Uploading Captions and Tags with pictures
Please forgive me if this has already been answered and I didn't search enough to find the answer. I loaded the smugmug uploader for picasa and love it, but when I use it, my captions and tags don't transfer up to smugmug. Is there a setting I need to change? Is this not possible? Can someone help me figure out what to do! Thanks!
Please forgive me if this has already been answered and I didn't search enough to find the answer. I loaded the smugmug uploader for picasa and love it, but when I use it, my captions and tags don't transfer up to smugmug. Is there a setting I need to change? Is this not possible? Can someone help me figure out what to do! Thanks!
Can you please give me some sample captions and tags that you are using ?
Can you please give me some sample captions and tags that you are using ?
Tags - Morgan, Chloe, Jen, Callie
Captions -
"Chloe has gotten so good at standing. Dr. VanDenBerghe told us we needed to keep her crawling for 4 months (which means until she turns 1) but I am not sure if she will make it that long. She is already trying to balance on her own."
"Since we had been reading the Snowmen at Christmas book, Morgan wanted to build a snow dog, so Seth built one. It is hard to see since it is small and made of snow, but it sure was cute!"
I tag and label my photos in Windows Photo gallery, but all of that information is showing up in the right places in Picasa, it just isn't transferring to SmugMug.
I tag and label my photos in Windows Photo gallery, but all of that information is showing up in the right places in Picasa, it just isn't transferring to SmugMug.
ahhh, that explains it
Windows Photo gallery adds caption and tag info in xmp format, which isn't supported by SmugMug at this point.
Windows Photo gallery adds caption and tag info in xmp format, which isn't supported by SmugMug at this point.
So from here on out I will label in Picasa. Any helpful hints on what to do about all of the thousands of pictures I have already labeled and tagged in Windows Photo Gallery? Any way you know of to convert the information? THANKS for your help - and so fast!
Also, my captions still transfer when I use Send to SmugMug, why is that?
So from here on out I will label in Picasa. Any helpful hints on what to do about all of the thousands of pictures I have already labeled and tagged in Windows Photo Gallery? Any way you know of to convert the information? THANKS for your help - and so fast!
Also, my captions still transfer when I use Send to SmugMug, why is that?
Omar's code (Send To SmugMug) is reading the XMP data from each file. Let me see if there is something I can do.
This is a big plus toward signing up as I like to manage my photos in Picasa. Though, hopefully not off-topic, is Picasa really the best choice for photo organization/uploading on Windows? I've tried Adobe Lightroom, but it seems ridiculously complicated.
This is a big plus toward signing up as I like to manage my photos in Picasa. Though, hopefully not off-topic, is Picasa really the best choice for photo organization/uploading on Windows? I've tried Adobe Lightroom, but it seems ridiculously complicated.
Thanks. It's nice to see such active development.
Welcome to Dgrin! The photo organizer you use is a personal choice driven by what you like to shoot and how you like to organize. I personally prefer Picasa because it has some really nice editing tools for snapshots and I can quickly edit hundred of pics for web posting where no one plans to make prints. It also has great tools for local printing and making CDs of edits.
The Smugmug uploader for Picasa is really nice because you can either upload whole Picasa albums or just select photos from an album to upload. I really like using it.
is Picasa really the best choice for photo organization/uploading on Windows? I've tried Adobe Lightroom, but it seems ridiculously complicated.
I dunno about best choice, but I use picasa because of its speed. I tried the Lightroom demo. I think of lightroom as picasa on steroids. Really cool program, but it was SO slow on my computer compared to picasa. When I wanted to go through hundreds of pictures and choose some good ones to edit and upload, I just found that it took way too long. Now with the MUCH improved picasa uploader, things have become a whole lot quicker and easier for me.
If lightroom could generate thumbnails and jump from picture to picture and zoom in, etc anywhere near as fast as picasa, I'd buy it because of its far superior editing abilities. But for now, picasa (when it's not driving me crazy by refusing to load up new/edited images) works great for me. If a picture needs some more substantial editing, I use photoshop.
the picasa uploader is brilliant . . BUT . . it would be nice to assign my newly uploaded gallery to an existing sharegroup. Currently I have to go to Control Panel and then Sharegroups and then try to find my new Gallery in a sea of all my galleries. Doh! A simple 'add to sharegoup' at the uploading stage would be perfect. Or adding Shargroups to the 'Gallery Tools' droplist would be an ok compromise.
