Pemmett, brother, we are past halfway there...just keep it together buddy...
but seriously, ive been thinking about the judging coming up and to me its strange to know that the theme really is wide open. i wonder if im going to ask Kerry for some extra time to judge...i have a feeling im going to be torn in every direction with the entries...
Aaron, I'm trying to keep it together I promise - what you've seen so far is me keeping it together, just pray I don't loose it
Seriously I'm with you about having those torn feelings about judging a competition that seems to be one of the most, if not the most, open rounds so far.
On the other hand, part of me is glad that I'm not having to shoot this one, as I know I get shooters block when it comes to open rounds compared to rounds which seem to have more defined boundaries. In fact I can honestly say that I suck at open rounds because there are just too many choices and I don't have the discipline to narrow it down myself.
Well I think that that's enough seriousness from me for this year.
Good luck everyone and I'm really excited to see what you guys come up with. Just to let you know - I am not reading any of the other threads for this round (hence the abundance of chatter from me in this thread) and also I'm not looking at the submissions until it's judging time - so I'm really looking forward to seeing you all out do yourselves and leaving Aaron and me a really hard time having to choose the images.
Kerry: EXIF
Dnie just informed me that some of my EXIF data was missing. Apparently when I did HDR processing it dropped the "date taken" info. I have added it. It is the exact same time as the "date modified" info. Are you OK with this?
Dnie just informed me that some of my EXIF data was missing. Apparently when I did HDR processing it dropped the "date taken" info. I have added it. It is the exact same time as the "date modified" info. Are you OK with this?
I have the same policy as Em: if you fess up before the round ends, I take it on trust and good faith you done good. If it's one image HDR-processed, you're set. If there's more than one image used to make your HDR, you need to linkify all your EXIFs. (I haven't gone to look, so ignore me if you've already done that. )
Only 1 DQ this round, and it's one that really caused me anguish to make. :cry This round was specifically about emulating a "photograph from a photographer" as stated in the first post of this thread and later reasserted. Because I shot another entrant down, it wouldn't be fair to allow this image, no matter how much I personally think it rocks and really, truly amazes me.
DQ'd for not being on theme: quark
Escher is an illustrator, not a photographer, but I did dig around in the hopes of finding some photography work I'd perhaps previously been unaware of.
Well as always I am happy to abide by the judge's decisions. I missed the thread where this was re-emphasized.
I was not aware it was possible to be dq'd for having poor theme. I have to say this scares me a bit since in the past many of the entries for some themes have been sketchy at best. I knew that I was not right on point but I assumed the judges would just score me poorly for bad theme. Alas.
The reemphasis was in this entry thread, and I'm so sorry it was missed. The theme description itself—the first post of this thread—specified that the image must be from a photographer. Most of the other themes are very vague and wide open for interpretation, so a DQ based on theme is very rare. In this case, there was a clear requirement in the description and it was not met, similar to the exclusive B&W challenges.
This is my least favorite part of running the challenges, especially when the photos in question are spectacular and very well done. These decisions are not made lightly, and it pains me every time.
I do my utmost to be clear and fair, and I choose my language very carefully. It's a fine line writing something specific enough to give guidance but vague enough to allow for many interpretations, and it really does cause me anguish writing those few theme sentences every round. I apologize for any misunderstandings, but know I'm doing my darnedest to avoid them.
........I apologize for any misunderstandings, but know I'm doing my darnedest to avoid them.
Kerry you are doing an amazing job so please do not stop. I've been DQ'd before and it feels crappy, but it doesn't mean your wrong. Keep up the good work.
While you are alive, no less
Both very good points.
"If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event...what kind of film would you use?" - Anonymous
Aaron, I'm trying to keep it together I promise - what you've seen so far is me keeping it together, just pray I don't loose it
Seriously I'm with you about having those torn feelings about judging a competition that seems to be one of the most, if not the most, open rounds so far.
On the other hand, part of me is glad that I'm not having to shoot this one, as I know I get shooters block when it comes to open rounds compared to rounds which seem to have more defined boundaries. In fact I can honestly say that I suck at open rounds because there are just too many choices and I don't have the discipline to narrow it down myself.
Well I think that that's enough seriousness from me for this year.
Good luck everyone and I'm really excited to see what you guys come up with. Just to let you know - I am not reading any of the other threads for this round (hence the abundance of chatter from me in this thread) and also I'm not looking at the submissions until it's judging time - so I'm really looking forward to seeing you all out do yourselves and leaving Aaron and me a really hard time having to choose the images.
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I just screwed up and uploaded the wrong version of my image. Would you mind deleting mine? Sorry for the hassle!
Jeff Meyers
Jeff Meyers
Dnie just informed me that some of my EXIF data was missing. Apparently when I did HDR processing it dropped the "date taken" info.
Thanks very much Dnie
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I have the same policy as Em: if you fess up before the round ends, I take it on trust and good faith you done good.
Not until I get an entry in, then it can be Monday!!
SmugMug QA
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It's always Monday somewhere ... or is that just for drinking?
I so hope that isn't true...Mondays suck!!!!!!!!!!! Or is it just work
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Bwahahahhaaha... have fun boys! (And I think you will....
Yeah...have fun!
it allll rests on your shoulders...
the power to declare greatness in a person's work...:encore
or to break the hearts of those you do not choose...:cry
:oogle scared yet?
My SmugMug
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
Remember what lies on the other side of the bridge, outrageous taunting Frenchmen with cow-launchers.
My SmugMug
DQ'd for not being on theme: quark
Escher is an illustrator, not a photographer, but I did dig around in the hopes of finding some photography work I'd perhaps previously been unaware of.
I was not aware it was possible to be dq'd for having poor theme. I have to say this scares me a bit since in the past many of the entries for some themes have been sketchy at best. I knew that I was not right on point but I assumed the judges would just score me poorly for bad theme. Alas.
Congrats to all the great finalists!
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
This is my least favorite part of running the challenges, especially when the photos in question are spectacular and very well done. These decisions are not made lightly, and it pains me every time.
I do my utmost to be clear and fair, and I choose my language very carefully. It's a fine line writing something specific enough to give guidance but vague enough to allow for many interpretations, and it really does cause me anguish writing those few theme sentences every round. I apologize for any misunderstandings, but know I'm doing my darnedest to avoid them.
Kerry you are doing an amazing job so please do not stop. I've been DQ'd before and it feels crappy, but it doesn't mean your wrong. Keep up the good work.
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