URL or Javascript-based Add-To-Cart interface
I very much want to present extremely simple "Buy 4x6" "Buy 8x12" "Buy 12x18" buttons to my customers right on the journal view page. It seems to me the most flexible way for me to have this, and for everyone else to have their own variations on this theme, is if there was a documented URL pattern or Javascript function that would specify all attributes of an image to be added to the cart -- image id, crop rectangle, print format and true/auto colour.
I sell art, not family photos, and I want to make it dead simple for purchasers.
If you could just tell me how to write code to insert things into the cart, I could make all kinds of great magic happen.
If you could just tell me how to write code to insert things into the cart, I could make all kinds of great magic happen.
and thanks for taking the time for the great suggestion.
The cart is being worked on now by bigwebguy (who joined our Dev team about 5 months ago!), and you should really like the new stuff we're working on. Don't have a timeframe yet, but know this: it's gonna be better
re: SmugMug Beta
Save some screen Real Estate by making the style picker a button along side the slideshow, share, map buttons.
The Black & White control can also be placed on this flyout.
I know this has been brought up before: let the gallery owner control which style(s) the viewer can select from.
Save some screen Real Estate by making the style picker a button along side the slideshow, share, map buttons.
The Black & White control can also be placed on this flyout.
I know this has been brought up before: let the gallery owner control which style(s) the viewer can select from.
Sweet idea Rich. I've made sure the team has seen this, thanks.
feature suggestion: sharpen option for prints
Since it's generally understood that it's best to sharpen images after sizing them (otherwise artifacts can show up), and since it's really only practical to upload the original-sized image and let smugmug handle sizing for prints, and since some of us prefer to handle color and other corrections on images ourselves (including using the same i2e filter that the smugmug auto color uses), I'd like to suggest a print option to sharpen the image (or not).
As it stands now, sharpening only happens when using the auto color option. It would be very convenient to have sharpening offered when selecting true color, and to have that sharpening applied after whatever interpolation is used to size the image to the desired print size.
An easy way to implement this would be to add a checkbox for sharpening after the color choice; then simply turn on (or off) the sharpening option in the i2e filter for auto color prints, or--in the case of true color plus sharpening--turn off all options in i2e *except* sharpening; true color and no sharpening would run the image straight through as it does now. This assumes, of course, that the i2e filter is applied *after* the image has been sized (and cropped if necessary); if not, it really should be done in this order anyway.
Since it's generally understood that it's best to sharpen images after sizing them (otherwise artifacts can show up), and since it's really only practical to upload the original-sized image and let smugmug handle sizing for prints, and since some of us prefer to handle color and other corrections on images ourselves (including using the same i2e filter that the smugmug auto color uses), I'd like to suggest a print option to sharpen the image (or not).
As it stands now, sharpening only happens when using the auto color option. It would be very convenient to have sharpening offered when selecting true color, and to have that sharpening applied after whatever interpolation is used to size the image to the desired print size.
An easy way to implement this would be to add a checkbox for sharpening after the color choice; then simply turn on (or off) the sharpening option in the i2e filter for auto color prints, or--in the case of true color plus sharpening--turn off all options in i2e *except* sharpening; true color and no sharpening would run the image straight through as it does now. This assumes, of course, that the i2e filter is applied *after* the image has been sized (and cropped if necessary); if not, it really should be done in this order anyway.
I'd like to see a back-up/restore function added to the co-branding.
I know you can copy/paste the contents, but that's a pain. I had an unexpected problem the other day where my JS got truncated for some odd reason I can't pin down.
Anyway, being able to restore to the last backup would be awesome.
I'd like to see more elaborate theming possibilities. Right now you can either do 'customize' which allows a lot of changes, or 'theme', which only does css.
Why not let a theme contain everything that 'customize' contains, like JS, footers, headers, etc. The 'customize' section would then be a global customization, while the theme would allow local customizations.
For instance, ive got different headers for different galleries. Right now I have to add all headers to the customize section and then turn them on/off with css. Why not allow us to create a specific theme for a gallery where you can add a different header...and specific JS..and specific footers..and...
I'd like to see a back-up/restore function added to the co-branding.
I know you can copy/paste the contents, but that's a pain. I had an unexpected problem the other day where my JS got truncated for some odd reason I can't pin down.
Anyway, being able to restore to the last backup would be awesome.
Yal, how many times have we heard "changed something and now my sites Wacko!".
Need an "Oops" button:D when returning to control panel.
Large horizontal and large vertical 2 different sizes.
I always wondered why a large image viewed horizontally is 800x533 pixels and a large image viewed vertically is only 400x600 pixels. Can't the vertical large size image be 533x800? I know I would prefer it.
Perhaps there is already a way to make that happen. If so I'd love to know.
I always wondered why a large image viewed horizontally is 800x533 pixels and a large image viewed vertically is only 400x600 pixels. Can't the vertical large size image be 533x800? I know I would prefer it.
Perhaps there is already a way to make that happen. If so I'd love to know.
Thank you!
I second this request. This is a problem for me too.
I always wondered why a large image viewed horizontally is 800x533 pixels and a large image viewed vertically is only 400x600 pixels. Can't the vertical large size image be 533x800? I know I would prefer it.
Perhaps there is already a way to make that happen. If so I'd love to know.
And that's where the answer to your question is, too
Thanks for the quick reply Andy. I had a hunch this topic may have been debated somewhere else but couldn't come up with it in a quick search. I didn't even recognize this was part of a change in 4/06 but I went and looked at some of my older photos and they were in fact 800 px tall L images. I will do as you suggest and weigh in.
BTW... Since you guys at Smugmug were nice enough to include me here http://dgrin.smugmug.com/gallery/1801307/1 My stat counter has been indicating a real steady stream of visitors to my site coming from dgrin. I just wanted to say thanks for the recognition.
I'm excited about the new Beta features. You all keep making a good thing better and it's definitely appreciated!
BTW... Since you guys at Smugmug were nice enough to include me here http://dgrin.smugmug.com/gallery/1801307/1 My stat counter has been indicating a real steady stream of visitors to my site coming from dgrin. I just wanted to say thanks for the recognition.
While I fully appreciate and agree, as in GSmith's case, that a "steady stream of visitors" coming to one's site is what many Smugmug members want (afterall, Smugmug is a picture sharing site), I'm sure I am not alone among smugmuggers in my preference to have only those who I invite visit my site. As I say in my bio, the intended purpose of my site is simply for the "G-rated" personal enjoyment of our family and our friends... nothing more, nothing less.
So when I see that Smugmug's BROWSE feature has captured and "promoted" my site, and brought visitors to it whom I did not personally invite, I'm not so thrilled.
How can I "turn off" smugmug's crawler from posting my pics on the main smugmug site without having to password protect my galleries (which kills my ability to effectively use keywords)?
How can I "turn off" smugmug's crawler from posting my pics on the main smugmug site without having to password protect my galleries (which kills my ability to effectively use keywords)?
Only by making your galleries, or your site, private and/or password protected. Nothing's changed yet with this. But we know your desire, Papa, and thanks for posting it again
Only by making your galleries, or your site, private and/or password protected. Nothing's changed yet with this. But we know your desire, Papa, and thanks for posting it again
Thank you, Andy...you are like a candle in the darkness! I'll take the word "yet" in your reply as foreshadowing a day when my "desire" (relating to privacy alongwith keyword functionality, etc) for the past year has a chance of being fulfilled. Just knowing you knew it was something I wanted (without committing to actually/eventually addressing it with a solution) was never really quite "enough". I'll rest easier now.
Feature request: Pricing PROFILES, too many galleries?
Maybe I'm weird but I have something like 400+ galleries and when I open up the Pro Pricing Tool it takes a LONG time to load. I would imagine that anyone with a lot of galleries has a wait for the page to load since the drop-down list has to populate with all the galleries created.
I would never be able to manage the number of photos online without SmugMug's wonderful heirarchy of categories and galleries. Thanks to this I have them categorized and dated.
Proposed solution: Similar to gallery templates, could we have pricing profiles? Then I could setup profiles for models, events, nightclubs, landscapes, and so forth with just a handful of reference items. If I want to change pricing I can refer the image/gallery/bulk of galleries to the appropriate pricing profile. To create a pricing profile the current Pro Pricing Tool list would be duplicated on the control panel as a new selection for Pricing Profiles. The tool could still reference a gallery to pull pricing from, but populating that drop down list would happen only on selection of a "reference gallery selection __________".
Naturally I'm interested in hearing from people with a LOT of galleries, but everyone can chime in
"Virtual Galleries and/or smart albums" I'm hoping that this request is to help owners create new galleries based on stuff that has already been uploaded? I have a few favorite subjects / photo-types which I'm repeatedly taking pictures of on my travels... It would be really handy to say create a virtual gallery called "Sunsets", and then assign multiple pictures from multiple galleries to this new virtual gallery... The only way to do this at the moment, requires re-uploading all the sunset pics into a new gallery... So yeah, this is a bit like shortcuts / aliases on PCs and MACs...
The use of keywords can accomplish delivering photos across galleries. The filename on your photos is used as a base for automatic keyword generation. So leaving a computer generated name on photos uploaded short-changes the opportunity to tag them as a group on upload. I usually put the event or feature as part of the filename. Numbers such as years get stripped off however, so NOV2006 doesn't work well.
SmugMug has a keyword cloud feature for the homepage that highlights the most popular keywords on your photos. The number of keywords offered in the cloud can be customized. I am a bit partial to the way FlickR works with tags (aka keywords) since they are listed as a column to the right of the photo when selected. Alphabetized columns make keywords/tags easier to locate than a row... although the row consumes less real estate on the screen. Perhaps using the popular cloud highlighting on keywords (that makes them bigger/bolder) would have them easier to notice. That might be a switchable option - simply a customization feature tossed into the global CSS for the site.
There are some great features at FlickR that I'd love to see mirrored on SmugMug. Such as Flash badges that offer a grid of photos that satisfy a criteria (be it gallery, tag, or popular). This grid moves deeper into the selected photos zooming in and out thumbnails.
I notice later in the discussion you mention Portrait / Landscape selection. It could be accomplished with keywords, however I would think pulling certain EXIF data as keywords would be helpful. This would also be a globally selected option for each user - perhaps offer a checklist of EXIF values that pull-through as keywords upon upload.
btw - my background is with database technologies so you might catch that in the responses I offer Sorry to keep flipping between the term keyword and tag - they are synonyms between SmugMug and FlickR. Metadata such as these are how to keep your sanity when dealing with a large quantity of data.
Just had an order for 23 photos and it took a good three or four minutes per photo to replace them-- and each time I had to wait, then start the upload of the next one. Seems like this could be automated...
Just had an order for 23 photos and it took a good three or four minutes per photo to replace them-- and each time I had to wait, then start the upload of the next one. Seems like this could be automated...
I've suggested one possible solution to this problem here which would just let you reupload new versions of your files to the same gallery and any with the same filename would replace the earlier versions just like when you copy files a directory.
I've suggested one possible solution to this problem here which would just let you reupload new versions of your files to the same gallery and any with the same filename would replace the earlier versions just like when you copy files a directory.
It's not as simple as that, since the (old) SmugMug filenumbers are already associated with the order.
Thanks Pete and John for posting!
SUGGESTION: Put Feature Requests in a separate *forum* instead of a thread
I suspect this would make it much easier for people to see if the thing they want to suggest already has been suggested, and what progress is being made.
I didn't notice whether Jot's bugtracker is optimized for feeches or not.
It's not as simple as that, since the (old) SmugMug filenumbers are already associated with the order.
Thanks Pete and John for posting!
This is an issue I propose to have myself, and having extensive background in programming and design, as well as some project management, let me politely reply: "we don't much care if the current internal implementation makes it more difficult; programmers are *supposed* to live hard lives so (dow scrubbing bubble voice)we don't have toooooooo...(/dow)." :-)
Seriously: It Would Be Nice If the API were, at least, extended to permit replacement to be specified on an upload of an image; it does not appear that's possible now. This should be something an uploader can do.
When the *current* replacement function is used, does Smug assign a new internal image number and update the order? Or merely replace the image at that image number, as we'd expect?
I, personally, want to know what the percentage is of *people actually wanting to upload duplicate images* versus people wanting to upload replacement images; the current default suggests it's strongly loaded towards the former, which seems counterintuitive to me. Though this may be another pro/selling vs amateur/sharing issue...
I, personally, want to know what the percentage is of *people actually wanting to upload duplicate images* versus people wanting to upload replacement images; ....
i thought about this ....
when uploading files to smugmug, why not check for filenames that match filenames already existing in the gallery, and if you have the "replace photo" option checked, then do replacements...
but the one issue I have is that the filename is not likely to match exactly... typically, I have the original file... DSC12345.jpg, then I may have 1 or more edited versions which I usually just add to the filename (so I can keep them together) like DSC12345_fixed.jpg, or maybe DSC12345_fixed B&W.jpg, and maybe DSC12345 fixed 8x10.jpg, etc.
The only option that would work for me would be some sort of filename "starts with" logic (maybe I set how many of the characters need to match to consider a match) to determine whether to replace or not... can be done though. You might need to add a screen we can go to where we "confirm" the replacements before they are committed.
when uploading files to smugmug, why not check for filenames that match filenames already existing in the gallery, and if you have the "replace photo" option checked, then do replacements...
but the one issue I have is that the filename is not likely to match exactly... typically, I have the original file... DSC12345.jpg, then I may have 1 or more edited versions which I usually just add to the filename (so I can keep them together) like DSC12345_fixed.jpg, or maybe DSC12345_fixed B&W.jpg, and maybe DSC12345 fixed 8x10.jpg, etc.
The only option that would work for me would be some sort of filename "starts with" logic (maybe I set how many of the characters need to match to consider a match) to determine whether to replace or not... can be done though. You might need to add a screen we can go to where we "confirm" the replacements before they are committed.
Brain running amok again.:D How about a page like edit captions/keywords
bulk. All the gallery thumbs on left and a browse box on right of each thumb
to select replacement photo. Then all replacement photos would be done in
bulk for each gallery.
when uploading files to smugmug, why not check for filenames that match filenames already existing in the gallery, and if you have the "replace photo" option checked, then do replacements...
but the one issue I have is that the filename is not likely to match exactly... typically, I have the original file... DSC12345.jpg, then I may have 1 or more edited versions which I usually just add to the filename (so I can keep them together) like DSC12345_fixed.jpg, or maybe DSC12345_fixed B&W.jpg, and maybe DSC12345 fixed 8x10.jpg, etc.
The only option that would work for me would be some sort of filename "starts with" logic (maybe I set how many of the characters need to match to consider a match) to determine whether to replace or not... can be done though. You might need to add a screen we can go to where we "confirm" the replacements before they are committed.
My point was that if you "wanted" to replace a file on Smugmug, you could much more easily make the filename match than you can use the existing Replace Photo option. How else is Smugmug going to know how to do bulk replace if you don't make some aspect of the photo match exactly what you want to replace? There are elements of the EXIF that might match exactly too (if EXIF is kept intact fully), but something needs to match exactly. The simplest thing to match is the filename and ever single Smugmug user knows how to make that match to make this work. Sure, my future derivative images sometimes have derivative names, but I'd be perfectly happy to give them the same name for the purposes of a bulk upload in order to make Replace Photo a lot easier. Let's not make this so comlicated that it gets hard to use.
Brain running amok again.:D How about a page like edit captions/keywords
bulk. All the gallery thumbs on left and a browse box on right of each thumb
to select replacement photo. Then all replacement photos would be done in
bulk for each gallery.
Browse boxes in browsers suck really bad. The file picker in the browsers is just dumb and slow to use. I've got a nice thumbnailed view already open and I just want to drag/drop the 10 images I just edited into something in one move. That's what I do for new images. I just drag/drop them from Bridge to StarExplorer and it's really fast and easy and hardly any steps. I'm just looking for the same experience for Replace Photo.
Browse boxes in browsers suck really bad. The file picker in the browsers is just dumb and slow to use. I've got a nice thumbnailed view already open and I just want to drag/drop the 10 images I just edited into something in one move. That's what I do for new images. I just drag/drop them from Bridge to StarExplorer and it's really fast and easy and hardly any steps. I'm just looking for the same experience for Replace Photo.
Maybe next to each browse box is a drop box. My point was replacing a
bunch and all processing in one batch. A drop box would allow you to drag
from your other window any file no mater what the file name is.
Getting closer?
I very much want to present extremely simple "Buy 4x6" "Buy 8x12" "Buy 12x18" buttons to my customers right on the journal view page. It seems to me the most flexible way for me to have this, and for everyone else to have their own variations on this theme, is if there was a documented URL pattern or Javascript function that would specify all attributes of an image to be added to the cart -- image id, crop rectangle, print format and true/auto colour.
I sell art, not family photos, and I want to make it dead simple for purchasers.
If you could just tell me how to write code to insert things into the cart, I could make all kinds of great magic happen.
The cart is being worked on now by bigwebguy (who joined our Dev team about 5 months ago!), and you should really like the new stuff we're working on. Don't have a timeframe yet, but know this: it's gonna be better
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Save some screen Real Estate by making the style picker a button along side the slideshow, share, map buttons.
The Black & White control can also be placed on this flyout.
I know this has been brought up before: let the gallery owner control which style(s) the viewer can select from.
Hi everyone and sorry for my poor english.
I want to make a new feature suggestion for Smugmug because sometimes I've this problem:
I've a lot of photos of my travel to Italy but I only want to hide (make private) some of them and I don't want to make two separate albums.
I'll like to do a public album with some private photos.
Thanks all!
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Since it's generally understood that it's best to sharpen images after sizing them (otherwise artifacts can show up), and since it's really only practical to upload the original-sized image and let smugmug handle sizing for prints, and since some of us prefer to handle color and other corrections on images ourselves (including using the same i2e filter that the smugmug auto color uses), I'd like to suggest a print option to sharpen the image (or not).
As it stands now, sharpening only happens when using the auto color option. It would be very convenient to have sharpening offered when selecting true color, and to have that sharpening applied after whatever interpolation is used to size the image to the desired print size.
An easy way to implement this would be to add a checkbox for sharpening after the color choice; then simply turn on (or off) the sharpening option in the i2e filter for auto color prints, or--in the case of true color plus sharpening--turn off all options in i2e *except* sharpening; true color and no sharpening would run the image straight through as it does now. This assumes, of course, that the i2e filter is applied *after* the image has been sized (and cropped if necessary); if not, it really should be done in this order anyway.
Thanks for listening,
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I know you can copy/paste the contents, but that's a pain. I had an unexpected problem the other day where my JS got truncated for some odd reason I can't pin down.
Anyway, being able to restore to the last backup would be awesome.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Why not let a theme contain everything that 'customize' contains, like JS, footers, headers, etc. The 'customize' section would then be a global customization, while the theme would allow local customizations.
For instance, ive got different headers for different galleries. Right now I have to add all headers to the customize section and then turn them on/off with css. Why not allow us to create a specific theme for a gallery where you can add a different header...and specific JS..and specific footers..and...
Need an "Oops" button:D when returning to control panel.
My Website index | My Blog
I always wondered why a large image viewed horizontally is 800x533 pixels and a large image viewed vertically is only 400x600 pixels. Can't the vertical large size image be 533x800? I know I would prefer it.
Perhaps there is already a way to make that happen. If so I'd love to know.
Thank you!
I second this request. This is a problem for me too.
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Weigh in, here:
And that's where the answer to your question is, too
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Thanks for the quick reply Andy. I had a hunch this topic may have been debated somewhere else but couldn't come up with it in a quick search. I didn't even recognize this was part of a change in 4/06 but I went and looked at some of my older photos and they were in fact 800 px tall L images. I will do as you suggest and weigh in.
BTW... Since you guys at Smugmug were nice enough to include me here http://dgrin.smugmug.com/gallery/1801307/1 My stat counter has been indicating a real steady stream of visitors to my site coming from dgrin. I just wanted to say thanks for the recognition.
I'm excited about the new Beta features. You all keep making a good thing better and it's definitely appreciated!
While I fully appreciate and agree, as in GSmith's case, that a "steady stream of visitors" coming to one's site is what many Smugmug members want (afterall, Smugmug is a picture sharing site), I'm sure I am not alone among smugmuggers in my preference to have only those who I invite visit my site. As I say in my bio, the intended purpose of my site is simply for the "G-rated" personal enjoyment of our family and our friends... nothing more, nothing less.
So when I see that Smugmug's BROWSE feature has captured and "promoted" my site, and brought visitors to it whom I did not personally invite, I'm not so thrilled.
How can I "turn off" smugmug's crawler from posting my pics on the main smugmug site without having to password protect my galleries (which kills my ability to effectively use keywords)?
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Thank you, Andy...you are like a candle in the darkness! I'll take the word "yet" in your reply as foreshadowing a day when my "desire" (relating to privacy along with keyword functionality, etc) for the past year has a chance of being fulfilled. Just knowing you knew it was something I wanted (without committing to actually/eventually addressing it with a solution) was never really quite "enough". I'll rest easier now.
Maybe I'm weird but I have something like 400+ galleries and when I open up the Pro Pricing Tool it takes a LONG time to load. I would imagine that anyone with a lot of galleries has a wait for the page to load since the drop-down list has to populate with all the galleries created.
I would never be able to manage the number of photos online without SmugMug's wonderful heirarchy of categories and galleries. Thanks to this I have them categorized and dated.
Proposed solution: Similar to gallery templates, could we have pricing profiles? Then I could setup profiles for models, events, nightclubs, landscapes, and so forth with just a handful of reference items. If I want to change pricing I can refer the image/gallery/bulk of galleries to the appropriate pricing profile. To create a pricing profile the current Pro Pricing Tool list would be duplicated on the control panel as a new selection for Pricing Profiles. The tool could still reference a gallery to pull pricing from, but populating that drop down list would happen only on selection of a "reference gallery selection __________".
Naturally I'm interested in hearing from people with a LOT of galleries, but everyone can chime in
Capturing and creating fashion, film, festivals around Detroit
Wordpress-ed Fuzzytek
The use of keywords can accomplish delivering photos across galleries. The filename on your photos is used as a base for automatic keyword generation. So leaving a computer generated name on photos uploaded short-changes the opportunity to tag them as a group on upload. I usually put the event or feature as part of the filename. Numbers such as years get stripped off however, so NOV2006 doesn't work well.
SmugMug has a keyword cloud feature for the homepage that highlights the most popular keywords on your photos. The number of keywords offered in the cloud can be customized. I am a bit partial to the way FlickR works with tags (aka keywords) since they are listed as a column to the right of the photo when selected. Alphabetized columns make keywords/tags easier to locate than a row... although the row consumes less real estate on the screen. Perhaps using the popular cloud highlighting on keywords (that makes them bigger/bolder) would have them easier to notice. That might be a switchable option - simply a customization feature tossed into the global CSS for the site.
There are some great features at FlickR that I'd love to see mirrored on SmugMug. Such as Flash badges that offer a grid of photos that satisfy a criteria (be it gallery, tag, or popular). This grid moves deeper into the selected photos zooming in and out thumbnails.
I notice later in the discussion you mention Portrait / Landscape selection. It could be accomplished with keywords, however I would think pulling certain EXIF data as keywords would be helpful. This would also be a globally selected option for each user - perhaps offer a checklist of EXIF values that pull-through as keywords upon upload.
btw - my background is with database technologies so you might catch that in the responses I offer
Capturing and creating fashion, film, festivals around Detroit
Wordpress-ed Fuzzytek
Just had an order for 23 photos and it took a good three or four minutes per photo to replace them-- and each time I had to wait, then start the upload of the next one. Seems like this could be automated...
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
I've suggested one possible solution to this problem here which would just let you reupload new versions of your files to the same gallery and any with the same filename would replace the earlier versions just like when you copy files a directory.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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Thanks Pete and John for posting!
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I suspect this would make it much easier for people to see if the thing they want to suggest already has been suggested, and what progress is being made.
I didn't notice whether Jot's bugtracker is optimized for feeches or not.
This is an issue I propose to have myself, and having extensive background in programming and design, as well as some project management, let me politely reply: "we don't much care if the current internal implementation makes it more difficult; programmers are *supposed* to live hard lives so (dow scrubbing bubble voice)we don't have toooooooo...(/dow)." :-)
Seriously: It Would Be Nice If the API were, at least, extended to permit replacement to be specified on an upload of an image; it does not appear that's possible now. This should be something an uploader can do.
When the *current* replacement function is used, does Smug assign a new internal image number and update the order? Or merely replace the image at that image number, as we'd expect?
I, personally, want to know what the percentage is of *people actually wanting to upload duplicate images* versus people wanting to upload replacement images; the current default suggests it's strongly loaded towards the former, which seems counterintuitive to me. Though this may be another pro/selling vs amateur/sharing issue...
The only option that would work for me would be some sort of filename "starts with" logic (maybe I set how many of the characters need to match to consider a match) to determine whether to replace or not... can be done though. You might need to add a screen we can go to where we "confirm" the replacements before they are committed.
bulk. All the gallery thumbs on left and a browse box on right of each thumb
to select replacement photo. Then all replacement photos would be done in
bulk for each gallery.
My Website index | My Blog
My point was that if you "wanted" to replace a file on Smugmug, you could much more easily make the filename match than you can use the existing Replace Photo option. How else is Smugmug going to know how to do bulk replace if you don't make some aspect of the photo match exactly what you want to replace? There are elements of the EXIF that might match exactly too (if EXIF is kept intact fully), but something needs to match exactly. The simplest thing to match is the filename and ever single Smugmug user knows how to make that match to make this work. Sure, my future derivative images sometimes have derivative names, but I'd be perfectly happy to give them the same name for the purposes of a bulk upload in order to make Replace Photo a lot easier. Let's not make this so comlicated that it gets hard to use.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Browse boxes in browsers suck really bad. The file picker in the browsers is just dumb and slow to use. I've got a nice thumbnailed view already open and I just want to drag/drop the 10 images I just edited into something in one move. That's what I do for new images. I just drag/drop them from Bridge to StarExplorer and it's really fast and easy and hardly any steps. I'm just looking for the same experience for Replace Photo.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
bunch and all processing in one batch. A drop box would allow you to drag
from your other window any file no mater what the file name is.
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