That's weird cos I'm using Mozilla too (on mac) so it should be fine. Try again, it should work as I log in myself using that address on mozilla.
I decided to not include an e-mail address. My e-mail is on my site and people can find it there.[/quote]
As a designer I would advise you to put an email address on your card, rather than just rely on someone going to your site. For whatever reason, they might not want to go to your site immediately, but an email address on your card will enable thme to make direct access. You are cutting yourself off from a potential contact route. I've never ever designed a business card for someone without an email address on it & I've been designing for 15 years.
As to my profile being vangogh, Yes orignially it was, but I changed it to iconic but haven't yet got round to changing it in the setup yet. When I get a minute I will, but thanks for pointing it out.
Iconic Creative "To be creative means the ability to remain thirsty and to want more, never be keep on seeing, discovering and understanding the joy of creativity"
Raghu Rai
The circular lens/eye logo was my own idea - had a logo designer actually render it. the background I purchased for $2 at and the layout I blame on myself.
Seriously though, these haven't gone to the printer yet - so any feedback is definately welcome! (don't spare any punches!)
The circular lens/eye logo was my own idea - had a logo designer actually render it. the background I purchased for $2 at and the layout I blame on myself.
Seriously though, these haven't gone to the printer yet - so any feedback is definately welcome! (don't spare any punches!)
You need to go to the gallery settings where this image is and enable external links, because we can't see it.
You need to go to the gallery settings where this image is and enable external links, because we can't see it.
Strangly enough, i CAN see his business-card picture.
The first time i viewed his post, the image was broken.
Then i copied/pasted the URL of the image in the address-bar of my browser and the image showed up.
After that, the image showed OK in the posts.
Strangly enough, i CAN see his business-card picture.
The first time i viewed his post, the image was broken.
Then i copied/pasted the URL of the image in the address-bar of my browser and the image showed up.
After that, the image showed OK in the posts.
Not at all. It's in your cache now. Empty your cache and you'll be back at square one.
It can't be linked from a forum, but you accessed it directly.
Oh!! I did not know that was possible!
How does that work?
Does Smugmug check for a HTTP_REFERER:
- If there is none, the image is allowed to be shown?
- If there is (forum's URL), the image is not allowed to be shown?
But if you can directly link, and the image is put in your cache, disabling images in forums does not really work... (browser reads from cache).
(update: Link came from blogspot... so something else was going on.... ah well.. )
The circular lens/eye logo was my own idea - had a logo designer actually render it. the background I purchased for $2 at and the layout I blame on myself.
Seriously though, these haven't gone to the printer yet - so any feedback is definately welcome! (don't spare any punches!)
I like the overall design, with the lens/eye logo and the background.
However, there seems to be a little too much text. Makes it too busy.
I like the overall design, with the lens/eye logo and the background.
However, there seems to be a little too much text. Makes it too busy.
Good point. After reviewing the other examples on here... I may go to a double-sided design.
And, sorry for the bad link above. I should have taken the time to throw in my smugmug gallery and do the link properly (that link comes from blogspot). I was lazy. My bad.
Good point. After reviewing the other examples on here... I may go to a double-sided design.
A card should be simple, yet memorable and not mistaken as a silent salesman.
Your double lens logo is quite nice and fits with your company name. Hand something out that is elegant and well designed for the subconcious reaction of "oh, this guy has style". You're not going to sell more product because you have a laundry list printed on your card.
A little advice based on new experiences. (primarily for U.S.)
My office produces a lot of marketing materials that include my firm's toll-free telephone number. Those materials are distributed all over California.
We, like many, have often left off the 1- (example 1-800-xxx-xxxx) as a stylistic choice to accomplish a cleaner look.
Lately I have received several calls from people in various parts of the state advising me that they are receiving calls originally intended for my company.
What's happened is, with further deregulation and less oversight by the PUC there are municipalities and providers who now use "800", "866", as well as historically recognized area-codes such as 212, 213, 916 etc., as
ordinary prefixes.
So, if your number is 1-800-123-4567 and someone dials that number, NOT using the (1-), they could make connection with a telephone in their area with the number; 800-1234. Get it?
The moral of this story... always use "1-" in your graphics.
A card should be simple, yet memorable and not mistaken as a silent salesman.
I appreciate the feedback. Like I said in my original post - I blame myself for the layout. Knew it needed work. This was version 0.03 basically.
You're making me re-think what my business card is for.... It's NOT a brochure and it NOT a sales pitch. It should be a reflection of the product/service we offer and be more of a "link" to us. If people want to get a hold of us, then they can visit the site and click the "Contact Us" button (or pick up the phone - cuz our numbers are on there as well).
Our clients aren't in the design field, but clearly anybody will appreciate a "cleaner" business card rather than a busy, "laundry list" layout.
Again, appreciate the comments - I'll re-work the card tonight (will replace old so it'll just change above).
I decided to not include an e-mail address. My e-mail is on my site and people can find it there.
As a designer I would advise you to put an email address on your card, rather than just rely on someone going to your site. For whatever reason, they might not want to go to your site immediately, but an email address on your card will enable thme to make direct access. You are cutting yourself off from a potential contact route. I've never ever designed a business card for someone without an email address on it & I've been designing for 15 years.
As to my profile being vangogh, Yes orignially it was, but I changed it to iconic but haven't yet got round to changing it in the setup yet. When I get a minute I will, but thanks for pointing it out.
Sounds like a good enough reason for me!
I'll add my e-mail address.
Question: Should i also add what type of photography i offer on my web-site (e.g. Street Scenes & Fine Art)? Or should i just leave it out and have people discover it when they visit my site? (also, i don't want to add too much text)
Here's version 0.04 - with "less is more" i.e. sans-laundry list and 1- on telephone number, etc:
I also tweeked the website a bit with the same concepts in mind.
Hi Joe, I like the new cleaner design. I'd also suggest you may want to consider reducing the number of typefaces and font sizes and see what that does for you. - Jack
Canon 1D Mk II N - Canon 5D - Canon EF 17-40 f/4L USM - Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM - Canon EF 85 f/1.8 USM - Canon EF 100 f/2.8 macro - Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
Yes. 2 typefaces. One for your logo, one for everything else.
You also could try moving "Sports Event Photography" under your logo, and move your website down to be with the rest of your contact info. I would move your name and all the contact info to the left, put the type all in black and left justify it., so it's all aligned. That will leave the water drop clear to be enjoyed. I also think you might want to try periods instead of dashes for the phone number. Less obtrusive, kinda stylish, IMO.
Yes. 2 typefaces. One for your logo, one for everything else.
You also could try moving "Sports Event Photography" under your logo, and move your website down to be with the rest of your contact info. I would move your name and all the contact info to the left, put the type all in black and left justify it., so it's all aligned. That will leave the water drop clear to be enjoyed. I also think you might want to try periods instead of dashes for the phone number. Less obtrusive, kinda stylish, IMO.
I have one font-family (type-face) on my business-card design. Is 2 better, like you said, to get a bit more attention to the main title? (see also my previous posts)
I have one font-family (type-face) on my business-card design. Is 2 better, like you said, to get a bit more attention to the main title? (see also my previous posts)
I think having the main title in a different typeface does help it stand out. I also noticed you have dashes and a period in your phone number - was that an oversight?
Canon 1D Mk II N - Canon 5D - Canon EF 17-40 f/4L USM - Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM - Canon EF 85 f/1.8 USM - Canon EF 100 f/2.8 macro - Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
I think having the main title in a different typeface does help it stand out. I also noticed you have dashes and a period in your phone number - was that an oversight?
The dash should go. It should just be a 'wide' space (wider spaced than the rest of the digits).
Now i have to come up with a different type-face ... lemme think
I updated my business-card to include my e-mail (anton at streets of boston dot com) and description (Street Photography & Fine Art)
What do you all think? Comments very welcome.
(you'll see some JPEG-artifacts due to resizing by smugmug to 'Medium'-size)
Hi Joe, I like the new cleaner design. I'd also suggest you may want to consider reducing the number of typefaces and font sizes and see what that does for you. - Jack
This has been Design 101 for me, eh? I appreciate everyones feedback - as well as the other cards that have been shared here.
Ok, I think this is "the one"... (sick of seeing this card yet?)
As you settle on your new card design, are you planning a makeover to your present website design (below) to your business card imagery? I suggest this will be important to ensure visitors directed to your site from your card are not confonted by an entirely different look.
PS I notice your homepage doesn't appear to be displayed correctly by Safari 2.0.3 under Mac OS 10.4.4.
I updated my business-card to include my e-mail (anton at streets of boston dot com) and description (Street Photography & Fine Art)
What do you all think? Comments very welcome.
(you'll see some JPEG-artifacts due to resizing by smugmug to 'Medium'-size)
I wish your card wasn't quite so busy.
I like the image, not sure about the border. A simple straight line border would be cleaner, IMO, and more to my taste (but it's not my card now, is it?)
Is the name of your business "Streets of Boston" or "Streets of Boston Photography"? If it's the first, then why add photography, especially with the descriptive line beneath? If it is a part of the name, then you should treat it the same as the rest of it.
Maybe "Streets of Boston" on one line, and then "Photography and Fine Art" on the next? Do you need to say street photography again? I don't think so.
I would also reduce the size of your name and URL to match the info below, and group them together in one grouping. Lose the "+" before the phone number, it's unnecessary.
Lastly, I'm not sure that the building in the lower right is helping, but is adding to the busy-ness of the card. I like simple.
I like the image, not sure about the border. A simple straight line border would be cleaner, IMO, and more to my taste (but it's not my card now, is it?)
A straight line border may not be in balance when the cards are cut (more margin on the left than to the right, for example), and i like the 'ripped' look.
Is the name of your business "Streets of Boston" or "Streets of Boston Photography"? If it's the first, then why add photography, especially with the descriptive line beneath? If it is a part of the name, then you should treat it the same as the rest of it.
Maybe "Streets of Boston" on one line, and then "Photography and Fine Art" on the next? Do you need to say street photography again? I don't think so.
I agree with you here; the first photography is redundant and not really part of the name. The name is "Streets Of Boston", nothing more.
I would also reduce the size of your name and URL to match the info below, and group them together in one grouping. Lose the "+" before the phone number, it's unnecessary.
The '+' is the standard international sign for 'international access number', different for each country: 011 for USA, 00 for most European countries, etc.
Thats probably why it doesnt work. The one in your bio says . :0)
It was time to make my own
(you'll see some JPEG-artifacts due to resizing by smugmug to 'Medium'-size)
The card follows my blue/yellow-sky/water/sand theme from my site.
I decided to not include an e-mail address. My e-mail is on my site and people can find it there.
Update: E-mail and description included
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
As a designer I would advise you to put an email address on your card, rather than just rely on someone going to your site. For whatever reason, they might not want to go to your site immediately, but an email address on your card will enable thme to make direct access. You are cutting yourself off from a potential contact route. I've never ever designed a business card for someone without an email address on it & I've been designing for 15 years.
As to my profile being vangogh, Yes orignially it was, but I changed it to iconic but haven't yet got round to changing it in the setup yet. When I get a minute I will, but thanks for pointing it out.
Iconic Creative
Iconic Creative
"To be creative means the ability to remain thirsty and to want more, never be keep on seeing, discovering and understanding the joy of creativity"
Raghu Rai
The circular lens/eye logo was my own idea - had a logo designer actually render it. the background I purchased for $2 at and the layout I blame on myself.
Seriously though, these haven't gone to the printer yet - so any feedback is definately welcome! (don't spare any punches!)
You need to go to the gallery settings where this image is and enable external links, because we can't see it.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Strangly enough, i CAN see his business-card picture.
The first time i viewed his post, the image was broken.
Then i copied/pasted the URL of the image in the address-bar of my browser and the image showed up.
After that, the image showed OK in the posts.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Not at all. It's in your cache now. Empty your cache and you'll be back at square one.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Exactly; and how did it get into my cache? If the image can not be shared, it should not be in my cache to begin with.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
It can't be linked from a forum, but you accessed it directly.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Oh!! I did not know that was possible!
How does that work?
Does Smugmug check for a HTTP_REFERER:
- If there is none, the image is allowed to be shown?
- If there is (forum's URL), the image is not allowed to be shown?
But if you can directly link, and the image is put in your cache, disabling images in forums does not really work... (browser reads from cache).
(update: Link came from blogspot... so something else was going on.... ah well..
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
I like the overall design, with the lens/eye logo and the background.
However, there seems to be a little too much text. Makes it too busy.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Good point. After reviewing the other examples on here... I may go to a double-sided design.
And, sorry for the bad link above. I should have taken the time to throw in my smugmug gallery and do the link properly (that link comes from blogspot). I was lazy. My bad.
Here's link again (to smugmug url):
Ordered late monday, got them today (thursday). They look great.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
A card should be simple, yet memorable and not mistaken as a silent salesman.
Your double lens logo is quite nice and fits with your company name. Hand something out that is elegant and well designed for the subconcious reaction of "oh, this guy has style". You're not going to sell more product because you have a laundry list printed on your card.
Let me know if I can be of assistance.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
My office produces a lot of marketing materials that include my firm's toll-free telephone number. Those materials are distributed all over California.
We, like many, have often left off the 1- (example 1-800-xxx-xxxx) as a stylistic choice to accomplish a cleaner look.
Lately I have received several calls from people in various parts of the state advising me that they are receiving calls originally intended for my company.
What's happened is, with further deregulation and less oversight by the PUC there are municipalities and providers who now use "800", "866", as well as historically recognized area-codes such as 212, 213, 916 etc., as
ordinary prefixes.
So, if your number is 1-800-123-4567 and someone dials that number, NOT using the (1-), they could make connection with a telephone in their area with the number; 800-1234. Get it?
The moral of this story... always use "1-" in your graphics.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I appreciate the feedback. Like I said in my original post - I blame myself for the layout. Knew it needed work. This was version 0.03 basically.
You're making me re-think what my business card is for.... It's NOT a brochure and it NOT a sales pitch. It should be a reflection of the product/service we offer and be more of a "link" to us. If people want to get a hold of us, then they can visit the site and click the "Contact Us" button (or pick up the phone - cuz our numbers are on there as well).
Our clients aren't in the design field, but clearly anybody will appreciate a "cleaner" business card rather than a busy, "laundry list" layout.
Again, appreciate the comments - I'll re-work the card tonight (will replace old so it'll just change above).
I wish you'd leave it so that others can see the evolution of your card and learn from it...
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Sounds like a good enough reason for me!
I'll add my e-mail address.
Question: Should i also add what type of photography i offer on my web-site (e.g. Street Scenes & Fine Art)? Or should i just leave it out and have people discover it when they visit my site? (also, i don't want to add too much text)
Thanks for your feedback!
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Here's version 0.04 - with "less is more" i.e. sans-laundry list and 1- on telephone number, etc:
I also tweeked the website a bit with the same concepts in mind.
Hi Joe, I like the new cleaner design. I'd also suggest you may want to consider reducing the number of typefaces and font sizes and see what that does for you. - Jack
Canon 1D Mk II N - Canon 5D - Canon EF 17-40 f/4L USM - Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM - Canon EF 85 f/1.8 USM - Canon EF 100 f/2.8 macro - Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
You also could try moving "Sports Event Photography" under your logo, and move your website down to be with the rest of your contact info. I would move your name and all the contact info to the left, put the type all in black and left justify it., so it's all aligned. That will leave the water drop clear to be enjoyed. I also think you might want to try periods instead of dashes for the phone number. Less obtrusive, kinda stylish, IMO.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I have one font-family (type-face) on my business-card design. Is 2 better, like you said, to get a bit more attention to the main title? (see also my previous posts)
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
I think having the main title in a different typeface does help it stand out. I also noticed you have dashes and a period in your phone number - was that an oversight?
Canon 1D Mk II N - Canon 5D - Canon EF 17-40 f/4L USM - Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM - Canon EF 85 f/1.8 USM - Canon EF 100 f/2.8 macro - Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
The dash should go. It should just be a 'wide' space (wider spaced than the rest of the digits).
Now i have to come up with a different type-face ... lemme think
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
What do you all think? Comments very welcome.
(you'll see some JPEG-artifacts due to resizing by smugmug to 'Medium'-size)
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
This has been Design 101 for me, eh? I appreciate everyones feedback - as well as the other cards that have been shared here.
Ok, I think this is "the one"... (sick of seeing this card yet?)
PS I notice your homepage doesn't appear to be displayed correctly by Safari 2.0.3 under Mac OS 10.4.4.
I still think "Sports Event Photography" should go beneath your logo, and the URL should go down by your email, beneath your name.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I wish your card wasn't quite so busy.
I like the image, not sure about the border. A simple straight line border would be cleaner, IMO, and more to my taste (but it's not my card now, is it?)
Is the name of your business "Streets of Boston" or "Streets of Boston Photography"? If it's the first, then why add photography, especially with the descriptive line beneath? If it is a part of the name, then you should treat it the same as the rest of it.
Maybe "Streets of Boston" on one line, and then "Photography and Fine Art" on the next? Do you need to say street photography again? I don't think so.
I would also reduce the size of your name and URL to match the info below, and group them together in one grouping. Lose the "+" before the phone number, it's unnecessary.
Lastly, I'm not sure that the building in the lower right is helping, but is adding to the busy-ness of the card. I like simple.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
A straight line border may not be in balance when the cards are cut (more margin on the left than to the right, for example), and i like the 'ripped' look.
I agree with you here; the first photography is redundant and not really part of the name. The name is "Streets Of Boston", nothing more.
The '+' is the standard international sign for 'international access number', different for each country: 011 for USA, 00 for most European countries, etc.
My verdict on this building is also still out.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"