Oh yeah !! Nalakutaq is a fun filled day - lots of laughts - this goes on for many hours - from noonish - till very late in the evening (we have 24/7 sunlight) EVERY June - open invitation for ANYONE to come visit - partake of the feasts and enjoy - the happiest people I have ever met !!
When we have (any) type celebration it can last for much longer than just one day. These photos are taken after midnight !!! 2 am is like 2 in the afternoon !!
and / or it could just be case of the clock not being set correctly (daylight savings time).
Since it is light 24 / 7 in July - We have our fireworks display in December 31- Jan 1st when it is pitch black outside !
why ? the big parky's at this time of year ?? Because it is STILL cold out!!
no matter how warm is outside - the slightest breeze will chill you all over really quick.
Weather can change up here in a split second - that wind is extremely cold.
ALL of the colorful fur parkeys up here in the entire arctic are hand made & home made.
You begin by purchasing the material / lining / fur and give all of that to ANY elder, your new parky will be finished the very next day - At no time are any measurements taken from the individual that the parky is made for - yet in each and every instance - that parky fits perfectly !!
I originaly purchased 4 mouton skins for 100 each for my parky that was made by Rosemary Oviok in point Hope in 1981. I gave her $100.00 for doing the sewing (hand stitched using dental floss). I paid another 3 hundred for the wolf fur ruff.
That parky lasted me 27 years ! I have had numerous fur ruffs on it - wolverine is by far the best for any type of outdoor activity (your face stays warm) WOLF on the other hand is only used for dress fancy parkys, wolf will keep your face wet and cold when worn outside if any moisture is in the air. rain or blowing snow.
Fox fur is only used on womens parky's
in Additoin to the many different outside coverings (to keep skins clean). denim / white / light blue for hunting on the ocean ice. Denim covers were used when I worked in construction during the winter time. I was always toasty warm.. These parkys will keep you super warm at any temp even if you only are wearing a T shirt !!
Many times @ work in prudhoe bay or back in Boston during the winter - I would take my parky off to let someone else wear it - because they were just so cold. The smile that comes across their faces when they feel how light and warm they are is truely pricless. but most people are extremely reluctant to spend that kind of money on a winter parky - but the truth be known - we live in these parky's year round. Even in the summer time back in boston I would always have my parky with me (habit) especially when splicing high voltage cable on the train tracks.. it was perfect cushion for my knees and other people that were on my crew !!
It sure saved our knees !! A true multipurpose parky !!
These are 2008 photographs - I haven't had the time to (resize) and upload to post here .. .. yet !! So much to do in so many different areas and just not enough time in the day to do everything!
Even tho I'm not in AK -- the North Dakota wind can be a real killer. I'd love to have a parky. The store bought ones...they just don't keep you warm in -30* temps. No matter how many layers you have on.
Let me tell you of one of my many experiences - I married an Inupiaq Eskimo woman in 1982 - She grew up in weather - minus 50 below zero !!
I took her back to boston in 1983. FEBRUARY 30 DEGREES ABOVE ZERO - With her big fur parky on - she froze @ 30 above zero - she could not take the cold of New England !!
Alaska is extremely 'dry' The cold just gets 'on you' it never penetrates any clothing !!
Let me tell you of one of my many experiences - I married an Inupiaq Eskimo woman in 1982 - She grew up in weather - minus 50 below zero !!
I took her back to boston in 1983. FEBRUARY 30 DEGREES ABOVE ZERO - With her big fur parky on - she froze @ 30 above zero - she could not take the cold of New England !!
Alaska is extremely 'dry' The cold just gets 'on you' it never penetrates any clothing !!
Yes it does get very dry. Our dew point is in the negatives as I'm sure yours is too.
Children love to take their parky's off- in the gym, and run from their mothers - outside with just a t-shirt on and run into the cold when it is 30 below, Mother is chasing child to put parky back on. This happens too much and too many times. They love to do this - why ? I dunno, they must get one heck of a rush from it.
UP here.. the cold - just gets ON your skin, It doesn't penetrate!!
