With the mouse cursor in locations 1 and 2 (on the green bar), the 2nd-level popup is up. With the mouse cursor in location in location 3, the 2nd-level popup goes away. If your mouse starts anywhere but all the way right, you have to go through location 3 to get to the pop-up and that means the pop-up has to go away before it can come back again so you can put the mouse into it. Not a disaster, but pretty disconcerting and certainly not how anyone would want it to work.
FYI, I only see the problem in IE, not in Firefox.
Hey, nice catch - I see it in IE7. I've made sure JT saw this. Thanks again!
Despite all the debate about this new feature, the thing I'm most excited about with this new gallery picker is being able to have this new gallery picker UI other places in the UI:
Move photos UI (replace the flat list gallery picker at the top of the window)
Move photos expoert (replace the flat list gallery picker by each photo with the new hiearchical gallery picker menu)
Statistics page so I can just pick a gallery or category to see only the statistics for that set of galleries
Set pricing from another gallery
So, please put in a word with JT to use this new gallery picker UI in some of these other places. As I've mentioned before in previous feature requests, I have many galleries that are in different sub-categories that don't have unique names (usually sports player's first names) and the flat list gallery picker makes it impossible for me to tell which gallery is which. Likewise, with >200 galleries, the flat list gets pretty cumbersome to find anything in.
Well, Okay but YOU have to answer 1/2 of my hate mail
Yeah, that one has gotten a bit out of control, hasn't it? All UI change elicits a reaction from some users just because it's different. I suspect the volume of passion on this topic would have been a lot, lot lower if it didn't have serious bugs when first released and if the site, in general, wasn't having performance issues. Folks seemed to have combined all those issues into a wrath about this one change when, in reality, most of what's going on has nothing to do with this particular change.
The only real negative I see in the new implementation is that the Create Gallery option is a bit less discoverable for newbies because it's now nested in the "Add Photos" menu rather than having it's own button. I'm perfectly fine with occasionally adding one more click for new photos in exchange for the ability to quickly add them to any gallery. But, then I usually use StarExplorer for uploads anyway so I most just use this UI for create gallery.
Now, if you can take this category/gallery picker and use it in other places in the UI to replace flat lists with hundreds of galleries, many without unique gallery names, I will see a real improvement in usability.
Problem Moving pic from Email to Other Gallery
Sent pic to my account via email, it arrived in (new) Email gallery fine.
Used Move tool to move it from Email to another gallery. Pic disappeared from Email gallery (good ) but didn't show up in destination gallery (bad :cry ).
Refreshed, moved about through other galleries, logged out and back in, still no pic in destination gallery.
Repeated Email upload and move operation one more time. NOW, the pic shows up TWICE in the destination gallery. The first one "magically" revealed itself after I brought in the second.
Also had problems deleting these Emailed-and-moved pics. They wouldn't delete on first or second try. Finally gone on third try.
Featured Gallery Issue
I just went to mess with my featured galleries and noticed that the issue i posted in http://dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=34795 is still an issue. I figured I'd bring it up again to make sure it made it into the bug reporting system.
Where to report bugs with the Slideshow?
Since it's a hack and not 'officially' supported, where is the best place to discuss bugs and fixes for this great application?
I just went to mess with my featured galleries and noticed that the issue i posted in http://dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=34795 is still an issue. I figured I'd bring it up again to make sure it made it into the bug reporting system.
Yeah, that one has gotten a bit out of control, hasn't it? All UI change elicits a reaction from some users just because it's different. I suspect the volume of passion on this topic would have been a lot, lot lower if it didn't have serious bugs when first released and if the site, in general, wasn't having performance issues. Folks seemed to have combined all those issues into a wrath about this one change when, in reality, most of what's going on has nothing to do with this particular change.
The only real negative I see in the new implementation is that the Create Gallery option is a bit less discoverable for newbies because it's now nested in the "Add Photos" menu rather than having it's own button. I'm perfectly fine with occasionally adding one more click for new photos in exchange for the ability to quickly add them to any gallery. But, then I usually use StarExplorer for uploads anyway so I most just use this UI for create gallery.
Now, if you can take this category/gallery picker and use it in other places in the UI to replace flat lists with hundreds of galleries, many without unique gallery names, I will see a real improvement in usability.
