I've noticed that my stats are not working properly either. I'm only showing a couple of hits in the past week and none are over thumbnail size. I average over 30K a month so I wasn't sure if this was a system wide problem or just me. I've searched the forums but have not seen this being discussed. I would appreciate if someone could help me out with this. Thanks.
It appears that there is sometimes a display bug with the graphs themselves, but not with the actual stats. If you click through to the individual gallery stats, you should get the correct actual numbers.
I'll look into it a bit more this weekend and see if I can nail it down and reproduce it so it can get fixed.
I've noticed that my stats are not working properly either. I'm only showing a couple of hits in the past week and none are over thumbnail size. I average over 30K a month so I wasn't sure if this was a system wide problem or just me. I've searched the forums but have not seen this being discussed. I would appreciate if someone could help me out with this. Thanks.
I guess you did not read the 4 or 5 posts just above yours.
Thanks for looking into this issue Sheaf. I use the graph most of the time to get a quick idea of the activity on a particular gallery. I only look at the individual stats if I notice a large number of hits in a short period and would like to know which images are being viewed the most. I also noticed that when I do view the individual stats, it sometimes causes the thumbnail hits to increase by the same # of images in the gallery. So I try not to do this too often in order to have an accurate reading. I just signed up for Statcounter and it looks like it will be helpful also. Thanks again.
Problems with a category named "aboutus"
Apparently, "aboutus" is some sort of reserved name at Smugmug. If you create a category named "aboutus" and then put some galleries in it and then try to navigate to your category page at http://accountname.smugmug.com/aboutus, you get a "forbidden access" kind of web error. In fact, it's quite tricky to get rid of the galleries in that category after you've accidentally done this because you can't navigate to them through the category.
This was discovered when someone tried to use "aboutus" in a vanity URL.
The bug is that one should not be able to create a category named "aboutus" because if you do create it, it won't work.
Apparently, "aboutus" is some sort of reserved name at Smugmug. If you create a category named "aboutus" and then put some galleries in it and then try to navigate to your category page at http://accountname.smugmug.com/aboutus, you get a "forbidden access" kind of web error. In fact, it's quite tricky to get rid of the galleries in that category after you've accidentally done this because you can't navigate to them through the category.
This was discovered when someone tried to use "aboutus" in a vanity URL.
The bug is that one should not be able to create a category named "aboutus" because if you do create it, it won't work.
Same way you can't make a category called, "help" or "pro" or probably and www.smugmug.com/xxxxxx url that we use.
Thanks for reporting it John, not much we can do, but I'll make sure the guys see it
Same way you can't make a category called, "help" or "pro" or probably and www.smugmug.com/xxxxxx url that we use.
Thanks for reporting it John, not much we can do, but I'll make sure the guys see it
I think it's OK that we can't use certain URLs because you use them with www.smugmug.com/xxxx.
But, it does seem that you should keep us from creating categories with those names because it creates a mess if you create them and then put a gallery in it. You can even get images in it before you realize that there is no easy way to navigate to it (even to delete it), yet it's stuck on your home page and when you click on it, it just gives you the "forbidden" error. Not a big deal, but would be a tidy housekeeping thing and prevent the occasional user from accidentally shooting themselves in the foot.
Stats problem here too...
For what it's worth, I'm getting the stats problems too, with my newly created galleries. Nothing is showing - no hits are registering on the summary page, but if you click through you can see the individual stats. Really threw me for a loop!! I posted some shots for my brother to see, and have been waiting and waiting for him to view them - turns out he did - stats summary just didn't show it.
This has been going on now for me, for 2 days - if you need to try to trace it back or something.
Hope that helps - I'm anxiously awaiting a fix to this little buggeroo!
I think it's OK that we can't use certain URLs because you use them with www.smugmug.com/xxxx.
But, it does seem that you should keep us from creating categories with those names because it creates a mess if you create them and then put a gallery in it. You can even get images in it before you realize that there is no easy way to navigate to it (even to delete it), yet it's stuck on your home page and when you click on it, it just gives you the "forbidden" error. Not a big deal, but would be a tidy housekeeping thing and prevent the occasional user from accidentally shooting themselves in the foot.
I agree that we should be prevented from creating them and maybe have a list of those 5 - 10 items we should name galleries/use as vanity URLS (which started this)/etc that could appear in the FAQ. I am betting index would be another one but haven't had the time to test it - John you rock for testing my issue and reporting it as a bug:ivar.
