Won't Login
I got all the way to the login. The login fails. I am using the same login and password and can login directly. My browser is Firefox. Any Ideas?
Email sent. I am using latest version, no proxy, using SSL as required by apps.
Thank you for the log!
I'll look into it, if not now (I don't have latest source code at work) then at least tonite, when I get home.
I'll notify you as soon as I got any new info on it.
Need a volunteer for tonight
I made SE proxy aware, but I don't currently have a way to test it. I need somebody (1-2 ppl would be plenty) willing to spent some time tonight (6-7 pm Pacific Time, GMT-8) checking if it works. I will upload new version to some place and let the tester know the URL over PM or email, whatever you choose.
Please reply here if you want to play this game:-)
I was using firefox, first time I tried it I didn't have the SSL files in the same folder, installed them into the same folder and bam it worked fine.
Just a suggestion, but why not zip the SSL files with the .exe file?
Very simple reason - those SSL stays the same (at least for now), exe changes frequently. Once you have them - you don't need them anymore. I don't want to waist your (and mine) bandwidth over sending the same files over and over again.
Once SE goes into "production" (later this summer), there will be some kind of installer to take care of those things. For now - please bear with the "manual install annoyances"!
thats an easy one, download and unzip the ssl_dlls.zip
thats an easy one, download and unzip the ssl_dlls.zip and try again, everything should work.
From the smugmug explorer webpage
I decided to bite the bullet and uploaded the new version. Proxy, EXIF - and many other things. See the home page.
Thanks for the new version. I just had some time to look a bit into it.
ITPC+EXIF-display works for me, at least for few pictures I had a look at.
Now that the basics are implemented I would like to see a field in options where I can "build" my own caption and keyword-field based on IPTC, EXIF and filename. In combination with regular expressions (some info: http://regexpstudio.com/ ) or some other kind of filter, that should be individual chooseable for every field in order to filter out unwanted characters e.g. from the filename, this would be the ultimate captioning tool to automate my workflow.
Thanks for the new version. I just had some time to look a bit into it.
ITPC+EXIF-display works for me, at least for few pictures I had a look at.
Now that the basics are implemented I would like to see a field in options where I can "build" my own caption and keyword-field based on IPTC, EXIF and filename. In combination with regular expressions (some info: http://regexpstudio.com/ ) or some other kind of filter, that should be individual chooseable for every field in order to filter out unwanted characters e.g. from the filename, this would be the ultimate captioning tool to automate my workflow.
What do you think?
This "advanced captioning" IS what I was thinking about since I added IPTC/EXIF support.:-)
For now I imagine it in the form of user-formattable string containing "macros" like:
%caption% - existing caption (i.e. before new "formula" is applied)
%filename% - image filename w/o extension - I'm even thinking of having variations like %filename%, %Filename%, %FileName% and %FILENAME%, which would automatically take care of proper word capitalization
%datetime%, %date%, %time% - exif- or file-based timestamp info
%iptc_xxx% and %exif_xxx% - relevant items from meta data
However, as you probably would agree, this whole thing needs to be implemented very carefully, otherwise it would become a "scary feature" nobody except you and me would use:-)
Other than that - I think you ARE reading my mind:-)
As a side comment - there are few other "basics" that I need to take care of first:-). I may come out with a rough preliminary version of advanced captioning some time soon, but the actual fancy solution probably will take place later.
This "advanced captioning" IS what I was thinking about since I added IPTC/EXIF support.:-)
However, as you probably would agree, this whole thing needs to be implemented very carefully, otherwise it would become a "scary feature" nobody except you and me would use:-)
Yeah, I knew it that you've already some ideas on how to realize all that, but I just wanted to let the others know!
Take your time implementing, as you already pointed out this whole thing has to be user friendly.
What about regular expressions? Would be very useful for filenames longer filesnames with various information included, where only a certain part is necessary for captioning. Personally I wouldn't need it that much, but maybe others.
What about regular expressions? Would be very useful for filenames longer filesnames with various information included, where only a certain part is necessary for captioning. Personally I wouldn't need it that much, but maybe others.
Well, here is my take on it.
It's a nice feature. And with TRegExp being ready, free and all, it would be a relatively simple thing to do (thanks for the link, by the way).
However, SE is NOT a generic album management software. This market is already heavily populated by many well-established companies that have been in that business for a long time. I, being a "spare-time-only-one-man-army", would not stand a chance.
SE was originally designed for and continues to pursue a very limited goal - bring more convenience for PC-based smugmug user via adding some windows-specific features that are very hard to achieve for the original web-based (or cross platform) solution. Smugmug is your (online) album management piece, and its recently introduced features (like keywords and timeline) improves its position on that market a lot.
I'm not even talking about a very complex nature of the regular expressions usage from the end-user standpoint. Not so long ago here at dgrin we were having a very heated discussion about adding "fit to media" (aka "best fit", aka "white margins", etc.:-) option to the shopping cart. The primary argument of Onethumb was that majority of SM users would simply not understand what it is, become confused, frustrated and hence disappointed, thus descreasing the CSI and consequently impairing the business.
One simple option! Regular expression usage would be a mammoth compared to an ant. How many would use it? 10? 20? I would say that would be plenty. How many would be scared away by a simple fact that this product provides a feature they cannot possibly comprehend? Hundreds, if not thousands.
Having said all that, I will take a good notice of the regular expressions, as well as the other features you and others suggested here at dgrin and in via email. Shall the time come when it would be natural to add them - I don't have any problems of doing it.
However, at this point in time I still have a lot to cover (trust me, you've only seen the tip of the iceberg:-), so I highly doubt I'll be introducing regular expressions support in "Phase One".
I made SE proxy aware, but I don't currently have a way to test it. ...
For those looking for a proxy enabled version, v0.1.0.58 has it and it works!
No SSL yet. You must disable it (Tools-->Options : SSL Usage - uncheck ALL boxes) to be able to use SE from behind a proxy.
For those looking for a proxy enabled version, v0.1.0.58 has it and it works!
No SSL yet. You must disable it (Tools-->Options : SSL Usage - uncheck ALL boxes) to be able to use SE from behind a proxy.
Thanks Nikolai, keep up the good work!
SSL proxy support is a little separate thing, which was not implemented in this version. Once I'm back from the show, it will be one of the first things on my "to do" list.
My friend in Germany loves SME, Nikolai, but my first time trying it caused it to hang on the first photo upload (I had to alt-ctl-delete and close the "not responding" SmugMug Explorer program). I'm having all sorts of trouble with uploading photos to the SmugMug website this past week, so the problem with SME is probably related. I'm hopeful that you can look at whatever error codes were encountered by SME that caused it to lock up to improve your program and to get me moving again!
I'm running XP home on a fairly new PC. No spyware or viruses on the machine, so as a user - I'm stumped! Let me know what I can do to get debugging info to you!
My friend in Germany loves SME, Nikolai, but my first time trying it caused it to hang on the first photo upload (I had to alt-ctl-delete and close the "not responding" SmugMug Explorer program). I'm having all sorts of trouble with uploading photos to the SmugMug website this past week, so the problem with SME is probably related. I'm hopeful that you can look at whatever error codes were encountered by SME that caused it to lock up to improve your program and to get me moving again!
I'm running XP home on a fairly new PC. No spyware or viruses on the machine, so as a user - I'm stumped! Let me know what I can do to get debugging info to you!
Thanks, and be seeing you,
The Duck
Really sorry about your troubles..:-(
I might need the detailed log.
To to options, enable detailed logging, run SE, and, if errors prevail, send me the log (support@smugmugexplorer.com). You may also take a look at it first and remove all the confidential info you want.
Thank you for trying SE!
I found this out by trial and error. It would be nice for first time readers if some note was added to the effect that "earlier links have been replaced by "home" and "news."
I found this out by trial and error. It would be nice for first time readers if some note was added to the effect that "earlier links have been replaced by "home" and "news."
Next time you update SE, you might also eliminate the link to Arthor's Homepage at www.Sklobovsky.com since it apparantly no longer exists.
Really sorry about your troubles..:-(
I might need the detailed log.
To to options, enable detailed logging, run SE, and, if errors prevail, send me the log (support@smugmugexplorer.com). You may also take a look at it first and remove all the confidential info you want.
Thank you for trying SE!
Thanks for your offer to help, Nikolai! I've rerun SE with the detailed log, and I've emailed the log to you. For the benefit of anyone else reading this thread:
1) kudos to Nikolai for supporting his software!! We all know how rare that is with "real" companies these days - if you like SE - send a contribution!
2) if you suspect you're having a similar problem - my two errors appear to be [font="]Error: Read Timeout (EIdReadTimeout) and [/font][font="]Error: Socket Error # 10022 Invalid argument. (EIdSocketError)
Maximum Upload File Size and/or DPI?
I am in the process of scanning a very large quantity of old 35mm slides using a Nikon Coolscan 5000 film scanner. Since many of these slides are for my parents, I wanted to be able to share them on smugmug for them to view after each "album" is uploaded.
I am scanning each slide at 4000 DPI with the maximum quality set on each .jpg. This means each .jpg file is around 12.5 megs.
I attempted to upload my first batch of these to smugmug using SE and it does not let me add any of the files to my upload queue. Figuring that it had something to do with the size of the individual files, I changed some of my scan settings and was able to add the files when scanned at 500 DPI (289KB file) and 2000 DPI (4,035KB file), but was not able to upload them via SE using 2500 DPI (~6,000KB file) or 3000 DPI (8,315KB file).