Quick question.. If I reupload a photo using Picasa, is it overwriting the original or creating a duplicate? I've used a number of tools to put my photos online and found a ton of duplicates. It's been a bit of a headache cleaning it out.
Quick question.. If I reupload a photo using Picasa, is it overwriting the original or creating a duplicate? I've used a number of tools to put my photos online and found a ton of duplicates. It's been a bit of a headache cleaning it out.
It will upload a duplicate. Nice if you want to upload an alternative crop/edit, but annoying if you wanted to replace a photo. But that's how all the uploaders work, as far as I know.
So I've installed Picassa and am trying it out for photo organization. I installed the smugmug button and everything seems to work right except for one thing: the photos don't actually get uploaded.
I click on the picture I want to upload (to test I've used several different ones to different galleries). I click the smugmug button, choose the gallery I want it to go to, and click "upload." The window closes and I get no confirmation or error messages. But when I check my galleries, the test picture hasn't been uploaded. Any ideas?
Picasa Uploader not working
Background: I had the previous version of the smugmug/picasa uploader installed (which worked great). After finding the old one didn't work. I found and installed the new one. I have Vista and am using the latest Picasa.
Now, I select one picture and try to upload to an existing gallery. It does nothing. When I try a new gallery, it creates the gallery but no uploaded pics. I don't use any type of blocker or firewall. I even tried disabling the windows firewall.
The only message I see is when I exit Picasa after waiting for 5-10 mins for it upload when it says "Are you sure you want to cancel? y/n"
Any suggestions? Something I need to set in my account? Any help would be welcome. Thanks.
Background: I had the previous version of the smugmug/picasa uploader installed (which worked great). After finding the old one didn't work. I found and installed the new one. I have Vista and am using the latest Picasa.
Now, I select one picture and try to upload to an existing gallery. It does nothing. When I try a new gallery, it creates the gallery but no uploaded pics. I don't use any type of blocker or firewall. I even tried disabling the windows firewall.
The only message I see is when I exit Picasa after waiting for 5-10 mins for it upload when it says "Are you sure you want to cancel? y/n"
Any suggestions? Something I need to set in my account? Any help would be welcome. Thanks.
Hi, sorry you are having troubles!
Working fine here in Windows XP/ Picasa and Windows Vista / Picasa.
unwanted file resize using picasa smugmug button
The smugmug button for picasa 2.7 works great: it uploads my pictures using the original file size (which is what I want) in most cases. Most cases? Yep.
If I don't edit the picture in Picasa, the file uploaded will be its full size, 3.7MB or so. If I do any edit whatsoever in Picasa, the upload is only a few hundred kB. Why is that? Any way to get around that?
The smugmug button for picasa 2.7 works great: it uploads my pictures using the original file size (which is what I want) in most cases. Most cases? Yep.
If I don't edit the picture in Picasa, the file uploaded will be its full size, 3.7MB or so. If I do any edit whatsoever in Picasa, the upload is only a few hundred kB. Why is that? Any way to get around that?
Check your settings in Picasa, that's a preference in picasa itself.
Just a follow-up to Simon's message. This might provide some more information. I don't do any editing in Picasa, but I noticed what he noticed - that some of the photos I uploaded with the Picasa Smugmug uploader were full resolution (~3MB) and some were 1MB or less, even though the original was ~3MB. What I figured out was that all of the ones that were the lower filesize were the ones that are taken as portrait.
If I use the uploader at Smugmug to upload the photo, it is ~3MB, but using the Smugmug button in Picasa results in the smaller filesize (Picasa still says the filesize is ~3MB).
So, my question is: Is there a setting I need to configure somewhere to fix this? I looked aroung this forum, and smugmug, and the menus in Picasa and I can't find any kind of setting. Who is doing the rotation? If the file is just uploaded to smugmug as is, smugmug seems to be smart enough to pick up the picture orientation from the EXIF data stored within the picture file.
Just a follow-up to Simon's message. This might provide some more information. I don't do any editing in Picasa, but I noticed what he noticed - that some of the photos I uploaded with the Picasa Smugmug uploader were full resolution (~3MB) and some were 1MB or less, even though the original was ~3MB. What I figured out was that all of the ones that were the lower filesize were the ones that are taken as portrait.
If I use the uploader at Smugmug to upload the photo, it is ~3MB, but using the Smugmug button in Picasa results in the smaller filesize (Picasa still says the filesize is ~3MB).
So, my question is: Is there a setting I need to configure somewhere to fix this? I looked aroung this forum, and smugmug, and the menus in Picasa and I can't find any kind of setting. Who is doing the rotation? If the file is just uploaded to smugmug as is, smugmug seems to be smart enough to pick up the picture orientation from the EXIF data stored within the picture file.
The files are all original size, for me.. I just re-verified. Make sure you have all your settings set in Picasa Options, to not downsize...
The files are all original size, for me.. I just re-verified. Make sure you have all your settings set in Picasa Options, to not downsize...
OK - I have double checked everything.
If I have a folder in Picasa with photos taken in portrait orientation, then Picasa shows the picture in portrait. It says it is original file size, but the 'Save Changes' at the top of the folder will have a number in parentheses that is exactly equal to the number of portrait photos in that folder. Looking on the Picasa help pages, it seems that Picasa thinks that reading a photo in and showing it in the correct orienation is an edit.
Then, when I upload the photo to smugmug, it takes the 'edits' and uploads those, which results in a lower resolution.
I don't see a way to turn off the auto-rotation in Picasa. The tools-options, doesn;t seem to have any settings for downsizing, or for autorotation. And, I didnt' find anything on their website.
As additional info, I import my photos using MS's photo import wizard, from my CF card reader, not from the camera. Then Picasa finds the photos and shows the folder/pics. So, I don't know if I would get a different answer if I used picasa to actually bring in my photos from the camera or the card reader.
Andy, perhaps there is some difference in the way your photos are brought into Picasa that results in Picasa showing the photos as a portrait orientation, but not indicating that they have been 'edited'.
The other strange thing is that I can right click on a portrait photo and it will not allow me to 'undo the edit'. So, I can never get the 'Save Changes' button to read 0 for a folder with portrait orientation photos.
Can Picasa upload video? I know I tried back in November and it FAILed badly. But for some reason I thought the new version handled it.
I tried just now with about 10 videos and after the long upload process, got "Success! 0 Images Uploaded!" Nice. :-}
Maybe you guys could tweak the uploader to check the filetypes before somebody wastes their time?
Long time lurker first time poster (Had to do my good deed for the day):
I have recieved the "Success! 0 Images Uploaded!" in two specific cases:
1. I try to upload too many videos. I seem to be OK up to 18 or so but above that I risk the "Success! 0" message.
2. I try to upload videos to a new gallery to be created by the picasa plugin. In that case I will get the "Success! 0" message no matter how many I am trying to upload.
Workaround: Upload small chunks at a time and create the gallery using the smugmug web interface before using the picasa plugin.
BTW I absolutely love the new flash video player. It is what convinced me to join smugmug.
One small request: It would be nice if a slideshow would play the videos automagically. My folks put the slideshows on the big screen TV and it would be great if they could just sit back and watch the pictures and the videos with no intervention. Picasaweb works that way but of course smugmug is better in every other aspect.
Long time lurker first time poster (Had to do my good deed for the day):
I have recieved the "Success! 0 Images Uploaded!" in two specific cases:
1. I try to upload too many videos. I seem to be OK up to 18 or so but above that I risk the "Success! 0" message.
2. I try to upload videos to a new gallery to be created by the picasa plugin. In that case I will get the "Success! 0" message no matter how many I am trying to upload.
Workaround: Upload small chunks at a time and create the gallery using the smugmug web interface before using the picasa plugin.
BTW I absolutely love the new flash video player. It is what convinced me to join smugmug.
