Well, this is a project that I have been working on and off with for the past couple of years, but never got around to releasing.
So finally, introducing SmugBrowser...
- Firefox
- Flock
Features include..
- Creating/Updating/Deleting Albums.
- Unlimited photo uploading.
- Log into multiple accounts at the same time.
- Customize galleries in BULK at Account, Category or Subcategory levels.
Known Issues:-
- Setting the incorrect file permissions in Linux (0664 instead of 0700). Will fix for next release.
18/03/2008 v0.5.5 - Added SquareThumbs and security changes.
23/11/2007 v0.5.3 - Added SmugMungous options, photo sharpening, watermarks and communities.
14/06/2007 v0.5.2 - Fixed error message on Standard accounts when building the tree
08/06/2007 v0.5.1 - Added support for SmugSearchable and WorldSearchable
20/12/2006 v0.3.11 - Fixed incorrect access permissions on Linux (thanks Tanveer)
- Fixed login issue with non-standard characters (thanks BWG and Al)
21/11/2006 v0.3.10 - Fixed 'node.firstChild has no properties' bug (thanks Andy!)
18/11/2006 v0.3.9 - Fixed a UI blocking issue on Album context menu.
17/11/2006 v0.3.8 - Adding viewing/setting of PhotoRank, Proof Days, Backprinting, Password Hint.
17/11/2006 v0.3.7 - Initial beta release
Download it here. Once installed, run from Tools->SmugBrowser
i think i have the same question. first though, many, many thanks for smugbrowser. i've had so many different troubles with SM uploaders that i thought i was going to have to switch websites. not that they're all bad, they just don't meet my needs.
on to my question; hopefully this will be clear.
regardless of what category i tell SMB to upload galleries to, it defaults to the 'other' category. oddly, even though the images wind up in 'other,' they do find the correct subcat even though that subcat isn't in 'other' and is not listed in the upload section of SMB.
for example, i ask it to upload a gallery to cat 'x,' subcat 'y.' but the gallery winds up in cat 'other' and subcat 'y.' this happens even after it has offered me the pull-down choices of cat 'x' and subcat 'y.' it also happens whether i upload by right-clicking the gallery name or from the subcat name or the cat name in the tree.
SMB still fits my needs much better than all the other uploaders, but it does delay my customers getting their goods.
so, does anybody know what i'm doing wrong and how to get it to work? if not, does anybody know if a new release is scheduled to fix it?
thanks in advance,
FF, XP Pro, Whatever SMB version downloaded today
I am having the same problem. Any new album created via SmugBrowser puts it in the Category "Other".
Firefox 3.0 ready?
I'm hoping to switch to Firefox 3.0 as soon as it is released. With the first RC out the door, I'm hoping this means the final release isn't too far away.
I expect that not all FF add-ons will be ready for 3.0 in time for the release. But out of all of my FF add-ons, the single biggest thing that I would miss would be smugbrowser. (I hope that is taken as a complement!)
For that reason, I'm just checking in... are you working on a FF3 compatible release? Will it be ready in time?
is there a keyboard shortcut for the interface on firefox on mac?
I have a bunch of galleries that were transfered from picassa and the smugglr tool although cool does not allow for pre-sorting, so all 80+ galleries and thousands of pics got dumped in "other" was justing the customize gallery options but what a pain!!!
So this browser tool allows for a fast way but I have to combine mouse right click to get to the gallery property options to change the category etc, much fast if there was a mutli select and then properties but a keyboard shortcut to properties would be ok and allow for faster keybaord only changes.
multi select then drag and drop would be even cooler!!!!!
interesting bug too, when playing around I right clicked in the file upload area with nothing in the box then clicked upload. Crashed firefox
Now the install works
Earlier today when I downloaded the install I received 'smugbrowser-0.5.5.zip'. Tonight when I downloaded I received 'smugbrowser-0.5.5.xpi', and it installed without a hitch!
Is SmugBrowser fully operational ? I tried changing galleries from one category to another and when I log in to SmugMug I see no changes were done. Maybe I am missing something. Is there a problem ? Or maybe is there a guide that I can follow to make sure it works ?
