SmugMug Feature Requests



  • I SimoniusI Simonius Registered Users Posts: 1,034 Major grins
    edited November 22, 2008
    just to say thank you for some of the recent changes - I especially like the new tool bars layoutthumb.gif Thanks
  • agalliaagallia Registered Users Posts: 541 Major grins
    edited November 22, 2008
    RSS feed for "updated" galleries

    Available RSS/Atom feeds are for Recent Galleries, Recent Videos, and Recent Photos. Recent Galleries apparently doesn't recognize "updated" galleries, just newly added ones.

    Consider combining Updated Galleries (existing galleries with added/updated photos) with Recent Galleries to notify subscribers when existing galleries are also updated?

    In RSS for Recent Photos, can the number and date range in days be controlled? As is, often leads to too many individual photos listed in feed.

    Acadiana Al
    Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
    Blog: Journey to the Light
    "Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
  • CaptainJusticeCaptainJustice Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited November 22, 2008
    Seconding Blackberry Storm support
    havanese wrote:
    Anything in the works for a Smug app on RIM's BB Storm?

    (yes I'm the one person who doesn't have an iphone)

    Pick me! Arriving Monday. Easy upload like on the iPhone would be great, along with good mobile rendering of the smugmug site.
  • BCinDCBCinDC Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited November 22, 2008
    Easy Share for Owners Only; Improve Gallery Setting Management
    iloveyou.gif PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...iloveyou.gif I like to send "Easy Share" email to people, BUT, I don't want to leave my galleries set to "Easy Share" (i.e. I want to use that feature, not let others). Right now, I have to turn on Easy Share, send an email, then turn off Easy Share, which is a pain. Please modify it to allow it for "Owner's View only". An easy (?) workaround would be to add Easy Share Functionality to the "Tools" menu, since that is only for Owners.

    Actually, all, or most, of the settings in "Customize Gallery", should be set for "Owner View, "Guest View" or "Off" rather than "Yes", "No".

    Lastly, having to go through each gallery to view their settings, and having to manually reapply changes is really complicated to manage. It should be possible to apply a "Quick Setting" such that if it is changed, the galleries that it has been applied to, update. At the least, there should be a way to tag galleries by the Quick Setting applied so that they can all easily be identified and updated. Right now, it is really hard to manage gallery settings.

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited November 22, 2008
    BCinDC wrote:
    iloveyou.gif PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...iloveyou.gif I like to send "Easy Share" email to people, BUT, I don't want to leave my galleries set to "Easy Share" (i.e. I want to use that feature, not let others). Right now, I have to turn on Easy Share, send an email, then turn off Easy Share, which is a pain. Please modify it to allow it for "Owner's View only". An easy (?) workaround would be to add Easy Share Functionality to the "Tools" menu, since that is only for Owners.

    Actually, all, or most, of the settings in "Customize Gallery", should be set for "Owner View, "Guest View" or "Off" rather than "Yes", "No".

    Lastly, having to go through each gallery to view their settings, and having to manually reapply changes is really a complicated to manage. It should be possible to apply a "Quick Setting" such that if it is changed, the galleries that it has been applied to, updates. At the least, their should be away to tag galleries by the Quick Setting applied so that they can all easily be identified and updated. Right now, it is really hard to manage gallery settings.

    Hi Bob, what's your Smuggy site? ear.gif
  • BCinDCBCinDC Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited November 22, 2008
    Andy wrote:
    Hi Bob, what's your Smuggy site? ear.gif

    If you can get this all done by 5pm, that would be great bowdown.gif
    (just kidding...of course...6pm would be fine rolleyes1.gif)

  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited November 22, 2008
    BCinDC wrote:
    iloveyou.gif PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...iloveyou.gif I like to send "Easy Share" email to people, BUT, I don't want to leave my galleries set to "Easy Share" (i.e. I want to use that feature, not let others). Right now, I have to turn on Easy Share, send an email, then turn off Easy Share, which is a pain. Please modify it to allow it for "Owner's View only". An easy (?) workaround would be to add Easy Share Functionality to the "Tools" menu, since that is only for Owners.

    Easy share for owners can be accomplished by turning the setting on in your galleries and then adding this CSS:

    .notLoggedIn #shareButton {display:none;}

    This will hide the button when the viewer is not logged in but allow you, the owner, to see it and use it.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • BCinDCBCinDC Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited November 22, 2008
    jfriend wrote:
    Easy share for owners can be accomplished by turning the setting on in your galleries and then adding this CSS:

    .notLoggedIn #shareButton {display:none;}

    This will hide the button when the viewer is not logged in but allow you, the owner, to see it and use it.

    clap.gif Wow, that was fast! (I really was just kidding about the time...but I'm not complaining).

    Thanks, this is really going to make my life easier.

  • BCinDCBCinDC Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited November 22, 2008
    Actually, upon further review, I ran across this fix a few weeks ago, as well as some other ".notLoggedIn" settings, but none seem to work on my site.

    I have the following in my CSS section, I don't think any work:

    <!-- Hide Share button for users who are not logged in --!>
    .notLoggedIn #shareButton {display:none;}

    <!-- Hides Bread Crumb Trail for visitors --!>
    .notLoggedIn #breadCrumbTrail {display:none;}

    <!-- Hides Keywords for visitors --!>
    .notLoggedIn #photoKeywords {display:none;}

    <!-- hides your name (including any 's) --!>
    #userName {
    display: none;

    I'm sure there is some explanation why, I just don't know what it is. It almost seems that the .notLoggedIn "property" (?) does not apply or is somehow not getting set for my site?
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited November 22, 2008
    BCinDC wrote:
    Actually, upon further review, I ran across this fix a few weeks ago, as well as some other ".notLoggedIn" settings, but none seem to work on my site.

    I have the following in my CSS section, I don't think any work:

    <!-- Hide Share button for users who are not logged in --!>
    .notLoggedIn #shareButton {display:none;}

    <!-- Hides Bread Crumb Trail for visitors --!>
    .notLoggedIn #breadCrumbTrail {display:none;}

    <!-- Hides Keywords for visitors --!>
    .notLoggedIn #photoKeywords {display:none;}

    <!-- hides your name (including any 's) --!>
    #userName {
    display: none;

    I'm sure there is some explanation why, I just don't know what it is. It almost seems that the .notLoggedIn "property" (?) does not apply or is somehow not getting set for my site?
    Change the comment tags from <!-- .... --!> to /* .... */

    /* Hide Share button for users who are not logged in */

    Those tags are used in html and js.

    btw, the ending one gets no !
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • klinquistklinquist Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited November 23, 2008
    I hate to ask for a feature found on Flickr but I really do like the 'photostream' - maybe a homepage 'block' (and rss!) that will simply show the last X photos uploaded to Smugmug, regardless of what gallery they were placed into (as long as the gallery isn't hidden).

    The timeline feature could be modified to do this... make it something like this:

    Show pictures from MM DD YY
    to MM DD YY
    [X]Inverse (this would display newest first)
    Number of pictures to display? [ ]All [_20_]

    That way I could just set the end date as some arbritrary date in the future (the year 2012, for example).
  • DsweetDsweet Registered Users Posts: 81 Big grins
    edited November 24, 2008
    * Increase the video limits (Pros can go to 10 mins)
    Summary of FRs implemented from the prior thread:
    * Increase the video limits (Pros can go to 10 mins)

    I am all for this. I am still a trial user. I have spent a few hours uploading, organizing and viewing pictures and Smugmug looks like a great service. The video aspects are the only thing a little disappointing for my Power user needs. I agree that longer videos lose the audiences attention, but 2.5 minutes is too short. Over the past ten years I have made many event/vacation, family videos that use a single song as background music. Songs are usually 3-5 minutes long, so I will have to find another solution for posting these as these don't meet Smugmug's Power User, video requirements.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited November 25, 2008
    Customer cart selections
    Many users have asked for a way to see what a customer has
    added to their cart. Mainly so they can self-fulfill the order.
    This would also provide a way for a customer to select/mark
    photos in a gallery. They could just copy the text and send
    to the phototog.

    Add a button (Quick List) to the cart page that opens a new window
    showing a text list with photo link, product and quantity. This
    data is all in the page source so is available.
    [U]photo [/U]                                   [U]product[/U]              [U]Qty[/U]
    /gallery/xxxxxxxx_xxxxx#xxxxxxxxx_xxxxx  4 x 6 (Lustre)       2
    /gallery/xxxxxxxx_xxxxx#xxxxxxxxx_xxxxx  T-Shirt (Youth L)    2
    /gallery/xxxxxxxx_xxxxx#xxxxxxxxx_xxxxx  5 x 7 (Metallic)     2
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • Chrissiebeez_NLChrissiebeez_NL Registered Users Posts: 1,295 Major grins
    edited November 27, 2008
    hey.. what about some new themes?

    Visit my website at
  • anglotexiananglotexian Registered Users Posts: 40 Big grins
    edited November 30, 2008
    Optional Default Photo Sizes in Journal
    The small size default is a real hindrance to the utilization of Journal. For example, I am using Journal to display family tree charts and need it to open with pics at large size for legibility, and with the captions pushed below. Right now I have to tell visitors to click on the first pic to enlarge it every time they open the gallery. Others are trying to use it for photo journalism, where again they want the pics to open at a larger size by default.

    The enormous amount of hacking done over several years by a number of dedicated Smuggers trying to get around this confirms that this should be a standard feature. Unfortunately the hacks have not been able to keep up with Smugmug and browser changes. See:

    Can we please have this implemented at source?
  • WinsomeWorksWinsomeWorks Registered Users Posts: 1,935 Major grins
    edited November 30, 2008
    The small size default is a real hindrance to the utilization of Journal. For example, I am using Journal to display family tree charts and need it to open with pics at large size for legibility, and with the captions pushed below. Right now I have to tell visitors to click on the first pic to enlarge it every time they open the gallery. Others are trying to use it for photo journalism, where again they want the pics to open at a larger size by default.

    The enormous amount of hacking done over several years by a number of dedicated Smuggers trying to get around this confirms that this should be a standard feature. Unfortunately the hacks have not been able to keep up with Smugmug and browser changes. See:

    Can we please have this implemented at source?

    Oh YES, yes, yes, I would just love this!! I hardly ever use journal, for this reason alone. It would just be great to have large sizes display automatically if desired. I'm sure lots of folks would be thrilled with a fix for this.
    Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
    DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
  • g3kg3k Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited December 2, 2008
    a few suggestions

    1. One click Album Download for all photos for owner
    Had a hard disk crashed one me recently and it's a hassle to do an Owner save for each photos.

    2. Option to list Most viewed album in the Control Panel
  • Competition ImageCompetition Image Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited December 3, 2008
    Christmas Ornaments
    I know it's rather exclusive to just one holiday, but any thought to photo Christmas ornaments? I could easily see selling these and giving them to family too. I think some other sites might already offer them....

    Okay, I'm just looking for a way to get out of holiday shopping, but it really might be good for customers. And, no, I'm not expecting them for this Christmas.

    Thanks for a great site! bowdown.gif
  • llittenllitten Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited December 3, 2008
    zenfolio's mpix
    MPIX...was my go to spot for ordering images.
    I found smugmug and have enjoyed the professional package, setting my own prices, layouts and more.

    It is time again to create calendars for gifts this year..and where do I find myself once again MPIX!!!!

    and they have proof books too, for the occasional weddings that I do shoot.

    and tied with zenfolio.....i am seriously wondering if I don't need to look into zenfolio to host my images, and have the back door into Mpix.

    any idea on a press calendar for smugmug, or proof books or....
  • sskoutassskoutas Registered Users Posts: 437 Major grins
    edited December 5, 2008
    Features rock!
    Grrr... I just had this all typed and Vista and Firefox decided not to play nice. I hate crashes. Here goes again:
    1.) I did not realize how many features you've added that I actually use. Bravo! You guys are fantastic, and your customers are NOT shy about telling people that. Keep up the good work.
    2.) I'm happy to see that my number one desired feature is at the top of your list - virtual galleries. 'nuf said.
    3.) I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be able to set passwords at Category Level (or maybe even sub-category rolleyes1.gif)

    4.) New Feature Request - kind of in line with the "vastly improved search" - how cool would it be to have a drop down "drill filter" for users to search with? Kind of like Lightroom 2 (screenshot below) and iTunes do it. Maybe the customer gets the dropdown when they mouseover "search?" Maybe the drill-down search lets the customer search on any one (or several) criteria / criterion that they select? So they might be able to select DATE XX/XX/XX, keyword includes "XXXXXX", camera XXX? (Just for example, of course).
    MOST important for me would be for a way for the search to provide feedback on PASSWORD PROTECTED images. Perhaps the search could SHOW the results for all items for which the user has provided the valid password OR perhaps the search could show the password protected results as one of those "padlock" thumbnails you use. Then, when the user clicks that thumb they are asked for the password. Either way would work for me.

    Here's the sample screenshot... sorry for the poor quality. I grabbed it off of a remote computer.

    Stephen Skoutas Certe, toto, sentio nos in kansate non iam adesse

    Please feel free to retouch and repost my images. Critique, Suggestions, and Technique tips always welcomed.
  • sskoutassskoutas Registered Users Posts: 437 Major grins
    edited December 5, 2008
    Dsweet wrote:
    Summary of FRs implemented from the prior thread:
    * Increase the video limits (Pros can go to 10 mins)

    I am all for this. I am still a trial user. I have spent a few hours uploading, organizing and viewing pictures and Smugmug looks like a great service. The video aspects are the only thing a little disappointing for my Power user needs. I agree that longer videos lose the audiences attention, but 2.5 minutes is too short. Over the past ten years I have made many event/vacation, family videos that use a single song as background music. Songs are usually 3-5 minutes long, so I will have to find another solution for posting these as these don't meet Smugmug's Power User, video requirements.

    I'd have to agree that I'd like longer video too. "Rawhide" is JUST over 2 1/2 minutes long and so is my daughter's pony ride video! :D

    That said, DSweet, you're going to love SmugMug if you decide to stay. The service is unbelievable.
    Stephen Skoutas Certe, toto, sentio nos in kansate non iam adesse

    Please feel free to retouch and repost my images. Critique, Suggestions, and Technique tips always welcomed.
  • agalliaagallia Registered Users Posts: 541 Major grins
    edited December 5, 2008
    Add Password Protection for Owner-Created Categories
    Request to add password protection option for Owner-created Categories?

    If I want to have many subcategories and galleries under a single Category that I only want selected viewers to access, I have to password protect all galleries and I end up with Category/Subcategory pages of PW protected galleries. What a hassle and turnoff for viewers designated to see them. Making galleries Unlisted isn't the answer either.

    It would be so much easier and neater to password protect the Category page for access to view all sub-categories and galleries under that Category.
    Please consider this enhancement ASAP. Thanks.bowdown.gif
    Acadiana Al
    Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
    Blog: Journey to the Light
    "Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
  • AngryScotAngryScot Registered Users Posts: 63 Big grins
    edited December 8, 2008
    probably already stated a few times?
    How about a copy/copy many to gallery feature.
    I want to make a year in traveling book with blurb. But making all the copies and then going back into the gallery and then moving the copies is taking much longer than I would like or have time for :cry
    Would be a great way to make a favorites gallery too :D

  • cjccjc Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
    edited December 9, 2008
    Auto Sort attribute for ShareGroup
    I would like to be able to configure a ShareGroup to automatically sort the list of galleries (for present and future galleries). This way I will not have to use the Arrange Galleries function every time I add a gallery to a ShareGroup. It really helps to be able to feature the most recent galleries at the top of the display. (I name my galleries by shot date, so I would want to sort by gallery name, but others would use this feature differently.)
  • twincitiesphototwincitiesphoto Registered Users Posts: 137 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2008
    Payment Information
    I find the Pro Sales page in my website helpful for seeing what my current sales are - however, I'd like to request an enhancement if possible.

    It would be great to be able to see the past check payments, showing total amount of the check and the issue date - currently I can just see a 'paid' or 'not paid' but it would be very helpful to see tie all those 'paid' listing to a particular check that is also listed on the page.

  • sskoutassskoutas Registered Users Posts: 437 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2008
    Another password related request
    Is there a way to:
    1.) Monitor the number of times a user fails to supply the correct password?
    2.) Block users that fail to provide the right password after a set number of tries?

    What does smugmug do if someone tries a "brute-force" hack attack and just keeps trying password after password?
    Stephen Skoutas Certe, toto, sentio nos in kansate non iam adesse

    Please feel free to retouch and repost my images. Critique, Suggestions, and Technique tips always welcomed.
  • pancamopancamo Registered Users Posts: 55 Big grins
    edited December 11, 2008
    How about an archive view like that of flickr... Basically flickr shows a yearly calendar and allow the user to select a date... It's great for helping people find photos...




    If Flickr would get a smugmug style view, and allow the user to customize the views, I might be tempted switch :(
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2008
    pancamo wrote:
    How about an archive view like that of flickr... Basically flickr shows a yearly calendar and allow the user to select a date... It's great for helping people find photos...




    If Flickr would get a smugmug style view, and allow the user to customize the views, I might be tempted switch :(

    Have you tried timeline?
  • pancamopancamo Registered Users Posts: 55 Big grins
    edited December 12, 2008
    yea, and I use timeline, but flickr's also has a calendar view. Flickr also allows you to drill down by date taken OR date uploaded...

    Also you need better navigation once your in a timeline view.

    I'de like to see this view:

    and this view:

    and this view:

    also a popcorn trail like Archives / Taken in / 2008 / June / 24th (501 items) , and a "View" links like:
    View: ListDetailMap • Calendar

    Andy wrote:

    Have you tried timeline?
  • dmcdmc Registered Users Posts: 427 Major grins
    edited December 12, 2008
    Oh YES, yes, yes, I would just love this!! I hardly ever use journal, for this reason alone. It would just be great to have large sizes display automatically if desired. I'm sure lots of folks would be thrilled with a fix for this.

    ...and when you click on a picture in Journal Style, it is displayed big in lightbox mode...
This discussion has been closed.