SmugMug Feature Requests #4



  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2006
    jfriend wrote:
    Just to clarify. I'm not asking for a separate link that has my EXIF. I've always known I could do that. I'm asking for my copyright info and a subset of my EXIF to be attached to my image wherever it goes. I love it that I can right-click on a lot of images posted by others and I can just see the EXIF with a Firefox extension. I and others can't do that on the images I or others from Smugmug post. It also seems like copyright info should be kept with all non-thumb sizes.
    Yeah, I understand...
  • cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2006
    Simon King wrote:
    OK thanks

    Just to be clear - it would be good if one setting could be aplied to ALL galleries - in one go

    - better still - have a CP where you could en masse select which watermark options you wanted to set for WHICH galleries - all in one move

    merci bucketsthumb.gif

    That might be doable through the API.... would need some code written to do it though. (I've started work on a set of objects to wrapper the smugmug api, once they're done, this should be realtively straight forward, so I'll log a TODO to write a tool specifically for this. Though without a pro account, I'll be a little lost on testing... if you have a mac, can I ping you when I have a tool ready that you could try? I make no promises on when I'll be at that point, as I'm working on them in my nights/weekends freetime.)
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2006
    Thumbs for client communication re proofsheets
    A client of mine discovered (by accident) a very good use of the thumbs. I sent him a link to a private gallery as a proofsheet. He used the thumbs to try to tell me which ones he approved/disapproved. Unfortunately, the system is now set up to make it VERY hard to recover his votes.

    My feature request: make it possible to recover the thumbs votes. In order for preference:
    1. Show thumbs totals to gallery owners. SM has resisted this before, but I've never understood the reasoning.
    2. Show overall positive vs overall negative thumbs totals to gallery owners. This gives away less than 1 if we are being paranoid.
    3. Show thumbs totals to owners of galleries only if the gallery has opted out of the popular sweepstakes in some irrevocable way. This means that the owner has decided the gallery will use thumbs only for the purpose of communicating the totals to him. Because the gallery could never be reentered in the popular sweepstakes, the owner couldn't reverse engineer how the thumbs influence the popular thing.

    Being able to use the thumbs for this particular purpose would solve a long standing issue I've had with clients. It's been like pulling teeth to get them to leave comments or send me email with links or file names that I could actually decipher. What I usually get is email like this: "Approved: the shot of Misha with that great turnout in 2nd position." How great would it be to streamline this process?

    I must not be the only person who would love this.
    If not now, when?
  • marlinspikemarlinspike Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2006
    Bulk replace photo
    I feel like there has got to be a way to make this work. Let's say an order with proof delay is put in, then if you could do a bulk replace photo where you tell it a folder and it replaces all the photos that have the same file name. Possible?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2006
    I feel like there has got to be a way to make this work. Let's say an order with proof delay is put in, then if you could do a bulk replace photo where you tell it a folder and it replaces all the photos that have the same file name. Possible?
    Anything's possible - but we don't have that capability now. Thanks Richard for the feature request.
  • cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2006
    I feel like there has got to be a way to make this work. Let's say an order with proof delay is put in, then if you could do a bulk replace photo where you tell it a folder and it replaces all the photos that have the same file name. Possible?

    It would be very nice if the API would allow us to do this. Something like adding X-Smug-ImageID=${old_id} to the PUT headers would seem to do it. Maybe also the MD5Sum of the OLD image should be required, just as a way to say "are you sure you have the right image?".

    ETA: I just logged SmugBug32 for this.... that bugtracking system... "has issues" with it's usability. :(
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
  • marlinspikemarlinspike Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2006
    cool idea I just had
    I get a lot of stuff via mail because I'm picky and the stuff I want is good (therefore expensive and no store with a store front could afford to give it shelf space in this cheaper is better world we live in), and these companies often throw in a freebie when my order is fairly large. I was thinking it would be cool if I could do this. I see the pro order tools have gotten quite powerful for those of us with proof delays. I think it would be neat if we could throw in a freebie that would get charged to our CC if we should choose to do so.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2006
    I get a lot of stuff via mail because I'm picky and the stuff I want is good (therefore expensive and no store with a store front could afford to give it shelf space in this cheaper is better world we live in), and these companies often throw in a freebie when my order is fairly large. I was thinking it would be cool if I could do this. I see the pro order tools have gotten quite powerful for those of us with proof delays. I think it would be neat if we could throw in a freebie that would get charged to our CC if we should choose to do so.
    Thanks for the feature request thumb.gif
  • mcgilmcgil Registered Users Posts: 110 Major grins
    edited October 27, 2006
    image pre-loading ?
    • JavaScript/AJAX-based image browsing with image pre-loading for speed. We’ve got this in testing right now for SmugMug, and it’s really great. The downside is the URLs get a little uglier, but I think everyone can agree the speed tradeoff is worth it.

