
How To Maximize Your Findability (Search Engine Stuff)



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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 9, 2010
    gecko0 wrote: »
    The sitemap entry I used was:


    Is there anything I need to do, or is the "brian-photos" something that SmugMug can cleanup on the backend for me?


    You could wait for our system to do this all for you. But if you want to enter the sitemap, use
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    gecko0gecko0 Registered Users Posts: 383 Major grins
    edited August 9, 2010
    Thank you for the fast reply. I entered each one manually and get the same error under each:

    "URL not allowed. This url is not allowed for a Sitemap at this location" ...each URL then references the "brian-photos". If it's just a replication/sync issue that I should wait on, I can wait and see. I just want to make sure it's not something I did incorrectly.

    <TABLE id=grid class=grid><THEAD><TR><TH class="header leftmost smallColumn"></TH><TH class="header largeColumn">[URL="javascript:tblgrid.doSort('grid.sortBy', '1')"]Sitemap[/URL]</TH><TH class=header>[URL="javascript:tblgrid.doSort('grid.sortBy', '2')"]Status[/URL]</TH><TH class=header>[URL="javascript:tblgrid.doSort('grid.sortBy', '3')"]Type[/URL]</TH><TH class=header>[URL="javascript:tblgrid.doSort('grid.sortBy', '4')"]Downloaded[/URL]</TH><TH class="header number">[URL="javascript:tblgrid.doSort('grid.sortBy', '5')"]URLs submitted[/URL]</TH><TH class="header rightmost number">[URL="javascript:tblgrid.doSort('grid.sortBy', '6')"]URLs in web index[/URL]</TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY><TR class="first even"><TD class="leftmost null"><INPUT id=checkhttp://www.dynamicapertures.com/sitemap-base.xml value=false type=checkbox name=checkhttp://www.dynamicapertures.com/sitemap-base.xml&gt;</TD><TD class=" null"><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> wmt.common.display.url.writeUrlElement( document, "sitemap-base.xml"); </SCRIPT>sit<WBR>ema<WBR>p-b<WBR>ase<WBR>.xm<WBR>l
    </TD><TD class=" null">error.png</TD><TD class=" null">Sitemap</TD><TD class=" null">Aug 9, 2010</TD><TD class=" number">54</TD><TD class="rightmost number">--</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD class="leftmost null"><INPUT id=checkhttp://www.dynamicapertures.com/sitemap-base.xml.gz value=false type=checkbox name=checkhttp://www.dynamicapertures.com/sitemap-base.xml.gz></TD><TD class=" null"><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> wmt.common.display.url.writeUrlElement( document, "sitemap-base.xml.gz"); </SCRIPT>sit<WBR>ema<WBR>p-b<WBR>ase<WBR>.xm<WBR>l.g<WBR>z
    </TD><TD class=" null">error.png</TD><TD class=" null">Sitemap</TD><TD class=" null">Aug 9, 2010</TD><TD class=" number">54</TD><TD class="rightmost number">0</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD class="leftmost null"><INPUT id=checkhttp://www.dynamicapertures.com/sitemap-galleries.xml.gz value=false type=checkbox name=checkhttp://www.dynamicapertures.com/sitemap-galleries.xml.gz></TD><TD class=" null"><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> wmt.common.display.url.writeUrlElement( document, "sitemap-galleries.xml.gz"); </SCRIPT>sit<WBR>ema<WBR>p-g<WBR>all<WBR>eri<WBR>es.<WBR>xml<WBR>.gz
    </TD><TD class=" null">error.png</TD><TD class=" null">Sitemap</TD><TD class=" null">Aug 9, 2010</TD><TD class=" number">79</TD><TD class="rightmost number">0</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD class="leftmost null"><INPUT id=checkhttp://www.dynamicapertures.com/sitemap-images.xml.gz value=false type=checkbox name=checkhttp://www.dynamicapertures.com/sitemap-images.xml.gz></TD><TD class=" null"><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> wmt.common.display.url.writeUrlElement( document, "sitemap-images.xml.gz"); </SCRIPT>sit<WBR>ema<WBR>p-i<WBR>mag<WBR>es.<WBR>xml<WBR>.gz
    </TD><TD class=" null">error.png</TD><TD class=" null">Images</TD><TD class=" null">Aug 9, 2010</TD><TD class=" number">78</TD><TD class="rightmost number">0</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
    Canon 7D and some stuff that sticks on the end of it.
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    rsquaredrsquared Registered Users Posts: 306 Major grins
    edited August 9, 2010
    smilenj wrote: »
    Hello -

    I manage the SMUG in San Francisco and am looking for a rock star SEO speaker. If you know anyone, please forward me their contact info.



