Show us your business Card!



  • W.W. WebsterW.W. Webster Registered Users Posts: 3,204 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2009
    filmphoto wrote:
    We are photographers - that does not make us designers.

    This is not meant as a put-down - but rather to make us all think about our presentation
    Unfortunately, you won't get much support for such views here, albeit that you offer them in good faith and with a good deal of justification.

    There are examples of great design in this thread, but they are far out-weighed by the other kind. However, as they say, there are none so blind that cannot see.

    Between you and me, it's better to just keep your head down. mwink.gif
  • Jeremy WinterbergJeremy Winterberg Registered Users Posts: 1,233 Major grins
    edited May 25, 2009
    filmphoto wrote:
    As I say - mine is rubbish too.

    When I saw this thread I thought just the inspiration I need, then I realised I should NOT be designing my own card - for the same reasons many here shouldn't. We are photographers - that does not make us designers.

    I am not the right person to design my business card - and on the basis of what I've seen here it's true for many others as well.

    And again, I repeat, why would you not show yourself off in the best light possible - why cheapskate on the very first thing a client will see?

    This is not meant as a put-down - but rather to make us all think about our presentation - this thread did exactly that for me.

    Well, you're business card hopefully isn't the first thing the client sees. It should be your face, your personality, and how you interact with the client. Then you give them the business card as a way to contact you and see your portfolio.

    And as a photographer in these days, you need to be a graphic designer as well. If you're not, then I fear you're losing clients by providing horrible Post Processing... and if you're outsourcing that, or skipping that, you really should rethink your hobby/career.

    Granted, some of us may be horrible b-card designers... but thats why we post it on here, for C&C to improve. Thats the whole reason for this website. To improve our photographic skills and anything that goes along with it, whether that be PP, GRAPHIC DESIGN, our choice of equipment, or even the decision to start going to school for photography. We're not all professionals (me not being one of those at all), but there are many on here, and we're not all perfect.

    Clients cannot expect us to be either of those, but they do expect us to work professionally, and with the precision of a perfectionist.
  • squiddysquiddy Registered Users Posts: 161 Major grins
    edited May 26, 2009
    just ordered these from Zazzle for 50% off!

    [they have business cards on sale all the time. These are indestrucable]



    ** in addition to people's views on their own cards... they should represent you and your personality. I agree your clients should get to know you and not base your work on your card BUT many will :/

    I designed these so they were to the point - basic info/graphic/bright back and in the plastic type indestructible because if i'm going to tracks people may not be the wallet carrying type. If it gets thrown around it won't get torn up :)

    i love graphic design as well - if anyone wants help i'm more than willing to do some design
  • MoxMox Registered Users Posts: 313 Major grins
    edited May 26, 2009
    Interesting discussion here. My business card is just a photo on the front with my name and website on the back. I'm thinking I'll add a bit more on the next re-print.

    I realize it's not exactly a business card, but didn't see a reason to start a new thread. I'm having some rack cards printed to distribute in local tack shops and equestrian hangouts. I would love a quick glance over them before I send them to print if anyone has the time or inclination.

    I admit that I'm not a designer, or really even a pro photographer yet. I'm a veterinarian looking for a career change. :O


  • Chris OChris O Registered Users Posts: 66 Big grins
    edited May 26, 2009
    dangin wrote:
    is this on paper on plastic? tres chic if it's on plastic!

    It's on paper. I'm getting some samples sent to me this week to see how I should print my next batch. Silk finish is looking pretty rad.
  • squiddysquiddy Registered Users Posts: 161 Major grins
    edited May 26, 2009
    Yeah Chris yours are pretty Badass.

    i really like simplicity
  • Chris_NDChris_ND Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited May 27, 2009
    Business card from Matt336 and I. We are pretty happy with the final product, handed a few of them out during a Senior Graduation, We also put some on the vehicles in the parking lot to the students. Kind of the old fashioned spam. =)





    CC Is always Welcomed!wings.gif
  • Hikin' MikeHikin' Mike Registered Users Posts: 5,490 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2009
    Chris_ND wrote:
    Business card from Matt336 and I. We are pretty happy with the final product, handed a few of them out during a Senior Graduation, We also put some on the vehicles in the parking lot to the students. Kind of the old fashioned spam. =)



    CC Is always Welcomed!wings.gif

    You do web design and you're using a SmugMug account? Nothing wrong with SmugMug, but I would think a web designer would have a custom site. eek7.gif
  • com3com3 Registered Users Posts: 423 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2009
    Well, you're business card hopefully isn't the first thing the client sees. It should be your face, your personality, and how you interact with the client. Then you give them the business card as a way to contact you and see your portfolio.

    oh man oh man....i hope they see my card before they see my face... rolleyes1.gif
  • com3com3 Registered Users Posts: 423 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2009
    The whole purpose of this thread is to post your b-card and get feedback and suggestions for it.

    i posted my redesign a page back and got nothin on it... :( i KNOW the back of my card needs work, and i was hoping suggestions would spark ideas, cause i got nuthin.
  • Jeremy WinterbergJeremy Winterberg Registered Users Posts: 1,233 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2009
    com3 wrote:
    i posted my redesign a page back and got nothin on it... :( i KNOW the back of my card needs work, and i was hoping suggestions would spark ideas, cause i got nuthin.

    I'm a tad handicapped right now. two days ago i got my left hand caught in a jointer and it took the whole pad of my thumb off straight down to the bone. Yesterday i had surgery, they did a skin graph, cut a flap up on my index finger, and attatched my thumb to it so it has blood flowing to heal faster.

    Vicodin helps alot! :D
    ould do...
    but to your design... i think i would change the joe font and make it not so child'ish, and maybe look more like handwritting. also make it more straight and not angled.e going for, but thats what i w

    the back.. i would make your url look even more like its a stamp... idk if thats what you wer

    can't wait till its healed and i can used my left hand again.
  • com3com3 Registered Users Posts: 423 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2009
    but to your design... i think i would change the joe font and make it not so child'ish, and maybe look more like handwritting.

    ugh! i know ALL about the hand injuries! last may, i highsided my motorbike and it bounced onto my right hand at 75mph from about 3 feet in the air... then it hit me in the back and we both tumbled before it landed back on me again and we slid to a stop like that...

    broken back, broken ribs, bone sticking out of right elbow, torn MCL, road rash on my back (even though i was wearing a full leather road racing suit/boots/gloves) and MAJOR soft tissue damage to my right hand. even though no bones actually broke in my hand, it's still kinda deformed and askew now and doesn't work as well as it used to.

    good thing i'm left handed, i guess. speaking of... on my biz card...that IS my hand writing. :) feel better, man!
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited May 30, 2009
    com3 wrote:
    oh man oh man....i hope they see my card before they see my face... rolleyes1.gif
    No kidding lol3.gif Hi Joe wave.gif

    Hey filmphoto. I am taken aback by your comment on the cards people are generating business from. Yeah, some need improvement and that's what people seek when they post here. Sometimes they take the advice and use it or maybe they come up with something different.

    In any case, a lot of them are very creative and to fire a shot across the bow calling them crap is grossly unfair. Especially when you haven't shown what you have.

    Heck, post yours. Maybe you'll learn something.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • squiddysquiddy Registered Users Posts: 161 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2009
    com3 wrote:

    I like the front, it's fun but will people mistake it for an actual sticker? I dunno but it's a new spin on things. I like the rounded corner idea if you're going for that... it matches with a real name sticker looks like.

