I have 'video's' of all of what is going on here, with the shoulder gun. I will post them a.s.a.p.
This is different - here in Barrow. Point Hope doesn't bring the tents this close to the edge of the ice. In Point Hope the tents are 1/2 - 3/4 of a mile behind the crews. This is the womens tent. the hunters sleep outside at the lead - no tents.
but here in Barrow the men are virtually the only crew members on the ice at the lead. Some crews do have women paddling - Point Hope & in other villages as well.
It is just the greatest most exciting way to spend the day, and I can't wait for next spring !!!
The Gauntlet : The Lead ! - 37 crews - spaced out @ 1/2 mile intervals. Waiting for lots animals to enter, through the lead. In other words.. Let them enter .. and move through with lots of animals.
then when yu have a huge selection (for everyone) then That is the time !! for Everyone to go all out and hunt for food for the ENTIRE VILLAGE.
But greedy - young - inexperienced people decided to JUMP THE GUN and rush before the animals entered the lead. This is against the Inupiaq Values !! Eugene threw up his hands in discust and said.. lets go home. Whaling is over for this year (meaning the spring hunt). So as a result only 3 very small whales were harvested and everyone paid a dear price for that greed !! I am telling it like the President of the AEWC repeated it again and again.. He was pissed off big time from people / crews being too lazy to cut their own trail and hyjacked two of our trails and complety took them over- forcing us to move for the third time.
We are first in line - Our crews were as far west as possible at the tip of the Point. The animals have to pass by us FIRST. We want to hide / wait until the lead is well populated for many miles - THEN STRIKE. !!
SO SAD ! to see so much work go into this. FORGET the expense of wasted money. You would never ever believe how much it cost a captain to bring & maintain a crew out on that ice for two months !!
and here they go.. This is called .. .. Hooray for us and screw you !!
None of the animals have entered the lead opening yet. They are approaching. wait.... NOPE.. others have their own agenda and 33 captains get screwed because of the rush. Al the animals scatter and the hunt was a total disaster!! tisk tisk. So sad - all of that months worth of work - for nothing !!
The noise and vibration from the outboard caused all animals to scatter !
sigh (sob) The end of the spring hunt. We pack up and go home !!!
The shoulder gun video is 3.8 meg. the very first thing you will notice is that people do not talk (needlesly). It is very cold & it is very windy !!
There is a reason why village elders run things.....knowledge......Hopefully no one will have to go hungry....looks very desolate but there are hopefully a few caribou or bears to be taken for food.......I know the Whales mean more than just food also.........
Hopefull there is punishment awaiting those that sabotaged the hunt?????? huhhuh
There 4 huge herds of Caribou in the Northern Arctic
One herd has over 400,000 animals !!
Whales are harvested for one reason - it is their staple - Their favorite food. Without maktak (muck tuck) A = uh - these people could never survive in this extremely harsh climate !!
These people - this culture - in essence 'Worships' the whale. Their whole lifestyle revolves around the Bowhead whale !!
It requires a whole year - just to get ready to go whaling! An incredible amount of work and preparation is involved !!
Shooting directly into the sun - is the most dramatic form of lighting - it is also the most difficult to expose correctly. No meter can correctly handle this type lighting situation.
100 ISO - EV 15 = 1/125 @ F 5.6 !! That is the exact value(s), I always used when using film. Perfect results everytime. BUT WITH DIGITAL those values are not true. 1/600th @5.6 is what the EXIF data reveals.
Hmmm ?? 2 1/2 stops difference ! hmm ? how come ??
Well a problem exists here. FILM 100 ISO and digital 100 ISO do not jive with each other for the same exact scene.
hasn't anyone else noticed this ?? So which value is WRONG ??
Some testing using a calibrated method with notes is important !!
results coming soon !! <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
October 27th - Bowhead whale hunt - My son, Jesse Eves, depositing his breakfast & lunch into the ocean, many times!! The ocean was very rough and too much for a rookie with no sea legs !!
The only 'thing' Jesse got - was a sore stomach from wretching numerous times throughout the day. (chuckle). No our crew did not get any whales this year. We did get shares of one whale !! And some baleen for arts & crafts.
