I've been logging in and out quite a bit lately customizing by site and not
always on my home page or a category page. It would be really nice if the
"your logged in" page also had a link directly to the Control Panel along with
"the page you were viewing " link.
Thanks Alan - you're the first (maybe 2nd?) to ever ask this that I have seen... for now, click "your photos" and then "control panel" or maybe put the control panel link in your bookmarks?
The ability for smugmug to edit orders that have been placed... specifically remove a print from an order.
I'm not too happy about it - one photo that was uploaded shouldn't have been. It was slightly out of focus, and the person actually bought it! I was proofing sales for the day and went "OH CRAP" when I saw it was a 8xD they ordered. Its not like I don't their money or anything, but if they got that print in the mail they would be pissed! After contacting the customer and explaining, I tried to get that one print removed. We had to cancel the entire order and place a new order to resolve.
This is the second time we had to do something like this, this time it was my fault though...
The ability for smugmug to edit orders that have been placed... specifically remove a print from an order.
I'm not too happy about it - one photo that was uploaded shouldn't have been.
We can't edit them but we can cancel and duplicate the order without the one you don't want - just email help@smugmug.com and we'll happily do it, IF IF IF we can catch it in time. Our ordering process is highly automated, and the orders go DIRECTLY to our print lab. There is a window, sometimes, in which we can cancel.
I know you can get mouse pads, t-shirts and so on... But one thing I have not seen any were but have had people ask me about and that is custom calendars. If a person is looking at your photos and like lets say 13 photos. If thewy were to be able to add those to a calendar and whay months for each photo that will be so kewl!!! I have to always have people look at the photos e-mail me the names, go to lulu make a calendar just for them. But if we were able to do it here I think that would kick but!! No one I have seen has it. It's a set calendar no nothing.
Lulu is great!! But.. who offers a pic and choose calendar? I have had clients want 1 month landscape, 1 month there kids play sports, 1 month... well you get the picture. So we offered that, not one would it be great for our clients but It should also boost up sales or new people to smugmug!! More people more servers and so on... lol
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo! I'm glad to hear you are okay, tho. Ack ...
Thanks Barb!
I'm still very busy with all the insurance stuff... and tomorrow i'll see a doctor just to be sure everything is OK.
I hope i get a decent amount of cash-value on my totaled car.
I just found my new car: 2007 Camry XLE V6. It's my first new car. All my other cars were pre-owned. Bought it from Ira Toyota in Tewksbury, MA. Got it for only $350 above invoice value... not too bad, i think. Now to sort out the finances
Kinda sucks... i owned my old car. Having no car payments was nice!
But the Camry looks reaaaal nice
I need a little help of other JavaScript gurus about how to create a Signed JavaScript.
If JavaScript is not signed it won't allow you to request a URL (feed-URL in this case) that crosses host-boundaries. E.g. Say your blog is myblog.someblog.com and the feed-URL is from www.smugmug.com.
someblog.com != smugmug.com --> JavaScript Security will prevent the request and issue an 'access denied' error.
I'd like to post this question again:
I need a little help of other JavaScript gurus about how to create a Signed JavaScript. Is there anyone that knows about how to make Signed(/Secure) JavaScript?
Hi, it can't be done now. Others have asked for this, too. Thanks for the feature request No promises on if this will be done, but thanks for telling us it's important to you
I'd like to add myself to the "others" who have requested this too. Another feature I'd love to see would be the ability to have the share photo option for the gallery owner only. As it stands, this and the view original sizes can only be off or on for all. This would also differentiate the owner from the casual viewer.
I'm sorry not to have time toread all the thread so if his has already been suggested...or discussed...
I find it really difficult to arrange (or rearrange) my galleries and categories
Im sure I will manage it but it reeally is very counter intuitive (for a Mac user!)
Everything was fine until I try to change the arrangements; at the moment I am trying to only have four folders on my home page and then want to arrange everything else in tose folders but e.g. when I try to customise there is the option for a subcategory but no option to actually create one....? (or is there?) with all the going back wards and forwards through different control panels I completeley lose my way. Now I know I'm getting on , (53) but I have no problems with windows or macs (Macs preferred) or websites so I have to ask... why am I having trouble (consistently) navigating the controlsd to manage my galleries on SM?
Is there not a better way to organise this (easier, more logical, more central, even more mac like possibly?) ???
Digital Download purchasing
WhenI customer would go to buy a download It seems to me that it is not obviously clear that there are two licences for DD and also that the (P) or (C) in brackets is not immediately clear, in that it isn't obvious to see in the first place.
Thinking about it what would be great is if the galleries could be sorted into categories and subcategories in the same way as the "arrange' button for photos,
- so if you decided you'd like to completely re arrange your galleries into different categories , you could just highlight the ones you wnated to move and tell them where to move from a drop down, mush faster and easier than doing each and every one individually through 'customize' each time
Might it be possible to devise an addition to the 'colour' option of themes?