Problems Loading pages with Vista
I posted this in another thread on the 22nd. I still am not able to load my web page or any smugmug page using two machines that have Vista. I can load on xp machines. It does not matter which browser i use firefox or IE. I am not on a network but there are 6 computers that access the internet through the wireless modem and only the two Vista machines can not access smugmug. No firewall in use. There have been no changes in the operating systems over the last couple of months that I am aware of. We were able to access just fine up unitl a couple of weeks ago or so. Not sure of time frame though. The message says can not access the page or it jumps me to google search page with my website at the top. www.cordsenphotography.com
It appears that there is sometimes a display bug with the graphs themselves, but not with the actual stats. If you click through to the individual gallery stats, you should get the correct actual numbers.
I'll look into it a bit more this weekend and see if I can nail it down and reproduce it so it can get fixed.
Yes, the actual numbers have been there all along, but it seems we've become addicted to the bars. Anyway thanks for checking it out.
Sizes greater than L not accesible
Look at this gallery http://tanveer.smugmug.com/gallery/3563902#202096018
I have enabled "Max size" as XL2 for this gallery, however when I hover my mouse over the pic, I just see small, meduim large and am unable to view XL or XL2 sizes at all.
Even when I manually replace -L.jpg buy -XL.jpg nothing happens, I see L image only.
Look at this gallery http://tanveer.smugmug.com/gallery/3563902#202096018
I have enabled "Max size" as XL2 for this gallery, however when I hover my mouse over the pic, I just see small, meduim large and am unable to view XL or XL2 sizes at all.
Even when I manually replace -L.jpg buy -XL.jpg nothing happens, I see L image only.
Did you regenerate the larger sizes? Just setting the max size under customize
gallery doesn't do this. Under photo tools pick "SmugMungous! (bulk)".
Largest Size Setting in Customize Gallery...
I have a middle of the road acct... I went into Customize Gallery and have set the Largest Size to Orig. On the flyout I still show XL X2L and X3L as options in both IE6 and FF on multiple machines.
I have a middle of the road acct... I went into Customize Gallery and have set the Largest Size to Orig. On the flyout I still show XL X2L and X3L as options in both IE6 and FF on multiple machines.
Seymore -
You will see the size you chose as the largest plus all of the sizes that are smaller than that. So if you chose original - which is the largest size - you get all of the sizes from original (your largest) to small - and that includes the new XL, X2L, and X3L sizes.
If you don't want the X2L and X3L sizes, then you need to choose XL as the largest.
I have a middle of the road acct... I went into Customize Gallery and have set the Largest Size to Orig. On the flyout I still show XL X2L and X3L as options in both IE6 and FF on multiple machines.
If the largest display size is set to original, then all sizes will show including XL, XL2, XL3 (as long as your original is large enough for those sizes).
If you want to limit the display sizes to something smaller than original, then pick the maximum size you want to display (something smaller than original).
OK... Thanks for explaining this "new" feature. But it seems counter intuitive to me. All of the UL'd images are full size (10MP) and I suspected that the sizes of XL, X2L and X3L were blowing up the orig.
Then can someone explain why these images (also full sized @ 6MP) only show orig as the largest size? http://moorefoto.smugmug.com/gallery/2783372 Of course, I suspect these were UL'd before the "new" feature.
I just seems to me that if something is initiated, it should affect ALL galleries. Even grandfathered images/galleries. So is this feature only a 1/2 feature unless I go into each/all galleries I have and save them with the new feature?
Bugs with Guest Passwords Fixed:
AJAX editing of keywords (on same page as photo) wasn't available to users logged in as Guests (*NOT* site or gallery password, but the Pro function of Guest Passwords that allow guests to upload, but not delete, rotate, move, or arrange photos.)
Still an issue:
- AJAX editing of gallery descriptions (again, without having to go into the [customize] gallery, but right from the category page) doesn't show up for Guests.
- Button for [arrange] to arrange Categories, or Galleries within Categories should not be available for Guests. Right now, if they click it, they get a blank page.
- Option to Rotate Photos shows up under <photo tools>, but Guests cannot actually do this. The UI shows up, however, and they end up with an error when they submit their photos for rotation.
- Strangely enough, Crop Photos is available for Guests. If you're going to allow Guests to crop, you probably should allow them to rotate. However I *don't* think Guests should get to: Set Custom Pro Pricing or Make into Watermark.
(I know I've submitted these to help@smugmug.com, but I wanted to get them into this thread as well.)
OK... Thanks for explaining this "new" feature. But it seems counter intuitive to me. All of the UL'd images are full size (10MP) and I suspected that the sizes of XL, X2L and X3L were blowing up the orig.
Then can someone explain why these images (also full sized @ 6MP) only show orig as the largest size? http://moorefoto.smugmug.com/gallery/2783372 Of course, I suspect these were UL'd before the "new" feature.
I just seems to me that if something is initiated, it should affect ALL galleries. Even grandfathered images/galleries. So is this feature only a 1/2 feature unless I go into each/all galleries I have and save them with the new feature?