I don't know how to explain it. But it is common to see students walking outside wearing shortcuts when it is zero or below !!
Children love to take their parky's off- in the gym, and run from their mothers - outside with just a t-shirt on and run into the cold when it is 30 below, Mother is chasing child to put parky back on. This happens too much and too many times. They love to do this - why ? I dunno, they must get one heck of a rush from it.
UP here.. the cold - just gets ON your skin, It doesn't penetrate!!
I don't know how to explain it. But it is common to see students walking outside wearing shortcuts when it is zero or below !!
I think one gets use to the cold. We get use to it after awhile. Not as much as that tho, but it's not uncommon to run out without a coat on to get something in the garage. Wouldn't want to be out there long tho.
Nope, there is no such thing.. ..as getting used to it.. everyone gets cold.
Yes it is true. people do run out in the cold with just normal attire to empty trash or get something. But quickly run back in.. the children do not do that. they run to escape putting that parky back on.
Even in severe weather it is not umcommon to see teens outside with just tennis shoes and shortcuts in sub zero weather.
A friend of mine from Boston flew to barrow last Jan. Brad Parker he was the one who came up to Point Hope in 1983. To witness the spring hunt. We were playing chess when Joe Frankson got his whale right in front of us.
Last January it was 40 below when Brad Arrived. He had a huge winter parky on (white man style) and had the hood up and closed the entire time he was outside. He did not want to feel that cold on his face.
We kept trying to get him to relax and take his hood down.. he wouldn't.
Back inside the house, sitting at the table wearing just a T-shirt I said. why are you so afraid to open that hood and feel the air. Its too cold he said.
I said.. (he has two sweaters on) lets go outside and I opened the door and stood outside with just a T-shirt and socks-very thin sweat pants. come on out Brad- the weather is fine. He would not come out.. I was standing there @ 40 below dressed like this and he finally ventured out.. but he ran back in quckly when he felt the sudden extreme drop in the air temps.. I laughed and laughed. then after he ran back in I walked back in and sat down laughing. the expression on his face when he felt that blast of cold from the fridgid arctic air was truely priceless !!
I was out today when it was -18* and the windchill was almost -30*, but I had 2 pairs of sweats on. Stayed out for 1/2 hour taking test shots and didn't get cold, but my face could really feel the bite the bitter wind had.
I don't know if that's a sunset or sunrise behind the guys, but it sure is beautiful
Well the time is 11:30 a.m. the sun is going to attempt to rise but it will not make it above the horizon. We have dusk for about 2 hours per day- it is light enough to read a newspaper outside-.
On one forum one woman said. Now I know your lying because we all know - six months darkness & six months of light you said it was dark and got light again in the same day.
Here is how it really works - there is no such thing as six months light and six months darkness NOT IN ALASKA.
The sun sets on November 18th and it will not come ABOVE the horizon again until Jan 24th.
This image was created Jan 12 @ 12:02 !!
Once we hit February towards the end - we have the same light / darkness as you do. BUT .. IN March - we gaining 20 minutes more light each day.
In Barrow once we reach the end of April we are quickly approaching 24 hours per sunlight each day until Mid August NO DARKNESS FOR 89 DAYS!!
There is no such thing - in the arctic (alaska) as a day with no light ! We have light every single day of the year.
I have some new photos for you. not about whaling but 'something different' that you never see.. 'skin sewing' for an umiaq. You just ain't gonna believe what is required to sew these skins together - (chuckle). This is a full days work - requiring many people, that never complain !! ha ha !! watch & learn.. .. The Inupiaq Way !!
You ain't gonna believe this - until you see it !! (stay tuned) !!
Notice how her fingers are protected - so as not to slice them open when pulling that sinew. Great skill is required for these skins to be perfectly fitted to the umiaq. Think about that.. 'sew six skins together to form a water tight covering for a wooden boat frame to carry 8 people safely, in frigid arctic waters that mean instant death if you fall in.
These women.. spent a total of four days - working on this project !! Messy - oily - clothing is well protected and a huge massive sheet of visqueen is used constantly to protect the skins and the person working on them. A shield so to speak.
Looks like really tuff and messy work. Laying on the floor like that must get really uncomfortable. I can see why they need to be precise on their sewing...It carries precious cargo.
Looking forward to seeing more photos you have to share with us.
This is a lot of work - easily discerned - but workers get hungry - and a special "Box - lunch" is available. Lots to eat !! Sorry - I just couldn't resist !!
Many of you will notice a number of posts missing from this thread. This is because those posts are not related to photography.
Dgrin is first and foremost a forum for sharing as it relates to photography and the decision to go through the thread was not made lightly. Going forward, I'd like all of you to keep the comments related to photography.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
This is just so kewl, I had to post it here.
click on the link. The book will come to life;
Place your cursor on the right side of the book (anywhere)
click/hold & drag the book open by moving the mouse from right to left - continue turning pages back and forth and ENJOY!!
I enjoyed looking at the photos in the book. What a wonderful idea.
Thank you for sharing it with us
I am going to load that book; with 500 images including text !!
This new library of books you can save and are automatically updated will consist of more than 1/2 dozen different books on Inupiaq (In you pack) lifestyle !!
I am going to load that book; with 500 images including text !!
This new library of books you can save and are automatically updated will consist of more than 1/2 dozen different books on Inupiaq (In you pack) lifestyle !!
Can we have a link to that library??? Pleasebowbowbow
Great photos .....I wish I had such wonderful subject to be photoing
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Wonderful photos
According to you exif these photos were taken July 5, 2008 and people are still wearing large heavy parkas?
How do they celebrate Independence Day on July 4th since this is such a big celebration on the 5th?
The Parkas are they made by the natives or are they store bought?
just trying to get a little education on their culture here.....THANX
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
and / or it could just be case of the clock not being set correctly (daylight savings time).
Since it is light 24 / 7 in July - We have our fireworks display in December 31- Jan 1st when it is pitch black outside !
why ? the big parky's at this time of year ?? Because it is STILL cold out!!
no matter how warm is outside - the slightest breeze will chill you all over really quick.
Weather can change up here in a split second - that wind is extremely cold.
ALL of the colorful fur parkeys up here in the entire arctic are hand made & home made.
You begin by purchasing the material / lining / fur and give all of that to ANY elder, your new parky will be finished the very next day - At no time are any measurements taken from the individual that the parky is made for - yet in each and every instance - that parky fits perfectly !!
I originaly purchased 4 mouton skins for 100 each for my parky that was made by Rosemary Oviok in point Hope in 1981. I gave her $100.00 for doing the sewing (hand stitched using dental floss). I paid another 3 hundred for the wolf fur ruff.
That parky lasted me 27 years ! I have had numerous fur ruffs on it - wolverine is by far the best for any type of outdoor activity (your face stays warm) WOLF on the other hand is only used for dress fancy parkys, wolf will keep your face wet and cold when worn outside if any moisture is in the air. rain or blowing snow.
Fox fur is only used on womens parky's
in Additoin to the many different outside coverings (to keep skins clean). denim / white / light blue for hunting on the ocean ice. Denim covers were used when I worked in construction during the winter time. I was always toasty warm.. These parkys will keep you super warm at any temp even if you only are wearing a T shirt !!
Many times @ work in prudhoe bay or back in Boston during the winter - I would take my parky off to let someone else wear it - because they were just so cold. The smile that comes across their faces when they feel how light and warm they are is truely pricless. but most people are extremely reluctant to spend that kind of money on a winter parky - but the truth be known - we live in these parky's year round. Even in the summer time back in boston I would always have my parky with me (habit) especially when splicing high voltage cable on the train tracks.. it was perfect cushion for my knees and other people that were on my crew !!
It sure saved our knees !! A true multipurpose parky !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
These are 2008 photographs - I haven't had the time to (resize) and upload to post here .. .. yet !! So much to do in so many different areas and just not enough time in the day to do everything!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Even tho I'm not in AK -- the North Dakota wind can be a real killer. I'd love to have a parky. The store bought ones...they just don't keep you warm in -30* temps. No matter how many layers you have on.