Is SmugBrowser fully operational ? I tried changing galleries from one category to another and when I log in to SmugMug I see no changes were done. Maybe I am missing something. Is there a problem ? Or maybe is there a guide that I can follow to make sure it works ?
Thanks !!!
Works for me for changing gallery settings on all galleries in a category. Just used it yesterday. Can you describe what steps you did that didn't work?
Is SmugBrowser fully operational ? I tried changing galleries from one category to another and when I log in to SmugMug I see no changes were done. Maybe I am missing something. Is there a problem ? Or maybe is there a guide that I can follow to make sure it works ?
Thanks !!!
moved your post, it's always best to post in the thread where the developer is monitoring....
Works for me for changing gallery settings on all galleries in a category. Just used it yesterday. Can you describe what steps you did that didn't work?
Ok, I tested and it works fine for the galleries that show up on SmugBrowser, but it seems that I have a different problem which led me to think the problem was on SmugBroswer.
The problem is that I have a lot of Sub-Categories under the Category "Other" and they do not show up on the Control Panel for me to delete them. And the galleries under those Subcategories do not show up on SmugBroswer either, and that is why I thought I had moved all my files from "Other" to "Family" but I had not...
Try with this gallery and you will see what I mean: 2006 08: Domingo na Igreja. You can find it on the browser, but it does not show up under SmugBroswer.
Hereafter you'll find the list of "other" subcategories. Can you delete them all for me and put all those galleries under Other with no sub-categories ? Other Sub-Categories
Newbie Questions
Downloaded "smugbrowser" , found it in my FIREFOX tools, displayed, loged in, made new account, got my tree.
Can't scroll up and down the tree in panel on the left ? Slider goes up and down but no movement through the catagories ? Only what I see is available. Click on a catagory that I can see without scrolling : it displays albums. Can scroll up and down those albums. Am trying to select a catagory, then add a sub-catagory, put albums/galleries into that, photos in the galleries. Upload.
Downloaded "smugbrowser" , found it in my FIREFOX tools, displayed, loged in, made new account, got my tree.
Can't scroll up and down the tree in panel on the left ? Slider goes up and down but no movement through the catagories ? Only what I see is available. Click on a catagory that I can see without scrolling : it displays albums. Can scroll up and down those albums. Am trying to select a catagory, then add a sub-catagory, put albums/galleries into that, photos in the galleries. Upload.
any ideas,
Marty (voicelit)
yeah, the scrollbar is broken for some reason, you should be able to scroll with your mouse wheel if you hover the cursor over the panel.
Is There A Reson For Nothing
What does this thing do ? It seems to give me options for adding a new catagory or sub-catagory; I fill in the field, click... nothing.
Scroll doesn't work unless I use wheel on the mouse. I'm not being "punked" am I ? Is this a prank ?
I log in, I log out, I work offline, I make accounts, I select catagories... to what end ?
NEW. does "create catagory" work ?
Whether logged into my account or offline, there is a "new catagory" listed when I right click on my account. I'm thinking that I wouldn't be 'looking' for a new catagory that already exists some where : locally on my hard drive or up on my smugmug account; I'm thinking that I'm 'creating" a new catagory?
Am I way off ? Am I missing something so far ?
Then a box appears "essentials", a blank field after the word "catagory" ... I fill it in with a title I'd like to give to my new catagory; click "okay".
Have I missed something ?
I'm expecting -maybe- a new catagory , something would appear along the tree somewhere with the name I just gave it. Nothing. I can find no evidence of my actions anywhere. Is something happenining ( when I'm logged in) up on my smugmug site that I'm not noticing ?
Maybe I don't get anything at all. For some reason I intuitively expect a new catagory to appear listed somewhere, probably waiting for me to fill it with an album or two.
* Where did I get the impression that this is some kind of uploader ?
* Why is there any "new catagory" option offered at all ?
Maybe, if I had some glimmer of understanding an answer to these questions, I could slowly begin to try and take some small next step.
