I assume we've a bit of latitude on how to put our post together? Some might tell a story along with the images, while others might allow the images to tell 100% of the story of the day?
Should we also try to limit the size of the images, or at least to a maximim height, to save page space? In LPS we were limited to 800x800, but all of my images will make their point in no more than 400x400, many a lot less than that...
I do suggest that you all get your images uploaded, then write the story in Word, including the html for the image links "" in Word so that when next Saturday comes along you can just copy it into a response and voila!
Gosh this is hard though.. I took 169 images on the day, and my first pass was still 56 images. Second is already down to 17.... More decisions to make!
I assume we've a bit of latitude on how to put our post together? Some might tell a story along with the images, while others might allow the images to tell 100% of the story of the day?
Feel free to include as much descriptive text with you photos as you like. If you have shot journalistically and have a word story to go with your photo story, then by all means share it!
Should we also try to limit the size of the images, or at least to a maximum height, to save page space? In LPS we were limited to 800x800, but all of my images will make their point in no more than 400x400, many a lot less than that...
Let's keep the LPS standard of a MAX of 800x800 pixels (generally smugmug Large).
I do suggest that you all get your images uploaded, then write the story in Word, including the html for the image links "" in Word so that when next Saturday comes along you can just copy it into a response and voilà!
Gosh this is hard though.. I took 169 images on the day, and my first pass was still 56 images. Second is already down to 17.... More decisions to make!
Here's my new idea that I thought of yesterday while out and about shooting...
Keep the 10 image limit of 800x800 pixel each...but allow a couple of those images to be a montage - such as a triptych - within the 800x800 pixel limit.
BOARDERS and EDGE TREATMENTS are most definitely ALLOWED! If you think it enhances your work then go for it!
I do suggest that you all get your images uploaded, then write the story in Word, including the html for the image links "" in Word so that when next Saturday comes along you can just copy it into a response and voila!
PaulThomasMcKee would have to pick one of the worst (weather wise) April 19ths in recorded history for the pacific northwest. We've had rain, a lot of snow, hail, thunder, and a very tiny amount of sun. This Saturday it was snowing, last Saturday it was nearly 80!?!!
Yet I look forward to seeing what everyone got!
Ya, same in Oregon. I had a set of 5 shots planned out and all of them showing the majesty of this place. Nothing but snow and freezing. Last weekend there were no clouds in the sky's and it was 75. I went out and took the shots anyway, but nothing was worth showing.
how many images?
I'm curious to know the number of images each person took yesterday. I know some had a personal goal of shooting 10, posting 10.
I couldn't do that yesterday. I would have lost a ton of money! Our annual car show, 362 cars entered. 897 shots later......and I ran out of time before I ran out of shots............
I'm curious to know the number of images each person took yesterday. I know some had a personal goal of shooting 10, posting 10.
Despite my best (and ambitious) intentions, I slacked out. Barely above 600... Damn MUAs ate all the shoot time :cry (jk, they were great, but with all the gotchas I only covered about 50% of what I planned)
That's all I got really. We had a sunny day, but what I didn't expect was the unrelenting WIND at the beach ranging from 23 to 42 miles per hour! I have 749 snapshots! And, it will be difficult to pick 10 "good" ones to show. So, it will be 10 snapshots in a day of my life. No great art at all. :cry
I'll start reviewing about 600 photos of the same thing. I even got bored seeing them, so I let iView just bring them into the catalog and folder and I went off and did something else.
The wind was so strong and unrelenting that most of my photos look very similar all 600 of them, !
The wind was so strong the poppies closed up, even though it was bright sunshine!
The wind was so strong the car was bouncing around at the parking lot. I made a joke that if we had an earthquake we'd never even feel it. If the building fell down (due to the earthquake) we'd think the wind blew it over.
Oh well, everyone has tales of woe, and I guess wind is better than snowstorms!
Maybe I'll break one of my unwritten rules and do a LOT of processing stuff to make them look good. Then again, maybe I won't, ! I do have two collage/composites in mind. And I know I have to "fix" the sunset. So a lot of shots I took really don't count because I'll need at least 2 to make one photo that is accurate to what I remembered.
It will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with.
Use Notepad or Wordpad or whatever it is that's your personal preference, but Word works just fine for me in this regard. I was just trying to give tips to some of the new names I see in the thread. I have no problem at all just typing the url between the image open and close code. The few times I put together something for other arenas of the forum I do just that so I can put it together cohesively over the course of a few days. One can copy/paste all of it into a response and hit "Preview Post," and it will all be there to doublecheck.
443 shots, seven and a half hours total drive time, got up at 3:30 a.m., went to bed after midnight, all pictures reviewed Sunday, final ten finally picked ten minutes ago, now I'm going to go take a nap.
I'm curious to know the number of images each person took yesterday. I know some had a personal goal of shooting 10, posting 10.
I had such a fun day. It was the first time I actually told my family I was going to spend a few hours just shooting photos whether they liked it or not!
I went for a 7-8 kilometer walk with a friend of mine and then we had a picnic at the park with hubby and my 4 yr old. The sun was blazing down (way too bright!!) with NO clouds at all. (oh...and as an aside...I don't really exercise, so the bod is reminding me of that fact today!)
I took about 200 shots. My post processing skills are still very limited, so we'll see how that goes. I know that the 10 I post won't be near as awesome as most all of you here, but I'm happy with what I got.
Use Notepad or Wordpad or whatever it is that's your personal preference, but Word works just fine for me in this regard. I was just trying to give tips to some of the new names I see in the thread. I have no problem at all just typing the url between the image open and close code. The few times I put together something for other arenas of the forum I do just that so I can put it together cohesively over the course of a few days. One can copy/paste all of it into a response and hit "Preview Post," and it will all be there to doublecheck.
No worries, that's just the coder in me overreacting to code in MS Word
I ended up with about 600. Shot two events. The first one was smaller than the host expected so not as many from that. The second one was outside and I shot a similar event last weekend so I knew what I wanted to get from it.
I couldn't do my rangefinder idea since it was raining and the tempo of the second event was too fast to setup the lighting and lens...the continual change between sun, clouds, rain, clouds, sun would have taken too long to get the lens setup with the lightmeter.
Are we posting the photos in here, or is Paul setting up a separate thread??
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
Are we posting the photos in here, or is Paul setting up a separate thread??
Hi Donna,
I'll open a new thread next Saturday called "A day in the life of Dgrin - The Big Reveal" that will be just for our photos. I wanted to give everyone enough time to sort and process their photos. So, in theory, if we have 40 photographers, then we should just have 40 individual posts to that thread. My thought was that all the discussion and fun conversation could stay right here in this thread.
I read the post and forgot to reply that I was going to participate.
"A photo is like a hamburger. You can get one from McDonalds for $1, one from Chili's for $5, or one from Ruth's Chris for $15. You usually get what you pay for, but don't expect a Ruth's Chris burger at a McDonalds price, if you want that, go cook it yourself." - me
I read the post and forgot to reply that I was going to participate.
Same here, this is my first post to the forum! But glad that I can hopefully post some pics from yesterday. Hiked my rear off through pollen saturated wind, so hope I can process a couple worthy pics to share. Looking forward to what everyone had done! Thanks all!
Same here, this is my first post to the forum! But glad that I can hopefully post some pics from yesterday. Hiked my rear off through pollen saturated wind, so hope I can process a couple worthy pics to share. Looking forward to what everyone had done! Thanks all!
Damond, welcome to Dgrin, we'll be waiting for your results!
Doh.. I saw this and meant to do it! I even had my camera on me while I was at work... But I forgot...
Oh well, I'll have to try to do it on another day, It was a very busy day saturday anyway, might have been hard to slip it out with how much we were running around at work...
had fun
I got out with the kids and the camera. The weather was hot and sunny. The sky was not very attractive but o well. I shot a few hundred photos and I don't have one that is perfect. It is hard to juggle two toddlers and a DSLR. I still plan on posting my chosen 10 though. This was a challenge to show our day off right? It is okay if my photos aren't perfect? I have read a few people are not posting because they don't have some perfect photos. I have also been told that you only put up your best work on the internet. But, for those of us stilll learning...how would we learn if we waited until we have perfect photos before we post. I would like to see everyones photos wether they are perfect or not. So, my question is, and it is a serious question so someone who is well experienced in photography please answer, when "games/oportunities" like this challenge come up, should one only participate only if one has perfect photos? Especially on a forum like dgirin where there is huge tallent...would one who post photos that are not perfect be "looked down on."
Thanks all! And, I am very excited to see the results on Sat.
"Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right."
I got out with the kids and the camera. The weather was hot and sunny. The sky was not very attractive but o well. I shot a few hundred photos and I don't have one that is perfect. It is hard to juggle two toddlers and a DSLR. I still plan on posting my chosen 10 though. This was a challenge to show our day off right? It is okay if my photos aren't perfect? I have read a few people are not posting because they don't have some perfect photos. I have also been told that you only put up your best work on the internet. But, for those of us stilll learning...how would we learn if we waited until we have perfect photos before we post. I would like to see everyones photos wether they are perfect or not. So, my question is, and it is a serious question so someone who is well experienced in photography please answer, when "games/oportunities" like this challenge come up, should one only participate only if one has perfect photos? Especially on a forum like dgirin where there is huge tallent...would one who post photos that are not perfect be "looked down on."
Thanks all! And, I am very excited to see the results on Sat.
I can only speak to what my intentions were for this Day in the Life challenge...
And, that was to provide a reason/motivation to schedule and spend some or all of a day to go out and shoot photos of whatever it is that interests you - and then come back here a week later and share from 1 to 10 of them - however exciting or tame, polished or rough, processed or raw they may be.
I'd really like this to stay a FUN exercise, with out the stress of being critiqued and judged. I think (hope) there will be lot's of enjoyable conversation without too much nit picking. As I said in my original post, I'm hoping that folks will not say anything at all if they don't have something nice to say.
That being said, if a participant solicits constructive help with their photos, then by all means let's pitch in with kind, constructive and warm encouragement.
I understood what you mean't Paul....and I think that is what I accomplished.
My day started at 12.01 am (Live Band Shoot) and ended at about 5pm with an ALL boys (egads) sleepover birthday party (the last leg of the sleepover).
I am going to post photos as is with not much retouching, except basic Digi Darkroom Postwork....cuz I believe this is what you wanted. Which would make it natural and fun, and would show what I did that day, I might even use your suggestion of a 3 shot in 1 photo.
Ohhhhh having a DUH moment but when is the "Posting" day??
I really wish I could have used my photos from the 18th at the Grammy Showcase, but you can view them at my smugmug account...Whoohooooo I'm officially a Smugger...
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
Processing finished, last pictures uploading.. not sayin' where I put them just yet though
My neck is saying I've sat at the computer too much again...
My pictures somehow look a bit drab, but they'll have to do. Did get some good ones and a wall hanger too. 'Spose the problem is that the color just isn't there yet (early spring and so on, no leaves on trees yet) and ya can't squeeze somethin' outta nuttin'. That or I left my skills and inpiration in my other trousers' pocket.
This was fun though, it's not even revealing time and want to do this again
I got out with the kids and the camera. The weather was hot and sunny. The sky was not very attractive but o well. I shot a few hundred photos and I don't have one that is perfect. It is hard to juggle two toddlers and a DSLR. I still plan on posting my chosen 10 though. This was a challenge to show our day off right? It is okay if my photos aren't perfect? I have read a few people are not posting because they don't have some perfect photos. I have also been told that you only put up your best work on the internet. But, for those of us stilll learning...how would we learn if we waited until we have perfect photos before we post. I would like to see everyones photos wether they are perfect or not. So, my question is, and it is a serious question so someone who is well experienced in photography please answer, when "games/oportunities" like this challenge come up, should one only participate only if one has perfect photos? Especially on a forum like dgirin where there is huge tallent...would one who post photos that are not perfect be "looked down on."
Thanks all! And, I am very excited to see the results on Sat.
Post them! This was to be a fun day of shooting and to see how many people would participate. I don't think there will be much critiqing at all unless there are shots that people say WOW too.
I suggest if people want critiques they post another thread in the appropriate category or ask for it to be done in a PM. That way there is no disagreements- not negative comments- in what should be a very positive thread.
I shot my first wedding as the primary photographer. The church was ghetto- no scenic areas at all- poorly lit. The attendents were late- people wandered off- the timing got all screwed up- etc. etc. I have about 1000 shots but not sure I have any that have any real WOW factor :cry . Compared to other weddings I have seen posted on here they are just okay but a lot was out of my control. Learned some lessons though.
I too wish I could post from the 18th as I got some good motocross action that day. You can comment on those here and whip one here.
Looking forward to next weekend and seeing all the posts.
"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
Post them! This was to be a fun day of shooting and to see how many people would participate. I don't think there will be much critiqing at all unless there are shots that people say WOW too.
I suggest if people want critiques they post another thread in the appropriate category or ask for it to be done in a PM. That way there is no disagreements- not negative comments- in what should be a very positive thread.
Thats what I thought.
I'm not expecting feedback on the photos I post for this game. I just wanted to make sure that is was cool to post non-wow-factor photos. And, just wondering why people have been saying they are not going to post any photos just because they didn't get any exceptional ones...
"Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right."
I'm not expecting feedback on the photos I post for this game. I just wanted to make sure that is was cool to post non-wow-factor photos. And, just wondering why people have been saying they are not going to post any photos just because they didn't get any exceptional ones...
It was extremely windy, and a relentless wind on the 19th, and there weren't any clouds and the sky was a flat pale blue.
A lot of my photos are windblown (better than saying out of focus, heh?). I made one composite showing the purpose of the entire day, and then the rest are just snapshots. After going thru my photos though I do have about 5 that are actually pretty good (I mean that I could call them a photograph instead of a snapshot). And I may put two together in one frame also. I haven't finished choosing from the beach scenes yet.:D
I'll probably spend more time writing descriptions! .
Don't worry, just share your day!:D It should be a lot of fun seeing how different photographers spent this one day.
It was extremely windy, and a relentless wind on the 19th, and there weren't any clouds and the sky was a flat pale blue.
A lot of my photos are windblown (better than saying out of focus, heh?). I made one composite showing the purpose of the entire day, and then the rest are just snapshots. After going thru my photos though I do have about 5 that are actually pretty good (I mean that I could call them a photograph instead of a snapshot). And I may put two together in one frame also. I haven't finished choosing from the beach scenes yet.:D
I'll probably spend more time writing descriptions! .
Don't worry, just share your day!:D It should be a lot of fun seeing how different photographers spent this one day.
Well Dee, I'm on the other side of the pond (UK) and like you it was very windy and very cold with it! a strong north easterly off the North Sea but very grey and dull. so it will be interesting to compere our photos. David
But, for those of us stilll learning...how would we learn if we waited until we have perfect photos before we post.
Karrie, this is precisely why you should post. I bet that there is a thread of a story in all of the photos that you did take. I suggest that instead of looking for perfect photos you look for the ones that explain the day that you experienced, and you should not expect that the very best photo you took all day long will be part of that story.
...would one who post photos that are not perfect be "looked down on."
Certainly not in this thread! And besides, no matter how good any image is, I don't recall seeing a single "perfect" image in any Dgrin thread at any time since I joined!
Should we also try to limit the size of the images, or at least to a maximim height, to save page space? In LPS we were limited to 800x800, but all of my images will make their point in no more than 400x400, many a lot less than that...
I do suggest that you all get your images uploaded, then write the story in Word, including the html for the image links "
Gosh this is hard though.. I took 169 images on the day, and my first pass was still 56 images. Second is already down to 17.... More decisions to make!
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Feel free to include as much descriptive text with you photos as you like. If you have shot journalistically and have a word story to go with your photo story, then by all means share it!
Let's keep the LPS standard of a MAX of 800x800 pixels (generally smugmug Large).
Cool idea, I'll have to give that a try!
Here's my new idea that I thought of yesterday while out and about shooting...
Keep the 10 image limit of 800x800 pixel each...but allow a couple of those images to be a montage - such as a triptych - within the 800x800 pixel limit.
BOARDERS and EDGE TREATMENTS are most definitely ALLOWED! If you think it enhances your work then go for it!
What a ton of fun!
I had a great day shooting "a day in the life"
can't wait to see what everyone else posts!
Sheesh. Looks like you won our little contest Nik
I'm curious to know the number of images each person took yesterday. I know some had a personal goal of shooting 10, posting 10.
I couldn't do that yesterday. I would have lost a ton of money! Our annual car show, 362 cars entered.
Picking 10......now there's a challenge!
My Blog My Facebook Page
GIVING BACK - How will you give?
That's all I got really. We had a sunny day, but what I didn't expect was the unrelenting WIND at the beach ranging from 23 to 42 miles per hour! I have 749 snapshots! And, it will be difficult to pick 10 "good" ones to show. So, it will be 10 snapshots in a day of my life. No great art at all. :cry
I'll start reviewing about 600 photos of the same thing. I even got bored seeing them, so I let iView just bring them into the catalog and folder and I went off and did something else.
The wind was so strong and unrelenting that most of my photos look very similar all 600 of them,
The wind was so strong the poppies closed up, even though it was bright sunshine!
The wind was so strong the car was bouncing around at the parking lot. I made a joke that if we had an earthquake we'd never even feel it. If the building fell down (due to the earthquake) we'd think the wind blew it over.
Oh well, everyone has tales of woe, and I guess wind is better than snowstorms!
Maybe I'll break one of my unwritten rules and do a LOT of processing stuff to make them look good. Then again, maybe I won't,
It will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with.
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I had such a fun day. It was the first time I actually told my family I was going to spend a few hours just shooting photos whether they liked it or not!
I went for a 7-8 kilometer walk with a friend of mine and then we had a picnic at the park with hubby and my 4 yr old. The sun was blazing down (way too bright!!) with NO clouds at all. (oh...and as an aside...I don't really exercise, so the bod is reminding me of that fact today!)
I took about 200 shots. My post processing skills are still very limited, so we'll see how that goes. I know that the 10 I post won't be near as awesome as most all of you here, but I'm happy with what I got.
I can't wait to see everyone's photos!!
-- Lisa P.
I couldn't do my rangefinder idea since it was raining and the tempo of the second event was too fast to setup the lighting and lens...the continual change between sun, clouds, rain, clouds, sun would have taken too long to get the lens setup with the lightmeter.
- Mike
IR Modified Sony F717
Hi Donna,
I'll open a new thread next Saturday called "A day in the life of Dgrin - The Big Reveal" that will be just for our photos. I wanted to give everyone enough time to sort and process their photos. So, in theory, if we have 40 photographers, then we should just have 40 individual posts to that thread. My thought was that all the discussion and fun conversation could stay right here in this thread.
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Same here, this is my first post to the forum! But glad that I can hopefully post some pics from yesterday. Hiked my rear off through pollen saturated wind, so hope I can process a couple worthy pics to share. Looking forward to what everyone had done! Thanks all!
Damond, welcome to Dgrin, we'll be waiting for your results!
Oh well, I'll have to try to do it on another day, It was a very busy day saturday anyway, might have been hard to slip it out with how much we were running around at work...
I got out with the kids and the camera. The weather was hot and sunny. The sky was not very attractive but o well. I shot a few hundred photos and I don't have one that is perfect. It is hard to juggle two toddlers and a DSLR. I still plan on posting my chosen 10 though. This was a challenge to show our day off right? It is okay if my photos aren't perfect? I have read a few people are not posting because they don't have some perfect photos. I have also been told that you only put up your best work on the internet. But, for those of us stilll learning...how would we learn if we waited until we have perfect photos before we post. I would like to see everyones photos wether they are perfect or not. So, my question is, and it is a serious question so someone who is well experienced in photography please answer, when "games/oportunities" like this challenge come up, should one only participate only if one has perfect photos? Especially on a forum like dgirin where there is huge tallent...would one who post photos that are not perfect be "looked down on."
Thanks all! And, I am very excited to see the results on Sat.
I can only speak to what my intentions were for this Day in the Life challenge...
And, that was to provide a reason/motivation to schedule and spend some or all of a day to go out and shoot photos of whatever it is that interests you - and then come back here a week later and share from 1 to 10 of them - however exciting or tame, polished or rough, processed or raw they may be.
I'd really like this to stay a FUN exercise, with out the stress of being critiqued and judged. I think (hope) there will be lot's of enjoyable conversation without too much nit picking. As I said in my original post, I'm hoping that folks will not say anything at all if they don't have something nice to say.
That being said, if a participant solicits constructive help with their photos, then by all means let's pitch in with kind, constructive and warm encouragement.
My day started at 12.01 am (Live Band Shoot) and ended at about 5pm with an ALL boys (egads) sleepover birthday party (the last leg of the sleepover).
I am going to post photos as is with not much retouching, except basic Digi Darkroom Postwork....cuz I believe this is what you wanted. Which would make it natural and fun, and would show what I did that day, I might even use your suggestion of a 3 shot in 1 photo.
Ohhhhh having a DUH moment but when is the "Posting" day??
I really wish I could have used my photos from the 18th at the Grammy Showcase, but you can view them at my smugmug account...Whoohooooo I'm officially a Smugger...
Processing finished, last pictures uploading.. not sayin' where I put them just yet though
My neck is saying I've sat at the computer too much again...
My pictures somehow look a bit drab, but they'll have to do. Did get some good ones and a wall hanger too. 'Spose the problem is that the color just isn't there yet (early spring and so on, no leaves on trees yet) and ya can't squeeze somethin' outta nuttin'. That or I left my skills and inpiration in my other trousers' pocket.
This was fun though, it's not even revealing time and want to do this again
Post them! This was to be a fun day of shooting and to see how many people would participate. I don't think there will be much critiqing at all unless there are shots that people say WOW too.
I suggest if people want critiques they post another thread in the appropriate category or ask for it to be done in a PM. That way there is no disagreements- not negative comments- in what should be a very positive thread.
I shot my first wedding as the primary photographer. The church was ghetto- no scenic areas at all- poorly lit. The attendents were late- people wandered off- the timing got all screwed up- etc. etc. I have about 1000 shots but not sure I have any that have any real WOW factor :cry . Compared to other weddings I have seen posted on here they are just okay but a lot was out of my control. Learned some lessons though.
I too wish I could post from the 18th as I got some good motocross action that day. You can comment on those here and whip one here.
Looking forward to next weekend and seeing all the posts.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I'm not expecting feedback on the photos I post for this game. I just wanted to make sure that is was cool to post non-wow-factor photos.
It was extremely windy, and a relentless wind on the 19th, and there weren't any clouds and the sky was a flat pale blue.
A lot of my photos are windblown (better than saying out of focus, heh?). I made one composite showing the purpose of the entire day, and then the rest are just snapshots. After going thru my photos though I do have about 5 that are actually pretty good (I mean that I could call them a photograph instead of a snapshot). And I may put two together in one frame also. I haven't finished choosing from the beach scenes yet.:D
I'll probably spend more time writing descriptions!
Don't worry, just share your day!:D It should be a lot of fun seeing how different photographers spent this one day.
Well Dee, I'm on the other side of the pond (UK) and like you it was very windy and very cold with it! a strong north easterly off the North Sea but very grey and dull. so it will be interesting to compere our photos. David
Certainly not in this thread! And besides, no matter how good any image is, I don't recall seeing a single "perfect" image in any Dgrin thread at any time since I joined!
And with all of that said, we are also all looking forward to seeing what you have!
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..