    I like the label style font on the back, not sure about the wording "events of all sorts"

    Maybe just:

    Joe Salas - Photograher

    centered in the middle in black label font but make the length of both lines the same
  • Jeremy WinterbergJeremy Winterberg Registered Users Posts: 1,233 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2009
    com3 wrote:
    ugh! i know ALL about the hand injuries! last may, i highsided my motorbike and it bounced onto my right hand at 75mph from about 3 feet in the air... then it hit me in the back and we both tumbled before it landed back on me again and we slid to a stop like that...

    broken back, broken ribs, bone sticking out of right elbow, torn MCL, road rash on my back (even though i was wearing a full leather road racing suit/boots/gloves) and MAJOR soft tissue damage to my right hand. even though no bones actually broke in my hand, it's still kinda deformed and askew now and doesn't work as well as it used to.

    good thing i'm left handed, i guess. speaking of... on my biz card...that IS my hand writing. :) feel better, man!

    OUCH! THAT BEATS MY ACCIDENT! oops stupid caps lock... don't feel like retyping that...

    oh... well it doesn't look like handwritting, it looks like a font type...

    idk the card looks good, but i agree with her, i dont like events of all sorts...ne_nau.gif
  • TbiaforeTbiafore Registered Users Posts: 40 Big grins
    edited June 2, 2009 <-- Come check it out!
  • squiddysquiddy Registered Users Posts: 161 Major grins
    edited June 2, 2009
    I would start by taking out the labels for email and website - if people can't figure out which is which they should be slapped. :D

    Is there a way you could incorporate the script Photograhy with the lettering in NERDGOD so they overlap a little? Either centered or the photography off to the right a little.

    this was MS paint but you get the idea... don't laugh :)
  • Jeremy WinterbergJeremy Winterberg Registered Users Posts: 1,233 Major grins
    edited June 5, 2009
    Tbiafore wrote:
    I don't really like the font used for Nerdgod... it doesn't match the flower's tone at all...

    get rid of email and website labels and put that information down by your names... also, you need to make sure that the information isn't too close to the edges, because sometimes close stuff gets chopped off when they cut the cards, which is why people do not recommend borders and such...
  • CherryFotosCherryFotos Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited June 5, 2009
    My First Post Here
    Hope this passes muster ... already had them printed!
  • Jeremy WinterbergJeremy Winterberg Registered Users Posts: 1,233 Major grins
    edited June 5, 2009
    Hope this passes muster ... already had them printed!

    Welcome to Dgrin!

    I like it, it all works pretty well...

    I was a tad confused by the different domain names for a bit... but then I visited both, and now I know that you're a realtor/property photographer.
  • Chris_NDChris_ND Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited June 8, 2009
    You do web design and you're using a SmugMug account? Nothing wrong with SmugMug, but I would think a web designer would have a custom site. eek7.gif

    We had our own site, Then we had smugmug and our own site, and decided to cut it down and make it simple. Most of the Web Design I do is always in person and isn't done through online contacts.
  • emeraldroseemeraldrose Registered Users Posts: 324 Major grins
    edited June 24, 2009
    busines card opinions
    Ok so I have one business card that is what I've been using, but it's a baby on the front which is fine for my family portraiture side, but i want another for my senior portrait side of my biz. so the first image is the one I'm basically using now (just changed the colors a little on the pink text and changed the font to match the rest of my site) and the next 2 are the one's i'm thinking of using. I need any and all opinions. I do want the seniors to think of me as not too stereotypical and that i'm fun to work with, but i also wan to show that i do get the pics mom wants too so let me know. thanks



    btw on the old card the pink is light and I also want to know if I should keep the light pink for family and the dark for seniors or if i should just make the pink white, ne_nau.gifoh someone with more experience please help with some cc lolbowdown.gif
  • Chris HChris H Registered Users Posts: 280 Major grins
    edited June 24, 2009
    I'm an architect / photographer, not a graphic designer but I do spend a lot of time looking at and assessing designs / graphics as part of my job, so here's my tuppence.

    First of all, I love the the photographs, you're clearly a great photographer.

    The things that leap out at me are:

    1. Too many words

    When I'm looking at a card, I need to know who you are, and what you contact details are, and that's it. Are you Mary Peterson Photographer or Emerald Rose Photography? Do you really need a catch phrase?

    2. Too many colours

    You have black, white, pink & green. Personally I'd drop at least 1 if not 2 colours (sorry colors for the US).