Today's the big day. Mozilla is trying to get everyone to upgrade to FF3 today. I did so on one computer already. I can't do the other computer until Smugbrowser is updated.
I'm hoping to switch to Firefox 3.0 as soon as it is released. With the first RC out the door, I'm hoping this means the final release isn't too far away.
I expect that not all FF add-ons will be ready for 3.0 in time for the release. But out of all of my FF add-ons, the single biggest thing that I would miss would be smugbrowser. (I hope that is taken as a complement!)
For that reason, I'm just checking in... are you working on a FF3 compatible release? Will it be ready in time?
Today's the big day. Mozilla is trying to get everyone to upgrade to FF3 today. I did so on one computer already. I can't do the other computer until Smugbrowser is updated.
Hopefully soon?
FF3 rocks.. But, so does Smugbrowser... Ack.. Decisions!
It's just FF3's new restriction that updates need to happen over SSL. I have been in the process of trying to migrate my site over to a different server.
It's just FF3's new restriction that updates need to happen over SSL. I have been in the process of trying to migrate my site over to a different server.
under the browser tools menu.
My Website index | My Blog
You can use a quicksetting:
or use the galleries bulk customizing tool, if they'll all have all the same settings.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I am having the same problem. Any new album created via SmugBrowser puts it in the Category "Other".
I'm hoping to switch to Firefox 3.0 as soon as it is released. With the first RC out the door, I'm hoping this means the final release isn't too far away.
I expect that not all FF add-ons will be ready for 3.0 in time for the release. But out of all of my FF add-ons, the single biggest thing that I would miss would be smugbrowser. (I hope that is taken as a complement!)
For that reason, I'm just checking in... are you working on a FF3 compatible release? Will it be ready in time?
I have a bunch of galleries that were transfered from picassa and the smugglr tool although cool does not allow for pre-sorting, so all 80+ galleries and thousands of pics got dumped in "other" was justing the customize gallery options but what a pain!!!
So this browser tool allows for a fast way but I have to combine mouse right click to get to the gallery property options to change the category etc, much fast if there was a mutli select and then properties but a keyboard shortcut to properties would be ok and allow for faster keybaord only changes.
multi select then drag and drop would be even cooler!!!!!
interesting bug too, when playing around I right clicked in the file upload area with nothing in the box then clicked upload. Crashed firefox
I'm trying to install the recently downloaded 0.5.5 code into FF and I get the following error in the FF Error Console:
Warning: Warning: Unrecognized chrome registration modifier 'contentaccessible=yes'.
Source File: [URL="file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/d1jrw02/Application%20Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/a05hg0y6.default/extensions/%7Bc45c406e-ab73-11d8-be73-000a95be3b12%7D/chrome.manifest"]file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/d1jrw02/Application%20Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/a05hg0y6.default/extensions/%7Bc45c406e-ab73-11d8-be73-000a95be3b12%7D/chrome.manifest[/URL]
Line: 2
and if you double click on the error in the console it says:
content webdeveloper jar:chrome/webdeveloper.jar!/content/webdeveloper/content webdeveloper jar:chrome/webdeveloper.jar!/content/webdeveloper/ contentaccessible=yeslocale webdeveloper en-US jar:chrome/webdeveloper.jar!/locale/en-US/webdeveloper/skin webdeveloper classic/1.0 jar:chrome/webdeveloper.jar!/skin/classic/webdeveloper/overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://webdeveloper/content/webdeveloper.xulstyle chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://webdeveloper/skin/webdeveloper.cssstyle chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://webdeveloper/content/webdeveloper.cssstyle chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://webdeveloper/skin/webdeveloper.css
I also uninstalled Web Developer and tried to install 0.5.5 again. This time no errors, but
the product is not installed either.
Any thoughts?
le pere de www.nikiwalkerphotography.com
Earlier today when I downloaded the install I received 'smugbrowser-0.5.5.zip'. Tonight when I downloaded I received 'smugbrowser-0.5.5.xpi', and it installed without a hitch!
le pere de www.nikiwalkerphotography.com
just tried it with FF 3(beta) and got this
I do knw it's not supported just thought it might be useful info....?
or not.....?
