New to smugmug this week. Pro acct. Firefox, lates smugbrowser download. I can log in but get an error. Exception returned error failure code ns nointerface......blah blah.
Is there a faq? I am new to smugmug, and am trying to upload thousands of pics by year, but it appears I have to choose each pic? They are in hundreds of folders per year. Any way to just pic a folder and download all in it?
Is there a faq? I am new to smugmug, and am trying to upload thousands of pics by year, but it appears I have to choose each pic? They are in hundreds of folders per year. Any way to just pic a folder and download all in it?
Just as easy to click in folder and "select all" and drag them to upload
window. Don't have to drag each photo.
Yes, tested on Windows XP and Vista with Firefox 3.0.3
Sorry I don't have other O/S, so I can't tell ...
Strange. Everytime I try to install it I get an error message that says it does not work w/ Firefox 3.0.3. What link are you using to download the application? Maybe I'm going to the wrong place to download it. Thanks.
Strange. Everytime I try to install it I get an error message that says it does not work w/ Firefox 3.0.3. What link are you using to download the application? Maybe I'm going to the wrong place to download it. Thanks.
Pending Problems
I am trying to use smugbrowers for the first time. I have my photos in the upload part, but after 20 min it still says pending. What do I need to do now? using Vista/firefox/smugbrowser
I am trying to use smugbrowers for the first time. I have my photos in the upload part, but after 20 min it still says pending. What do I need to do now? using Vista/firefox/smugbrowser
I am trying to use smugbrowers for the first time. I have my photos in the upload part, but after 20 min it still says pending. What do I need to do now? using Vista/firefox/smugbrowser
Right click in the upload window and pick "upload" or "upload all".
Thank you
I guess I get the stupid question of the day award. I'm sure it won't be the last.
Now I feel dumb, that was too easy. You guys are so very nice. Thank you
What is the current status of SmugBrowser and Firefox 3?
On my photo computer, I have stayed on Firefox 2 because I need a reliable SmugBrowser. Originally, it wouldn't run at all. Then, I saw that it was being worked on for FF3, but when I tried it on a different computer, I got all sorts of errors and I saw various folks here reporting errors and problems. I just want to use it when it's reliable and FF3 can wait until that happens.
So, my question is, how solid is SmugBrowser on FF3? Are all features working reliably for all folks? Or is it still being worked on and not quite there yet for everyone or for all features?
I should state that my main interest area for SmugBrowser is mass setting of gallery properties. I don't use it for uploading.
So, my question is, how solid is SmugBrowser on FF3? Are all features working reliably for all folks? Or is it still being worked on and not quite there yet for everyone or for all features?
I'm not aware of any development work being done on it ... but on the other hand, the new smugbrowser that was released to work with FF3 is working just fine for me. I don't do any property changes via smugbrowser, but I do upload a ton of files (hundreds, sometimes thousands, on a regular basis).
On my photo computer, I have stayed on Firefox 2 because I need a reliable SmugBrowser. Originally, it wouldn't run at all. Then, I saw that it was being worked on for FF3, but when I tried it on a different computer, I got all sorts of errors and I saw various folks here reporting errors and problems. I just want to use it when it's reliable and FF3 can wait until that happens.
So, my question is, how solid is SmugBrowser on FF3? Are all features working reliably for all folks? Or is it still being worked on and not quite there yet for everyone or for all features?
I should state that my main interest area for SmugBrowser is mass setting of gallery properties. I don't use it for uploading.
Bump. Is it solid on FF3 for setting gallery properties?
Denise pointed me to SmugBrowser -- which looks extremely COOL.
After some research, I found that I can search up the 0.5.8 version by using the Firefox 3.0.4 [Mac] "browse for add-ons". However, when I installed I get the following error:
Thanks for this amazing app. It helped me assign passwords to multiple galleries at once.
Is there a way to designate a feature photo from the browser? I'd like to right-click and a photo and designate it as a feature photo. Am I missing something obvious?
Denise pointed me to SmugBrowser -- which looks extremely COOL.
After some research, I found that I can search up the 0.5.8 version by using the Firefox 3.0.4 [Mac] "browse for add-ons". However, when I installed I get the following error:
Any tips on joining the SmugBrowser community would be mucho appreciated!
I just tried installing Smugbrowser v0.5.8 in Firefox 3.0.4 Mac, and it works fine. I could login, upload photos, looks fine.
However, I couldn't find it in "browse for add-ons" window. Instead, I went straight to Mozilla Add-ons site, login, and install from there.
You may want to try installing from the site. It's marked as experimental add-ons though, so you have to login to download it.
dardens, I was now able to install SmugBrowser in my FF3. Here's what I did. I went to that link with a different browser (I used Google's Chrome, but anything other than FF would do), and as it didn't know what to do with .xpi file, I was able to save it (my attempts to save the file instead of installing from FF weren't successful). Then in FF I opened it from the hard drive (File -> "Open File..."), and it installed without errors. Weird.
Looks good so far. Several annoying bugs that were happening in FF2 seem to not be there any more (like broken vertical scrolling).