One small request: It would be nice if a slideshow would play the videos automagically. My folks put the slideshows on the big screen TV and it would be great if they could just sit back and watch the pictures and the videos with no intervention. Picasaweb works that way but of course smugmug is better in every other aspect.
Thanks for all the great work!
Hey -- thanks for the workarounds!
Hrm. I've been experimenting with PicLens for slideshows, but alas, it doesn't appear to support H.264 files. I wonder if they're working on that...
The files are all original size, for me.. I just re-verified. Make sure you have all your settings set in Picasa Options, to not downsize...
Andy: concur with other posters edited pics are not being uploaded at full size, and there is no option for in Picasa options to control upload size I can find (only control in options is for emails pictures; for uploading only control is via Web Album). Smugmug button in Picasa appears to have bug with regard to edited pictures. Please advise so we can get edited photos to upload at full size. Thanks, Fred
This change is now live.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
David: Beautiful... exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks for addressing this so quickly...
Tom Kirkpatrick
Please forgive me if this has already been answered and I didn't search enough to find the answer. I loaded the smugmug uploader for picasa and love it, but when I use it, my captions and tags don't transfer up to smugmug. Is there a setting I need to change? Is this not possible? Can someone help me figure out what to do! Thanks!
Can you please give me some sample captions and tags that you are using ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Tags - Morgan, Chloe, Jen, Callie
Captions -
"Chloe has gotten so good at standing. Dr. VanDenBerghe told us we needed to keep her crawling for 4 months (which means until she turns 1) but I am not sure if she will make it that long. She is already trying to balance on her own."
"Since we had been reading the Snowmen at Christmas book, Morgan wanted to build a snow dog, so Seth built one. It is hard to see since it is small and made of snow, but it sure was cute!"
I tag and label my photos in Windows Photo gallery, but all of that information is showing up in the right places in Picasa, it just isn't transferring to SmugMug.
ahhh, that explains it
Windows Photo gallery adds caption and tag info in xmp format, which isn't supported by SmugMug at this point.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
So from here on out I will label in Picasa. Any helpful hints on what to do about all of the thousands of pictures I have already labeled and tagged in Windows Photo Gallery? Any way you know of to convert the information? THANKS for your help - and so fast!
Also, my captions still transfer when I use Send to SmugMug, why is that?
Omar's code (Send To SmugMug) is reading the XMP data from each file. Let me see if there is something I can do.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thanks. It's nice to see such active development.
Welcome to Dgrin! The photo organizer you use is a personal choice driven by what you like to shoot and how you like to organize. I personally prefer Picasa because it has some really nice editing tools for snapshots and I can quickly edit hundred of pics for web posting where no one plans to make prints. It also has great tools for local printing and making CDs of edits.
The Smugmug uploader for Picasa is really nice because you can either upload whole Picasa albums or just select photos from an album to upload. I really like using it.
Oh, and nice to see a fellow Panny user!
- Mike
IR Modified Sony F717
I dunno about best choice, but I use picasa because of its speed. I tried the Lightroom demo. I think of lightroom as picasa on steroids. Really cool program, but it was SO slow on my computer compared to picasa. When I wanted to go through hundreds of pictures and choose some good ones to edit and upload, I just found that it took way too long. Now with the MUCH improved picasa uploader, things have become a whole lot quicker and easier for me.
If lightroom could generate thumbnails and jump from picture to picture and zoom in, etc anywhere near as fast as picasa, I'd buy it because of its far superior editing abilities. But for now, picasa (when it's not driving me crazy by refusing to load up new/edited images) works great for me. If a picture needs some more substantial editing, I use photoshop.
It will upload a duplicate. Nice if you want to upload an alternative crop/edit, but annoying if you wanted to replace a photo. But that's how all the uploaders work, as far as I know.
Have you been able to figure anything out with reading XMP data through this uploader?
I click on the picture I want to upload (to test I've used several different ones to different galleries). I click the smugmug button, choose the gallery I want it to go to, and click "upload." The window closes and I get no confirmation or error messages. But when I check my galleries, the test picture hasn't been uploaded. Any ideas?
Is Smugglr a pirate site?
Bump -- this is still an issue, and still annoying.