Is SmugBrowser fully operational ? I tried changing galleries from one category to another and when I log in to SmugMug I see no changes were done. Maybe I am missing something. Is there a problem ? Or maybe is there a guide that I can follow to make sure it works ?
Thanks !!!
Works for me for changing gallery settings on all galleries in a category. Just used it yesterday. Can you describe what steps you did that didn't work?
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Perfect ! Thanks !
Ok, I tested and it works fine for the galleries that show up on SmugBrowser, but it seems that I have a different problem which led me to think the problem was on SmugBroswer.
The problem is that I have a lot of Sub-Categories under the Category "Other" and they do not show up on the Control Panel for me to delete them. And the galleries under those Subcategories do not show up on SmugBroswer either, and that is why I thought I had moved all my files from "Other" to "Family" but I had not...
Try with this gallery and you will see what I mean: 2006 08: Domingo na Igreja. You can find it on the browser, but it does not show up under SmugBroswer.
Hereafter you'll find the list of "other" subcategories. Can you delete them all for me and put all those galleries under Other with no sub-categories ?
Other Sub-Categories
Sort sub-categories: arrange
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Downloaded "smugbrowser" , found it in my FIREFOX tools, displayed, loged in, made new account, got my tree.
Can't scroll up and down the tree in panel on the left ? Slider goes up and down but no movement through the catagories ? Only what I see is available. Click on a catagory that I can see without scrolling : it displays albums. Can scroll up and down those albums. Am trying to select a catagory, then add a sub-catagory, put albums/galleries into that, photos in the galleries. Upload.
any ideas,
Marty (voicelit)
yeah, the scrollbar is broken for some reason, you should be able to scroll with your mouse wheel if you hover the cursor over the panel.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
What does this thing do ? It seems to give me options for adding a new catagory or sub-catagory; I fill in the field, click... nothing.
Scroll doesn't work unless I use wheel on the mouse. I'm not being "punked" am I ? Is this a prank ?
I log in, I log out, I work offline, I make accounts, I select catagories... to what end ?
Whether logged into my account or offline, there is a "new catagory" listed when I right click on my account. I'm thinking that I wouldn't be 'looking' for a new catagory that already exists some where : locally on my hard drive or up on my smugmug account; I'm thinking that I'm 'creating" a new catagory?
Am I way off ? Am I missing something so far ?
Then a box appears "essentials", a blank field after the word "catagory" ... I fill it in with a title I'd like to give to my new catagory; click "okay".
Have I missed something ?
I'm expecting -maybe- a new catagory , something would appear along the tree somewhere with the name I just gave it. Nothing. I can find no evidence of my actions anywhere. Is something happenining ( when I'm logged in) up on my smugmug site that I'm not noticing ?
Maybe I don't get anything at all. For some reason I intuitively expect a new catagory to appear listed somewhere, probably waiting for me to fill it with an album or two.
* Where did I get the impression that this is some kind of uploader ?
* Why is there any "new catagory" option offered at all ?
Maybe, if I had some glimmer of understanding an answer to these questions, I could slowly begin to try and take some small next step.
Marty (voicelit) (dotfur.com)
Twitter: @WolfSnap
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WolfSnapDesigns
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - WolfSnap.com | Custom Domains
Photos | Blog | Youtube
Twitter: @WolfSnap
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WolfSnapDesigns
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - WolfSnap.com | Custom Domains
Hopefully soon?
Twitter: @WolfSnap
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WolfSnapDesigns
SmugMug & Wordpress Customization - WolfSnap.com | Custom Domains
It's just FF3's new restriction that updates need to happen over SSL. I have been in the process of trying to migrate my site over to a different server.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I just did some testing...and the UI is totally busted on FF3. :cry
I'll try to look at it one night this week.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thanks! Your efforts will be greatly appreciated. :-)
By me, too.
Swim for Them | WellmanHouse.net | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder