More on RV
As KudbeGud confirmed, there is an RV place in St.George (which is only about 40 min from Zion) with the weekly rates = $750 (class c 24' ) to $1225 (30' - 36' class a) with 5% discount for 3 month in advance reservation (which makes it $712 and $1163 resp.).
If we have 4 people for RV $712/4 makes it $178ea. If we have 6 (or more) we'll get $1163/6=$193ea or less.
In any case we'll get a week worth of BOTH transport and lodging for under $200! Of course, gas, camp fees would add to that amount, but they would do that anyway. But comparing to renting a car (SUV) for a week (50 per day min) and staying in motels (again $50 per night min if you lucky) - we're saving hundreds of dollars on thins thingie!
Let's experience Utah the American way!!
AND - they have shuttle service to LV, so the final leg of the journey becomes a no-brainer also:-)
Guys and gals, we need your yays/nays!
Trust me, those availalbe campsites and those RVs will be all reserved if we do not act fast. It's an extremely popular location and with the memorial day being that close we can end up with nothing if we don't nail it soon.
Please, we need you RSVPs!
Trust me, those availalbe campsites and those RVs will be all reserved if we do not act fast. It's an extremely popular location and with the memorial day being that close we can end up with nothing if we don't nail it soon.
Please, we need you RSVPs!
Hi Nikolai......... I am happy to go with the flow, you guys will know more about these things than I would since I don't live in USA.
I'm happy to let you guys decide what you want to do, and how many days you spend at any location, .......and if you guys really want the thrill of a life time.......let me drive
Let me know what you decide, I am definitely going okay
Skippy (Australia)
Hi Nikolai......... I am happy to go with the flow, you guys will know more about these things than I would since I don't live in USA.
I'm happy to let you guys decide what you want to do, and how many days you spend at any location, .......and if you guys really want the thrill of a life time.......let me drive
Let me know what you decide, I am definitely going okay
Skippy (Australia)
We will probably be targeting a bigger one, so initial payment would be slightly higher. When the late birds join-in (which I'm totally posisive about) we'll get more funds and reimburse the initial extras.
Including you isn't that 5?
Kudbegud (you forgot da man)
Michiel de Brieder
Sorry, man, I was only counting who recently confirmed after the updated plan has been posted! The thing is - we're gonna start making reservations and we need to secure some funds for that, hence my being cautions...
NOW it's five of us:-)
Here's the dealio - I'm in, but not in. Oh yeah, that's right.
I'm coming (95% sure) but I'm driving out in my Subaru, so I will not need to sleep etc with y'all. (And you can take that however ya like.) However, I would love to intersect with your plans, love to hang out, love to pack people in my car for the occasional day trip, off-shoot, or Place Where RVs Cannot Go. I'm thinkin that I'll contribute wheels and gas for said wheels, as needed, and I'll be camping with you, near you, or on my own depending on space and how the wind takes me. Love to share a beer or 6. Love to have company in me Suby though I might stop suddenly with a squawk.
So I will be seeing you there, and can/will pony up some cash on a lesser level to help secure reservations etc if needed, though I'd rather not do it up front since I don't know if/how much I will use that stuff and I'm broke as hell.
OK, guys and gals
Since nobody had any objections v.s. Da Drfat#1, it is now has been promoted to Da Plan.
Since RV is gonna be about $1200 and we definitely would need some more monay for gas and camps, I suggest each five of us (who already signed in) chip in $300 now ($100 for people using their own vehicles - we still need reserve campgrounds).
This is NOT gonna be our final amount. The latter, I'd would think, will be closer to $500-$700 per person (i.e. $80-100 per person per day), but it will help to solidify our plans and let us do actual reservations, etc.
If more people sign up later, our shares will simply drop and we'll have less to cover in the end..:-)
We're also going to have an "early birds" discount system. As it was mentioned before, our top capacity is going to be 12 people total, RV or not.
Each month there will be a fee of $20 added to those who sing up late, due upon sign up. So those of you who pay in October will pay $120 less total compared to those who sign up in May 2006.
Here's the signup fee chart
Month RV Own wheels
Oct 2005 $300 $100
Nov 2005 $320 $120
Dec 2005 $340
OK, guys and gals - time to pay up!
Since nobody had any objections v.s. Da Drfat#1, it is now has been promoted to Da Plan.
As of now we have 6 total, 5 in RV and one (Sara) in her Suby. Didn't hear from Dixie and his SUV..
Since RV is gonna be about $1200 and we definitely would need some more money for gas and camps, I suggest each five of us (who already signed in) chip in $300 now ($100 for people using their own vehicles - we still need reserve campgrounds).
This is NOT gonna be our final amount. The latter, I'd would think, will be closer to $500-$700 per person (i.e. $80-100 per person per day), but it will help to solidify our plans and let us do actual reservations, etc.
If more people sign up later, our shares will simply drop and we'll have less to cover in the end..:-)
We're also going to have an "early birds" discount system. Those who fail to sign up in this calendar year of 2005 will pay a "beer/gas" penalty of $50, so you better pay fast:-)
If you gonna send you portion via paypal (please send to, that's my account) please add 3%, i.e. please send $309/$103. MOs or cashier's checks - please PM/email for the address.
The sooner we get the money the sooner we can actually start reserving things.
I will paypal you on Monday, gotta wait for this weeks check to clear first. I'm still recuperating from the trip to Mackinaw that I haven't processed any pics from yet.
I will paypal you on Monday, gotta wait for this weeks check to clear first. I'm still recuperating from the trip to Mackinaw that I haven't processed any pics from yet.
I'm possibly in for this, but won't find out until next week. If I make it, I might be able to provide a tent if it's too crowded in the RV.
When it come closer we'll check the tents, too. I, for one, have a very compact and lightweight tent that can shelter 4 easily (it's 6'x8'). I have other camping gear for 4 (bags and foam mats), but I won't be able to fly with all that stuff all by myself. However, maybe Sara would agree to transport some on her Suby:-)
Anyway, it's too early for that. The main thing - gear is not a problem:-)
When it come closer we'll check the tents, too. I, for one, have a very compact and lightweight tent that can shelter 4 easily (it's 6'x8'). I have other camping gear for 4 (bags and foam mats), but I won't be able to fly with all that stuff all by myself. However, maybe Sara would agree to transport some on her Suby:-)
Anyway, it's too early for that. The main thing - gear is not a problem:-)
Anybody else want to join?
I've got an office in Vegas that I can ship stuff to. I figured I'd just FedEx my gear out there and pick it up from my guys when I get out there, then ship it back home. If anyone else didn't have room to fly stuff in, I could provide a staging area there for you to send it to and then I could get it shipped back out for you.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we DO need your pledges...
Reserving trips, camps and $1,200 RV is an enterprise we can't afford going into without being 100% you're going. You also may need to start flight reservations.
If not sure - please post your questions/concerns here, or send me an email, or better yet - BE sure and send the money!
It's gonna be a trip of your life!
(All the pictures below are quoted from the public websites, they are not mine, I put a link to the originating website next to each picture)
Folks, I can't believe you're all wanna ignore this trip. Zion and Bryce are sure gems, but you can't simply ditch the rest of the necklace:-)
Utah is B-E-A -UTAH - FUL!!:D
Can I hear "paypaled"?
Folks, we reserved all campsites for RV (yay, Kudbegud! ),
but we *DO* need to put a few hundred bucks down for the RV itself.
The bad news is:
the biggest RV we can get can hold six (!) people only.
So sitting is very limited, unless we're going to get another RV - which means another deposit, another camp reservation, etc.
I don't feel like putting down a lot of cash without having a $olid confirmation from all the interested parties.
So, guys and gals, ladies and gents, if you're are seriously thinking of going to this trip - please send the your dineros, liras, yens, roubles, rupees and pounds asap. US dollars will be fine, too.
I know many of you have already expressed the desire to go, but we just came to the point when we need to support that desire with some funds..
Me and Kudbegud are locked in, which leaves only FOUR (4!) spots in our bea-utah-ful shiny RV (two tvs, dvd, shower, full kitchen, the whole shebang!)
First come - first served.
Please hurry, I'd like to lock that RV for as ASAP.
If we get more than 6 people we may need to get another RV - with all the consequences (additional vamping spots, etc.). As, as before, 12 is our top limit since they don't let more than 12 inside the antelope canyon, and there is only one photo-tour per day.. And especially in that case we need a participation confirmed with funds..
RV, tour and camps are nailed
Detailed info will follow soon, tonight or tomorrow, need to compile it all in a easy-to-read form:-)
Several hundred dollars have been *already* spent by Kudbegud and me in the process, so PLEASE hurry with your transfers!
Bottom line - we still have 4 vacant slots in RV and 10 slots in the Antelope tour. Slots are assigned as money arrives on "first come first served" basis, $300 deposit please. If we have more than 6 ppl in this trip, we better know it sooner, since it would require additional RV and additional camping slots.
Those with your own wheels - we need $100 deposit and we'll discuss your sleeping/lodging arrangements options.
Complete detailed info will follow...
"Show me the money"!
As KudbeGud confirmed, there is an RV place in St.George (which is only about 40 min from Zion) with the weekly rates = $750 (class c 24' ) to $1225 (30' - 36' class a) with 5% discount for 3 month in advance reservation (which makes it $712 and $1163 resp.).
If we have 4 people for RV $712/4 makes it $178ea. If we have 6 (or more) we'll get $1163/6=$193ea or less.
In any case we'll get a week worth of BOTH transport and lodging for under $200! Of course, gas, camp fees would add to that amount, but they would do that anyway. But comparing to renting a car (SUV) for a week (50 per day min) and staying in motels (again $50 per night min if you lucky) - we're saving hundreds of dollars on thins thingie!
Let's experience Utah the American way!!
AND - they have shuttle service to LV, so the final leg of the journey becomes a no-brainer also:-)
Trust me, those availalbe campsites and those RVs will be all reserved if we do not act fast. It's an extremely popular location and with the memorial day being that close we can end up with nothing if we don't nail it soon.
Please, we need you RSVPs!
Hello, anybody???
Hi Nikolai......... I am happy to go with the flow, you guys will know more about these things than I would since I don't live in USA.
I'm happy to let you guys decide what you want to do, and how many days you spend at any location, .......and if you guys really want the thrill of a life time.......let me drive
Let me know what you decide, I am definitely going okay
Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
I'll go with the flow!
Oh and my sincere apologies for acting this late!
Michiel de Brieder
how about making a summary post here about the current status of the post shootout stuff (locations, route, options, costs, dates, who's coming, etc)
i'll reference the summary info in the main thread.
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I will make one tonight!
Maxine in!
So now we have at least 4 - we can start with RV:-)!
Michiel de Brieder
We will probably be targeting a bigger one, so initial payment would be slightly higher. When the late birds join-in (which I'm totally posisive about) we'll get more funds and reimburse the initial extras.
Michiel de Brieder
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Sorry, man, I was only counting who recently confirmed after the updated plan has been posted! The thing is - we're gonna start making reservations and we need to secure some funds for that, hence my being cautions...
NOW it's five of us:-)
Dixie - are you in?
a-hem... koff koff...
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Got something going on, family and stuff, could not make it..
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I'm coming (95% sure) but I'm driving out in my Subaru, so I will not need to sleep etc with y'all. (And you can take that however ya like.)
So I will be seeing you there, and can/will pony up some cash on a lesser level to help secure reservations etc if needed, though I'd rather not do it up front since I don't know if/how much I will use that stuff and I'm broke as hell.
Hope that works for you!
Since nobody had any objections v.s. Da Drfat#1, it is now has been promoted to Da Plan.
Since RV is gonna be about $1200 and we definitely would need some more monay for gas and camps, I suggest each five of us (who already signed in) chip in $300 now ($100 for people using their own vehicles - we still need reserve campgrounds).
This is NOT gonna be our final amount. The latter, I'd would think, will be closer to $500-$700 per person (i.e. $80-100 per person per day), but it will help to solidify our plans and let us do actual reservations, etc.
If more people sign up later, our shares will simply drop and we'll have less to cover in the end..:-)
We're also going to have an "early birds" discount system. As it was mentioned before, our top capacity is going to be 12 people total, RV or not.
Each month there will be a fee of $20 added to those who sing up late, due upon sign up. So those of you who pay in October will pay $120 less total compared to those who sign up in May 2006.
Here's the signup fee chart
Month RV Own wheels
Oct 2005 $300 $100
Nov 2005 $320 $120
Dec 2005 $340
Since nobody had any objections v.s. Da Drfat#1, it is now has been promoted to Da Plan.