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Background: I had the previous version of the smugmug/picasa uploader installed (which worked great). After finding the old one didn't work. I found and installed the new one. I have Vista and am using the latest Picasa.
Now, I select one picture and try to upload to an existing gallery. It does nothing. When I try a new gallery, it creates the gallery but no uploaded pics. I don't use any type of blocker or firewall. I even tried disabling the windows firewall.
The only message I see is when I exit Picasa after waiting for 5-10 mins for it upload when it says "Are you sure you want to cancel? y/n"
Any suggestions? Something I need to set in my account? Any help would be welcome. Thanks.
Hi, sorry you are having troubles!
Working fine here in Windows XP/ Picasa and Windows Vista / Picasa.
Can you try and get the latest button from http://www.smugmug.com/help/picasa-smugmug-uploader and try again?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
The smugmug button for picasa 2.7 works great: it uploads my pictures using the original file size (which is what I want) in most cases. Most cases? Yep.
If I don't edit the picture in Picasa, the file uploaded will be its full size, 3.7MB or so. If I do any edit whatsoever in Picasa, the upload is only a few hundred kB. Why is that? Any way to get around that?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
If I use the uploader at Smugmug to upload the photo, it is ~3MB, but using the Smugmug button in Picasa results in the smaller filesize (Picasa still says the filesize is ~3MB).
So, my question is: Is there a setting I need to configure somewhere to fix this? I looked aroung this forum, and smugmug, and the menus in Picasa and I can't find any kind of setting. Who is doing the rotation? If the file is just uploaded to smugmug as is, smugmug seems to be smart enough to pick up the picture orientation from the EXIF data stored within the picture file.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
OK - I have double checked everything.
If I have a folder in Picasa with photos taken in portrait orientation, then Picasa shows the picture in portrait. It says it is original file size, but the 'Save Changes' at the top of the folder will have a number in parentheses that is exactly equal to the number of portrait photos in that folder. Looking on the Picasa help pages, it seems that Picasa thinks that reading a photo in and showing it in the correct orienation is an edit.
Then, when I upload the photo to smugmug, it takes the 'edits' and uploads those, which results in a lower resolution.
I don't see a way to turn off the auto-rotation in Picasa. The tools-options, doesn;t seem to have any settings for downsizing, or for autorotation. And, I didnt' find anything on their website.
As additional info, I import my photos using MS's photo import wizard, from my CF card reader, not from the camera. Then Picasa finds the photos and shows the folder/pics. So, I don't know if I would get a different answer if I used picasa to actually bring in my photos from the camera or the card reader.
Andy, perhaps there is some difference in the way your photos are brought into Picasa that results in Picasa showing the photos as a portrait orientation, but not indicating that they have been 'edited'.
The other strange thing is that I can right click on a portrait photo and it will not allow me to 'undo the edit'. So, I can never get the 'Save Changes' button to read 0 for a folder with portrait orientation photos.
I tried just now with about 10 videos and after the long upload process, got "Success! 0 Images Uploaded!" Nice. :-}
Maybe you guys could tweak the uploader to check the filetypes before somebody wastes their time?
Long time lurker first time poster (Had to do my good deed for the day):
I have recieved the "Success! 0 Images Uploaded!" in two specific cases:
1. I try to upload too many videos. I seem to be OK up to 18 or so but above that I risk the "Success! 0" message.
2. I try to upload videos to a new gallery to be created by the picasa plugin. In that case I will get the "Success! 0" message no matter how many I am trying to upload.
Workaround: Upload small chunks at a time and create the gallery using the smugmug web interface before using the picasa plugin.
BTW I absolutely love the new flash video player. It is what convinced me to join smugmug.
One small request: It would be nice if a slideshow would play the videos automagically. My folks put the slideshows on the big screen TV and it would be great if they could just sit back and watch the pictures and the videos with no intervention. Picasaweb works that way but of course smugmug is better in every other aspect.
Thanks for all the great work!
Hey -- thanks for the workarounds!
Hrm. I've been experimenting with PicLens for slideshows, but alas, it doesn't appear to support H.264 files. I wonder if they're working on that...