    The Sacramento SMUG is having Zach Prez in to speak this Wednesday. I don't know much about him, and it's only our second meeting, but he is local (which puts him within driving distance to you) and was there at the first meeting... Check out his site at http://photographers-seo.com/ and I'm sending him a message on FB to come check your post.
    Rob Rogers -- R Squared Photography (Nikon D90)
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    AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,013 Major grins
    edited August 10, 2010
    I notice this on a lot of sites, especially where they are selling services.
    There is no clue or it's very hard to find where they are located. As an
    example, if someone is looking for a wedding photographer it would be nice if
    their location was prominent and SEO picks it up.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
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    gecko0gecko0 Registered Users Posts: 383 Major grins
    edited August 10, 2010
    gbrookshaw wrote: »
    Hi Andy,

    How often (roughly) does SmugMug update the contents of the sitemap-images.xml and sitemap-galleries.xml files?

    Or is it something we can initiate? (mine are out of date)

    (sorry if I've missed this info earlier in thread!)


    +1...mine are out of date/incorrect as well and I am wondering how often they are updated to reflect different nicknames in the URLs, etc. headscratch.gif
    Canon 7D and some stuff that sticks on the end of it.
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    smugmug seo guysmugmug seo guy Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
    edited August 10, 2010
    Zach Prez is the photographer SEO specialist

    I specialize in SEO for photogs and would love to speak at the SF Smug Club about getting better search results. I'm speaking at the Sacramento Smug Club tomorrow and have an SEO Workshop coming to the bay very soon. You can ask Markham and Andy about my credentials. Reach me at photographersseo[@]gmail[.]com


    To clarify, can users reference sitemap-index.html in Google or Bing Webmaster Tools or do they need to use the .gz versions you mentiun above?

    Also, will the sitemaps display the content as mysite.com or myname.smugmug.com if the account is setup to use a vanity URL?
    Get my free SmugMug SEO How to Guide
    Rank your blog with Photoblog SEO Zen
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    Lou GonzalezLou Gonzalez Registered Users Posts: 413 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2010
    Hi Andy,

    It's been 13 days since adding my sitemap to Google Webmaster. My http://photos.lifesharephoto.com/sitemap-images.xml.gz is still erroring out.

    However sit<wbr>ema<wbr>p-b<wbr>ase<wbr>.xm<wbr>l.g<wbr>z and sit<wbr>ema<wbr>p-g<wbr>all<wbr>eri<wbr>es.<wbr>xml<wbr>.gz are fine and working.

    You had told me to wait for Google, or to add it again. I have done both but to no avail.

    Here's the error I'm still getting:

    sit<wbr>ema<wbr>p-i<wbr>mag<wbr>es.<wbr>xml<wbr>.gz : Sitemap file size error

    Your Sitemap exceeds the maximum file size limit. Please create multiple Sitemaps containing fewer URLs to meet the file size limit.

    Problem detected on: Aug 12, 2010

    What do you suggest? Should it take this long to clear the error?
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    rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2010
    Lou, I've passed it on to make sure our engineers are aware of it.
    SmugMug Support Hero
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    pilotdavepilotdave Registered Users Posts: 785 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2010
    Lou, I've passed it on to make sure our engineers are aware of it.

    Same problem with my sitemap-images.xlm.gz.

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    rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2010
    Lou and Dave,
    Our Chief Geek suggests you contact Google about this.
    "The Sitemaps site says it needs to be less than 10MB but can be compressed (theirs is ~650KB compressed) and less then 50,000 URLs (theirs is ~33,000), so it should be fine."
    That's for your file, Lou.

    The specs are on listed here:

    Here's another page that clearly states that the compressed sitemap file can be up to 10mb:

    SmugMug Support Hero
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    LichtenHansenLichtenHansen Registered Users Posts: 55 Big grins
    edited August 12, 2010
    10MB is the limit when it is uncompressed
    Lou and Dave,
    Our Chief Geek suggests you contact Google about this.
    "The Sitemaps site says it needs to be less than 10MB but can be compressed (theirs is ~650KB compressed) and less then 50,000 URLs (theirs is ~33,000), so it should be fine."
    That's for your file, Lou.