As of now we have 6 total, 5 in RV and one (Sara) in her Suby. Didn't hear from Dixie and his SUV..
Since RV is gonna be about $1200 and we definitely would need some more money for gas and camps, I suggest each five of us (who already signed in) chip in $300 now ($100 for people using their own vehicles - we still need reserve campgrounds).
This is NOT gonna be our final amount. The latter, I'd would think, will be closer to $500-$700 per person (i.e. $80-100 per person per day), but it will help to solidify our plans and let us do actual reservations, etc.
If more people sign up later, our shares will simply drop and we'll have less to cover in the end..:-)
We're also going to have an "early birds" discount system. Those who fail to sign up in this calendar year of 2005 will pay a "beer/gas" penalty of $50, so you better pay fast:-)
If you gonna send you portion via paypal (please send to, that's my account) please add 3%, i.e. please send $309/$103. MOs or cashier's checks - please PM/email for the address.
The sooner we get the money the sooner we can actually start reserving things.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Both Nicks are down
Do I hear more ka-ching?
My smugmug stuff
When it come closer we'll check the tents, too. I, for one, have a very compact and lightweight tent that can shelter 4 easily (it's 6'x8'). I have other camping gear for 4 (bags and foam mats), but I won't be able to fly with all that stuff all by myself. However, maybe Sara would agree to transport some on her Suby:-)
Anyway, it's too early for that. The main thing - gear is not a problem:-)
Anybody else want to join?
My smugmug stuff
Ladies and gentlemen,
we DO need your pledges...
Reserving trips, camps and $1,200 RV is an enterprise we can't afford going into without being 100% you're going. You also may need to start flight reservations.
If not sure - please post your questions/concerns here, or send me an email, or better yet - BE sure and send the money!
It's gonna be a trip of your life!
(All the pictures below are quoted from the public websites, they are not mine, I put a link to the originating website next to each picture)
Antelope canyon (
Monument Valley (
Mexican Hat: (Edward Schumci,
Valley Of Gods (Dan Teller:
Arches (
If you don't sign up you're gonna miss it!!!
Folks, I can't believe you're all wanna ignore this trip. Zion and Bryce are sure gems, but you can't simply ditch the rest of the necklace:-)
Utah is B-E-A -UTAH - FUL!!:D
But hey, I found someone else to take my place. We just have to get him registered on dgrin so he can reply to this thread!
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Yeah, sure, bring him in..
Or is it "her"?
Folks, we reserved all campsites for RV (yay, Kudbegud!
but we *DO* need to put a few hundred bucks down for the RV itself.
The bad news is:
the biggest RV we can get can hold six (!) people only.
So sitting is very limited, unless we're going to get another RV - which means another deposit, another camp reservation, etc.
I don't feel like putting down a lot of cash without having a $olid confirmation from all the interested parties.
So, guys and gals, ladies and gents, if you're are seriously thinking of going to this trip - please send the your dineros, liras, yens, roubles, rupees and pounds asap. US dollars will be fine, too.
I know many of you have already expressed the desire to go, but we just came to the point when we need to support that desire with some funds..
Me and Kudbegud are locked in, which leaves only FOUR (4!) spots in our bea-utah-ful shiny RV (two tvs, dvd, shower, full kitchen, the whole shebang!)
First come - first served.
Please hurry, I'd like to lock that RV for as ASAP.
If we get more than 6 people we may need to get another RV - with all the consequences (additional vamping spots, etc.). As, as before, 12 is our top limit since they don't let more than 12 inside the antelope canyon, and there is only one photo-tour per day.. And especially in that case we need a participation confirmed with funds..
I'm standing by for your transfer!
Detailed info will follow soon, tonight or tomorrow, need to compile it all in a easy-to-read form:-)
Several hundred dollars have been *already* spent by Kudbegud and me in the process, so PLEASE hurry with your transfers!
Bottom line - we still have 4 vacant slots in RV and 10 slots in the Antelope tour. Slots are assigned as money arrives on "first come first served" basis, $300 deposit please. If we have more than 6 ppl in this trip, we better know it sooner, since it would require additional RV and additional camping slots.
Those with your own wheels - we need $100 deposit and we'll discuss your sleeping/lodging arrangements options.
Complete detailed info will follow...
"Show me the money"!