Hi John - along with some other changes (updated guarantee page, SmugDav, and more), we've made a new "loading" floatie (which will help IE users and those with slow connections) and also took care of that same gallery name thing
Hi John - along with some other changes (updated guarantee page, SmugDav, and more), we've made a new "loading" floatie (which will help IE users and those with slow connections) and also took care of that same gallery name thing
Sounds cool. Is there any summary of what changed?
I'm sure you already know this, but the way Smugmug works, if you customize your site, you have to make sure to keep those customizations up to date whenever things change on Smugmug.
But, there does not appear to be any good way to know what changed or when. Release notes sometimes come out weeks after-the-fact. There are still no release notes for the changes from last week. Given the amount of passion you've seen from people who have customized their site when Smugmug changes affect them, this seems like something Smugmug could really do better than they are.
One simple suggestion would be to start a thread in the customizations forum, tell anyone who wants to keep up to date on what is changing in the site that might have any effect on customizations to subscribe to that thread and then dump a short bulletted list of changes in that thread on the night of the change?
We do this for big changes, John. We're not doing it for minor changes to help pages.
I wasn't talking about help page changes at all.
I have no idea what changed last night because there's been no communication other than the fact that there was a maintenance window which usually means changes are happening. How would I know what did or didn't change?
The Add Photos thing changed last week and then got tweaked again last night. No communication about either in a standard place.
Are we supposed to assume that if release notes aren't issued, then nothing of any consequence changed? That has not consistently been true. When SmugIslands were released, nothing appeared in release notes (and still hasn't).
I'm just wondering why you don't have a standard way of communicating site changes/feature changes with your customers and consistently use it. I'm fine with making it an opt-in thing so you aren't accused of spamming.
I have no idea what changed last night because there's been no communication other than the fact that there was a maintenance window which usually means changes are happening. How would I know what did or didn't change?
The Add Photos thing changed last week and then got tweaked again last night. No communication about either in a standard place.
Are we supposed to assume that if release notes aren't issued, then nothing of any consequence changed? That has not consistently been true. When SmugIslands were released, nothing appeared in release notes (and still hasn't).
I'm just wondering why you don't have a standard way of communicating site changes/feature changes with your customers and consistently use it. I'm fine with making it an opt-in thing so you aren't accused of spamming.
They are not updated presently, and I don't have a good reason for you why they aren't. I mean, I know they aren't updated, but I cannot update them. They will be updated. And normally, they are updated after each release.
I stayed up after 2am my time last night to respond to your posts, and to let you know that requests you made re: the Add Photos button were implemented That's the best notification I can give you
Other than that, and the SmugDav stuff (posted by Devbobo in the hacks forum as well at 2am ET last night), there was nothing of consequence, nothing earth shattering - a bug fix regarding links on search results pages (that I found and reported, it's not in the bug thread), and a bunch of internal guts-of-the-system stuff that Don will describe if he chooses to, in the release notes blog.
We're 23 doing the work of a hundred, we do as best we can
They are not updated presently, and I don't have a good reason for you why they aren't. I mean, I know they aren't updated, but I cannot update them. They will be updated. And normally, they are updated after each release.
I stayed up after 2am my time last night to respond to your posts, and to let you know that requests you made re: the Add Photos button were implemented That's the best notification I can give you
Other than that, and the SmugDav stuff (posted by Devbobo in the hacks forum as well at 2am ET last night), there was nothing of consequence, nothing earth shattering - a bug fix regarding links on search results pages (that I found and reported, it's not in the bug thread), and a bunch of internal guts-of-the-system stuff that Don will describe if he chooses to, in the release notes blog.
We're 23 doing the work of a hundred, we do as best we can
I hope this helps!
I am subscribed to the release notes feed - have been for a long time. As a mechanism, it isn't working - perhaps just because it isn't getting updated. If you actually know what changed from a feature standpoint, then a dgrin thread to communicate that would be in your control. Lots of potential ways to solve the problem, I guess.
Put yourself in our shoes for a moment. When there's a long maintenance window, sometimes there are significant feature or UI changes and sometimes not. Occassionally (though unreliably), the release notes tell us what happened, but usually they don't. Last night a long maintenance window happens. I notice some UI changes (a time in the add photos interface) so I wonder what else happened. Nothing in the release notes. I don't see any postings in dgrin summarizing what's new other than something about identically named galleries, but I don't even understand what changed in that regard.
BTW, can you help me understand how things are fixed for people with galleries that have identical names? I checked the usual place where I have that problem (Move Photos) and it's still the same as always - flat list of just gallery names. I could be missing something, but I haven't seen how it's improved in this regard yet.
EDIT: It's probably not helpful for us to continue to debate this. All I was looking for was a: "Yes, we could do better at this - I'll think about how we can improve." It's your decision on whether anything changes going forward.
EDIT: It's probably not helpful for us to continue to debate this. All I was looking for was a: "Yes, we could do better at this - I'll think about how we can improve." It's your decision on whether anything changes going forward.
I'm sorry the release notes are not updated - I'm doing everything in my power to change that.
Can we do better? You bet we can. And I think we demonstrate that we try to, all the time. I'm sorry that we're falling short in this department right now.
BTW, can you help me understand how things are fixed for people with galleries that have identical names? I checked the usual place where I have that problem (Move Photos) and it's still the same as always - flat list of just gallery names. I could be missing something, but I haven't seen how it's improved in this regard yet.
I'm sorry for the misunderstanding - I mentioned that it was in the Add Photos Tool. I've also said that {JT} will be looking to use this new tool in other areas of the site. Look for it in the future, thanks
Put yourself in our shoes for a moment. When there's a long maintenance window, sometimes there are significant feature or UI changes and sometimes not. Occassionally (though unreliably), the release notes tell us what happened, but usually they don't. Last night a long maintenance window happens. I notice some UI changes (a time in the add photos interface) so I wonder what else happened.
John, we really try hard to please, and be responsive to customers. As I said, after the release push I stayed up to inform you and several others of changes that had been asked for. The release notes aren't updated, I'm sorry. They will be. I am sorry that we fell short in communications today. We'll do better next time.
If you have a lots of galleries, and you hover on the add photos menu (like from your homepage or category page) there will be a 'console' error - the page will load, and you can use the add photos button, but the error is there.
...my homepage's gone AWOL too.........
was there this a.m., uploaded pics to a new gallery even, but now my homepage url resolves to the attached screenshot, only.
Is it me or.............smugmug? linky below to site in question, whilst attached is what I actually get on screen..........
Try clearing your cache, I just checked your site in all browsers we support... looking fine! http://www.smugmug.com/help/cookies has instructions on how to clear cache.
FYI, I only see the problem in IE, not in Firefox.
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IE version 7.0.5730.11.
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Despite all the debate about this new feature, the thing I'm most excited about with this new gallery picker is being able to have this new gallery picker UI other places in the UI:
- Move photos UI (replace the flat list gallery picker at the top of the window)
- Move photos expoert (replace the flat list gallery picker by each photo with the new hiearchical gallery picker menu)
- Statistics page so I can just pick a gallery or category to see only the statistics for that set of galleries
- Set pricing from another gallery
So, please put in a word with JT to use this new gallery picker UI in some of these other places. As I've mentioned before in previous feature requests, I have many galleries that are in different sub-categories that don't have unique names (usually sports player's first names) and the flat list gallery picker makes it impossible for me to tell which gallery is which. Likewise, with >200 galleries, the flat list gets pretty cumbersome to find anything in.Homepage • Popular
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The only real negative I see in the new implementation is that the Create Gallery option is a bit less discoverable for newbies because it's now nested in the "Add Photos" menu rather than having it's own button. I'm perfectly fine with occasionally adding one more click for new photos in exchange for the ability to quickly add them to any gallery. But, then I usually use StarExplorer for uploads anyway so I most just use this UI for create gallery.
Now, if you can take this category/gallery picker and use it in other places in the UI to replace flat lists with hundreds of galleries, many without unique gallery names, I will see a real improvement in usability.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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#pickAGalleryMenu {z-index:999 !important;}
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Sent pic to my account via email, it arrived in (new) Email gallery fine.
Used Move tool to move it from Email to another gallery. Pic disappeared from Email gallery (good
Refreshed, moved about through other galleries, logged out and back in, still no pic in destination gallery.
Repeated Email upload and move operation one more time. NOW, the pic shows up TWICE in the destination gallery. The first one "magically" revealed itself after I brought in the second.
Also had problems deleting these Emailed-and-moved pics. They wouldn't delete on first or second try. Finally gone on third try.
I just went to mess with my featured galleries and noticed that the issue i posted in http://dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=34795 is still an issue. I figured I'd bring it up again to make sure it made it into the bug reporting system.
Since it's a hack and not 'officially' supported, where is the best place to discuss bugs and fixes for this great application?
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Sounds cool. Is there any summary of what changed?
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But, there does not appear to be any good way to know what changed or when. Release notes sometimes come out weeks after-the-fact. There are still no release notes for the changes from last week. Given the amount of passion you've seen from people who have customized their site when Smugmug changes affect them, this seems like something Smugmug could really do better than they are.
One simple suggestion would be to start a thread in the customizations forum, tell anyone who wants to keep up to date on what is changing in the site that might have any effect on customizations to subscribe to that thread and then dump a short bulletted list of changes in that thread on the night of the change?
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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We do this for big changes, John. We're not doing it for minor changes to help pages.
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I have no idea what changed last night because there's been no communication other than the fact that there was a maintenance window which usually means changes are happening. How would I know what did or didn't change?
The Add Photos thing changed last week and then got tweaked again last night. No communication about either in a standard place.
Are we supposed to assume that if release notes aren't issued, then nothing of any consequence changed? That has not consistently been true. When SmugIslands were released, nothing appeared in release notes (and still hasn't).
I'm just wondering why you don't have a standard way of communicating site changes/feature changes with your customers and consistently use it. I'm fine with making it an opt-in thing so you aren't accused of spamming.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
They are not updated presently, and I don't have a good reason for you why they aren't. I mean, I know they aren't updated, but I cannot update them. They will be updated. And normally, they are updated after each release.
I stayed up after 2am my time last night to respond to your posts, and to let you know that requests you made re: the Add Photos button were implemented
Other than that, and the SmugDav stuff (posted by Devbobo in the hacks forum as well at 2am ET last night), there was nothing of consequence, nothing earth shattering - a bug fix regarding links on search results pages (that I found and reported, it's not in the bug thread), and a bunch of internal guts-of-the-system stuff that Don will describe if he chooses to, in the release notes blog.
We're 23 doing the work of a hundred, we do as best we can
I hope this helps!
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Put yourself in our shoes for a moment. When there's a long maintenance window, sometimes there are significant feature or UI changes and sometimes not. Occassionally (though unreliably), the release notes tell us what happened, but usually they don't. Last night a long maintenance window happens. I notice some UI changes (a time in the add photos interface) so I wonder what else happened. Nothing in the release notes. I don't see any postings in dgrin summarizing what's new other than something about identically named galleries, but I don't even understand what changed in that regard.
BTW, can you help me understand how things are fixed for people with galleries that have identical names? I checked the usual place where I have that problem (Move Photos) and it's still the same as always - flat list of just gallery names. I could be missing something, but I haven't seen how it's improved in this regard yet.
EDIT: It's probably not helpful for us to continue to debate this. All I was looking for was a: "Yes, we could do better at this - I'll think about how we can improve." It's your decision on whether anything changes going forward.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Can we do better? You bet we can. And I think we demonstrate that we try to, all the time. I'm sorry that we're falling short in this department right now.
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I'm sorry for the misunderstanding - I mentioned that it was in the Add Photos Tool. I've also said that {JT} will be looking to use this new tool in other areas of the site. Look for it in the future, thanks
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John, we really try hard to please, and be responsive to customers. As I said, after the release push I stayed up to inform you and several others of changes that had been asked for. The release notes aren't updated, I'm sorry. They will be. I am sorry that we fell short in communications today. We'll do better next time.
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If you have a lots of galleries, and you hover on the add photos menu (like from your homepage or category page) there will be a 'console' error - the page will load, and you can use the add photos button, but the error is there.
We're fixing it now.
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was there this a.m., uploaded pics to a new gallery even, but now my homepage url resolves to the attached screenshot, only.
Is it me or.............smugmug? linky below to site in question, whilst attached is what I actually get on screen..........
btw, typing direct to one of the galeries seems to work, just not the Home Page....
or http://galwaytt.smugmug.com/The%20Big%20Dig
TIA, as they say.......
http://www.smugmug.com/help/cookies has instructions on how to clear cache.
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