    The specs are on listed here:

    Here's another page that clearly states that the compressed sitemap file can be up to 10mb:


    And here is the official one from Google: http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=35738
    Google wrote:
    A Sitemap file can contain no more than 50,000 URLs and be no larger than 10MB when uncompressed. If your Sitemap is larger than this, break it into several smaller Sitemaps and list these in a Sitemap index file.

    You can gzip-compress them to save bandwidth, but the limit on 10Mb is for the uncompressed file.
    It might be a good idea to contact the Chief Geek again.
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    jachangjachang Registered Users Posts: 183 Major grins
    edited August 13, 2010
    pilotdave wrote: »
    Same problem with my sitemap-images.xlm.gz.


    My site map images show that 489 url's were submitted, but none are indexed. I'm assuming the indexing just takes time (?), but how can I determine how many MB are in those 489 url's?


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    IrrokIrrok Registered Users Posts: 15 Big grins
    edited August 16, 2010
    In desperate need of answers...
    I'm in desperate need of some straight forward answers... I have read many many pages here on the forum, however I just can't put the pieces together... I think I may be a bit more confused now then when I started a few days ago.headscratch.gif

    Concern #1: Most of the pages that show when I Google: site:www.irrok.com appear with a meta description provided by SmugMug. I am not yet sure if this can be changed to reflect my Bio / Meta Description or if this is something that I should not be concerned about. Please explain...

    Concern #2: My Google Webmasters Tools tells me that I have a problem with Duplicate Title Tags. The list contains 152 Titles each showing 2 to 30 duplicates each. I am not yet 100% sure if this actually will hurt my rankings. If I need to address this how long does it normally take to reflect in Web Master Tools?
    Please explain...

    Concern #3: Do Unlisted Galleries with Hello World set to yes still help with Google Organic Results?
    Please explain...

    Concern #4: When I signed up for Analytics I was given code to place in the custom footer. Sure enough I was able to see results on my Analytics page. I see that if I want to take advantage of the Site Map feature I should place the UA-number in the box provided under the settings tab. It warns me to remove the code placed in the footer before placing the UA-number. When I did I no longer received my anayltics info and did not see any site map stats on Web Mater Tools so I switched back. and wanted to know what is the proper steps needed to obtain my Analytics info as well as optimizing to Google with offering Site Map info...
    Please explain...

    I know that the best of the best will jump on this and finally allow me to regain sanity... wings.gif

    Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me....bowdown.gif

    Ronald Bartolec
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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 16, 2010
    Irrok wrote: »
    Most of the pages that show when I Google: site:www.irrok.com appear with a meta description provided by SmugMug. I am not yet sure if this can be changed to reflect my Bio / Meta Description or if this is something that I should not be concerned about. Please explain...

    It's because you have no album description, add one and we'll use it thumb.gif

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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 16, 2010
    Irrok wrote: »
    Concern #4: When I signed up for Analytics I was given code to place in the custom footer. Sure enough I was able to see results on my Analytics page. I see that if I want to take advantage of the Site Map feature I should place the UA-number in the box provided under the settings tab. It warns me to remove the code placed in the footer before placing the UA-number. When I did I no longer received my anayltics info and did not see any site map stats on Web Mater Tools so I switched back. and wanted to know what is the proper steps needed to obtain my Analytics info as well as optimizing to Google with offering Site Map info...
    Please explain...

    I know that the best of the best will jump on this and finally allow me to regain sanity... wings.gif

    Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me....bowdown.gif

    Ronald Bartolec

    You put in an incorrect #. The number us a UA-XXXXX sort of number.
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    IrrokIrrok Registered Users Posts: 15 Big grins
    edited August 16, 2010
    Andy wrote: »
    You put in an incorrect #. The number us a UA-XXXXX sort of number.

    Could You please explain a little further what a UA-xxxxx sort of number is or can be found...

    once this number is placed in the box do I need to remove the code from the footer page?

    and finally do I need to enter anything into the "enter a site map" tab inside Web Master Tools?
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    IrrokIrrok Registered Users Posts: 15 Big grins
    edited August 16, 2010
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    rsquaredrsquared Registered Users Posts: 306 Major grins
    edited August 16, 2010
    Irrok wrote: »
    Could You please explain a little further what a UA-xxxxx sort of number is or can be found...

    once this number is placed in the box do I need to remove the code from the footer page?

    and finally do I need to enter anything into the "enter a site map" tab inside Web Master Tools?

    It's the same number you're currently using in your custom footer... Looks like it's UA-17760071-1, and yes, once you put it in there, that code should come out of the footer.

    Your sitemap should be at http://www.irrok.com/sitemap-index.xml
    Rob Rogers -- R Squared Photography (Nikon D90)
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    IrrokIrrok Registered Users Posts: 15 Big grins
    edited August 16, 2010
    rsquared wrote: »
    It's the same number you're currently using in your custom footer... Looks like it's UA-17760071-1, and yes, once you put it in there, that code should come out of the footer.

    Your sitemap should be at http://www.irrok.com/sitemap-index.xml

    Should I expect for this to take some time to show up on Google Analytics and if so How long do you think it might take?

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    LeshaLesha Registered Users Posts: 85 Big grins
    edited August 21, 2010
    From the link in the beginning of the thread: "Google cannot see unlisted and password-protected galleries."

    Does it mean it will not find them even if I have a direct link to it from navigation bar on my home page?

    My site: www.alexmoiseyev.com
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    LeshaLesha Registered Users Posts: 85 Big grins
    edited August 22, 2010
    Irrok wrote: »
    Should I expect for this to take some time to show up on Google Analytics and if so How long do you think it might take?

    I have had regular google script and switched to "smugmug way" on Friday about 7 pm eastern. On Saturday around noon I have seen some traffic for Saturday, so to your "how long" I would say "within hours".

    What I noted, though, reporting became significantly different - it seems to count each photo load as a pageview, so number of pageviews pwr visit went up drastically. Not sure if it is good or bad rolleyes1.gif

    My site: www.alexmoiseyev.com
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    Bob_ABob_A Registered Users Posts: 92 Big grins
    edited August 25, 2010
    Does anyone here have any urls in the Google web index for sitemap-images.xml? Mine was submitted without errors on August 11th with 922 "submitted urls" and so far I have zero in the web index.
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    jachangjachang Registered Users Posts: 183 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2010
    I think I have given up on ever seeing my images on SmugMug show up in a Google search. I have done everything that was suggested as far as keywords, linking to other sites, captions, etc., all to no avail. If you want your images to show up in an image search, it seems you have to use a different website, such as Flickr, Picasa, or one of those. All of my Flickr photos show up in a search, but none from SmugMug do. Unfortunately, those sites don't offer the features that SmugMug does, so I'm still here.

    Regarding the site maps, from what I read at Google Webmaster Tools, the sitemap-images.xml are under "video sitemaps" also. If you look at the dashboard at the left of Webmaster Tools, it is the last item under "Labs." There it lists the three sitemaps we have on SmugMug, and if yours is like mine, it will say under errors "No information found". The sitemaps only seem to be working for web search, not image search.

    Under "Site configuration" on the Webmaster Tools, then under "Sitemaps" all three show up, but again, even though images are submitted, none are indexed. The other two have 1/3 to 1/2 of them indexed on mine. But on the video sitemap, none of the three are indexed.

    In the Google help section, there is this page which says that, "In addition, we don't index images directly (instead, we index the page that contains the image). As a result, direct image URLs in your Sitemap won't be indexed." I have no idea if that means that the way our sitemaps are created isn't compatible with Google's indexing or not. Or since the page is indexed, maybe it's okay. I wish I understood the tech part better. I'm sure someone here will know and explain it, though.

    This is the page I got the info from: http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=80488&hl=en

    It would be interesting to know if anyone has had their images indexed.
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    Bob_ABob_A Registered Users Posts: 92 Big grins
    edited August 25, 2010
    Thanks Jean. It's good to see I'm not the only one.

    I also have zero images showing up under Google Images. And I see tons of images on Google Images that are just using the nondescript filename from the camera, so it has nothing to do with images needing keywords in the filename. IMO Smugmug has some work to do to improve things in this area as it doesn't look like sitemaps has helped.

    Like you I stay with Smugmug because of the features and because issues like this slowly get sorted out. Just bizarre that it should take so much work to get images with decent meta-data keywords from a service dedicated to imagery to show up in Google Images.
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    denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,258 moderator
    edited August 26, 2010
    jachang wrote: »
    I think I have given up on ever seeing my images on SmugMug show up in a Google search. I have done everything that was suggested as far as keywords, linking to other sites, captions, etc., all to no avail.
    I do have some images showing up in Google search. Interestingly enough, all but one of them are from sites other than my smug site. Most are from my blog though, and my blog links back to my smug site, so I suppose that's a good thing. It seems rather bizarre though in that there doesn't seem to be a pattern in how the photos are chosen. Most are old(er), but occasionally a new one will pop in.