By the way, I wrote to SmugMug's help asking about SmugBrowser for FF3, and they sent me this link: (and also said that they're working on an "official" version). I was going to install a version from there, but then balked at the last moment. It just felt wrong to install an extension from some blog, with the file hosted on some weird file sharing site (extensions go into trusted browser environment, so they have access to *everything* that happens in the browser...)
I uploaded two copies of a photo tonight using smugbrowser. They uploaded fine - but do NOT show up in the 'recent photos' gallery. Is this a known bug or...?
FF 3.0.5, Vista 32 bit
Hmm..might NOT be an issue with smugbrowser - I deleted the photos and uploaded like I normally do and same issue...
I uploaded two copies of a photo tonight using smugbrowser. They uploaded fine - but do NOT show up in the 'recent photos' gallery. Is this a known bug or...?
FF 3.0.5, Vista 32 bit
Hmm..might NOT be an issue with smugbrowser - I deleted the photos and uploaded like I normally do and same issue...
Might take a short while for the indexing to happen. Perhaps wait a little while (like overnight).
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
Yes, tested on Windows XP and Vista with Firefox 3.0.3
Sorry I don't have other O/S, so I can't tell ...
Any ideas?
Windows XP Pro
Ignore this I fixed it.
window. Don't have to drag each photo.
My Website index | My Blog
Strange. Everytime I try to install it I get an error message that says it does not work w/ Firefox 3.0.3. What link are you using to download the application? Maybe I'm going to the wrong place to download it. Thanks.
I am trying to use smugbrowers for the first time. I have my photos in the upload part, but after 20 min it still says pending. What do I need to do now? using Vista/firefox/smugbrowser
"Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that."
~~ Bill Shankly
Right-click, select Upload All. Away they go....
My Website index | My Blog
I guess I get the stupid question of the day award. I'm sure it won't be the last.
Now I feel dumb, that was too easy. You guys are so very nice. Thank you
"Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that."
~~ Bill Shankly
On my photo computer, I have stayed on Firefox 2 because I need a reliable SmugBrowser. Originally, it wouldn't run at all. Then, I saw that it was being worked on for FF3, but when I tried it on a different computer, I got all sorts of errors and I saw various folks here reporting errors and problems. I just want to use it when it's reliable and FF3 can wait until that happens.
So, my question is, how solid is SmugBrowser on FF3? Are all features working reliably for all folks? Or is it still being worked on and not quite there yet for everyone or for all features?
I should state that my main interest area for SmugBrowser is mass setting of gallery properties. I don't use it for uploading.
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I'm not aware of any development work being done on it ... but on the other hand, the new smugbrowser that was released to work with FF3 is working just fine for me. I don't do any property changes via smugbrowser, but I do upload a ton of files (hundreds, sometimes thousands, on a regular basis).
Bump. Is it solid on FF3 for setting gallery properties?
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After some research, I found that I can search up the 0.5.8 version by using the Firefox 3.0.4 [Mac] "browse for add-ons". However, when I installed I get the following error:
"Firefox could not install the file at because: Invalid file hash (possible download corruption) -261"
I tried twice, same error.
Any tips on joining the SmugBrowser community would be mucho appreciated!
When adding a new gallery via smugbrowser, is there anyway to set the pricing? Per Gallery &/or per image?
Thanks so very, very much - This little tool is awesome, I just installed it tonight for the first time... why did I wait so long?
Is there a way to designate a feature photo from the browser? I'd like to right-click and a photo and designate it as a feature photo. Am I missing something obvious?
I just tried installing Smugbrowser v0.5.8 in Firefox 3.0.4 Mac, and it works fine. I could login, upload photos, looks fine.
However, I couldn't find it in "browse for add-ons" window. Instead, I went straight to Mozilla Add-ons site, login, and install from there.
You may want to try installing from the site. It's marked as experimental add-ons though, so you have to login to download it.
Thanks for the update. That's what I did also - back on 21 Nov. So I repeated the test after seeing your success. Sadly I got the same error again.
I went to URL, clicked on the "Add to Firefox" button ==> Error -261 as before.
Same here. FF 3.0.5, Windows XP. SmugBrowser 0.5.8 from doesn't install, same error.
It's interesting we're getting the same error on both XP and Mac OS.
Looks good so far. Several annoying bugs that were happening in FF2 seem to not be there any more (like broken vertical scrolling).
By the way, I wrote to SmugMug's help asking about SmugBrowser for FF3, and they sent me this link: (and also said that they're working on an "official" version). I was going to install a version from there, but then balked at the last moment. It just felt wrong to install an extension from some blog, with the file hosted on some weird file sharing site (extensions go into trusted browser environment, so they have access to *everything* that happens in the browser...)
Very clever -- thank you. Installed without a hitch!
I lost the use of the smugbrowser when I had to reformat my computer...then we said the heck with it and bought a new one altogether.
OK, got it to install - but invalid log in
NEVER MIND :P its tired...i eventually prevailed.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
FF 3.0.5, Vista 32 bit
Hmm..might NOT be an issue with smugbrowser - I deleted the photos and uploaded like I normally do and same issue...
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Might take a short while for the indexing to happen. Perhaps wait a little while (like overnight).
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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Never taken more than a minute before
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Why do I get a message saying could not install, not compatible with Firefox 3.0.5?
I had to register with firefox/mozzila to download the beta...that one installed no problems at all...
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."