    What about losing the vertical text on the right, nudging the photo right (still leaving a small black edge) and simplifying the text on the left. "Mary Peterson" in white bold "Photographer" in pink or green and the rest of the text smaller and less dominent in white. I'm also not a fan of centred text, I would play around with the font spacing and full justify it all leaving a border left and right the same size as the border you leave to the right of the photograph.

    Hope this helps, and remember it's only my opinion.

  • wadesworldwadesworld Registered Users Posts: 139 Major grins
    edited June 24, 2009
    I'd agree with Chris. Too much text, too many colors, and a hard-to-read font.

    As in photography, simplicity is key to graphic design as well.

    I've looked at a ton of business cards in this thread, and you see a lot of great pictures on business cards, but not a lot of good design. Like a good photographer can make all the difference, so can a good graphic designer. Unfortunately, many photographers think they're designers too.

    It would be well worth it for anyone to spend $100 to hire a graphic designer for an hour to give you opinions on your card design. That won't buy you a fully-designed card, but it will buy you their input. But failing that, think "simple, clean and readable" and remember that does not have to equal boring and plain. You're not far off - just need some tweaking.
    Wade Williams
    Nikon D300, 18-135/3.5-5.6, 70-300/4.5-5.6, SB800
  • emeraldroseemeraldrose Registered Users Posts: 324 Major grins
    edited June 24, 2009
    thanks for the cc, but what about the images, of the last two which should i use to promote the image of my biz that i was talking about?
  • Chris HChris H Registered Users Posts: 280 Major grins
    edited June 24, 2009
    Ah, I misunderstood, I thought you were going to use both of the last two. They're both good photos, personally I'd go with the middle one, it's fun and not quite so formal (not that there's anything formal about sitting on a pier in the sea!)
  • emeraldroseemeraldrose Registered Users Posts: 324 Major grins
    edited June 24, 2009
    Chris H wrote:
    Ah, I misunderstood, I thought you were going to use both of the last two. They're both good photos, personally I'd go with the middle one, it's fun and not quite so formal (not that there's anything formal about sitting on a pier in the sea!)

    thanks that's exactly my problem in choosing lol
  • Hikin' MikeHikin' Mike Registered Users Posts: 5,490 Major grins
    edited June 24, 2009
    Ok so I have one business card that is what I've been using, but it's a baby on the front which is fine for my family portraiture side, but i want another for my senior portrait side of my biz. so the first image is the one I'm basically using now (just changed the colors a little on the pink text and changed the font to match the rest of my site) and the next 2 are the one's i'm thinking of using. I need any and all opinions. I do want the seniors to think of me as not too stereotypical and that i'm fun to work with, but i also wan to show that i do get the pics mom wants too so let me know. thanks

    btw on the old card the pink is light and I also want to know if I should keep the light pink for family and the dark for seniors or if i should just make the pink white, ne_nau.gifoh someone with more experience please help with some cc lolbowdown.gif

    I agree, way too busy IMO. I guess I'm also 'old-school', but I prefer not using a photo on my business card. IMO, a business card is a contact point, referring you to your website/gallery. A small picture isn't going to help. Of course that's just my opinion. :D

    A nice logo and your name, business name and contact info is all you need. thumb.gif
  • emeraldroseemeraldrose Registered Users Posts: 324 Major grins
    edited June 24, 2009
    thanks, I like the photo because it does say a little more about who i am as a photographer verses others, but also because it's many people's first time seeing what i do as I have cards in other's businesses
    I agree, way too busy IMO. I guess I'm also 'old-school', but I prefer not using a photo on my business card. IMO, a business card is a contact point, referring you to your website/gallery. A small picture isn't going to help. Of course that's just my opinion. :D

    A nice logo and your name, business name and contact info is all you need. thumb.gif
  • JAMooreJAMoore Registered Users Posts: 87 Big grins
    edited June 26, 2009
    I swear, if I see one more business card, logo, etc. in 'papyrus' font, I'm going to go insane.

    It's definitely the way-overused font of the decade.
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