The only 'thing' Jesse got - was a sore stomach from wretching numerous times throughout the day. (chuckle). No our crew did not get any whales this year. We did get shares of one whale !! And some baleen for arts & crafts.
I'm glad you got a share of something
As for Jesse -- he'll do much better the next time out
Those boats ARE really small !!! The vast expanse of the ocean makes anything look small .
How many people can one whale feed and for how long ??
I have no way to begin to calculate that figure. Let me put it this way.
People cannot eat whale (maktak) as much as they want to.
and of course it depends on how large that whale is ! The Inupiaq people do not want the really huge whales 60 foot or larger. They are too tough and too much work.
They much perfer the 'teenagers' for food, it is 'tender' instead of tough.
Well the shares we got, is enough to have maktak once a month, and you might make it half way through the year . A captain that has received a whale gets a much larger share than just ordinary town folk.
So, since the whale is divided up among the crews; & the entire community so that everyone has a share. It is not enough to survive for teh entire year. Maktak (muck tuck) keeps you warm(er) out on the ocean ice pack. that is the ONE FOOD SOURCE that these people need to survive. I mean it is totally unheard of to 'sleep' outside @ 50 below for weeks with no tents for protection. & - no one ever COMPLAINS !!! - how about that !!
Those boats ARE really small !!! The vast expanse of the ocean makes anything look small .
How many people can one whale feed and for how long ??
I have no way to begin to calculate that figure. Let me put it this way.
People cannot eat whale (maktak) as much as they want to.
and of course it depends on how large that whale is ! The Inupiaq people do not want the really huge whales 60 foot or larger. They are too tough and too much work.
They much perfer the 'teenagers' for food, it is 'tender' instead of tough.
Well the shares we got, is enough to have maktak once a month, and you might make it half way through the year . A captain that has received a whale gets a much larger share than just ordinary town folk.
So, since the whale is divided up among the crews; & the entire community so that everyone has a share. It is not enough to survive for teh entire year. Maktak (muck tuck) keeps you warm(er) out on the ocean ice pack. that is the ONE FOOD SOURCE that these people need to survive. I mean it is totally unheard of to 'sleep' outside @ 50 below for weeks with no tents for protection. & - no one ever COMPLAINS !!! - how about that !!
It must be the oil in the whale meat that keeps one warm or is it something else?
50 below -- that is mighty cold. I think our windchills of in the -40's is terrible. Lucky we will only get that for a short period of time....hoping this winter is a mild one. No snow on the ground yet
Thanks for sharing this with us. I find it so interesting. Hopefully one day I'll make my trip to Alaska.
Yes blubber is all flammable fat. When placed @ room temp. it will melt.
This oil or eaten solid (frozen) will 'thicken' your blood - which in turn helps to keep you much warmer. Scientists / doctors are amazed - and totally bewildered @ how people can sustain themselves on a diet of fat and be so healthy with no vegetable or fruit !!
These people are healthy; and the happiest people I have ever met. They are 'thankful' for the 'simple' things in life and quite content
what struck me so bizzarre - is that these people just never complain & sometimes they have every right to !!
Yes blubber is all flammable fat. When placed @ room temp. it will melt.
This oil or eaten solid (frozen) will 'thicken' your blood - which in turn helps to keep you much warmer. Scientists / doctors are amazed - and totally bewildered @ how people can sustain themselves on a diet of fat and be so healthy with no vegetable or fruit !!
These people are healthy; and the happiest people I have ever met. They are 'thankful' for the 'simple' things in life and quite content
what struck me so bizzarre - is that these people just never complain & sometimes they have every right to !!
Really interesting. I know some people here take pills or drink cod oil and fish oil. Never tried it myself, but they say it really helps in the winter for staying warmer.
It is amazing they are so healthy, but I think their outlook on life has a lot to do with it.
Keep taking photos and posting -- I look forward to seeing what's going on in Alaska
The best of the best of Blanket Toss
Letting the candy fly !! IN Barrow - the candy is for the children and the people surrounding the blanket.
In Point Hope the tradition is much different - the candy - or money 0r furs.. are for the elders ONLY .. if any child get his hands on any of the gifts. it is believed with all sincerity that next year will be a bad hunting year. So in essence - the elders do all that is physically possible to prevent any child from grabbing anything that is thrown.
Also - In Point Hope - anyone can get on the blanket to 'take a ride' but only those mothers that have had a first born child - are allowed to throw 'gifts' to the elders.
Candy - !! This is all they throw in Barrow @ blanket toss. In Point Hope it is much different, money - furs - are all gifts that are also thrown (for the elders).
Achieveing height & form are the goals of every person that climbs on the blanket to 'express' themself !!
Balancing on the blanket is often - a hazard to contend with. It is very easy to injure yourself on this blanket - this doen't work like a trampoline.
I've never heard of using snow/ice to cool down a snowmachine, but that makes sense. They're made for cold weather.
This is different - here in Barrow. Point Hope doesn't bring the tents this close to the edge of the ice. In Point Hope the tents are 1/2 - 3/4 of a mile behind the crews. This is the womens tent. the hunters sleep outside at the lead - no tents.
but here in Barrow the men are virtually the only crew members on the ice at the lead. Some crews do have women paddling - Point Hope & in other villages as well.
It is just the greatest most exciting way to spend the day, and I can't wait for next spring !!!
The Gauntlet : The Lead ! - 37 crews - spaced out @ 1/2 mile intervals. Waiting for lots animals to enter, through the lead. In other words.. Let them enter .. and move through with lots of animals.
then when yu have a huge selection (for everyone) then That is the time !! for Everyone to go all out and hunt for food for the ENTIRE VILLAGE.
But greedy - young - inexperienced people decided to JUMP THE GUN and rush before the animals entered the lead. This is against the Inupiaq Values !! Eugene threw up his hands in discust and said.. lets go home. Whaling is over for this year (meaning the spring hunt). So as a result only 3 very small whales were harvested and everyone paid a dear price for that greed !! I am telling it like the President of the AEWC repeated it again and again.. He was pissed off big time from people / crews being too lazy to cut their own trail and hyjacked two of our trails and complety took them over- forcing us to move for the third time.
We are first in line - Our crews were as far west as possible at the tip of the Point. The animals have to pass by us FIRST. We want to hide / wait until the lead is well populated for many miles - THEN STRIKE. !!
SO SAD ! to see so much work go into this. FORGET the expense of wasted money. You would never ever believe how much it cost a captain to bring & maintain a crew out on that ice for two months !!
and here they go.. This is called .. .. Hooray for us and screw you !!
None of the animals have entered the lead opening yet. They are approaching. wait.... NOPE.. others have their own agenda and 33 captains get screwed because of the rush. Al the animals scatter and the hunt was a total disaster!! tisk tisk. So sad - all of that months worth of work - for nothing !!
The noise and vibration from the outboard caused all animals to scatter !
sigh (sob) The end of the spring hunt. We pack up and go home !!!
The shoulder gun video is 3.8 meg. the very first thing you will notice is that people do not talk (needlesly). It is very cold & it is very windy !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Hopefull there is punishment awaiting those that sabotaged the hunt??????
One herd has over 400,000 animals !!
Whales are harvested for one reason - it is their staple - Their favorite food. Without maktak (muck tuck) A = uh - these people could never survive in this extremely harsh climate !!
These people - this culture - in essence 'Worships' the whale. Their whole lifestyle revolves around the Bowhead whale !!
It requires a whole year - just to get ready to go whaling! An incredible amount of work and preparation is involved !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
It looks just as flat as my state and just as white too in the winter
Gotta chuckle...we always check to see who's colder...us or Barrow
Enjoyed your photos
This image was created in 1988 using Vericolor FILM !!
Mamiya C220 - 100 ISO - 1/250 @ F 11 - no filter used on this twin lens reflex camera. Post procesing in Lightroom 3 beta !! WoWoW !!
The caption was created last night - Simple ideas can generate a lot of $$ with post cards & notecards !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
100 ISO - EV 15 = 1/125 @ F 5.6 !! That is the exact value(s), I always used when using film. Perfect results everytime. BUT WITH DIGITAL those values are not true. 1/600th @5.6 is what the EXIF data reveals.
Hmmm ?? 2 1/2 stops difference ! hmm ? how come ??
Well a problem exists here. FILM 100 ISO and digital 100 ISO do not jive with each other for the same exact scene.
hasn't anyone else noticed this ?? So which value is WRONG ??
Some testing using a calibrated method with notes is important !!
results coming soon !! <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
I'm glad you got a share of something
As for Jesse -- he'll do much better the next time out
A whale comes to the surface to breathe and dive again.
Kappii (cup pea) The whale has been harpooned, blood is in the air - the exploding haproon (holder) is floating a short distance away.
Notice how the boats - back off - and wait !!
Whaling Captain:
Harry Brower
Whalilng Captain:
Charlie Hopsen
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
How many people can a whale feed and for how long?
How many people can one whale feed and for how long ??
I have no way to begin to calculate that figure. Let me put it this way.
People cannot eat whale (maktak) as much as they want to.
and of course it depends on how large that whale is ! The Inupiaq people do not want the really huge whales 60 foot or larger. They are too tough and too much work.
They much perfer the 'teenagers' for food, it is 'tender' instead of tough.
Well the shares we got, is enough to have maktak once a month, and you might make it half way through the year . A captain that has received a whale gets a much larger share than just ordinary town folk.
So, since the whale is divided up among the crews; & the entire community so that everyone has a share. It is not enough to survive for teh entire year. Maktak (muck tuck) keeps you warm(er) out on the ocean ice pack. that is the ONE FOOD SOURCE that these people need to survive. I mean it is totally unheard of to 'sleep' outside @ 50 below for weeks with no tents for protection. & - no one ever COMPLAINS !!! - how about that !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
It must be the oil in the whale meat that keeps one warm or is it something else?
50 below -- that is mighty cold. I think our windchills of in the -40's is terrible. Lucky we will only get that for a short period of time....hoping this winter is a mild one. No snow on the ground yet
Thanks for sharing this with us. I find it so interesting. Hopefully one day I'll make my trip to Alaska.
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Ah....the blubber. That's the part that's rich in oil?
This oil or eaten solid (frozen) will 'thicken' your blood - which in turn helps to keep you much warmer. Scientists / doctors are amazed - and totally bewildered @ how people can sustain themselves on a diet of fat and be so healthy with no vegetable or fruit !!
These people are healthy; and the happiest people I have ever met. They are 'thankful' for the 'simple' things in life and quite content
what struck me so bizzarre - is that these people just never complain & sometimes they have every right to !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Really interesting. I know some people here take pills or drink cod oil and fish oil. Never tried it myself, but they say it really helps in the winter for staying warmer.
It is amazing they are so healthy, but I think their outlook on life has a lot to do with it.
Keep taking photos and posting -- I look forward to seeing what's going on in Alaska
Karma will bite them in the butt one day for wronging their whole society like that.
What goes around comes around.................
Thank you so much for sharing.
This image just doesn't look right!!
After photoshop processing is applied - then it looks normal !!
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
Letting the candy fly !! IN Barrow - the candy is for the children and the people surrounding the blanket.
In Point Hope the tradition is much different - the candy - or money 0r furs.. are for the elders ONLY .. if any child get his hands on any of the gifts. it is believed with all sincerity that next year will be a bad hunting year. So in essence - the elders do all that is physically possible to prevent any child from grabbing anything that is thrown.
Also - In Point Hope - anyone can get on the blanket to 'take a ride' but only those mothers that have had a first born child - are allowed to throw 'gifts' to the elders.
Candy - !! This is all they throw in Barrow @ blanket toss. In Point Hope it is much different, money - furs - are all gifts that are also thrown (for the elders).
Achieveing height & form are the goals of every person that climbs on the blanket to 'express' themself !!
Balancing on the blanket is often - a hazard to contend with. It is very easy to injure yourself on this blanket - this doen't work like a trampoline.
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos
working around the clock to restore lost 'forum' & all photos