: 1,181 Major grins
    edited October 20, 2006
    When creating a new gallery, it would be neat to be able to point to an existing gallery as a reference for settings. "Use settings from gallery:"

  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 20, 2006
    Malte wrote:
    When creating a new gallery, it would be neat to be able to point to an existing gallery as a reference for settings. "Use settings from gallery:"

    Hi Malte, do you mean the settings in the customize gallery pages? You know there are templates you can save and load on creation of a gallery, right? mwink.gif
  • MalteMalte Registered Users Posts: 1,181 Major grins
    edited October 20, 2006
    ivar wrote:
    Hi Malte, do you mean the settings in the customize gallery pages? You know there are templates you can save and load on creation of a gallery, right? mwink.gif

    Yeah I know, and I do use them. I named them "My default gallery settings" and "My unprotected gallery settings", but whatever naming I can think of doesn't tell me as much about a gallery's properties as thinking of an existing gallery and how I use that.

    I find creating and handling those templates cumbersome and unintuitive, so I guess that's where I'm coming from.

  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 20, 2006
    Malte wrote:
    Yeah I know, and I do use them. I named them "My default gallery settings" and "My unprotected gallery settings", but whatever naming I can think of doesn't tell me as much about a gallery's properties as thinking of an existing gallery and how I use that.

    I find creating and handling those templates cumbersome and unintuitive, so I guess that's where I'm coming from.

    thumb.gif thanks for the request.
  • videooppvideoopp Registered Users Posts: 103 Big grins
    edited October 20, 2006
    File names under thumbs
    I notice that when I use the "Rotate Photos" tool, I am given the option to display file names, caption, or neither. I wish visitors to the site also had this option when they are using the "All Thumbs" or the "traditional" styles.
    Frank Spangler
    Stock Images: (Smugmug Site)
    Stock Video:
  • videooppvideoopp Registered Users Posts: 103 Big grins
    edited October 20, 2006
    Stock Video
    Now that SM has everything in place to build your own Stock Image site, I wish that they would also extend this over to offering the tools to build a full resolution stock video site. This is the next big thing and it would be great if SM could take the lead on this. Some sites have started to do this, but none that offer the ability to customize the way SM does.

    I know this takes up a lot more storage space and bandwidth, but SM could offer the service for a larger annual fee or a larger percentage of the take. Currently the best that is offered is 50% at

    With the customize tools, and offering the client 70% of sales, I believe SM could take the lead on this!
    Frank Spangler
    Stock Images: (Smugmug Site)
    Stock Video:
  • ChrisJChrisJ Registered Users Posts: 2,164 Major grins
    edited October 20, 2006
    devbobo wrote:

    I reckon this would be a fairly easy hack, u could load two images into the lightbox.



    lightbox? ear.gif
  • cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited October 20, 2006
    RFE: upload log sorting
    Would it be possible to get the upload log sortable by the various fields? Most importantly I think is FileName.

    (I just had the uploader crash part way into a 500+ shot upload of a 2 camera * 2 week vacation, and I'm about to go spend some "quality time" in the upload log to figure out which ones had been uploaded.... since they seem to be sorted by when they finished processing, it's not directly obvious which ones made it in and which didn't.)
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 20, 2006
    cabbey wrote:
    Would it be possible to get the upload log sortable by the various fields? Most importantly I think is FileName.

    (I just had the uploader crash part way into a 500+ shot upload of a 2 camera * 2 week vacation, and I'm about to go spend some "quality time" in the upload log to figure out which ones had been uploaded.... since they seem to be sorted by when they finished processing, it's not directly obvious which ones made it in and which didn't.)
    Quick work-a-round, on the upload log page do a "select all" (cntl-a on pc)
    and then "paste special" as text into Excel. There you can sort.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited October 21, 2006
    Allen wrote:
    Quick work-a-round, on the upload log page do a "select all" (cntl-a on pc)
    and then "paste special" as text into Excel. There you can sort.

    haha, or as I've now done it three times:
    1. save as... log.txt
    2. madhatter:~/Desktop cabbey$ grep IMG_ log.txt  | cut -c 24-35 | sort > ~/success
    3. madhatter:~/Desktop/trip pics cabbey$ for f in `cat ~/success `; do
         mv -v $f uploaded/
    4. restart smugmug uploader, drop in the entire folder's contents

    no multihundred dollar spread sheet application needed... all the tools came for free with the OS. (though, yes, I do have MS Office, I'd GLADLY trade Excell for an iWork spread sheet package.)

    why yes, I am a unix geek... what ever gave you that idea? :D

    ETA: ooops, on the most recent itteration through I realized I needed to also take into account the ones listed in the log that were failed. Easy enough to do manually, since there is so far on average 0.5 per attempt.
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
  • cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited October 21, 2006
    RFE: batch processing log
    When submitting a batch processing request, such as rotates, it would be nice if there was a log like the upload log where we could see the status of the background work, and any errors that resulted.
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
  • simplykristisimplykristi Registered Users Posts: 47 Big grins
    edited October 22, 2006
    More Themes
    I would like to see more choices for themes. I think that as a power user I should have more choices. I don't really have the time to make my own themes.

  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2006
    I would like to see more choices for themes. I think that as a power user I should have more choices. I don't really have the time to make my own themes.

    35 or so is not enough? Okay, well as someone who makes themes.... what would you like to see? ear.gif
  • I SimoniusI Simonius Registered Users Posts: 1,034 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2006
    Watermarking options
    Now that I have decided (rather belatedly) that I would like to watermark ALL my pics it seems quite a laborious process

    IF I understand correctly I have to customise EACH gallery (via 'customise gallery') now to water mark NEW pics
    Have to cusomise each gallery (via 'photo tools -watermarking') to watermark all the pics already uploaded

    I would much rather I be able to do the whole lot in one go, old and new pics, and change the whole lot IN ONE GO if I decide to change the water mark

    Is this already available and I missed it, or is it a real feature request?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2006
    Simon King wrote:
    Is this already available and I missed it, or is it a real feature request?
    It is not available, sorry Simon. Thanks for the FR.
  • I SimoniusI Simonius Registered Users Posts: 1,034 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2006
    Andy wrote:
    It is not available, sorry Simon. Thanks for the FR.

    OK thanks

    Just to be clear - it would be good if one setting could be aplied to ALL galleries - in one go

    - better still - have a CP where you could en masse select which watermark options you wanted to set for WHICH galleries - all in one move

    merci bucketsthumb.gif
  • simplykristisimplykristi Registered Users Posts: 47 Big grins
    edited October 23, 2006
    ivar wrote:
    35 or so is not enough? Okay, well as someone who makes themes.... what would you like to see? ear.gif

    I like to see more holiday themes... like Thanksgiving, Fourth of July (some patriotic theme to represent both). I went to HI three years ago so I would love to have a view of the ocean with sand and palm trees. How about a cityscape for visits to large metro areas? I went to NYC in 2003 too. I have lots of ideas. :) I am very happy about using Smugmug.

  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2006
    Requesting to preserve copyright info on generated sizes
    I'd like to request that copyright and basic camera EXIF info be retained on Medium, Large and XL size images. It seems important that Smugmug should preserve the fields that would hold copyright notices (thus helping copyright owners protect their work) and, while doing that, it would be nice to preserve camera, lens, shutter speed, aperture and ISO. I don't need all the other EXIF/IPTC fields in the auto-generated sizes if their size is an issue.

    I frequently post in photo forums and would like that information to be available in the images I post. The only way to do that today is to NOT use any of the generated sizes from Smugmug in postings and only link to originals which is defintely a pain because it means I have to break my normal Smugmug workflow and upload specially downsized images into special galleries.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2006
    jfriend wrote:
    The only way to do that today is to NOT use any of the generated sizes from Smugmug in postings and only link to originals which is defintely
    technically not true.


    Thanks for the feature request, John!
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2006
    With the image
    Andy wrote:
    technically not true.

    Thanks for the feature request, John!

    Just to clarify. I'm not asking for a separate link that has my EXIF. I've always known I could do that. I'm asking for my copyright info and a subset of my EXIF to be attached to my image wherever it goes. I love it that I can right-click on a lot of images posted by others and I can just see the EXIF with a Firefox extension. I and others can't do that on the images I or others from Smugmug post. It also seems like copyright info should be kept with all non-thumb sizes.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
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