    I'm being very jealous of my friend's website speed and was wondering, especially after Don's post above, if this feature ever got out of testing on Smugmug ? Is there a way to see/activate it ?

    Maybe coupled with the lower-rez photo displayed before the sharp one.


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 27, 2006
    mcgil wrote:

    I'm being very jealous of my friend's website speed and was wondering, especially after Don's post above, if this feature ever got out of testing on Smugmug ? Is there a way to see/activate it ?

    Maybe coupled with the lower-rez photo displayed before the sharp one.


    All I can say is "stay tuned.." naughty.gif
  • Jason DunnJason Dunn Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited October 29, 2006
    My feature request: that Smugmug would sort photos based on the same criteria as Windows XP does. Yeah, I know I can go in and manually move the images, but having to do that over and over for every gallery would be painful. I'm sure there's a better way. :D

    Originally posted here:

    Republished below:

    In the Windows world files that start with an underscore (_pear.jpg) will show up before files that that start with a letter or number (pear.jpg). This issue is problematic for me in this gallery:

    If you scroll down to the very bottom you can see that the files after "ZZ Top" are files that start with an underscore:


    It would be really, really great if Smugmug's system for sorting based on file name worked exactly like Windows XP does, largely because I imagine that's what most of their customers are using. Or if Macs do it differently, maybe there's a "Windows" and "Mac" sort function or something.

    There are also problems with the way the Smugmug system deals with regular files names. Take a look at this gallery for instance:

    The first three photos, when sorted by file name, are:

    L T Paniak's 60th Birthday - 007.jpg
    L T Paniak's 60th Birthday - 011.jpg
    L T Paniak's 60th Birthday - 012.jpg

    Why would 007.jpg come first?

    L T Paniak's 60th Birthday - 004.jpg:

    Comes just before L T Paniak's 60th Birthday - 045.jpg:

    There IS a logic here looking at the 004.jpg and 045.jpg, but I can't figure out why 007.jpg would be before 001.jpg.

    As you can tell, I prefer more "natural" file names, complete with spaces, full words, and numbers. I really adore Smugmug, and am just starting to use it, but this issue is a painful one for me.eek7.gif
    The Photos:
    The Blog:
  • Jason DunnJason Dunn Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited October 29, 2006
    More Customization of Headers/Footers and Home Page
    I have a new template created for my galleries with the help of a skilled CSS developer:

    Problem is, many of my requests to him were met with "Smugmug doesn't allow us to do that". Specifically with the footer for instance, I dislike how much "dead" space there is there. I wish I could have added the Creative Commons stuff to the Smugmug footer, and heck, maybe even the RSS stuff at the very bottom. Basically, just more control over every single part of the template.

    On the home page, I was shocked and a little dismayed to learn that there was no way to speficy the size of the gallery thumbnail images and the amount of text that appeared on the home page. We live in a world of increasingly higher-resolution monitors, and I find the gallery thumbnail size on the home page to be too small.

    The size of the gallery thumbnail and the amount of text on the category pages is better:

    It seems like the code/capability is there, so why can't we use it? Or, if we wanted to, why not be able to control the image size for featured galleries (I'd have them be pretty big) and also control the size for regular galleries (I'd have them be about 200% the size they are now - my template has the space for it).

    Smugmug rocks clap.gif, but this gallery thumbnail size issue is really surprising to me - who wouldn't want to have bigger images? headscratch.gif
    The Photos:
    The Blog:
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 29, 2006
    Jason Dunn wrote:
    I have a new template created for my galleries with the help of a skilled CSS developer:

    Problem is, many of my requests to him were met with "Smugmug doesn't allow us to do that". Specifically with the footer for instance, I dislike how much "dead" space there is there. I wish I could have added the Creative Commons stuff to the Smugmug footer, and heck, maybe even the RSS stuff at the very bottom. Basically, just more control over every single part of the template.