Here are the sizes in order: M, L, XL, XL2, XL3, O. The XL varieties are additional sizes between L and O that can be used for display purposes on larger monitors. Smugmug does not blow up your original images as best I know.
Because Smugmug has millions of images that have been uploaded in the past few years, they could not immediately just upgrade all of them generating and then storing all the new sizes for all the millions of images. So, the new feature of larger display sizes is available immediately for any newly uploaded images and is available for any gallery that you go to Photo Tools and select Smugmongous and tell it to generate new sizes for your images. If you want the new sizes for pre-existing galleries, you just have to tell them to upgrade the galleries you want to do it on. I did it on my more recent galleries and didn't worry about my older galleries.
While this isn't maybe quite ideal from the customer point of view, I think it's a reasonable compromise given what it would have cost them in storage and computing power and delayed time to get the new feature if they had to somehow upgrade the entire installed-base of images. The way it is now, you can have any gallery you want upgraded - you just have to tell them which ones you want.
If you select "gallery stats" from the <gallery tools> drop-down, does it list any medium hits?
Here are the other galleries that have the same problem:
Nikon D4, Nikon D3, Nikon D3
Nikon 14-24 f2.8, Nikon 24-70 f2.8, Nikon 70-200 f2.8 VR II, Nikon 50 f1.8, Nikon 85 f1.4
Nikon 300 f2.8 VR, Nikon 200-400 f4.0 VR II, Nikon 600 f4.0 II, TC-1.4, TC 1.7, TC 2.0
(1) SB-800, (2) SB-900, (4) Multi Max Pocket Wizards
I'll keep trying to reproduce the bug and get it fixed.
Nikon D4, Nikon D3, Nikon D3
Nikon 14-24 f2.8, Nikon 24-70 f2.8, Nikon 70-200 f2.8 VR II, Nikon 50 f1.8, Nikon 85 f1.4
Nikon 300 f2.8 VR, Nikon 200-400 f4.0 VR II, Nikon 600 f4.0 II, TC-1.4, TC 1.7, TC 2.0
(1) SB-800, (2) SB-900, (4) Multi Max Pocket Wizards
My two most recently created galleries show only thumbnail hits on the bar graphs.
My most recently created galleries are only showing thumbnail hits,and not sure those are being updated either...
I'll look into it a bit more this weekend and see if I can nail it down and reproduce it so it can get fixed.
I guess you did not read the 4 or 5 posts just above yours.
Nikon D4, Nikon D3, Nikon D3
Nikon 14-24 f2.8, Nikon 24-70 f2.8, Nikon 70-200 f2.8 VR II, Nikon 50 f1.8, Nikon 85 f1.4
Nikon 300 f2.8 VR, Nikon 200-400 f4.0 VR II, Nikon 600 f4.0 II, TC-1.4, TC 1.7, TC 2.0
(1) SB-800, (2) SB-900, (4) Multi Max Pocket Wizards
Apparently, "aboutus" is some sort of reserved name at Smugmug. If you create a category named "aboutus" and then put some galleries in it and then try to navigate to your category page at http://accountname.smugmug.com/aboutus, you get a "forbidden access" kind of web error. In fact, it's quite tricky to get rid of the galleries in that category after you've accidentally done this because you can't navigate to them through the category.
This was discovered when someone tried to use "aboutus" in a vanity URL.
The bug is that one should not be able to create a category named "aboutus" because if you do create it, it won't work.
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Same way you can't make a category called, "help" or "pro" or probably and www.smugmug.com/xxxxxx url that we use.
Thanks for reporting it John, not much we can do, but I'll make sure the guys see it
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I think it's OK that we can't use certain URLs because you use them with www.smugmug.com/xxxx.
But, it does seem that you should keep us from creating categories with those names because it creates a mess if you create them and then put a gallery in it. You can even get images in it before you realize that there is no easy way to navigate to it (even to delete it), yet it's stuck on your home page and when you click on it, it just gives you the "forbidden" error. Not a big deal, but would be a tidy housekeeping thing and prevent the occasional user from accidentally shooting themselves in the foot.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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For what it's worth, I'm getting the stats problems too, with my newly created galleries. Nothing is showing - no hits are registering on the summary page, but if you click through you can see the individual stats. Really threw me for a loop!! I posted some shots for my brother to see, and have been waiting and waiting for him to view them - turns out he did - stats summary just didn't show it.
This has been going on now for me, for 2 days - if you need to try to trace it back or something.
Hope that helps - I'm anxiously awaiting a fix to this little buggeroo!