The one I would like is white
I.e. mainly white with grey gradient or something similar - or did you try it alrready and go 'Yuch! that doesn't work"
I just thought it might look good for black and white galleries
So... why not simply assign a location to a SmugMug Gallery instead of individual photos? In this scenario I would just customize a Gallery, say wedding photos, add a location for Google Maps, and be done. That location is not given to each photo, just the gallery. That way if I want to give individual locations to photos I still can.
I'm writing this comment to see if anybody else understands this because I have a gut feeling that the very helpful support people that I've emailed about this earlier haven't maybe understood the beauty of this.
This suggestion of in a way or an other layered privacy is one of Flickr's excellent features. The way it's set up in Flickr is that user can assign *each photo* with a privacy level of: public, totally private, family and/or friends. Now that their userbase has heavily grown and anyone with a Yahoo account (ie. everybody) can login to Flickr with that it's proved its superiority.
What the whole Internet would need is a way to identify oneself and custom views and what can be seen/shown or not just the way Flickr is now doing. The horrible MSN Passport was a great idea and I have no idea if similar systems are even in the pipeline not to mention if they would even become adequately inexpensive (aka. free), easy to use, light (not resource hungry), secure, and widespread to be considered a real alternative. Maybe this is something that Google will be able to provide - and hopefully do it rigidly and delicately enough... Yahoo, not to mention MS, is way too closed to ever have a slightest chance for this.
My two points:
1) Flickr's approach to allow per photo privacy level is fantastic. It allows users to e.g. post all their vacation photos in one 'album' (Flickr uses 'sets' which is like categories in SM but in a bit -- a lot -- nicer way: it allows one photo to be in multiple 'sets' (ie. categories)) and pick and choose which photos are shown
- to public (e.g. scenery, buildings, etc), which
- to both friends and family (most photos with people in them -- people are getting more and more aware of privacy issues of the fully open Internet, finally...), which
- to family only (photos that bore friends, but are nice and mom likes them, and the rest of the family, too)
- to friends only (party pics, anybody?), and also
- to no one (some romatic photos maybe that you stil want to upload for backup, etc)
It's also noteworthy that Flickr has managed to go even further in the 'layering' (as I call it) of the photo privacy: if you post fully private photos to Groups (Communities in SM, right?) they are shown *to group members*.
Also Flickr has been able to allow full search of tags, etc meta data of all the photos they are allowed to see (that their friends/family allow them AND the photos that are posted to Groups that they are members of). This is quite frankly FANTASTIC!
2) As SM doesn't have the userbase and it *seems* that (for a number of reasons / made choices) is not going to try to expand itself tenfold in near future there'd need to be another approach if the 'layered' privacy system was to be set up (which I'd very much hope as it's just so very brilliant).
I've suggested earlier, at least in a few emails to the support, that SM would build a layered password system similar to Flickr username id system which would allow a 'sub-global' right to view the photos of one specific user. With the same flexibility (id not better as Flickr's.
(I do know that some people have already raised their concern about the usability of the current multi-password system. And I agree that it might already be no-so-clear, not to mention if SM would add yet another password system. .. I just think that the 'layered' passwords could very well work together with the album specific passwords.)
So, please ask for clarifications if you don't see the beauty of the Flickr system! (And I wan to clarify that even if you all do it doesn't mean that SM should necessarily do the same. It might not be as great for SM's more professional and maybe more static userbase, even though for Flickr-type more photobloggin-ish use it absolutely Rocks.)
Hi jaakkoh, we all have indeed, seen your mails to the help desk. And we thank you for taking the time to post here, too. We really appreciate the feature request!
Views per photo & accumulated views (Flickr-type features 2)
The second very nice thing that Flickr does well and I'd much hope SM would, too, is the stats.
I noted that there's been discussion on this in this or some other thread but I'm commenting it here as it's a feature request (and I can't find the discussion(s?)) right again.
* Views per photo: self-expanaltory (right?). In SM it's bundld in part in how the stats are shown, which has been discussed and which I, too, would hope that would be more clear. (Ideally it'd be possible to download both per folder as well as per photo views into Excel ie. as CSV of tabbed text.)
* accumulated views: BOTH per photo as well as per folder.
Of course, if it was easy to download the data on per-photo views into Excel it'd be pretty easy to sum things up.
But why not show things in a nice table and maybe even a graph or few in SM? (Accumulated / (rolling) weekly/monthly/yearly views, maybe?)
BTW. Would someone be kind enough to elaborate on how the StarExplorers stats are presented? I didn't find the info on the app's page to be enough to understand how it works / what it downloads/shows and how.
