The reason for this is; that it is.. "your grave" meaning (anyone who goes near this spot). it is very thin, dangerously so. It is a warning in the simplest of terms. stay away !
This ice is 'tested' constantly by people walking around with 'pokes'. and this is just way to thin, stay away, notice the high marker ?? so it can be seen.. from great distances.
I dare speak the truth when I say, anyone can go down to the road on land and step out onto that ice. The only way to get out to any of the camp sites, you must be a member of a crew. People can't just jump on their machines and arrive and say hi ! Unless you are invited or have participated with that crew.
Behold the magnificent beauty and freedom of the Arctic !!
No noise, no crowds or pests or bugs !! Incredible freedom that you loose, as soon as you enter the village, you can FEEL IT , the sudden loss.
I just happen to have images of a seal, being prepared for dinnner out on the ocean ice. the whole complete process. I dare say I don't think people want to see those photos !!
I just happen to have images of a seal, being prepared for dinnner out on the ocean ice. the whole complete process. I dare say I don't think people want to see those photos !!
Where's the link?? I have never had would love to see it prepared.......or at least how it is prepared.
Then I am a hunter.....did the whole drink the deer blood and eat heart of first deer killed.........
This is a very stark warning, in the simplest of terms.
STAY AWAY - this is your grave !! the ice here is extremely thin. STAY AWAY. Notice the high marker which can be seen from quite a distance, eveyone knows.. stay away - .. .. .. and live !!
This is a very stark warning, in the simplest of terms.
STAY AWAY - this is your grave !! the ice here is extremely thin. STAY AWAY. Notice the high marker which can be seen from quite a distance, eveyone knows.. stay away - .. .. .. and live !!
Makes sense, but I was way off on what I was thinking it was. I thought the cross ment that this is where we will hold our prayer before going out to hunt.
Your pictures and personal story are incredible. As a movie fan I acknowledge you have surpassed "White Dawn", the only Hollywood film that tried to present a glimpse of Inuit lifestyle and culture.
Thousands of years in residency at the village easily makes a claim to be the oldest North American neighborhood. There is a rival claim from Cuzco in Peru, at least as to South America longevity. The Taos Pueblo in New Mexico offers one thousand years of tradition, open to tourists like me and photography, a divisive issue among residents. Little fear of tourism where you live.
I understand Inuit whaling rights. Whale supporters have fought against attempts to revive traditional hunting of Gray Whales on Alaska's pacific coast. I'm curious about Inuit reaction to places such as San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja California, Mexico, where friendly Gray Whales act more like puppies, seeking out human contact, including petting and kissing. An example is attached.
Well thank you so much, for those kind words and for taking your valuable time to read and comment about my work, my labor of love for these unique people.
First let me clear up a common misconception. The natives in Alaska (above the arctic circle) are not inuit !!
Inuit people(s) are: Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Russia
Inupiat / Inupiaq are the Eskimos of The Arctic. ( in Alaska)
(In oop E at)- (In you pack)
We do not hunt the grey whale !! The mighty bowhead whale (right whale) and beluga whales are the only two species that we hunt & eat.
A shelter from the wind, ( when necessary). A red flag is stuck into the top of this shelter, to let people know, from far distances, if it is occupied, We are in an area of very flat ice, no place to hide !!
I just found this thread and spent the past 2 hours here.
Majik Imaje, your body of work is incredible. The journalistic storytelling is some of the most interesting I have ever seen. Such an inspiration. Thank you!
Words fail.
Where has this thread been hiding? I just found it--and must start again from the beginning .
Can't wait to go home and share with my 7 year old--it will be his reading assignment of the night--a treasure. So I guess words don't fail after all:D .
Now.. this is food shopping !! Xtreme - an Oogruk (bearded seal) is in the water. visible. This is larger than a snowmachine. Hundreds of pounds of fresh food - and new skins for the umiaq (next season). Six of these are needed to cover an umiaq.
Wait, - watch - look & listen - Animals will be migrating at any point in time. We wait.. .. patiently. looking, people now speak in low voices, ssshhh. No noise - it will scare the animals away.
It is getting 'wet' out and this is not good.. but we stay. All day - all night - every day - the wind is virtually the only thing that will cause us to leave. These currents are swift / strong and constantly changing !! The weather can change without warning it seems. don't day dream - pay attention. Watch!!
Even an untrained eye - can easily see - storm is approaching - time to get the heck out of here a.s.a.p. !!
Thank you Liz !! I have done my job well to have you spend your valuable time !! (wink) !!