    When I show images on my blog, I always use both <a href= and <img src= statements pointing at the photo on smug. I also always include an alt tag on the img src statement.

    --- Denise
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    jachangjachang Registered Users Posts: 183 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2010
    I do have some images showing up in Google search. Interestingly enough, all but one of them are from sites other than my smug site. Most are from my blog though, and my blog links back to my smug site, so I suppose that's a good thing. It seems rather bizarre though in that there doesn't seem to be a pattern in how the photos are chosen. Most are old(er), but occasionally a new one will pop in.

    When I show images on my blog, I always use both <a href= and <img src= statements pointing at the photo on smug. I also always include an alt tag on the img src statement.

    --- Denise

    Hi Denise,

    You were the one who gave me such great info on setting up my blog and how to add photos. Thanks again for that.

    I can't help but think that SmugMug does not have something set up right if nobody here has their images appearing on Google image search. Or maybe we only hear from the folks who don't.

    Is there anyone (other than Andy) who has their images come up at SmugMug when they do a Google search? Please reply if you do and let us know if you did anything special to make it happen--particularly the parameters in Webmaster Tools. Give us a reason to hope! :D

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    pilotdavepilotdave Registered Users Posts: 785 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2010
    jachang wrote: »
    Hi Denise,

    You were the one who gave me such great info on setting up my blog and how to add photos. Thanks again for that.

    I can't help but think that SmugMug does not have something set up right if nobody here has their images appearing on Google image search. Or maybe we only hear from the folks who don't.

    Is there anyone (other than Andy) who has their images come up at SmugMug when they do a Google search? Please reply if you do and let us know if you did anything special to make it happen--particularly the parameters in Webmaster Tools. Give us a reason to hope! :D


    I'm showing 144 results on google image search. It's climbing, but very very slowly. Captions and gallery descriptions seem to be tied to most of them. Keywords don't seem to help at all. I have maybe 400 images with a unique keyword... no results on google image search. But 4 images I uploaded to another site are found easily when looking up that same keyword. I definitely agree that smugmug is not at all optimized for google image search. I have seen absolutely no improvement from NiceNames for photo filenames. I just don't think google cares about directory structure.

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    mtnbikermtnbiker Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited August 27, 2010
    yea I see the same thing, nothing in google image search unless it's on another site.
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    carolinecaroline Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited August 27, 2010
    I agree with everyone that this is really so frustrating but it's not all down to SmugMug - Google Images throws up some really bizarre results.

    If you google 'mendip photos' my site is at no 1 and 2 at the moment.
    click on images and I can't see anything of mine anywhere - strange as I have 1049 images keyworded with mendip. Strange too that some of them don't appear to have anything to do with 'mendip'.

    If I add my surname 'shipsey' to the images search mendip photos then most of page 1 and 2 results are my images - from my blog, and one from my other non photo site.

    Then try 'mendip photos smugmug' and on the third row down there are 3 tiny images that are part of my header and appear on all pages but google is associating them with one gallery.ne_nau.gif

    I've spent many hours trying to understand the logic or otherwise of google images, I can't see any and I can't see any pattern that leads me to any conclusion about how to win this battle. I gave up months ago, most of the results that do come up wouldn't satisfy me if I was looking for an image of mendip anyway. I don't see mendip images from Flickr in abundance either or any other hosting site like picasa?

    Finally if I use my full name as a google image search that does throw up a few more of my pics, again from my blog, one from my site, others from sites where my pics have been used and I'm credited as the photographer - no pattern or logic to this either. Even some from pbase where I haven't put any images for years!

    There really are so many other better ways to spend my time than this, so I don't care any more. I just thought it might be of some help to others who are really bugged by this and put most of the blame at SmugMug's door.

    Mendip Blog - Blog from The Fog, life on the Mendips
    www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+

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    Erick LErick L Registered Users Posts: 355 Major grins
    edited August 28, 2010
    jachang wrote: »
    Is there anyone (other than Andy) who has their images come up at SmugMug when they do a Google search? Please reply if you do and let us know if you did anything special to make it happen--particularly the parameters in Webmaster Tools. Give us a reason to hope! :D

    I have over 2000 images indexed, that's almost twice as many images uploaded on my site. :D I only worry about captions and links. Captionned images usually take under two weeks to get indexed. I still don't like nicenames for photos because when you move things around, they have to be indexed again.

    I think you should add a navigation bar with links to categories, popular and recent photos and keyword page.
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