Keyword Page Edits
I would like the ability to edit captions in bulk directly via the keyword
page. “Edit Captions/Keyword Bulk” now takes me to the gallery that
the photo appears in. Not very bulk when you still have to do it one
at a time.
Aperture 1.5 feature
I've been looking at the info regarding the new Aperture 1.5 update. Apparently, you will be able to export photos directly from Aperture to "3rd-party service providers," such as Flickr, Pictage, etc. See here: http://www.apple.com/aperture/resources/exportapi.html
This would be a great SmuMug feature for those of us running Aperture.
I've been looking at the info regarding the new Aperture 1.5 update. Apparently, you will be able to export photos directly from Aperture to "3rd-party service providers," such as Flickr, Pictage, etc. See here: http://www.apple.com/aperture/resources/exportapi.html
This would be a great SmuMug feature for those of us running Aperture.
I'm new here, and I've decided to stay with SmugMug after evaluating it alongside Flickr and Fotki. But I'd like to make a few comments and suggestions.
1. It's great to be able to share private galleries by just e-mailing a link. But here's a simple thing that would make it even better. Allow us to create multiple links to the same gallery, with their own options (like password and downloading originals). And allow changing those options, or even disabling the links in the future. The way I envision this, you'd give a nickname when requesting a new link (e.g. "mom", "family", "Alice", "blog" -- for how the link would be used), and there would be "manage links" choice under gallery tools. Maybe even separate stats for each link in the future?
2. The keywords don't do anything for private galleries, correct? Could this be changed? They could be very useful for my own use (help me find photos among my own), and within share groups.
3. Virtual galleries, consisting of photos in other galleries. I've read a couple of threads here about v.g. based on keywords, and that just sounds like a big kludge -- lots of work, and incomplete functionality. I often want to create a gallery with all photos of an occasion, and another one with only the best, and another with the best of the best. And then maybe one combining the best's of several galleries, for "best of the year". Virtual galleries would be great for that.
4. The "make 2nd copy" feature is... well, strange. My guess is that most of the time it's used to copy photos into another gallery (partly because there are no virtual galleries). So why isn't the interface similar to moving, where you can select multiple photos and a target gallery? In addition to having to go through a cumbersome process, there is a period of time when visitors see duplicates in the original gallery.
5. FTP uploads would be very nice. Because ftp is a nice protocol, there are lots of clients with fancy features, and lots of people are already familiar with them. Queuing and automatic retrying with resume in Filezilla are simply great. And ability to upload from a command line is useful to me. (Uploading with Filezilla to Fotki was sooo sweet...) I know it's been mentioned before, but I just wanted to add another voice for it, and give a few additional reasons for why I'd like to see it.
I'm new here, and I've decided to stay with SmugMug after evaluating it alongside Flickr and Fotki. But I'd like to make a few comments and suggestions.
1. It's great to be able to share private galleries by just e-mailing a link. But here's a simple thing that would make it even better. Allow us to create multiple links to the same gallery, with their own options (like password and downloading originals). And allow changing those options, or even disabling the links in the future. The way I envision this, you'd give a nickname when requesting a new link (e.g. "mom", "family", "Alice", "blog" -- for how the link would be used), and there would be "manage links" choice under gallery tools. Maybe even separate stats for each link in the future?
2. The keywords don't do anything for private galleries, correct? Could this be changed? They could be very useful for my own use (help me find photos among my own), and within share groups.
3. Virtual galleries, consisting of photos in other galleries. I've read a couple of threads here about v.g. based on keywords, and that just sounds like a big kludge -- lots of work, and incomplete functionality. I often want to create a gallery with all photos of an occasion, and another one with only the best, and another with the best of the best. And then maybe one combining the best's of several galleries, for "best of the year". Virtual galleries would be great for that.
4. The "make 2nd copy" feature is... well, strange. My guess is that most of the time it's used to copy photos into another gallery (partly because there are no virtual galleries). So why isn't the interface similar to moving, where you can select multiple photos and a target gallery? In addition to having to go through a cumbersome process, there is a period of time when visitors see duplicates in the original gallery.
5. FTP uploads would be very nice. Because ftp is a nice protocol, there are lots of clients with fancy features, and lots of people are already familiar with them. Queuing and automatic retrying with resume in Filezilla are simply great. And ability to upload from a command line is useful to me. (Uploading with Filezilla to Fotki was sooo sweet...) I know it's been mentioned before, but I just wanted to add another voice for it, and give a few additional reasons for why I'd like to see it.
Thanks for listening!
Thanks for suggesting! And, Welcome to SmugMug and Dgrin!
... decided to stay with SmugMug after evaluating it alongside Flickr and Fotki.
Sounds very familiar... Off-topic: what are the other comparable good services currently? At least PBase was a serious choice when I was looking at different services. But I didn't try it because it either didn't seem as good as Smugmug or was it that they didn't offer any kind of trial period... Can't remember.
But the question remains: what are the other comparable good services currently?
1. It's great to be able to share private galleries by just e-mailing a link. But here's a simple thing that would make it even better. Allow us to create multiple links to the same gallery, with their own options (like password and downloading originals). And allow changing those options, or even disabling the links in the future. The way I envision this, you'd give a nickname when requesting a new link (e.g. "mom", "family", "Alice", "blog" --
This sounds awfully lot like my suggestion/request about the 'layered' privacy handling from Flickr (finetuned to suit Smugmug).
2. The keywords don't do anything for private galleries, correct? Could this be changed? They could be very useful for my own use (help me find photos among my own), and within share groups.
This has been requested earlier and I'm *very* much in favor of this, too. People are getting more and more aware of privacy issues related to phtos - especially with metadata! - as they should.
... One possibility would be to have (yet) another privacy level which would make the metadata private & unsearchable(uncrawlable). There are a number of photos that I could make fully public, but not their keywords and/or captions&descriptions (... please support more IPTC fields, too .
3. Virtual galleries, consisting of photos in other galleries. --
Another feature very nicely done in Flickr.
4. The "make 2nd copy" feature is... well, strange. My guess is that most of the time it's used to copy photos into another gallery (partly because there are no virtual galleries). ...
Exactly. The solution is 'virtual galleries' (or sets, or whatever you want to call them).
... So why isn't the interface similar to moving, where you can select multiple photos and a target gallery?
My guess: SM wants to save disk space (and I'm not blaming them if this is the reason). .. This would be, again, a good reason to make the 'v.g.'s.
5. FTP uploads would be very nice.
Fully agree. Maybe this is somewhat a technical issue. Now the filenames are changed when you upload photos. Each photo in SM has a unique id. You can't say the same about photos' filenames.
I've learnt to give up my hope to get FTP. But I'd very much like to be able to - at least have the possibility to - download the files with their original filenames and allow my friends/family to do the same.
Andy, thanks for a quick reply. Can you say which ideas you thought were worthwhile, and what has a chance of being implemented at SmugMug?
Thank you!
Hi olegos, we don't comment in advance on what's in the development pipeline - but I can tell you that we have a pretty good record of listening to our customers So thanks again for posting!
Much Needed Features
I really NEED NEED NEEEEED a way for my clients to select favorite images and have them added to a folder which I can then retrieve. (Save back to my computer or ftp back to myself) Or.. at the very least have the selected image names emailed to me so that i may retrieve the full res. files from my end.) When designing albums and books it is very impractical to try to retrieve their favorites from the comment section. It is also impractical to place a big print order this way. Sooo... after I go through all the trouble to refind these images from these comments.. I just print them local mostly now. I am in the process of trying to find another proofing gallery because of this. I really hate to change because I love a lot of the features here.
The ability to issue Gift Certifates would be FANTASTIC. I would love to include a print order certificate in my client packages which let me order their prints at my cost while they purchased at their cost but handled all their own selecting and ordering. I would be sooooo happy!!!!!!!!!! And YOU would get way more orders!!!! It needs to be SO EASY for them to order prints that they just cant help themselves!
I also believe it would increase my sales dramatically if my clients and their guest could 'collect' images in 'favorites folders' to share their opinions with each other and later use the collection of favorites for easy ordering.
My comment folder is OVERLOADED and it is just impossible to delete them all individually. It would be nice if you could bulk delete or have the comments sorted by event etc.
I would also like to offer Photobooks similar to shutterfly.com, mypublisher.com or firsteditionorigials.com that my clients could build themselves from the images uploaded here. (And I just set a mark up rate.) That would ROCK! Pictage.com does something similar to that on their site. Wonder if one of these companies would be interested in partnering with smugmug to accept your orders?? "Bazillions of images already uploaded to the internet just waiting to find their way into one of these precious little books! Hmmmm" Even if you could take the client's picks (for a book) from one of the before suggested 'favorite folders'.. and transfer them or send them to the appropriate company.... I'm not sure, I'm just a photographer, I need you guys to work all that out! lol
Also.. the new 'spam code' needed to enter a comment is just NOT WORTH IT!!! It makes it too much of a pain to enter comments and my client feedback has almost completely stopped since that was implimented.
I also need 10x20 print sizes!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! The entire wedding industry is now on this dimmension for the coffeetable books which are all the rage. Gotta have that size!! (Other sizes for the double page spreads would be great also.) I'm having to order those elsewhere too.. Which means I have to load them here for my clients to see and load them there to order them. YUCK! Double uploading.. YUCK YUCK YUCK
I love some of the improvements made lately. I especially love being able to rearrange the gallery without having to go into the old setup.
Shopping Cart Feature Request
I would love the ability to group the prints I want to make available to my customers in one group, instead of the "Standard Prints, Other Prints", etc.
If I crop my photos w/ a 4x5 crop I would like to limit the choices that my customer can purchase that photo to those crops that will work well (4x5, 8x10, etc.). Same applies for the 2x3 crop, 3x4 crop, 1x1, etc.
The problem is that if I limit choices now the first thing my customer sees is the Standard Prints option and the first picture price is for an 8x10 (in the case of a 4x5 crop photo). In order for them to see the other option they have to KNOW to click the product drop-down and select "Other Prints". This is too complicated for a lot of people (I know, I know, it shouldn't be, but it is). Too many choices is bad in some cases - especially for those who aren't computer literate.
I need to be able to group the print options I want to make available for my customer in one drop-down. I don't mind having the photo gifts as a seperate select, but for "prints" I would love the ability to group them all together, which would allow me to zero out those print options I don't want available to my customer for whatever reasons.
Hopefully, that made sense. If this has been requested before please add my vote for this feature.
Thanks for a great product!
-Oh yeah, please work a better deal on the larger print sizes with your print partner. As it stands now I will probably tell my customers to order larger prints directly through me instead of through my smugmug site. When you guys are 33% higher or more in some cases on the larger prints it doesn't make sense for me to pay that on top of Smugmug's 15% cut (not to mention the slightly over-priced shipping). I don't want to do my own fulfillment on large prints, I would much rather pay you the 15% for that, but I can't pay a 50% premium - that's a business model that won't work. Food for thought.
Thanks and that's all (I really mean it this time!).
[...multiple links to the same gallery, with their own options...]
This sounds awfully lot like my suggestion/request about the 'layered' privacy handling from Flickr (finetuned to suit Smugmug).
Not quite. The Flickr friend/family/public access is per-photo, which I think is serving a different purpose. It would be relatively simple to emulate with virtual galleries (create a separate v.g. for each access level -- not too bad since there are so few of them).
[...copy only one at a time...]
My guess: SM wants to save disk space (and I'm not blaming them if this is the reason).
I wonder what SM uses for the back end to store photos. I'd be surprised if whatever it is, it can't reference the same thing from several places (in a Unix hard links way).
[...FTP uploads...]
Fully agree. Maybe this is somewhat a technical issue. Now the filenames are changed when you upload photos. Each photo in SM has a unique id. You can't say the same about photos' filenames.
The solution to this is to make FTP uploads go into a special gallery "FTP Uploads". You'd then move the photos to their destinations. This is how it's implemented at dotPhoto. To allow FTP downloads, you could do the reverse -- move/copy photos to a special gallery, and they become visible to an FTP client, maybe by the original name.
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I'm not too happy about it - one photo that was uploaded shouldn't have been. It was slightly out of focus, and the person actually bought it!
This is the second time we had to do something like this, this time it was my fault though...
We can't edit them but we can cancel and duplicate the order without the one you don't want - just email help@smugmug.com and we'll happily do it, IF IF IF we can catch it in time. Our ordering process is highly automated, and the orders go DIRECTLY to our print lab. There is a window, sometimes, in which we can cancel.
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I know you can get mouse pads, t-shirts and so on... But one thing I have not seen any were but have had people ask me about and that is custom calendars. If a person is looking at your photos and like lets say 13 photos. If thewy were to be able to add those to a calendar and whay months for each photo that will be so kewl!!! I have to always have people look at the photos e-mail me the names, go to lulu make a calendar just for them. But if we were able to do it here I think that would kick but!! No one I have seen has it. It's a set calendar no nothing.
All feed back is welcomed!!
:lust :lust
We'd love to have this - and you can bet we're talking about it.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Lulu is great!! But.. who offers a pic and choose calendar? I have had clients want 1 month landscape, 1 month there kids play sports, 1 month... well you get the picture. So we offered that, not one would it be great for our clients but It should also boost up sales or new people to smugmug!! More people more servers and so on... lol
All feed back is welcomed!!
:lust :lust
Thanks Barb!
I'm still very busy with all the insurance stuff... and tomorrow i'll see a doctor just to be sure everything is OK.
I hope i get a decent amount of cash-value on my totaled car.
I just found my new car: 2007 Camry XLE V6. It's my first new car. All my other cars were pre-owned. Bought it from Ira Toyota in Tewksbury, MA. Got it for only $350 above invoice value... not too bad, i think. Now to sort out the finances
Kinda sucks... i owned my old car. Having no car payments was nice!
But the Camry looks reaaaal nice
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
I'd like to post this question again:
I need a little help of other JavaScript gurus about how to create a Signed JavaScript. Is there anyone that knows about how to make Signed(/Secure) JavaScript?
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Sorry, This was in reply to a request for Original sizes to be available to the owner when logged in. I'd like to add myself to the "others" who have requested this too. Another feature I'd love to see would be the ability to have the share photo option for the gallery owner only. As it stands, this and the view original sizes can only be off or on for all. This would also differentiate the owner from the casual viewer.
Thanks for listening
I find it really difficult to arrange (or rearrange) my galleries and categories
Im sure I will manage it but it reeally is very counter intuitive (for a Mac user!)
Everything was fine until I try to change the arrangements; at the moment I am trying to only have four folders on my home page and then want to arrange everything else in tose folders but e.g. when I try to customise there is the option for a subcategory but no option to actually create one....? (or is there?) with all the going back wards and forwards through different control panels I completeley lose my way. Now I know I'm getting on , (53) but I have no problems with windows or macs (Macs preferred) or websites so I have to ask... why am I having trouble (consistently) navigating the controlsd to manage my galleries on SM?
Is there not a better way to organise this (easier, more logical, more central, even more mac like possibly?) ???
WhenI customer would go to buy a download It seems to me that it is not obviously clear that there are two licences for DD and also that the (P) or (C) in brackets is not immediately clear, in that it isn't obvious to see in the first place.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thinking about it what would be great is if the galleries could be sorted into categories and subcategories in the same way as the "arrange' button for photos,
- so if you decided you'd like to completely re arrange your galleries into different categories , you could just highlight the ones you wnated to move and tell them where to move from a drop down, mush faster and easier than doing each and every one individually through 'customize' each time
Might it be possible to devise an addition to the 'colour' option of themes?
The one I would like is white
I.e. mainly white with grey gradient or something similar - or did you try it alrready and go 'Yuch! that doesn't work"
I just thought it might look good for black and white galleries
Excellent idea!
Andy, others.
I'm writing this comment to see if anybody else understands this because I have a gut feeling that the very helpful support people that I've emailed about this earlier haven't maybe understood the beauty of this.
This suggestion of in a way or an other layered privacy is one of Flickr's excellent features. The way it's set up in Flickr is that user can assign *each photo* with a privacy level of: public, totally private, family and/or friends. Now that their userbase has heavily grown and anyone with a Yahoo account (ie. everybody) can login to Flickr with that it's proved its superiority.
What the whole Internet would need is a way to identify oneself and custom views and what can be seen/shown or not just the way Flickr is now doing. The horrible MSN Passport was a great idea and I have no idea if similar systems are even in the pipeline not to mention if they would even become adequately inexpensive (aka. free), easy to use, light (not resource hungry), secure, and widespread to be considered a real alternative. Maybe this is something that Google will be able to provide - and hopefully do it rigidly and delicately enough... Yahoo, not to mention MS, is way too closed to ever have a slightest chance for this.
My two points:
1) Flickr's approach to allow per photo privacy level is fantastic. It allows users to e.g. post all their vacation photos in one 'album' (Flickr uses 'sets' which is like categories in SM but in a bit -- a lot -- nicer way: it allows one photo to be in multiple 'sets' (ie. categories)) and pick and choose which photos are shown
- to public (e.g. scenery, buildings, etc), which
- to both friends and family (most photos with people in them -- people are getting more and more aware of privacy issues of the fully open Internet, finally...), which
- to family only (photos that bore friends, but are nice and mom likes them, and the rest of the family, too)
- to friends only (party pics, anybody?), and also
- to no one (some romatic photos maybe that you stil want to upload for backup, etc)
It's also noteworthy that Flickr has managed to go even further in the 'layering' (as I call it) of the photo privacy: if you post fully private photos to Groups (Communities in SM, right?) they are shown *to group members*.
Also Flickr has been able to allow full search of tags, etc meta data of all the photos they are allowed to see (that their friends/family allow them AND the photos that are posted to Groups that they are members of). This is quite frankly FANTASTIC!
2) As SM doesn't have the userbase and it *seems* that (for a number of reasons / made choices) is not going to try to expand itself tenfold in near future there'd need to be another approach if the 'layered' privacy system was to be set up (which I'd very much hope as it's just so very brilliant).
I've suggested earlier, at least in a few emails to the support, that SM would build a layered password system similar to Flickr username id system which would allow a 'sub-global' right to view the photos of one specific user. With the same flexibility (id not better
(I do know that some people have already raised their concern about the usability of the current multi-password system. And I agree that it might already be no-so-clear, not to mention if SM would add yet another password system. .. I just think that the 'layered' passwords could very well work together with the album specific passwords.)
So, please ask for clarifications if you don't see the beauty of the Flickr system! (And I wan to clarify that even if you all do it doesn't mean that SM should necessarily do the same. It might not be as great for SM's more professional and maybe more static userbase, even though for Flickr-type more photobloggin-ish use it absolutely Rocks.)
Hi jaakkoh, we all have indeed, seen your mails to the help desk. And we thank you for taking the time to post here, too. We really appreciate the feature request!
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The second very nice thing that Flickr does well and I'd much hope SM would, too, is the stats.
I noted that there's been discussion on this in this or some other thread but I'm commenting it here as it's a feature request (and I can't find the discussion(s?)) right again.
* Views per photo: self-expanaltory (right?). In SM it's bundld in part in how the stats are shown, which has been discussed and which I, too, would hope that would be more clear. (Ideally it'd be possible to download both per folder as well as per photo views into Excel ie. as CSV of tabbed text.)
* accumulated views: BOTH per photo as well as per folder.
Of course, if it was easy to download the data on per-photo views into Excel it'd be pretty easy to sum things up.
But why not show things in a nice table and maybe even a graph or few in SM? (Accumulated / (rolling) weekly/monthly/yearly views, maybe?)
BTW. Would someone be kind enough to elaborate on how the StarExplorers stats are presented? I didn't find the info on the app's page to be enough to understand how it works / what it downloads/shows and how.
I would like the ability to edit captions in bulk directly via the keyword
page. “Edit Captions/Keyword Bulk” now takes me to the gallery that
the photo appears in. Not very bulk when you still have to do it one
at a time.
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I've been looking at the info regarding the new Aperture 1.5 update. Apparently, you will be able to export photos directly from Aperture to "3rd-party service providers," such as Flickr, Pictage, etc. See here: http://www.apple.com/aperture/resources/exportapi.html
This would be a great SmuMug feature for those of us running Aperture.
"One way to open your eyes is to ask yourself, 'What if I had never seen this before? What if I knew I would never see it again?'"
--Rachel Carson
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
I'm new here, and I've decided to stay with SmugMug after evaluating it alongside Flickr and Fotki. But I'd like to make a few comments and suggestions.
1. It's great to be able to share private galleries by just e-mailing a link. But here's a simple thing that would make it even better. Allow us to create multiple links to the same gallery, with their own options (like password and downloading originals). And allow changing those options, or even disabling the links in the future. The way I envision this, you'd give a nickname when requesting a new link (e.g. "mom", "family", "Alice", "blog" -- for how the link would be used), and there would be "manage links" choice under gallery tools. Maybe even separate stats for each link in the future?
2. The keywords don't do anything for private galleries, correct? Could this be changed? They could be very useful for my own use (help me find photos among my own), and within share groups.
3. Virtual galleries, consisting of photos in other galleries. I've read a couple of threads here about v.g. based on keywords, and that just sounds like a big kludge -- lots of work, and incomplete functionality. I often want to create a gallery with all photos of an occasion, and another one with only the best, and another with the best of the best. And then maybe one combining the best's of several galleries, for "best of the year". Virtual galleries would be great for that.
4. The "make 2nd copy" feature is... well, strange. My guess is that most of the time it's used to copy photos into another gallery (partly because there are no virtual galleries). So why isn't the interface similar to moving, where you can select multiple photos and a target gallery? In addition to having to go through a cumbersome process, there is a period of time when visitors see duplicates in the original gallery.
5. FTP uploads would be very nice. Because ftp is a nice protocol, there are lots of clients with fancy features, and lots of people are already familiar with them. Queuing and automatic retrying with resume in Filezilla are simply great. And ability to upload from a command line is useful to me. (Uploading with Filezilla to Fotki was sooo sweet...) I know it's been mentioned before, but I just wanted to add another voice for it, and give a few additional reasons for why I'd like to see it.
Thanks for listening!
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Thank you!
Sounds very familiar... Off-topic: what are the other comparable good services currently? At least PBase was a serious choice when I was looking at different services. But I didn't try it because it either didn't seem as good as Smugmug or was it that they didn't offer any kind of trial period... Can't remember.
But the question remains: what are the other comparable good services currently?
This sounds awfully lot like my suggestion/request about the 'layered' privacy handling from Flickr (finetuned to suit Smugmug).
This has been requested earlier and I'm *very* much in favor of this, too. People are getting more and more aware of privacy issues related to phtos - especially with metadata! - as they should.
... One possibility would be to have (yet) another privacy level which would make the metadata private & unsearchable(uncrawlable). There are a number of photos that I could make fully public, but not their keywords and/or captions&descriptions (... please support more IPTC fields, too
Another feature very nicely done in Flickr.
Exactly. The solution is 'virtual galleries' (or sets, or whatever you want to call them).
