I will defer to Andy for the official decision, but my unofficial answer: it would essentially be transformed into a credit towards your next annual account fee, whatever it may be.
Can a composite image include an image element (or elements) that are renders of a 3D computer model?
Am assuming that the render would have to be a fresh one done during the relevant timeframe and that the model had been wholly made by the entrant.
If above allowed, would the model itself also have to have been completely built / created during this timeframe, or could an existing one be used ... to create a new, unique render?
Can a composite image include an image element (or elements) that are renders of a 3D computer model?
Am assuming that the render would have to be a fresh one done during the relevant timeframe and that the model had been wholly made by the entrant.
If above allowed, would the model itself also have to have been completely built / created during this timeframe, or could an existing one be used ... to create a new, unique render?
You lost me a bit, but per the rules: it's a digital challenge, so go ahead, knock yourself out. Everything must be fresh, and to expand on our caveat, we can ask you at anytime to explain and provide convincing proof of every pixel if we feel it is necessary.
Sorry to be a pita, but just clarifying that you'd expect / require that any 3D model - from which a render was made (in the correct timeframe) - would have to be 100% conceived / built / used etc within the competition period?
Sorry to be a pita, but just clarifying that you'd expect / require that any 3D model - from which a render was made (in the correct timeframe) - would have to be 100% conceived / built / used etc within the competition period?
Sorry Paul, I'm really not following you, but since this is a photography rather than a 3D modelling competition, maybe this will help: PHOTOS must be fresh. It's really that simple.
OK - from the emphasis on 'PHOTOS' - I'll take it that no 3D rendered elements are allowed at all - that simplifies things
(although there's a lot of 'product shot' type 'photos' around ... which aren't ... they're renders of models )
<< really not following you >>
As an example - if I'd taken a photo of a table with stuff on it and I wanted to add an object - that either didn't exist IRL or I didn't have access to - then an option would be to model that object, render it (in accordance with the lighting and perspective of the photo) ... and then create a composite image from both the photographic and rendered image elements (photo being the major percentage in both area / pixels ... and subject matter.)
Had no intention of turning it into a modelling contest - just had an idea for something and wanted to check
OK - from the emphasis on 'PHOTOS' - I'll take it that no 3D rendered elements are allowed at all - that simplifies things
(although there's a lot of 'product shot' type 'photos' around ... which aren't ... they're renders of models )
<< really not following you >>
As an example - if I'd taken a photo of a table with stuff on it and I wanted to add an object - that either didn't exist IRL or I didn't have access to - then an option would be to model that object, render it (in accordance with the lighting and perspective of the photo) ... and then create a composite image from both the photographic and rendered image elements (photo being the major percentage in both area / pixels ... and subject matter.)
Had no intention of turning it into a modelling contest - just had an idea for something and wanted to check
thx again
It might make it easier to understand if you posted an example.
This sounds interesting but it should be clarified so you don't get DQ'd for something you thought was okay.
Show us your skills!
"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
<< It might make it easier to understand if you posted an example >>
Thx for the interest, but I don't really want to go down this track / de-rail the thread any more than necessary ... and there are many instances elsewhere of this sort of thing.
I'll just stick to entering images (if can get anything half decent) that've been created by light going thro' the lens / sensor interface of a dedicated computer (called a digital camera ) rather than a general purpose pc and s/ware.
<< This sounds interesting >> It is - but it's also a (totally) different ball game - and I have no probs respecting the wishes of those who don't want to add it to the mix.
<< Show us your skills! >>
Another fair point / question - and one I'd also ask / raise at a certain point in exchanges (been mod / admin elsewhere (3D related) for 6+ yrs)
Creating a convincing 3D model requires many, many skills to complement the obvious one (constructing the basic wireframe) - these i don't really possess - so that part (texturing / lighting / rendering) would've been a good learning curve for me too
Main reason I asked this Q (now) was that I've recently been making a model (to scale) of a 20D - because this is what I use and find it useful to have when working out how to make other stuff / accessories to go with it (mainly macro related). Ie make 3D models before cutting metal
I had a couple of ideas about possible inclusion of 20D model renders, mixed with photos.
(you'll find some other info on the site mentioned in profile, btw - open source app, so not selling anything )
OK - from the emphasis on 'PHOTOS' - I'll take it that no 3D rendered elements are allowed at all - that simplifies things
Paul, really, you're putting words in my mouth now! The rules aren't 4 pages long for a reason. We want to give full flexibility and freedom to people. I hate contests that say: you can only use film, you can only use one lens, on a sunday, tripod mounting, and between f/4 and 10. Who wants that? I encourage you to re-read the rules and not insert between the lines. They really are that simple for a reason.
We have ALWAYS had great composites and heavily photoshopped entries in all of our challenges and contests. Our goal here is to encourage learning and creativity, and like I said before, knock yourself out on the software end, by all means. I don't know how else to explain it to you. PHOTOS must be fresh. What you do to them in the computer in those two weeks is entirely up to you. If that includes modelling a 20D in SolidWorks or whatever other package strikes you (i'm a mechanical engineer after all, I know what a solid model is), and pasting it in, then rock right on.
Almost missed it
Oh my... I've been away for a little while...I almost missed all the fun. I'll have to get something together quick to make it in this round. The pressure is on...loven it!!!
Good luck all.
I love the entries you all are making.
"Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right."
I looked, but can't see an answer......unique name for selection and judging.....no restrictions on not using theme words in title, right? Don't want to open any jar of worms, just want to check.
I looked, but can't see an answer......unique name for selection and judging.....no restrictions on not using theme words in title, right? Don't want to open any jar of worms, just want to check.
If "moving forward" is the best title you can think of for your entry to the "moving forward" challenge, then sure, use it...
I checked the rules and didn't see any mention on the 'rules' of voting. I know this has been battered around in the past but should the finalists be encouraged to not vote for their own entry? In a presidential race it would be silly to see a candidate not vote for him/herself but here I thought that the consensus was to vote for another entry. Am I correct or is this one of those 'do what's in your gut' issues?
I checked the rules and didn't see any mention on the 'rules' of voting. I know this has been battered around in the past but should the finalists be encouraged to not vote for their own entry? In a presidential race it would be silly to see a candidate not vote for him/herself but here I thought that the consensus was to vote for another entry. Am I correct or is this one of those 'do what's in your gut' issues?
I voted for the pic I liked the best.... and it wasn't mine.
Hey challengers - I just want to make a quick little announcement:
We are going to have a semi-permanent judge: Emily (Greensquared) has graciously agreed to continue judging for at least the next few months. Every three weeks, she and the winner of the previous round will pick your finalists.
Emily has been a big contributor in the ongoing development of the DGrin Challenges. In the interim between LPS and the new Challenges, she was a key member of a small focus group we tapped to help us satisfy your craving for competition. Let's see how you all enjoy a bit of judging "stability", and join me in thanking Emily for volunteering her time!
Emily...A thousand "Thank You"s for your contributions. To you too DrIt and those others who behind the scenes provided time and thought to bring us round 2.
Hey challengers - I just want to make a quick little announcement:
We are going to have a semi-permanent judge: Emily (Greensquared) has graciously agreed to continue judging for at least the next few months. Every three weeks, she and the winner of the previous round will pick your finalists.
Emily has been a big contributor in the ongoing development of the DGrin Challenges. In the interim between LPS and the new Challenges, she was a key member of a small focus group we tapped to help us satisfy your craving for competition. Let's see how you all enjoy a bit of judging "stability", and join me in thanking Emily for volunteering her time!
Thank you for doing this. It will be nice to have a consistent judge.
But the down side is that we will not see your entries... :cry
It's an honor to do this for you all, and I promise I will do my best to do justice to your wonderful work. For the record, my awesome hubby has agreed to download and sanitize all of the entries for me. I will also stay out of the pre-threads, and this way I will have no clue whose is whose.
Just so you know, my pesonal judging system includes equal points in all of the following categories:
And remember, there is NO requirement to how we judge, so my partner for picking finalists may have an entirely different system (such as "images the float my boat").
I will also continue with feedback on every entry. Please be patient on results as judging can take up quite a block of time.
I am SO looking forward to this and if I have time, will also shoot something on theme myself to post after close, just so I don't completely miss out! Best of luck everyone!!!
its funny how if a mod cracks a joke, everyone joins the band wagon....
but some ol'doff like me says something its probably considered off color or whatever......
well dont worry about it, I ate all the chocolate myself and theres none left for any of you!:D
where did all the fun go......
Awww, c'mon now. I was gonna say Ferrerro Rocher would be my favorite, but you've decided to party all by yourself. :cry
Thanks Doc! Sounds good to me.
Am assuming that the render would have to be a fresh one done during the relevant timeframe and that the model had been wholly made by the entrant.
If above allowed, would the model itself also have to have been completely built / created during this timeframe, or could an existing one be used ... to create a new, unique render?
You lost me a bit, but per the rules: it's a digital challenge, so go ahead, knock yourself out. Everything must be fresh, and to expand on our caveat, we can ask you at anytime to explain and provide convincing proof of every pixel if we feel it is necessary.
Sorry to be a pita, but just clarifying that you'd expect / require that any 3D model - from which a render was made (in the correct timeframe) - would have to be 100% conceived / built / used etc within the competition period?
(although there's a lot of 'product shot' type 'photos' around ... which aren't ... they're renders of models
<< really not following you >>
As an example - if I'd taken a photo of a table with stuff on it and I wanted to add an object - that either didn't exist IRL or I didn't have access to - then an option would be to model that object, render it (in accordance with the lighting and perspective of the photo) ... and then create a composite image from both the photographic and rendered image elements (photo being the major percentage in both area / pixels ... and subject matter.)
Had no intention of turning it into a modelling contest - just had an idea for something and wanted to check
thx again
It might make it easier to understand if you posted an example.
This sounds interesting but it should be clarified so you don't get DQ'd for something you thought was okay.
Show us your skills!
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Thx for the interest, but I don't really want to go down this track / de-rail the thread any more than necessary ... and there are many instances elsewhere of this sort of thing.
I'll just stick to entering images (if can get anything half decent) that've been created by light going thro' the lens / sensor interface of a dedicated computer (called a digital camera
<< This sounds interesting >>
It is - but it's also a (totally) different ball game - and I have no probs respecting the wishes of those who don't want to add it to the mix.
<< Show us your skills! >>
Another fair point / question
Creating a convincing 3D model requires many, many skills to complement the obvious one (constructing the basic wireframe) - these i don't really possess - so that part (texturing / lighting / rendering) would've been a good learning curve for me too
Main reason I asked this Q (now) was that I've recently been making a model (to scale) of a 20D - because this is what I use and find it useful to have when working out how to make other stuff / accessories to go with it (mainly macro related). Ie make 3D models before cutting metal
I had a couple of ideas about possible inclusion of 20D model renders, mixed with photos.
(you'll find some other info on the site mentioned in profile, btw - open source app, so not selling anything
Paul, really, you're putting words in my mouth now! The rules aren't 4 pages long for a reason. We want to give full flexibility and freedom to people. I hate contests that say: you can only use film, you can only use one lens, on a sunday, tripod mounting, and between f/4 and 10. Who wants that? I encourage you to re-read the rules and not insert between the lines. They really are that simple for a reason.
We have ALWAYS had great composites and heavily photoshopped entries in all of our challenges and contests. Our goal here is to encourage learning and creativity, and like I said before, knock yourself out on the software end, by all means. I don't know how else to explain it to you. PHOTOS must be fresh. What you do to them in the computer in those two weeks is entirely up to you. If that includes modelling a 20D in SolidWorks or whatever other package strikes you (i'm a mechanical engineer after all, I know what a solid model is), and pasting it in, then rock right on.
Clear as mud?
Oh my... I've been away for a little while...I almost missed all the fun. I'll have to get something together quick to make it in this round. The pressure is on...loven it!!!
Good luck all.
I love the entries you all are making.
My Blog My Facebook Page
GIVING BACK - How will you give?
(saracasm aside, no ruling on titles)
No, I can be a bit more creative than that.....still a working title, but thought about "Forward Flight".......for now...
actually just happy I have an entry at this moment.
My Blog My Facebook Page
GIVING BACK - How will you give?
I checked the rules and didn't see any mention on the 'rules' of voting. I know this has been battered around in the past but should the finalists be encouraged to not vote for their own entry? In a presidential race it would be silly to see a candidate not vote for him/herself but here I thought that the consensus was to vote for another entry. Am I correct or is this one of those 'do what's in your gut' issues?
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
I voted for the pic I liked the best.... and it wasn't mine.
Well said. I'm off to vote for the kayak shot...
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
We are going to have a semi-permanent judge: Emily (Greensquared) has graciously agreed to continue judging for at least the next few months. Every three weeks, she and the winner of the previous round will pick your finalists.
Emily has been a big contributor in the ongoing development of the DGrin Challenges. In the interim between LPS and the new Challenges, she was a key member of a small focus group we tapped to help us satisfy your craving for competition. Let's see how you all enjoy a bit of judging "stability", and join me in thanking Emily for volunteering her time!
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
Thanks for stepping up - looking forward to judging with you in the next challenge.
A hearty THANKS!!!
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
Thank you for doing this.
But the down side is that we will not see your entries... :cry
Thank you Emily! A very kind gesture indeed!!!
Just so you know, my pesonal judging system includes equal points in all of the following categories:
Meets Theme
And remember, there is NO requirement to how we judge, so my partner for picking finalists may have an entirely different system (such as "images the float my boat").
I will also continue with feedback on every entry. Please be patient on results as judging can take up quite a block of time.
I am SO looking forward to this and if I have time, will also shoot something on theme myself to post after close, just so I don't completely miss out! Best of luck everyone!!!
Awww, c'mon now. I was gonna say Ferrerro Rocher would be my favorite, but you've decided to party all by yourself. :cry