I took her back to boston in 1983. FEBRUARY 30 DEGREES ABOVE ZERO - With her big fur parky on - she froze @ 30 above zero - she could not take the cold of New England !!
Alaska is extremely 'dry' The cold just gets 'on you' it never penetrates any clothing !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Yes it does get very dry. Our dew point is in the negatives as I'm sure yours is too.
To humid for her -- she got cold
UP here.. the cold - just gets ON your skin, It doesn't penetrate!!
I don't know how to explain it. But it is common to see students walking outside wearing shortcuts when it is zero or below !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
I think one gets use to the cold. We get use to it after awhile. Not as much as that tho, but it's not uncommon to run out without a coat on to get something in the garage. Wouldn't want to be out there long tho.
Yes it is true. people do run out in the cold with just normal attire to empty trash or get something. But quickly run back in.. the children do not do that. they run to escape putting that parky back on.
Even in severe weather it is not umcommon to see teens outside with just tennis shoes and shortcuts in sub zero weather.
A friend of mine from Boston flew to barrow last Jan. Brad Parker he was the one who came up to Point Hope in 1983. To witness the spring hunt. We were playing chess when Joe Frankson got his whale right in front of us.
Last January it was 40 below when Brad Arrived. He had a huge winter parky on (white man style) and had the hood up and closed the entire time he was outside. He did not want to feel that cold on his face.
We kept trying to get him to relax and take his hood down.. he wouldn't.
Back inside the house, sitting at the table wearing just a T-shirt I said. why are you so afraid to open that hood and feel the air. Its too cold he said.
I said.. (he has two sweaters on) lets go outside and I opened the door and stood outside with just a T-shirt and socks-very thin sweat pants. come on out Brad- the weather is fine. He would not come out.. I was standing there @ 40 below dressed like this and he finally ventured out.. but he ran back in quckly when he felt the sudden extreme drop in the air temps.. I laughed and laughed. then after he ran back in I walked back in and sat down laughing. the expression on his face when he felt that blast of cold from the fridgid arctic air was truely priceless !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
I was out today when it was -18* and the windchill was almost -30*, but I had 2 pairs of sweats on. Stayed out for 1/2 hour taking test shots and didn't get cold, but my face could really feel the bite the bitter wind had.
I don't know if that's a sunset or sunrise behind the guys, but it sure is beautiful
On one forum one woman said. Now I know your lying because we all know - six months darkness & six months of light you said it was dark and got light again in the same day.
Here is how it really works - there is no such thing as six months light and six months darkness NOT IN ALASKA.
The sun sets on November 18th and it will not come ABOVE the horizon again until Jan 24th.
This image was created Jan 12 @ 12:02 !!
Once we hit February towards the end - we have the same light / darkness as you do. BUT .. IN March - we gaining 20 minutes more light each day.
In Barrow once we reach the end of April we are quickly approaching 24 hours per sunlight each day until Mid August NO DARKNESS FOR 89 DAYS!!
There is no such thing - in the arctic (alaska) as a day with no light ! We have light every single day of the year.
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
crews are getting ready to begin the hunt !
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
You ain't gonna believe this - until you see it !! (stay tuned) !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
These women.. spent a total of four days - working on this project !! Messy - oily - clothing is well protected and a huge massive sheet of visqueen is used constantly to protect the skins and the person working on them. A shield so to speak.
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Looking forward to seeing more photos you have to share with us.
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Dgrin is first and foremost a forum for sharing as it relates to photography and the decision to go through the thread was not made lightly. Going forward, I'd like all of you to keep the comments related to photography.
click on the link. The book will come to life;
Place your cursor on the right side of the book (anywhere)
click/hold & drag the book open by moving the mouse from right to left - continue turning pages back and forth and ENJOY!!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Thank you for sharing it with us
I am going to load that book; with 500 images including text !!
This new library of books you can save and are automatically updated will consist of more than 1/2 dozen different books on Inupiaq (In you pack) lifestyle !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Can we have a link to that library??? Please
Great photos .....I wish I had such wonderful subject to be photoing
Are you using Flip Album software for the book???