My guess: SM wants to save disk space (and I'm not blaming them if this is the reason). .. This would be, again, a good reason to make the 'v.g.'s.
Fully agree. Maybe this is somewhat a technical issue. Now the filenames are changed when you upload photos. Each photo in SM has a unique id. You can't say the same about photos' filenames.
I've learnt to give up my hope to get FTP. But I'd very much like to be able to - at least have the possibility to - download the files with their original filenames and allow my friends/family to do the same.
Keep up the good work!
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I really NEED NEED NEEEEED a way for my clients to select favorite images and have them added to a folder which I can then retrieve. (Save back to my computer or ftp back to myself) Or.. at the very least have the selected image names emailed to me so that i may retrieve the full res. files from my end.) When designing albums and books it is very impractical to try to retrieve their favorites from the comment section. It is also impractical to place a big print order this way. Sooo... after I go through all the trouble to refind these images from these comments.. I just print them local mostly now. I am in the process of trying to find another proofing gallery because of this. I really hate to change because I love a lot of the features here.
The ability to issue Gift Certifates would be FANTASTIC. I would love to include a print order certificate in my client packages which let me order their prints at my cost while they purchased at their cost but handled all their own selecting and ordering. I would be sooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!
I also believe it would increase my sales dramatically if my clients and their guest could 'collect' images in 'favorites folders' to share their opinions with each other and later use the collection of favorites for easy ordering.
My comment folder is OVERLOADED and it is just impossible to delete them all individually. It would be nice if you could bulk delete or have the comments sorted by event etc.
I would also like to offer Photobooks similar to shutterfly.com, mypublisher.com or firsteditionorigials.com that my clients could build themselves from the images uploaded here. (And I just set a mark up rate.) That would ROCK! Pictage.com does something similar to that on their site. Wonder if one of these companies would be interested in partnering with smugmug to accept your orders?? "Bazillions of images already uploaded to the internet just waiting to find their way into one of these precious little books! Hmmmm" Even if you could take the client's picks (for a book) from one of the before suggested 'favorite folders'.. and transfer them or send them to the appropriate company.... I'm not sure, I'm just a photographer, I need you guys to work all that out! lol
Also.. the new 'spam code' needed to enter a comment is just NOT WORTH IT!!! It makes it too much of a pain to enter comments and my client feedback has almost completely stopped since that was implimented.
I also need 10x20 print sizes!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! The entire wedding industry is now on this dimmension for the coffeetable books which are all the rage. Gotta have that size!! (Other sizes for the double page spreads would be great also.) I'm having to order those elsewhere too.. Which means I have to load them here for my clients to see and load them there to order them. YUCK! Double uploading.. YUCK YUCK YUCK
I love some of the improvements made lately. I especially love being able to rearrange the gallery without having to go into the old setup.
Thanks for caring!!! ricki
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I would love the ability to group the prints I want to make available to my customers in one group, instead of the "Standard Prints, Other Prints", etc.
If I crop my photos w/ a 4x5 crop I would like to limit the choices that my customer can purchase that photo to those crops that will work well (4x5, 8x10, etc.). Same applies for the 2x3 crop, 3x4 crop, 1x1, etc.
The problem is that if I limit choices now the first thing my customer sees is the Standard Prints option and the first picture price is for an 8x10 (in the case of a 4x5 crop photo). In order for them to see the other option they have to KNOW to click the product drop-down and select "Other Prints". This is too complicated for a lot of people (I know, I know, it shouldn't be, but it is). Too many choices is bad in some cases - especially for those who aren't computer literate.
I need to be able to group the print options I want to make available for my customer in one drop-down. I don't mind having the photo gifts as a seperate select, but for "prints" I would love the ability to group them all together, which would allow me to zero out those print options I don't want available to my customer for whatever reasons.
Hopefully, that made sense. If this has been requested before please add my vote for this feature.
Thanks for a great product!
-Oh yeah, please work a better deal on the larger print sizes with your print partner. As it stands now I will probably tell my customers to order larger prints directly through me instead of through my smugmug site. When you guys are 33% higher or more in some cases on the larger prints it doesn't make sense for me to pay that on top of Smugmug's 15% cut (not to mention the slightly over-priced shipping). I don't want to do my own fulfillment on large prints, I would much rather pay you the 15% for that, but I can't pay a 50% premium - that's a business model that won't work.
Thanks and that's all (I really mean it this time!).
I wonder what SM uses for the back end to store photos. I'd be surprised if whatever it is, it can't reference the same thing from several places (in a Unix hard links way).
The solution to this is to make FTP uploads go into a special gallery "FTP Uploads". You'd then move the photos to their destinations. This is how it's implemented at dotPhoto. To allow FTP downloads, you could do the reverse -- move/copy photos to a special gallery, and they become visible to an FTP client, maybe by the original name.