    On the home page, I was shocked and a little dismayed to learn that there was no way to speficy the size of the gallery thumbnail images and the amount of text that appeared on the home page. We live in a world of increasingly higher-resolution monitors, and I find the gallery thumbnail size on the home page to be too small.

    The size of the gallery thumbnail and the amount of text on the category pages is better:

    It seems like the code/capability is there, so why can't we use it? Or, if we wanted to, why not be able to control the image size for featured galleries (I'd have them be pretty big) and also control the size for regular galleries (I'd have them be about 200% the size they are now - my template has the space for it).

    Smugmug rocks clap.gif, but this gallery thumbnail size issue is really surprising to me - who wouldn't want to have bigger images? headscratch.gif

    Thanks for the feature request!
  • Gary GlassGary Glass Registered Users Posts: 744 Major grins
    edited October 30, 2006
    multi-column support
    For a long time I've been wishing I could have a multi-column layout on my site. I've made a few false starts, but last week I finally put it all together. I'm pretty happy with how it came out, but it was a challenge, to be sure. There a few things that smugmug's page structure could do to make this type of layout easier. (See my homepage to see what I did.)

    1. The one thing I absolutely couldn't overcome was that I had to have a wrapper around the entire content well. So I actually hacked one in by putting an opening <div> in my header and closing it in my footer. But it'd be nice if it was already in the page, of course.

    2. Seems to me it wouldn't be too difficult for smugmug to offer this type of layout as a theme or something. There's a fair amount of CSS tweaking involved. It'd be nice if SM just did for us. I don't know how much demand there might be for such a layout, but it's a very typical kind of page layout on the web.

    3. Browser-specific CSS hacks are a nightmare. There are better ways to do it by serving up browser-specific stylesheets. Again, I could (and did, a little) hack this myself, but it'd be sweet if SM offered that kind of functionality built-in.

    4. It's a pain defining almost identical styles for #homepage, #journal, #category, etc. It'd be nice if the main content div on each page type had the same id or some other easy way to select for it.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 30, 2006
    Gary Glass wrote:
    1. The one thing I absolutely couldn't overcome was that I had to have a wrapper around the entire content well. So I actually hacked one in by putting an opening <div> in my header and closing it in my footer. But it'd be nice if it was already in the page, of course.
    the sitewrapper didn't work?
  • devbobodevbobo Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,339 SmugMug Employee
    edited October 30, 2006
    Andy wrote:
    the sitewrapper didn't work?


    What Gary means is...he wants a generic div wrapper around the main content, not including the header and footer. There is a div that appears, but unforunantely the id changes depending on what page or style you are on. Gary added a div like displayed below..

    [div id="bodyWrapper"]
    [header content]
    [div id="gg_contentContainer"]
    [div id="homepage|category|smugmug|journal|smugmug_small|etc"]
    [footer content]


    David Parry
    SmugMug API Developer
    My Photos
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 30, 2006
    devbobo wrote:

    What Gary means is...he wants a generic div wrapper around the main content, not including the header and footer. There is a div that appears, but unforunantely the id changes depending on what page or style you are on. Gary added a div like displayed below..

    [div id="bodyWrapper"]
    [header content]
    [div id="gg_contentContainer"]
    [div id="homepage|category|smugmug|journal|smugmug_small|etc"]
    [footer content]



    Cool thank you Dev!
  • Mike LaneMike Lane Registered Users Posts: 7,106 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2006
    devbobo wrote:

    What Gary means is...he wants a generic div wrapper around the main content, not including the header and footer. There is a div that appears, but unforunantely the id changes depending on what page or style you are on. Gary added a div like displayed below..

    [div id="bodyWrapper"]
    [header content]
    [div id="gg_contentContainer"]
    [div id="homepage|category|smugmug|journal|smugmug_small|etc"]
    [footer content]


    That'd be good for themx0r0z for sure. It'd make it easier to handle the extra divs in some instances.

    Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2006
  • Gary GlassGary Glass Registered Users Posts: 744 Major grins
    edited November 2, 2006
    2nd that emotion
    Andy wrote:

    I agree. One of the few things that I find frustrating about SM is admin navigation. It takes too many clicks to do something.
    That'd be good for themx0r0z for sure. It'd make it easier to handle the extra divs in some instances.

    FYI, the reason I had to have the content-well wrapper was to implement a 3-column layout with fixed width sides and liquid center, as described here: . I'm sure there are other layout problems that the content wrapper would also be useful for.
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited November 3, 2006
    Something that would be very useful: being able to bulk keyword on the image level across multiple galleries and categories. On that same note, it'd be nice to be able to have certain keywords applied at upload, kinda like pricing and watermarking.
  • mariahmariah Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited November 3, 2006
    Flickr Badge? to promote photos on other sites
    I think it would be nice to have some sort of personalized mini banner or button or such like the Flickr Badge - to put on our blogs or other sites to promote/spread word/entice folks to check out our smugmug. The Flickr badge is a pretty neat feature that draws the eyes... tiny images that start larger then shrink and move to another spot. Hard to explain, so here's an example I grabbed from someone's blog...
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited November 3, 2006
    mariah wrote:
    I think it would be nice to have some sort of personalized mini banner or button or such like the Flickr Badge - to put on our blogs or other sites to promote/spread word/entice folks to check out our smugmug. The Flickr badge is a pretty neat feature that draws the eyes... tiny images that start larger then shrink and move to another spot. Hard to explain, so here's an example I grabbed from someone's blog...

    Hi Mariah wave.gif

    here are some related threads :)

    In the meantime, we'll see about an easier, built-in way! Thx for the suggestion!
  • studiozoestudiozoe Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited November 5, 2006
    greeting cards/postcards?

    A couple of my clients now have been asking if greeting cards, especially holiday postcards would be available to print via the smugmug website. Don't know if it's been mentioned before, but how about offering this through the "gift" prints section?

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited November 5, 2006
    studiozoe wrote:

    A couple of my clients now have been asking if greeting cards, especially holiday postcards would be available to print via the smugmug website. Don't know if it's been mentioned before, but how about offering this through the "gift" prints section?

    wave.gif and welcome. Thanks for the feature request, it's something we're working on. We hope to have some good news about this.
  • MalteMalte Registered Users Posts: 1,181 Major grins
    edited November 8, 2006
    I'd like to be able to customize (not code) the password protected page per gallery. It could be in the create gallery process and also in gallery settings I suppose. I'd like to explain why a gallery is password protected and maybe link to a similar gallery that is not password protected.

  • MalteMalte Registered Users Posts: 1,181 Major grins
    edited November 8, 2006
    I'd like the options "Move to gallery" and "Copy to gallery" under photo tools.

    Today there's "Move photos" which takes you into a special version of the gallery where you highligt one or several photos to move. Belongs under gallery tools, I feel.

    There's also "Make 2nd copy" which will make a indistinguishable copy (unless you have filenames on I guess) which can fool you to move the maybe featured or linked to original.

  • MalteMalte Registered Users Posts: 1,181 Major grins
    edited November 8, 2006
    I'd like a Smugmaps viewing style where a map of a photo's location appears in some way when selected. It could be in a box that replaces some of the thubnails in the Smugmug viewing style. Maybe the map could load behind (in the sam box as) the currently displayed photo, and switch to map either on hover or cklicking a button.

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited November 8, 2006
    Malte wrote:
    I'd like a Smugmaps viewing style where a map of a photo's location appears in some way when selected. It could be in a box that replaces some of the thubnails in the Smugmug viewing style. Maybe the map could load behind (in the sam box as) the currently displayed photo, and switch to map either on hover or cklicking a button.

    Thanks, Malte, for both suggestions!
  • I SimoniusI Simonius Registered Users Posts: 1,034 Major grins
    edited November 8, 2006
    DD custom verbiage (rights managemant) upgrading
    Re: DDs (Digital Downloads) _Pricing and searching
    If SM is serious about providing a serious pro functionality for this then -
    Some very pertinent points raised here:

    Basically the rights 'verbiage' as one poster puts it needs updating for more than the all encompassing personal or commercial scenarios

    Also the ability to search needs upgrading as suggested in the above link

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