They saw the problem here on my computer. They spent about an hour here, ran lots of tests, tried a bunch of things and, I believe, learned some useful things.
Very very helpful information. Its tempting to buy your computer off you so we have a test case
Cool. You checked all your Cameras and stuff? Shizam does like gear 'n stuff.....
Thanks again, John - really appreciate the help!
No worries there. My office is such a mess nobody but me could find anything!
They also saw the weird green color after coming out of the slideshow and the funny looking buttons that you took a screenshot of. It looks like my computer is a real hothouse for these bugs.
new variation?
I updated flash to the most recent version yesterday, cleared cache, rebooted and use IE7.
It seems to be flaky response to the slide show button. Most of the time the slideshow buttons don't work. It's like they aren't even there. But, every once in a while I get a slideshow.
I updated flash to the most recent version yesterday, cleared cache, rebooted and use IE7.
It seems to be flaky response to the slide show button. Most of the time the slideshow buttons don't work. It's like they aren't even there. But, every once in a while I get a slideshow.
I haven't been able to detect a pattern.
Looks great when it works.
Hi everyone, we're working on some further changes, and we hope to have them out soon. Those of you who are having trouble still, hang in there please, we really appreciate your patience.
Doesn't work for me
I usually keep the slideshow button hidden (because I was using the hack in a separate window), but I can see it when I'm logged I tried it.
I get a blank screen with the sentence "Press Esc. to Exit Full Screen Mode." that stays there forever.
The same thing happens with all my galleries. IE 6, Windows XP.
Slideshow looks geat on the Mac, but can't get anything to work on my Kubuntu mahcine. Does the slideshow use shockwave? If so I guess it doesn't work with linux because I can't get a shockwave player to work very easy. I do have flash installed though, but it doesn't seem to work.
I don't know if this has been addressed, I tried a search and found nothing, I know you guys are still working hard at some of the issues, and wanted to make sure this was known, or is it a problem on my end? I have the same issue on everyones smugmug page.
The normal slideshow button shows slidshow for a small instance, then goes bright green, then after that I see at the bottom in Firefox "waiting".
Slideshow looks geat on the Mac, but can't get anything to work on my Kubuntu mahcine. Does the slideshow use shockwave? If so I guess it doesn't work with linux because I can't get a shockwave player to work very easy. I do have flash installed though, but it doesn't seem to work.
I don't know if this has been addressed, I tried a search and found nothing, I know you guys are still working hard at some of the issues, and wanted to make sure this was known, or is it a problem on my end? I have the same issue on everyones smugmug page.
The normal slideshow button shows slidshow for a small instance, then goes bright green, then after that I see at the bottom in Firefox "waiting".
firefox ver
flashplayer ver LNX
Can't say for Ubuntu, we support fully IE6/7 FF2, on Win, Safari and FF2 Macs.
The waiting for api... we're fixing that. Hope not long!
Can't say for Ubuntu, we support fully IE6/7 FF2, on Win, Safari and FF2 Macs.
The waiting for api... we're fixing that. Hope not long!
Thanks for the info Andy, maybe that is my issue.
Also, I wasn't exactly clear on the main question I was asking, my fault there. If the slideshow is based to use only Flash, I shouldn't seen any issues using whatever OS, and browser as long as I have a Flash player installed. If the slideshow uses Flash and Shockwave, well then anyone will have problems if they don't have either one of the players installed.
So, what I ment to ask was does the slideshow require a Shockwave player, or just a Flash player, or both players?
The slide show works fine for me when I am logged-in. Logging-out and entering a gallery like a user, I get the Press escape message that disappears and a small progress box that quickly disappears. This is followed by a blank screen.
It occurs under Firefox and IE 6. Latest Flash player installed.
Slideshow button dead, jim...
Am I correct that the slideshow button has been disabled? The button (which I currently only show when I'm logged in) does nothing when I click it. Last time, it gave me the blank screen the bug is gone...cause nothing happens at all!
Am I correct that the slideshow button has been disabled? The button (which I currently only show when I'm logged in) does nothing when I click it. Last time, it gave me the blank screen the bug is gone...cause nothing happens at all!
- Gary.
THIS is the maddening thing. For some of you, yes it's dead. I need to see which of your galleries you've enabled it for. Link me please.
Opened one up
Here's a gallery I turned the slideshow on don't need to be logged in. Nothing happens when I press the button (even when I'm logged out).
Here's a gallery I turned the slideshow on don't need to be logged in. Nothing happens when I press the button (even when I'm logged out).
Has a link to view as a slideshow (not your slideshow link), which brings up the multi-use gallery with Shizam's old flash slideshow...this slideshow works!
Here's a gallery I turned the slideshow on don't need to be logged in. Nothing happens when I press the button (even when I'm logged out).
Has a link to view as a slideshow (not your slideshow link), which brings up the multi-use gallery with Shizam's old flash slideshow...this slideshow works!
.share_button {display: none;}
.loggedIn .share_button {display: block:} and it will display only for you, logged in, and you can easily get the share stuff
Still does not work.
I don't use any javascript (to my knowledge) that targets these.
The symptoms are really strange too: not only does the slideshow not show up, but the button doesn't seem to be receiving a click. It's as if there is no onclick defined. When I click on any URL, my machine is set to make an audible 'click' does not click when I press the slideshow button. However, my cursor DOES change to 'clickable' when I mouse-over the slideshow button! Just nothing happens when I click! Weird!
.share_button {display: none;}
.loggedIn .share_button {display: block:} and it will display only for you, logged in, and you can easily get the share stuff
something is missing from your post above (
"...with that link to an embedded shizam show, now you can just use this:
But understand the reason I created that general purpose gallery was to reproduce the behaviour of the Smugmug slideshow button using Shizam's hack, without having to hardcode any AlbumIDs. So I created a general purpose JS function that links to a general purpose HTML-only gallery with the AlbumID of the orginal gallery in the URL. The general purpose gallery then looks at it's parameters (which has the AlbumID) and calls Shizam with the proper AlbumID set. I could then add a Shizam-based slideshow to any gallery just by cutting and pasting the link (no hardcoding needed).
Once the new Flash-based slideshow button starts working for me, I'll get rid of my hack all its sole purpose was to mimick the behaviour of the Smugmug slideshow facility.
So...I appreciate the efforts you guys are putting into getting your new slideshow button to work! Let me know if I can give you more info. Thanks!
Still does not work.
I don't use any javascript (to my knowledge) that targets these.
The symptoms are really strange too: not only does the slideshow not show up, but the button doesn't seem to be receiving a click. It's as if there is no onclick defined. When I click on any URL, my machine is set to make an audible 'click' does not click when I press the slideshow button. However, my cursor DOES change when I mouse-over the slideshow button!
- Gary.
working for me there, IE7 Vista... you have a *ton* of javascript, and I can't be sure if any of that listener or other stuff isn't interfering Also you have a hacked slideshow in your javascript.
Love the visitor view however my gallery slideshow button is also not functioning. Also, I noticed on my homepage slideshow (gallery origin) that the smugmug logo comes up and hangs a moment before slide show starts whereas previously the slideshow would start immediatly.
MY biggest concern is the gallery slideshow button.
The normal slideshow button shows slidshow for a small instance, then goes bright green, then after that I see at the bottom in Firefox "waiting".
firefox ver
flashplayer ver LNX
A follow-up to my kubuntu slideshow issues. It is now working, at least the slideshow part. After updating to the latest version of flash direct from Adobe. Now using version
This hasn't corrected the slideshow button from being covered by a nice green highlighted block, it's as almost someone just coded in a solid green block button in the position where the slideshow was, I can't even read that it says slideshow. I can still click on it, and the slideshow works, don't know what to say, maybe it has something to do with the thing.
Looking for a test case for a specific issue, so far I know it happens in IE7 Vista (maybe XP too).
-Go to gallery
-Click Slideshow Button
-Gives you full black screen even if you wait for a bit
-Hit escape
-Click the slideshow button again
-Now you see the slideshow full screen as you would expect but you can't interact with it at all and it doesn't play.
Looking for a test case for a specific issue, so far I know it happens in IE7 Vista (maybe XP too).
-Go to gallery
-Click Slideshow Button
-Gives you full black screen even if you wait for a bit
-Hit escape
-Click the slideshow button again
-Now you see the slideshow full screen as you would expect but you can't interact with it at all and it doesn't play.
Sam -
I sent you a message via chat a little bit ago. No response, so I'm not sure if you're still around. I have exactly the scenario you describe. I'm running IE7 on Vista. I only have play slideshow enabled in one gallery for now, in Not that the gallery will do you any good since you can't reproduce this on your systems, right?
Let me know how I can help. I'll keep an eye on the chat window too.
I'm still unable to see the new slideshow feature on my desktop with Vista and FF. But I just tried it on my laptop with the same configuration and it plays fine. And, might I add, it looks great!
There's got to be something different with a version somewhere, but I don't know what it is.
Very very helpful information. Its tempting to buy your computer off you so we have a test case
No worries there. My office is such a mess nobody but me could find anything!
They also saw the weird green color after coming out of the slideshow and the funny looking buttons that you took a screenshot of. It looks like my computer is a real hothouse for these bugs.
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I updated flash to the most recent version yesterday, cleared cache, rebooted and use IE7.
It seems to be flaky response to the slide show button. Most of the time the slideshow buttons don't work. It's like they aren't even there. But, every once in a while I get a slideshow.
I haven't been able to detect a pattern.
Looks great when it works.
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I usually keep the slideshow button hidden (because I was using the hack in a separate window), but I can see it when I'm logged I tried it.
I get a blank screen with the sentence "Press Esc. to Exit Full Screen Mode." that stays there forever.
The same thing happens with all my galleries. IE 6, Windows XP.
The hack still works fine.
- Gary.
Slideshow looks geat on the Mac, but can't get anything to work on my Kubuntu mahcine. Does the slideshow use shockwave? If so I guess it doesn't work with linux because I can't get a shockwave player to work very easy. I do have flash installed though, but it doesn't seem to work.