I have literally many hundreds of images yet to post. This is the adventure of a lifetime here in the Arctic. Yes it is cold - but that is the normal way of living up here. NO - you do not get used to it. You learn to dress properly so you can stay out - play out - ALL DAY / NIGHT !! Eskimo's get just as cold as you do. But what you eat (as I have stated before) is essential to keeping warm (and happy).
Dirty clothes cannot keep you warm !!! Many very loose layers !
Working out here, all day, all night - guess what !! ??
You become hungry !! Yummy - time to eat !
Here is tonights supper !! SEAL
GOSH: I haven't even finished last spring's hunt and we have already begun the Fall hunt - it began on last saturday (Sept 26-09). Day one was very rough, high seas, almost impossible to capture a decent photograph.
Sunday it was worse.. severe motion sickness from 8 foot swells.
4 whales were harvested (sat-sun - see blog). - Monday - Tuesday - TOO ROUGH too windy !!
This is all about food or, as Sarah Palin so eloquently put into proper perspective - We eat.. .. .. therefore - we hunt !!
so lets step into an 'Arctic Kitchen' - !! (chuckle) !!
its cold of course - and very clean! We do things different -
Seal Preparation 101
Intestines taste like 'gum' with no flavor ! (burp) !!
Meal is all prepared - time to cook !! Gather round for more stories and a good meal.
I have a great video of an Oogruk (bearded seal) This one is huge - larger than a snowmachine.
I will post a link in the next post (coming soon) !!
For what it is worth - Polar bears are not endangered in any way !! Their population has been steadily rising for DECADES !!
did you know ??? A polar bear w/ cubs can EASILY swim - for HUNDREDS OF MILES !!! The mainstream media is blowing this all out of proportion and down right making up lies !! We see polar bears land on the beach here in Barrow and just lie down to sleep because they are so tired from that swim. Polar bears adapt quite well on land !! The Arctic is only home to 20% of the total polar bear population (Alaska & Russia ) !! do not believe the lies. I quote you - well established FACT !!
i need to save money for my wedding rather than going to alaska!! i seriously should stop coming to this thread....ahhhhh.....almost impossible to resist....
Nah !!! do the right thing - GO NORTH YOUNG MAN !! TONS OF WORK in this state ALL OVER THE STATE.
You only 'LIVE' once - do it in Alaska - now is the time to get the heck out of the states' and away from Big Cities - its gonna get really bad in the states (big cities) NEXT YEAR !! 2010 !! Watch - Out !!
My son Mark has been whaling in Point Hope many times. On Killigvuk's crew. "Killigvuk" where have you seen or heard that word before ?
Killigvuk = to pack up and evacuate the ice pack because of a sudden shift in the wind.. DANGEROUS - ice is advancing towards our location.
Thursday afternoon of this week, (mid may) we left the ice, due to extremely high west winds. Sunday morning @ 8: 00 am we headed back out. Other crews have their sleds and showmachines parked on this property, (Edwardsons Crews). they headed back out @ 2:00 am this morning. The lead is wide open, plenty of open water, the time has arrived !!
and.. on a slightly different matter of what is involved, we witnessed a fire, down on the ice, near the land. A snowmachine caught on fire.
This is another one of the many reasons, that once you head out to the ice.. you stay there, these machines have a tough time, when there is no ice / snow to travel on, Ice must be used to cool the housing down, some goes as far as to jam ice / snow under the machine, when they have to ride on gravel. In this case, .. .. it is obvious what can happen. I am not saying this happens lots, but it can happen. Lots of people do not take proper care of their machines. Theft / or vandalism is a major problem in all villages ! Hondas, Vehicles, Snowmachines, ask any PSO !!
Especially @ dividend time. People fly to Kotzebue to purchase a new machine, and a day or two later it is gone, never to be found again. There are at least a dozen or so villages around the immediate Kotzebue area. I know what I have seen and heard about. so sad !!
A young boy here in Barrow died one beautiful peaceful day last year. Pressured to steal a honda by his 'friends', they went riding around the village. At one point they were getting fancy doing 'stunts'. There are many games children play on hondas, tag is one of those games, stunts is another. This stunt went wrong and the young boy died. His friends left the scene but were all caught a day or so later. Leo was only 12 or 13 years old. sob.
Leo's older brother Ben learned how to carve in our shop - He gave his first bracelet to his momma. Leo wanted to learn. We never got the chance. Sudden accidental death is no stranger in any village. Too many children die very young. We have witnessed too much .. people we were very close to in Point Hope. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
What next ? Captain ??
Rest, where you can, & when you can !!
