SmugMug Bug Reporting



  • SeymoreSeymore Banned Posts: 1,539 Major grins
    edited November 12, 2007
    I've also had the same experience John. I agree that this is a bug that SM should be aware of.

    Thanks for bringing it to the surface... thumb.gif
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited November 12, 2007
    jfriend wrote:
    Smugmug has been annoying me occasionally because of one simple behavior. I click the checkbox for rearrange galleries. I move a few photos around (usually putting a different one in the first position). Everything looks like it worked. I go away. I come back. None of the new arrangement is showing. It's as if everything I did was just thrown away.

    Now, after doing this many times, I happen to know that if I go to customize gallery and manually change the sort order to "position", some of the manual sort order will come back.

    But, this is really annoying. When I manually rearrange images with the "arrange mode" checkbox ON, what else could I possibly want to do but to change the gallery presentation order to what I'm dragging/dropping. Smugmug should just change the sort order to "position" automatically whenever I drag/drop something. There is no other possible meaning of dragging images into a new position. It should DWIM (do what I mean), rather than making me think that it's ignoring all my changes and then making me manually change some configuration setting in order to get it to DWIM.

    Other possible behaviors that are better than what it does now, but not as good as just doing it are:
    • Disable the "arrange mode" checkbox if not in "position" sort.
    • Give you an informative error message if you check the "arrange mode" checkbox and you are not in "position" sort.
    • Give you an informative error message after you drag/drop some images telling you that the new order won't take place until you change the sort order to "position" sort.
    Since all of these is far less than ideal, hopefully you can begin to see that you ought to just change the sort to "position" automatically.

    Is this a huge deal? No. Is it one of those fine polish things that either leaves you in an enjoyable mood after interacting with Smugmug or a frustrated mood? Yes.

    Now, before somebody says this isn't a bug, I'm not going to argue the technical definition of a bug. In the customer's eyes a bug is any behavior that doesn't work the way they thought it would and should.
    Not gonna argue with you, it makes sense. I have no clue if it's possible to do this to the tool or not.

    Thanks for taking the time to detail it precisely, John thumb.gif
  • TrueBobTrueBob Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
    edited November 17, 2007
    Stats Summary - Mismatch Orig vs XL counts?
    Hi Andy,

    I tried to use the bug reporting tool link in the first message in this thread. I even filled in the 'mandatory' choices or priority and who it was assigned to <g> but only ended up with an 'XFC' error page, so....

    Since the X2 & X3 sizes were added it appears that there may be a slight disconnect between the stats summary page for counts of 'Orig' vs 'XL' size.

    In the 'Total for all Galleries' my stats last night showed no 'Orig' bar graph and count in the mouseover, but it did show 277 'XL' sized items.

    In looking through the mouseover totals for each of the galleries none of the individual galleries listed any 'XL' size column in the graph, but the total of all 'Orig' sized items was exactly 277. :)

    Bob Buckland ?:-)
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited November 17, 2007
    TrueBob wrote:
    Hi Andy,

    I tried to use the bug reporting tool link in the first message in this thread. I even filled in the 'mandatory' choices or priority and who it was assigned to <g> but only ended up with an 'XFC' error page, so....

    Since the X2 & X3 sizes were added it appears that there may be a slight disconnect between the stats summary page for counts of 'Orig' vs 'XL' size.

    In the 'Total for all Galleries' my stats last night showed no 'Orig' bar graph and count in the mouseover, but it did show 277 'XL' sized items.

    In looking through the mouseover totals for each of the galleries none of the individual galleries listed any 'XL' size column in the graph, but the total of all 'Orig' sized items was exactly 277. :)

    Bob Buckland ?:-)
    Hi Bob, ignore the bug reporter on the wiki, we're going to decommission it I think. Reporting here will be just fine.

    Can you give let me know what gallery is giving you a hard time? <img src="; border="0" alt="" >
  • TrueBobTrueBob Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
    edited November 17, 2007
    Stats Summary - Mismatch Orig vs XL counts?
    ivar wrote:
    Hi Bob,Can you give let me know what gallery is giving you a hard time? ear.gif

    Hi Ivar, it wasn't an individual gallery, but the 'Total for all galleries'. The 'Orig' size legend doesnt appear on its bar graph and in the Mouseover of that totals bar graph the 'Orig' size is blank. In it's place is the XL size but the count is that of 'Orig' (there aren't any XL size items shown in stats for any of my galleries.

    Bob ?:-)
  • ghammaghamma Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited November 22, 2007
    New Control Panel Stats - merged
    I noticed that the Stats under the Control Panel have changed. Specifically, while the new download sizes correctly summarize the total downloads/viewings for the month, the Original entry now has no number next to it. This correctly summarized the original size downloads in the previous version.

    -George Hamma
  • ghammaghamma Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited November 23, 2007
    TrueBob wrote:
    Hi Ivar, it wasn't an individual gallery, but the 'Total for all galleries'. The 'Orig' size legend doesnt appear on its bar graph and in the Mouseover of that totals bar graph the 'Orig' size is blank. In it's place is the XL size but the count is that of 'Orig' (there aren't any XL size items shown in stats for any of my galleries.

    Bob ?:-)

    I have the same experience - the total for Orig size has disappeared with the addition of the new sizes in the gallery Stat summary.

    -George Hamma
  • nwgeogirlnwgeogirl Registered Users Posts: 16 Big grins
    edited November 24, 2007
    Stats not working properly (again)
    I know you've been trying to fix stats for some time now - and it would appear to me that it's working better than it has been for some time, however I noticed something tonight that I think needs fixing...

    Stats are not reflecting 'unique' views. Normally, when stats are working properly, no matter how many times I view my gallery from the same computer, it registers as only one view on the stats. That's good - that's how it should be.

    However, now, I can go back in and click through my entire gallery, and it's now adding every single view to the tally and bar graph. If I go through my gallery 5 times, clicking on each photo, it shows up in stats on both the bar graph and the individual stats as 5 'unique' views - even though it was all just little ol' me.

    Just thought you'd like a heads up... I am a big stats user and appreciate you taking the time to make these work properly.

    - Janna :)
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited November 25, 2007
    TrueBob wrote:
    Hi Ivar, it wasn't an individual gallery, but the 'Total for all galleries'. The 'Orig' size legend doesnt appear on its bar graph and in the Mouseover of that totals bar graph the 'Orig' size is blank. In it's place is the XL size but the count is that of 'Orig' (there aren't any XL size items shown in stats for any of my galleries.

    Bob ?:-)
    ghamma wrote:
    I have the same experience - the total for Orig size has disappeared with the addition of the new sizes in the gallery Stat summary.

    -George Hamma

    Hey guys, something is going on, all right. I've bugged it internally. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited November 25, 2007
    nwgeogirl wrote:
    I know you've been trying to fix stats for some time now - and it would appear to me that it's working better than it has been for some time, however I noticed something tonight that I think needs fixing...

    Stats are not reflecting 'unique' views. Normally, when stats are working properly, no matter how many times I view my gallery from the same computer, it registers as only one view on the stats. That's good - that's how it should be.

    However, now, I can go back in and click through my entire gallery, and it's now adding every single view to the tally and bar graph. If I go through my gallery 5 times, clicking on each photo, it shows up in stats on both the bar graph and the individual stats as 5 'unique' views - even though it was all just little ol' me.

    Just thought you'd like a heads up... I am a big stats user and appreciate you taking the time to make these work properly.

    - Janna :)
    I can not replicate this, I'm sorry. Make sure that your are using the same computer/browser all the time, and that your browser is caching correctly. Let me know if you are still seeing this, please.
  • Erick LErick L Registered Users Posts: 355 Major grins
    edited December 4, 2007
    In Firefox in Smugmug view, the large image on the right is not centered. It sticks to the left side. I don't know if it's a bug or not because it is centered in Explorer, which looks much better.

    For exemple:

    The vertical image sticks to the left side in Firefox.
  • W.W. WebsterW.W. Webster Registered Users Posts: 3,204 Major grins
    edited December 4, 2007
    Erick L wrote:
    In Firefox in Smugmug view, the large image on the right is not centered. It sticks to the left side. I don't know if it's a bug or not because it is centered in Explorer, which looks much better.
    It should be left justified, I believe, to be consistent with the positioning of landscape-aspect images, and with the caption below.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 4, 2007
    Erick L wrote:
    In Firefox in Smugmug view, the large image on the right is not centered. It sticks to the left side. I don't know if it's a bug or not because it is centered in Explorer, which looks much better.

    For exemple:

    The vertical image sticks to the left side in Firefox.
    Depends on your customizing and theme you are using. Post in customizing forum, it can be centered in all browsers :)
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited December 4, 2007
    Odd stretchy resize bug for big screens
    I encountered a weird window resize behavior in the stretchy galleries. Normally as you widen your window, you get more and more thumbs. At a particular point, you get bigger thumbs. Then, when I go a little larger, I lose a column of thumbs when there's plenty of room still.

    You need a large screen to reproduce this.

    On a large screen go to this gallery (which is where I saw the problem, but isn't my gallery) and size your window where the thumbs go from 4 across, 2 down at 67x100 with the XL size main image. Then make the window a little larger until you get the larger thumbs 100x150 at 3 across, 3 down. Then make it a little larger until you get 4 across, 2 down thumbs, still XL image. Then slowly make it a bit larger. At some point, the thumbs will go back to 3 across, 3 down, though still 100x150 which is where the bug is. This point, I made the window larger than it was a second ago and now it's displaying fewer thumbs. The main image stays at XL, probably because that is the maximum display size allowed.

    If I were to guess, I'd say that the resize code just decided to make room for the XL2 image size so it went to fewer thumbs, but since the XL2 image size is not allowed in this gallery, it just reduced the number of thumbs for no good reason. It seems that the resize code doesn't know about the max image size allowed. I tried this on a gallery that is limited to L and the problem did not occur. Only when it's limited to XL. Reproducible on my own galleries too.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • MyNameIsNeoMyNameIsNeo Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins
    edited December 5, 2007
    Unable to Browse Popular Cars
    First, I go to Smugmug's homepage and click on "Popular Photos". Next, I select "cars" from the "Browse Categories". Very near the top of the page on the left is the heading "browse > popular Cars photos" and to the right is a link that reads "see all!". When I click on "see all!", my browser begins loading page with the URL

    and whose heading is "browse Smugmug > popular photos > Cars > all-time . what's this?". However, just below that heading is another heading that reads "Page 1 of 0 Next > >>". The page just hangs with the "downloading" wheel turning in the upper left hand corner of the page.

    I'm running WinXP SP2 and IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_qfe.070227-2300.

    P.S. I should have added that I can view other categories like "airplanes" and "animals" with no problem.
    Agent Smith: Goodbye, Mr. Anderson.
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  • dac1117dac1117 Registered Users Posts: 123 Major grins
    edited December 7, 2007
    create a card - photo too small
    Andy wrote:
    Did you find a bug? Ooops, tell us all about it!

    I get the message 'sorry, the photo is too small for this card' for all of the photos on my site. I am a pro user with custom domain (changed to My site is thx!
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2007
    dac1117 wrote:
    Hi, so then the photo is too small thumb.gif the photo must be 2400x1200 px resolution (some designs allow slightly smaller), in order to produce an amazingly high quality card.

    You must upload a larger version of your photo, that's all thumb.gif
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2007
    First, I go to Smugmug's homepage and click on "Popular Photos". Next, I select "cars" from the "Browse Categories". Very near the top of the page on the left is the heading "browse > popular Cars photos" and to the right is a link that reads "see all!". When I click on "see all!", my browser begins loading page with the URL

    and whose heading is "browse Smugmug > popular photos > Cars > all-time . what's this?". However, just below that heading is another heading that reads "Page 1 of 0 Next > >>". The page just hangs with the "downloading" wheel turning in the upper left hand corner of the page.

    I'm running WinXP SP2 and IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_qfe.070227-2300.

    P.S. I should have added that I can view other categories like "airplanes" and "animals" with no problem.
    I can't reproduce this - can you try clearing your temp files, closing and reopening your browser, then trying again"?
  • eoren1eoren1 Registered Users Posts: 2,391 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2007
    Date updated bug
    It seems that for private galleries, the top level gallery only shows the update date/time of the first sub-gallery.
    Specifically, see here:
    Under People, I have galleries for my son Asher and daughter Leila. I always re-arrange Asher's galleries so the most recent one (december 2007) is at the top. With that, the top level People gallery shows the correct update time/date. Leila only has three galleries so I haven't bothered to rearrange them with most recent first. Under the people gallery, her last update time/date still shows October despite changes made to two of the three galleries today.
    Hope that makes sense.
  • ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2007
    eoren1 wrote:
    It seems that for private galleries, the top level gallery only shows the update date/time of the first sub-gallery.
    Specifically, see here:
    Under People, I have galleries for my son Asher and daughter Leila. I always re-arrange Asher's galleries so the most recent one (december 2007) is at the top. With that, the top level People gallery shows the correct update time/date. Leila only has three galleries so I haven't bothered to rearrange them with most recent first. Under the people gallery, her last update time/date still shows October despite changes made to two of the three galleries today.
    Hope that makes sense.
    This is not only the case for private galleries, but in fact for all galleries/(sub)categories. We are aware of this, and it is to be fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • RuntscalRuntscal Registered Users Posts: 122 Major grins
    edited December 10, 2007
    SmugIslands seach not updating - Keep getting logged off
    Hi There!

    Couple of issues. Have searched forum posts concerning log off issue & did the following:

    made sure cookies were enabled
    listed smugmug as secure site
    logged off & back on
    shut down computer & tried again

    Seems to mainly occur when accessing control panel and everytime I attempt to access the change buttom for SmugIslands.

    I did make a change a couple of days ago to SmugIslands settings -- changed to Google: homepage only (understand that takes longer to begin working - still not working) -- changed smuggers to Yes (still not able to be found via smugmug searches).

    Just tried again --- logged me off.

    Thanks, Monica
  • aj986saj986s Registered Users Posts: 1,100 Major grins
    edited December 12, 2007
    I've run into a strange problem today. I find I cannot upload any pics larger than 100KB or so to smugmug. The upload stalls part way through, and nothing happens. Smaller pics uploaded fine. I've even tried using different uploaders, and the results are the same. In my upload log, it says something about filesizes not being correct, but I don't think it even includes all my upload tries. I was able to upload pictures to other websites, so I don't think its on my end.

    Anyone else experiencing the same problem? I uploaded several hundred pictures yesterday. But today I'm trying to upload only 1.

    Help! :(:

    UPDATE: Not sure what the problem was, but it seems to be working now.

    Andy: FYI - I did email the helpdesk too. The conclusion was a bad traffic day.
    Tony P.
    Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
    Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
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  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 13, 2007
    aj986s wrote:
    I've run into a strange problem today. I find I cannot upload any pics larger than 100KB or so to smugmug. The upload stalls part way through, and nothing happens. Smaller pics uploaded fine. I've even tried using different uploaders, and the results are the same. In my upload log, it says something about filesizes not being correct, but I don't think it even includes all my upload tries. I was able to upload pictures to other websites, so I don't think its on my end.

    Anyone else experiencing the same problem? I uploaded several hundred pictures yesterday. But today I'm trying to upload only 1.

    Help! :(:

    UPDATE: Not sure what the problem was, but it seems to be working now.
    Great - if it ever happens, write our help desk, for immediate response, thanks thumb.gif
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 13, 2007
    Runtscal wrote:
    Hi There!

    Couple of issues. Have searched forum posts concerning log off issue & did the following:

    made sure cookies were enabled
    listed smugmug as secure site
    logged off & back on
    shut down computer & tried again

    Seems to mainly occur when accessing control panel and everytime I attempt to access the change buttom for SmugIslands.

    I did make a change a couple of days ago to SmugIslands settings -- changed to Google: homepage only (understand that takes longer to begin working - still not working) -- changed smuggers to Yes (still not able to be found via smugmug searches).

    Just tried again --- logged me off.

    Thanks, Monica
    Hi, please write our help desk on this one, we can best help you there, thanks!
This discussion has been closed.