I agree that we should be prevented from creating them and maybe have a list of those 5 - 10 items we should name galleries/use as vanity URLS (which started this)/etc that could appear in the FAQ. I am betting index would be another one but haven't had the time to test it - John you rock for testing my issue and reporting it as a bug:ivar.
blog - http://blog.katzclix.com
I'm not seeing the links for XL2 and XL3 on the flyout in IE 7.
Link to page here.
But, they do show up fine in Firefox.
I posted this in another thread on the 22nd. I still am not able to load my web page or any smugmug page using two machines that have Vista. I can load on xp machines. It does not matter which browser i use firefox or IE. I am not on a network but there are 6 computers that access the internet through the wireless modem and only the two Vista machines can not access smugmug. No firewall in use. There have been no changes in the operating systems over the last couple of months that I am aware of. We were able to access just fine up unitl a couple of weeks ago or so. Not sure of time frame though. The message says can not access the page or it jumps me to google search page with my website at the top.
any help would be appreciated.
Ben, I tried to take a look and can not replicate on your site (sorry, enabled xl3 for two seconds while I took the shot):
Hmmm. I'm still getting the same problem. I'm not really concerned about it though, I just thought y'all would want to be aware.
Look at this gallery
I have enabled "Max size" as XL2 for this gallery, however when I hover my mouse over the pic, I just see small, meduim large and am unable to view XL or XL2 sizes at all.
Even when I manually replace -L.jpg buy -XL.jpg nothing happens, I see L image only.
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
gallery doesn't do this. Under photo tools pick "SmugMungous! (bulk)".
My Website index | My Blog
I have a middle of the road acct... I went into Customize Gallery and have set the Largest Size to Orig. On the flyout I still show XL X2L and X3L as options in both IE6 and FF on multiple machines.
I just UL'd and noticed it in this gallery: http://moorefoto.smugmug.com/gallery/3714603
You will see the size you chose as the largest plus all of the sizes that are smaller than that. So if you chose original - which is the largest size - you get all of the sizes from original (your largest) to small - and that includes the new XL, X2L, and X3L sizes.
If you don't want the X2L and X3L sizes, then you need to choose XL as the largest.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Original is the largest display size.
If the largest display size is set to original, then all sizes will show including XL, XL2, XL3 (as long as your original is large enough for those sizes).
If you want to limit the display sizes to something smaller than original, then pick the maximum size you want to display (something smaller than original).
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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Then can someone explain why these images (also full sized @ 6MP) only show orig as the largest size? http://moorefoto.smugmug.com/gallery/2783372 Of course, I suspect these were UL'd before the "new" feature.
I just seems to me that if something is initiated, it should affect ALL galleries. Even grandfathered images/galleries. So is this feature only a 1/2 feature unless I go into each/all galleries I have and save them with the new feature?
AJAX editing of keywords (on same page as photo) wasn't available to users logged in as Guests (*NOT* site or gallery password, but the Pro function of Guest Passwords that allow guests to upload, but not delete, rotate, move, or arrange photos.)
Still an issue:
- AJAX editing of gallery descriptions (again, without having to go into the [customize] gallery, but right from the category page) doesn't show up for Guests.
- Button for [arrange] to arrange Categories, or Galleries within Categories should not be available for Guests. Right now, if they click it, they get a blank page.
- Option to Rotate Photos shows up under <photo tools>, but Guests cannot actually do this. The UI shows up, however, and they end up with an error when they submit their photos for rotation.
- Strangely enough, Crop Photos is available for Guests. If you're going to allow Guests to crop, you probably should allow them to rotate. However I *don't* think Guests should get to: Set Custom Pro Pricing or Make into Watermark.
(I know I've submitted these to help@smugmug.com, but I wanted to get them into this thread as well.)
Here are the sizes in order: M, L, XL, XL2, XL3, O. The XL varieties are additional sizes between L and O that can be used for display purposes on larger monitors. Smugmug does not blow up your original images as best I know.
Because Smugmug has millions of images that have been uploaded in the past few years, they could not immediately just upgrade all of them generating and then storing all the new sizes for all the millions of images. So, the new feature of larger display sizes is available immediately for any newly uploaded images and is available for any gallery that you go to Photo Tools and select Smugmongous and tell it to generate new sizes for your images. If you want the new sizes for pre-existing galleries, you just have to tell them to upgrade the galleries you want to do it on. I did it on my more recent galleries and didn't worry about my older galleries.
While this isn't maybe quite ideal from the customer point of view, I think it's a reasonable compromise given what it would have cost them in storage and computing power and delayed time to get the new feature if they had to somehow upgrade the entire installed-base of images. The way it is now, you can have any gallery you want upgraded - you just have to tell them which ones you want.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
New photos get SmugMugnified automatically. Olde photos need to be made so. We've given you a button to do that.
Set your feed reader or subscription to our Release Notes, Seymore, you're a 'puter geek
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