This begs the question: is there an individual file size limit for SE?
Next time you update SE, you might also eliminate the link to Arthor's Homepage at www.Sklobovsky.com since it apparantly no longer exists.
Thank you very much for trying SE!
I sincerely apologize for the confusion. Due to a numerous and various reasons (one of them being very unexpected warm and broad welcome of the application:-) I had to change the location of the smugmug explorer several times. Hopefully it stays where it is now for a longer time, since I managed to get both dedicated domain name and a hosting for it.
As I mentioned some time ago, I currentlly cannot make any changes to the software due to the workload at the workplace related to a trade show. SO for now you have to igonre some links in the About dialog, sorry about that..
I guess I need to go through all the pages on the Dgrin and update all the links. I will do that. Not that it would help you (you have already suffered and found your way out), but it will definitely help the others.
Please accept my apologies - and my gratitude for pointing this issue out!
And, by the way - www.sklobovsky.com is working. It may be up and down (freeservers turned out not to be a very reliable place, that's why I moved SE from there in the first place), but most of the times it's up..:-) Just checked it out, it was up and running:-)
I got all the way to the login. The login fails.
Sorry about your troubles..:-(
- Are you using the latest version (www.smugmugexplorer.com)?
- Are you using a proxy?
- Are you using SSL?
If nothing else, make sure you get the latest version, enable all availalbe logging options and email me the log...Thanks!
Thank you for the log!
I'll look into it, if not now (I don't have latest source code at work) then at least tonite, when I get home.
I'll notify you as soon as I got any new info on it.
Got an automated response from earthlink that it's moved to junk suspect.
Check your email plz:-)!
Thanks for a great program
I would really apreciate the info - need to know what to fix or make easier..
My pleasure, thanks for trying it out!
Just a suggestion, but why not zip the SSL files with the .exe file?
I made SE proxy aware, but I don't currently have a way to test it. I need somebody (1-2 ppl would be plenty) willing to spent some time tonight (6-7 pm Pacific Time, GMT-8) checking if it works. I will upload new version to some place and let the tester know the URL over PM or email, whatever you choose.
Please reply here if you want to play this game:-)
Very simple reason - those SSL stays the same (at least for now), exe changes frequently. Once you have them - you don't need them anymore. I don't want to waist your (and mine) bandwidth over sending the same files over and over again.
Once SE goes into "production" (later this summer), there will be some kind of installer to take care of those things. For now - please bear with the "manual install annoyances"!
Thanks again for a quick resolution!
I decided to bite the bullet and uploaded the new version. Proxy, EXIF - and many other things. See the home page.
thats an easy one, download and unzip the ssl_dlls.zip and try again, everything should work.
From the smugmug explorer webpage
Getting there, step by step:-)
"With the little help of my friends":-)
Thanks for the new version. I just had some time to look a bit into it.
ITPC+EXIF-display works for me, at least for few pictures I had a look at.
Now that the basics are implemented I would like to see a field in options where I can "build" my own caption and keyword-field based on IPTC, EXIF and filename. In combination with regular expressions (some info: http://regexpstudio.com/ ) or some other kind of filter, that should be individual chooseable for every field in order to filter out unwanted characters e.g. from the filename, this would be the ultimate captioning tool to automate my workflow.
What do you think?
SmugMug Support Hero
This "advanced captioning" IS what I was thinking about since I added IPTC/EXIF support.:-)
For now I imagine it in the form of user-formattable string containing "macros" like:
- %caption% - existing caption (i.e. before new "formula" is applied)
- %filename% - image filename w/o extension - I'm even thinking of having variations like %filename%, %Filename%, %FileName% and %FILENAME%, which would automatically take care of proper word capitalization
- %datetime%, %date%, %time% - exif- or file-based timestamp info
- %iptc_xxx% and %exif_xxx% - relevant items from meta data
- etc.:-)
However, as you probably would agree, this whole thing needs to be implemented very carefully, otherwise it would become a "scary feature" nobody except you and me would use:-)Other than that - I think you ARE reading my mind:-)
As a side comment - there are few other "basics" that I need to take care of first:-). I may come out with a rough preliminary version of advanced captioning some time soon, but the actual fancy solution probably will take place later.
Thank you very much for your support!
Take your time implementing, as you already pointed out this whole thing has to be user friendly.
What about regular expressions? Would be very useful for filenames longer filesnames with various information included, where only a certain part is necessary for captioning. Personally I wouldn't need it that much, but maybe others.
SmugMug Support Hero
Well, here is my take on it.
It's a nice feature. And with TRegExp being ready, free and all, it would be a relatively simple thing to do (thanks for the link, by the way).
However, SE is NOT a generic album management software. This market is already heavily populated by many well-established companies that have been in that business for a long time. I, being a "spare-time-only-one-man-army", would not stand a chance.
SE was originally designed for and continues to pursue a very limited goal - bring more convenience for PC-based smugmug user via adding some windows-specific features that are very hard to achieve for the original web-based (or cross platform) solution.
Smugmug is your (online) album management piece, and its recently introduced features (like keywords and timeline) improves its position on that market a lot.
I'm not even talking about a very complex nature of the regular expressions usage from the end-user standpoint. Not so long ago here at dgrin we were having a very heated discussion about adding "fit to media" (aka "best fit", aka "white margins", etc.:-) option to the shopping cart. The primary argument of Onethumb was that majority of SM users would simply not understand what it is, become confused, frustrated and hence disappointed, thus descreasing the CSI and consequently impairing the business.
One simple option! Regular expression usage would be a mammoth compared to an ant. How many would use it? 10? 20? I would say that would be plenty. How many would be scared away by a simple fact that this product provides a feature they cannot possibly comprehend? Hundreds, if not thousands.
Having said all that, I will take a good notice of the regular expressions, as well as the other features you and others suggested here at dgrin and in via email. Shall the time come when it would be natural to add them - I don't have any problems of doing it.
However, at this point in time I still have a lot to cover (trust me, you've only seen the tip of the iceberg:-), so I highly doubt I'll be introducing regular expressions support in "Phase One".
Hope you understand my point!
For those looking for a proxy enabled version, v0.1.0.58 has it and it works!
No SSL yet. You must disable it (Tools-->Options : SSL Usage - uncheck ALL boxes) to be able to use SE from behind a proxy.
Thanks Nikolai, keep up the good work!
SSL proxy support is a little separate thing, which was not implemented in this version. Once I'm back from the show, it will be one of the first things on my "to do" list.
Good product - very useful. I just paypal'd you some cash. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for using SE - and for supporting it! Your name's been added to SE's little (but growing:-) "Hall of Fame":-)
I'm running XP home on a fairly new PC. No spyware or viruses on the machine, so as a user - I'm stumped! Let me know what I can do to get debugging info to you!
Thanks, and be seeing you,
The Duck
Really sorry about your troubles..:-(
I might need the detailed log.
To to options, enable detailed logging, run SE, and, if errors prevail, send me the log (support@smugmugexplorer.com). You may also take a look at it first and remove all the confidential info you want.
Thank you for trying SE!
The links do not work (January 23, 2005)
I have now read all 15 pages of this thread and found that the links on the beginning pages were replaced with the new ones: http://www.smugmugexplorer.com/
which are linked on each note as "home" and "news"
I found this out by trial and error. It would be nice for first time readers if some note was added to the effect that "earlier links have been replaced by "home" and "news."
1) kudos to Nikolai for supporting his software!! We all know how rare that is with "real" companies these days - if you like SE - send a contribution!
2) if you suspect you're having a similar problem - my two errors appear to be [font="]Error: Read Timeout (EIdReadTimeout) and [/font][font="]Error: Socket Error # 10022 Invalid argument. (EIdSocketError)
Be seeing you,
The Duck
I am in the process of scanning a very large quantity of old 35mm slides using a Nikon Coolscan 5000 film scanner. Since many of these slides are for my parents, I wanted to be able to share them on smugmug for them to view after each "album" is uploaded.
I am scanning each slide at 4000 DPI with the maximum quality set on each .jpg. This means each .jpg file is around 12.5 megs.
I attempted to upload my first batch of these to smugmug using SE and it does not let me add any of the files to my upload queue. Figuring that it had something to do with the size of the individual files, I changed some of my scan settings and was able to add the files when scanned at 500 DPI (289KB file) and 2000 DPI (4,035KB file), but was not able to upload them via SE using 2500 DPI (~6,000KB file) or 3000 DPI (8,315KB file).
This begs the question: is there an individual file size limit for SE?
Thanks for your help and your great software!
Aaron Christy
Thank you very much for trying SE!
I sincerely apologize for the confusion. Due to a numerous and various reasons (one of them being very unexpected warm and broad welcome of the application:-) I had to change the location of the smugmug explorer several times. Hopefully it stays where it is now for a longer time, since I managed to get both dedicated domain name and a hosting for it.
As I mentioned some time ago, I currentlly cannot make any changes to the software due to the workload at the workplace related to a trade show. SO for now you have to igonre some links in the About dialog, sorry about that..
I guess I need to go through all the pages on the Dgrin and update all the links. I will do that. Not that it would help you (you have already suffered and found your way out), but it will definitely help the others.
Please accept my apologies - and my gratitude for pointing this issue out!
And, by the way - www.sklobovsky.com is working. It may be up and down (freeservers turned out not to be a very reliable place, that's why I moved SE from there in the first place), but most of the times it's up..:-) Just checked it out, it was up and running:-)
Thank you for your time and patience!