I don't know if this has been addressed, I tried a search and found nothing, I know you guys are still working hard at some of the issues, and wanted to make sure this was known, or is it a problem on my end? I have the same issue on everyones smugmug page.
The normal slideshow button shows slidshow for a small instance, then goes bright green, then after that I see at the bottom in Firefox "waiting".
firefox ver
flashplayer ver LNX
The slideshow is playing my photos in a random order. It wouldn't be so bad if it went thru all the photos before it repeats a photo but it doesn't.
I checked my other galleries and the slideshow plays normally.
It happens in FireFox and IE 7
The waiting for api... we're fixing that. Hope not long!
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Hang in there.
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Thanks for the heads up, Andy.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Also, I wasn't exactly clear on the main question I was asking, my fault there. If the slideshow is based to use only Flash, I shouldn't seen any issues using whatever OS, and browser as long as I have a Flash player installed. If the slideshow uses Flash and Shockwave, well then anyone will have problems if they don't have either one of the players installed.
So, what I ment to ask was does the slideshow require a Shockwave player, or just a Flash player, or both players?
thank you..
ohh love the chocolate bunny bite avatar Andy...
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It occurs under Firefox and IE 6. Latest Flash player installed.
The new slideshow is wonderful! Thanks!
Edited to make more relevant to thread.
Am I correct that the slideshow button has been disabled? The button (which I currently only show when I'm logged in) does nothing when I click it. Last time, it gave me the blank screen the bug is gone...cause nothing happens at all!
- Gary.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
IE7 appears to be fine, and Firefox is still DOA.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
I'm not 'enabling' it anywhere...I just don't hide the Slideshow link when I'm logged any of my galleries could be
Is there something I'm supposed to do to make the slideshow work?
- Gary.
Here's a gallery I turned the slideshow on don't need to be logged in. Nothing happens when I press the button (even when I'm logged out).
- Gary.
And...just an interesting aside:
The link:
Has a link to view as a slideshow (not your slideshow link), which brings up the multi-use gallery with Shizam's old flash slideshow...this slideshow works!
- Gary.
Do you use any javascript that targets breadcrubm, or #altViews?
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with that link to an embedded shizam show, now you can just use this:
which you get from the "share photos" button that you usually have off. Turn on easy sharing in the gallery, and use this:
.share_button {display: none;}
.loggedIn .share_button {display: block:} and it will display only for you, logged in, and you can easily get the share stuff
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Still does not work.
I don't use any javascript (to my knowledge) that targets these.
The symptoms are really strange too: not only does the slideshow not show up, but the button doesn't seem to be receiving a click. It's as if there is no onclick defined. When I click on any URL, my machine is set to make an audible 'click' does not click when I press the slideshow button. However, my cursor DOES change to 'clickable' when I mouse-over the slideshow button! Just nothing happens when I click! Weird!
- Gary.
something is missing from your post above (
"...with that link to an embedded shizam show, now you can just use this:
But understand the reason I created that general purpose gallery was to reproduce the behaviour of the Smugmug slideshow button using Shizam's hack, without having to hardcode any AlbumIDs. So I created a general purpose JS function that links to a general purpose HTML-only gallery with the AlbumID of the orginal gallery in the URL. The general purpose gallery then looks at it's parameters (which has the AlbumID) and calls Shizam with the proper AlbumID set. I could then add a Shizam-based slideshow to any gallery just by cutting and pasting the link (no hardcoding needed).
Once the new Flash-based slideshow button starts working for me, I'll get rid of my hack all its sole purpose was to mimick the behaviour of the Smugmug slideshow facility.
So...I appreciate the efforts you guys are putting into getting your new slideshow button to work! Let me know if I can give you more info. Thanks!
- Gary.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Love the visitor view however my gallery slideshow button is also not functioning.
MY biggest concern is the gallery slideshow button.
A follow-up to my kubuntu slideshow issues. It is now working, at least the slideshow part. After updating to the latest version of flash direct from Adobe. Now using version
This hasn't corrected the slideshow button from being covered by a nice green highlighted block, it's as almost someone just coded in a solid green block button in the position where the slideshow was, I can't even read that it says slideshow. I can still click on it, and the slideshow works, don't know what to say, maybe it has something to do with the thing.
-Go to gallery
-Click Slideshow Button
-Gives you full black screen even if you wait for a bit
-Hit escape
-Click the slideshow button again
-Now you see the slideshow full screen as you would expect but you can't interact with it at all and it doesn't play.
If this is happening for you please come see me in IRC:
I sent you a message via chat a little bit ago. No response, so I'm not sure if you're still around. I have exactly the scenario you describe. I'm running IE7 on Vista. I only have play slideshow enabled in one gallery for now, in Not that the gallery will do you any good since you can't reproduce this on your systems, right?
Let me know how I can help. I'll keep an eye on the chat window too.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
There's got to be something different with a version somewhere, but I don't know what it is.