The avatakpak (float) is covered up,(because) the color is red, that is the only color forbidden at the lead opening. No machines down here, quiet.
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Last October, during fall whaling, two of these exploding bombs, went off, even though the safety was on. Lucky no one on the metal boat got hurt.
Calling home - " can you hear me now " ?
What a view.. .. waiting.. .. for food !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
I am currently working as fast as possible
Thank You all.. .. so much.. .. for taking the time !!!
Train up a child .. .. in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it! .. .. .. 'book' of Proverbs !!
Lets play a game .. .. can you think or imagine what this is here for ??? what does it mean ???
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
This ice is 'tested' constantly by people walking around with 'pokes'. and this is just way to thin, stay away, notice the high marker ?? so it can be seen.. from great distances.
I dare speak the truth when I say, anyone can go down to the road on land and step out onto that ice. The only way to get out to any of the camp sites, you must be a member of a crew. People can't just jump on their machines and arrive and say hi ! Unless you are invited or have participated with that crew.
Behold the magnificent beauty and freedom of the Arctic !!
No noise, no crowds or pests or bugs !! Incredible freedom that you loose, as soon as you enter the village, you can FEEL IT , the sudden loss.
Lets go hunting.. .. ..
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Where's the link?? I have never had would love to see it prepared.......or at least how it is prepared.
Then I am a hunter.....did the whole drink the deer blood and eat heart of first deer killed.........
I give up...what is it here for?
Wonderful photos -- I would love to visit someday.
STAY AWAY - this is your grave !! the ice here is extremely thin. STAY AWAY. Notice the high marker which can be seen from quite a distance, eveyone knows.. stay away - .. .. .. and live !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Makes sense, but I was way off on what I was thinking it was. I thought the cross ment that this is where we will hold our prayer before going out to hunt.
Your pictures and personal story are incredible. As a movie fan I acknowledge you have surpassed "White Dawn", the only Hollywood film that tried to present a glimpse of Inuit lifestyle and culture.
Thousands of years in residency at the village easily makes a claim to be the oldest North American neighborhood. There is a rival claim from Cuzco in Peru, at least as to South America longevity. The Taos Pueblo in New Mexico offers one thousand years of tradition, open to tourists like me and photography, a divisive issue among residents. Little fear of tourism where you live.
I understand Inuit whaling rights. Whale supporters have fought against attempts to revive traditional hunting of Gray Whales on Alaska's pacific coast. I'm curious about Inuit reaction to places such as San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja California, Mexico, where friendly Gray Whales act more like puppies, seeking out human contact, including petting and kissing. An example is attached.
First let me clear up a common misconception. The natives in Alaska (above the arctic circle) are not inuit !!
Inuit people(s) are: Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Russia
Inupiat / Inupiaq are the Eskimos of The Arctic. ( in Alaska)
(In oop E at)- (In you pack)
We do not hunt the grey whale !! The mighty bowhead whale (right whale) and beluga whales are the only two species that we hunt & eat.
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
It is time for Fall Whaling for Barrow - Point Lay - Kaktovik and Nuiqsit.
October 4th is when we usualy begin. Whaling captains were told.. in ten days.. lock and load !! The quota is 18 strikes.
Photos coming soon !!!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Looking forward to seeing the new photos
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Please do!
I cannot wait to see .....the anticipation is very hard on me.......
Majik Imaje, your body of work is incredible. The journalistic storytelling is some of the most interesting I have ever seen. Such an inspiration. Thank you!
18 strikes is the quota this year. Photos should be coming in this weekend (fingers crossed).
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Once the work is done, then the best time arrives. Wait - Watch - Look & Listen. anything can happen at any time with no warning what-so-ever!
You best be prepared - for anything unexpected to happen !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Words fail.
Where has this thread been hiding? I just found it--and must start again from the beginning
Can't wait to go home and share with my 7 year old--it will be his reading assignment of the night--a treasure. So I guess words don't fail after all:D .
A sincere thanks for sharing.
Now.. this is food shopping !! Xtreme - an Oogruk (bearded seal) is in the water. visible. This is larger than a snowmachine. Hundreds of pounds of fresh food - and new skins for the umiaq (next season). Six of these are needed to cover an umiaq.
Wait, - watch - look & listen - Animals will be migrating at any point in time. We wait.. .. patiently. looking, people now speak in low voices, ssshhh. No noise - it will scare the animals away.
It is getting 'wet' out and this is not good.. but we stay. All day - all night - every day - the wind is virtually the only thing that will cause us to leave. These currents are swift / strong and constantly changing !! The weather can change without warning it seems. don't day dream - pay attention. Watch!!
Even an untrained eye - can easily see - storm is approaching - time to get the heck out of here a.s.a.p. !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
I have literally many hundreds of images yet to post. This is the adventure of a lifetime here in the Arctic. Yes it is cold - but that is the normal way of living up here. NO - you do not get used to it. You learn to dress properly so you can stay out - play out - ALL DAY / NIGHT !! Eskimo's get just as cold as you do. But what you eat (as I have stated before) is essential to keeping warm (and happy).
Dirty clothes cannot keep you warm !!! Many very loose layers !
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
You become hungry !! Yummy - time to eat !
Here is tonights supper !! SEAL
GOSH: I haven't even finished last spring's hunt and we have already begun the Fall hunt - it began on last saturday (Sept 26-09). Day one was very rough, high seas, almost impossible to capture a decent photograph.
Sunday it was worse.. severe motion sickness from 8 foot swells.
4 whales were harvested (sat-sun - see blog). - Monday - Tuesday - TOO ROUGH too windy !!
This is all about food or, as Sarah Palin so eloquently put into proper perspective - We eat.. .. .. therefore - we hunt !!
so lets step into an 'Arctic Kitchen' - !! (chuckle) !!
its cold of course - and very clean! We do things different -
Intestines taste like 'gum' with no flavor ! (burp) !!
Meal is all prepared - time to cook !! Gather round for more stories and a good meal.
I have a great video of an Oogruk (bearded seal) This one is huge - larger than a snowmachine.
I will post a link in the next post (coming soon) !!
For what it is worth - Polar bears are not endangered in any way !! Their population has been steadily rising for DECADES !!
did you know ??? A polar bear w/ cubs can EASILY swim - for HUNDREDS OF MILES !!! The mainstream media is blowing this all out of proportion and down right making up lies !! We see polar bears land on the beach here in Barrow and just lie down to sleep because they are so tired from that swim. Polar bears adapt quite well on land !! The Arctic is only home to 20% of the total polar bear population (Alaska & Russia ) !! do not believe the lies. I quote you - well established FACT !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Our method of food shopping is so much different from your method !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
i need to save money for my wedding rather than going to alaska!! i seriously should stop coming to this thread....ahhhhh.....almost impossible to resist....
You only 'LIVE' once - do it in Alaska - now is the time to get the heck out of the states' and away from Big Cities - its gonna get really bad in the states (big cities) NEXT YEAR !! 2010 !! Watch - Out !!
My son Mark has been whaling in Point Hope many times. On Killigvuk's crew. "Killigvuk" where have you seen or heard that word before ?
Killigvuk = to pack up and evacuate the ice pack because of a sudden shift in the wind.. DANGEROUS - ice is advancing towards our location.
Thursday afternoon of this week, (mid may) we left the ice, due to extremely high west winds. Sunday morning @ 8: 00 am we headed back out. Other crews have their sleds and showmachines parked on this property, (Edwardsons Crews). they headed back out @ 2:00 am this morning. The lead is wide open, plenty of open water, the time has arrived !!
and.. on a slightly different matter of what is involved, we witnessed a fire, down on the ice, near the land. A snowmachine caught on fire.
This is another one of the many reasons, that once you head out to the ice.. you stay there, these machines have a tough time, when there is no ice / snow to travel on, Ice must be used to cool the housing down, some goes as far as to jam ice / snow under the machine, when they have to ride on gravel. In this case, .. .. it is obvious what can happen. I am not saying this happens lots, but it can happen. Lots of people do not take proper care of their machines. Theft / or vandalism is a major problem in all villages ! Hondas, Vehicles, Snowmachines, ask any PSO !!
Especially @ dividend time. People fly to Kotzebue to purchase a new machine, and a day or two later it is gone, never to be found again. There are at least a dozen or so villages around the immediate Kotzebue area. I know what I have seen and heard about. so sad !!
A young boy here in Barrow died one beautiful peaceful day last year. Pressured to steal a honda by his 'friends', they went riding around the village. At one point they were getting fancy doing 'stunts'. There are many games children play on hondas, tag is one of those games, stunts is another. This stunt went wrong and the young boy died. His friends left the scene but were all caught a day or so later. Leo was only 12 or 13 years old. sob.
Leo's older brother Ben learned how to carve in our shop - He gave his first bracelet to his momma. Leo wanted to learn. We never got the chance. Sudden accidental death is no stranger in any village. Too many children die very young. We have witnessed too much .. people we were very close to in Point Hope. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos