I mentioned this when you first changed the slide show but a visitor that I referred to my site complained about it to me today so here's another try.
I live in a part of the world where the internet is not always great. There must be a lot of places like this. Smugmug is often very slow to load, so much so that people frequently ask me if my files are huge (I thought it didn't matter - don't you optimize the display versions to speed things up?). When viewing a slide show however, 60% or 70% of the time a picture is on screen is wasted since the progress bar appears in the middle thereby (a) making you realise how infernally slow things are running and (b) ruining the picture that you could at least be enjoying in the meantime.
Please, please move the progress bar to some other place - bottom right hand corner aligned with the top line of the caption would look fine. Anywhere, anywhere at all outside the picture area would do the trick. I can't imagine this is a difficult tweak and no-one is going to complain since I assume most people don't see it anyway, just us bandwidth challenged folK.
Good point, added it to my 'Whiteboard of Requests'.
Good point, added it to my 'Whiteboard of Requests'.
Thanks for your speedy response. After my post I went back to trying to view the slide show: one shot was up for 8 seconds before the progress indicator appeared for an interminable 75 more. That's how bad it can be!
On gallery view of set prices page. Blanked all gallery prices so portfolio applies.
gallery with prices set (example Family galleries)
Portfolio Default Price Profit
$2.50 $0.66 $0.67 $0.01
gallery with prices blanked
Portfolio Default Price Profit
$2.50 $0.66 [B]blank[/B] [COLOR=red]$0.00[/COLOR]
I think the red profit should show $1.56 carried from the portfolio price.
Would be nice if they appeared in red if actually $0.00 as a warning.
Probably applies to the image view also.
set pricing feature request
This is kind of a simple request.
Can we have a different color bar or something to more easily separate the price sections for different size prints? That would make it easier when we are making price changes to the portfolio. Thanks.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
I posted a "Top 10 things to Improve Customizing" thread over here. While they are technically feature requests (thus why I wanted to link that thread into here), I thought perhaps it merited it's own unique thread.
Gallery Organization - allow us to sort categories and galleries separately
As DMC eloquently put it waaaay back in Dec. 2005:
Allow me to sort my Categories and sub-categories by position (regardless of my gallery sort)
Allow sorting of my galleries within a Category (either by position, date, or other options)
Allow Sub-Categories to show up below the Category's galleries
As it stands, I position everything manually, but have to make sure all of my galleries are named 2008.09.30 - foo, 2008.10.01 - bar so that I can then go in and use "quick sort" under "arrange" to list them in reverse order by title. I suppose I could write a Perl script to periodically do this for me automatically, but eeyugh.
Delete/Filter Built-In Categories
For my son's preschool, we want Guest Uploaders to use one of 6 top-level categories.
There is a HUGE list of built-in categories, and the 3 main galleries are named Teacher Jane, Teacher Mary, and Teacher Molly, so they end up being at the bottom of that long drop-down menu, so it's a pain to find them, and sometimes people just don't see them all the way down there.
It would be nice if there were an option to either delete, or simply not show some or all of the huge list of built-in categories upon New Album creation.
(We are using Events and Portraits, but I wouldn't mind creating new categories called "SSNS Events" and "SSNS Portraits" if all of the built-ins could be hidden.)
(Yeah, sure, I could probably use the workaround of naming my custom categories with a caret or some other symbol to get those to pop to the top of the list, but then that wouldn't display very well on the home page or in the category pages, now would it?)
Thanks! Yes, I know this request is destined to be buried in the big "Feature Request" thread, Andy, but could you let it sit out here in the open for a day or two so people can actually see it?
It is so hard to follow the threads about different Feature Requests in a single thread. I suppose another request would be to create a Feature Request sub-sub-forum for SmugMug Support or if that's not possible, simply another sub-forum specifically dedicated to Feature Requests and another one to Bugs. Ok, I'll file this last one on the Dgrin support sub-forum. :-}
For my son's preschool, we want Guest Uploaders to use one of 6 top-level categories.
There is a HUGE list of built-in categories, and the 3 main galleries are named Teacher Jane, Teacher Mary, and Teacher Molly, so they end up being at the bottom of that long drop-down menu, so it's a pain to find them, and sometimes people just don't see them all the way down there.
It would be nice if there were an option to either delete, or simply not show some or all of the huge list of built-in categories upon New Album creation.
(We are using Events and Portraits, but I wouldn't mind creating new categories called "SSNS Events" and "SSNS Portraits" if all of the built-ins could be hidden.)
(Yeah, sure, I could probably use the workaround of naming my custom categories with a caret or some other symbol to get those to pop to the top of the list, but then that wouldn't display very well on the home page or in the category pages, now would it?)
Thanks! Yes, I know this request is destined to be buried in the big "Feature Request" thread, Andy, but could you let it sit out here in the open for a day or two so people can actually see it?
It is so hard to follow the threads about different Feature Requests in a single thread. I suppose another request would be to create a Feature Request sub-sub-forum for SmugMug Support or if that's not possible, simply another sub-forum specifically dedicated to Feature Requests and another one to Bugs. Ok, I'll file this last one on the Dgrin support sub-forum. :-}
Hi Darryl - the reason it's now in this thread is so that WE (SmugMug Team) see all your FRs.
If we left them in the wild, our team won't always see them. Here, we will. Others can see it too, simply by going to this sticky thread.
Photo Calendars
Please add Calendars to your list of photo gifts. My husband and I gave photo calendars, with pictures of our trip to Greece, to our family and friends last Christmas, and this year they've actually requested that we do another one. It's an item that people use every day and people especially love seeing photos taken by someone they know proudly displayed in their calendar. [They also spark great conversations]. Based on my experience, I'd say that it would be beneficial to the smugmuggers and to the site.
Owner Print
Just like Owner Save, if possible, put in an Owner Print. I don't want some of my prints available to others to print, but would still like the freedom to print myself without that small window of making it publicly available
Canon 5D Mark II | EF 24-70mm f/2.8L | EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS | EF 28-135mm | EF 50mm f/1.8 | EF 100-300 f/4.5-5.6 | EF 100mm f/2.8 macro | Feisol CF 3301N Tripod + Kirk BH-3 Ballhead | Speedlite 430EX
Canon S95 | Panasonic FZ-20 w/ 36-432mm (35mm equiv.) | Canon SD500 | and of course my old Canon S230 =D
Just like Owner Save, if possible, put in an Owner Print. I don't want some of my prints available to others to print, but would still like the freedom to print myself without that small window of making it publicly available
I was just going to suggest that! But also how about digital video sales. We can sell photos so why not the videos?
Company or logo label: Pro's should be allowed to have their OWN custom
label added to the package that the customer receives.
ExposureManager.com allows this. I want this added along with the customer being able to add frame and matte in cart.
All the photo tools should default to the selected photo. The watermarking tool and "move to other gallery" tool (at least) don't pre-select the current photo. That's incredibly annoying when I want to do anything quickly. Example... I want to copy a picture from one gallery to another. I make a second copy, which brings me right to the new copy. Perfect. Then I select "move to other gallery" and I have to find the picture I just copied before I can move it. Why wouldn't you assume I'm looking at the picture I want to move?
detail statistics
Can there be a way to see detailed statistics of say only "Medium" or "Large" (or even XL and XXL, etc.) image views?
Basically with a gallery of 1000 images, seeing the massive page with stats on the thumbnails and smalls are pretty useless, IMHO.
Fundamentally I want to know what images someone clicked on within a gallery to see a larger image of it, not all the thumbnails that were displayed.
Possible? Thanks.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
Enable keywords within private galleries (so I can tag children's photos and send their parents to a private gallery they can just click their kid's name and see only their kid rather than 1000 random photos)
Face recognition (like PicasaWeb so I can do the above but much quicker)
Sort galleries by popularity (based on viewing larger sizes, so our better shots get shown first)
I was just going to suggest that! But also how about digital video sales. We can sell photos so why not the videos?
Well, it's a good idea! Glad someone else thinks so 2 votes (at least)!
Canon 5D Mark II | EF 24-70mm f/2.8L | EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS | EF 28-135mm | EF 50mm f/1.8 | EF 100-300 f/4.5-5.6 | EF 100mm f/2.8 macro | Feisol CF 3301N Tripod + Kirk BH-3 Ballhead | Speedlite 430EX
Canon S95 | Panasonic FZ-20 w/ 36-432mm (35mm equiv.) | Canon SD500 | and of course my old Canon S230 =D
Face recognition (so I can do the above but much quicker)
That would be very cool, if possbile.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
How about a word filter on the comments? sometimes I get comments with offensive words and I would appreciate a filter. Maybe also it could filter out links and stuff?
Email notification of photo community membership requests
It would be very helpful to receive an email notification when a new member requests membership in your photo community.
The way it is now, if you have the Membership option set to "Public, owner authorization required", then people wishing to join must request membership. Unfortunately, unless you constantly check the community, there's no way to know that a person has requested membership. Or have I missed something?
Sales in other currencies?
I noticed that blurb allow sales in pound sterling and euro as well as dollar - I would love to see that feature in smugmug, as I am UK based and the fact that they would have to pay in dollars has already caused some confusion in my clients. Thanks!
Something Fun
I would love to see a collage feature. Not like the other ones that automatically set your pictures but one you can drag, drop, re-size, change colors and all that good stuff.
gallery style idea
i saw this idea on a photographers website. Wouldn't it be cool if this would be a gallery style. and it could automatically generate the writing etc around the photo?
Copy this photo to other gallery
Add another option to the photo tools. "Copy this photo to other gallery". It
would be for the single photo so no bulk abuse would be involved. But would
be faster then the confusing making 2nd copy and moving.
i saw this idea on a photographers website. Wouldn't it be cool if this would be a gallery style. and it could automatically generate the writing etc around the photo?
Add another option to the photo tools. "Copy this photo to other gallery". It
would be for the single photo so no bulk abuse would be involved. But would
be faster then the confusing making 2nd copy and moving.
See Andy? This is a fine example of why Feature Requests should be a sub-sub-forum instead of a regularly archived thread. Allen, who probably hangs out here as much as any non-SmugMug employee (man, if Allen doesn't get paid, he should at least get as much Smug swag and as many free Pro accounts as he wants, what with all the free advice he doles out :-) either couldn't find or didn't want to bother reading through lengthy "Feature Request" archived threads to find this particular request so he could say "me too".
(I'm assuming Allen did a cursory search before making his post. He just seems like that kind of guy. :-)
Change Home Link (and SmugMug logo link)
By default, in all SmugMug layouts, when you click on the SmugMug logo in the top-left corner, or the Home link in the navbar, you get taken to www.smugmug.com, instead of yoursite.smugmug.com
Baldy explained that this is based not on customer feedback, but rather prospective customer feedback.
That is, they are less concerned about whether your grandma is going to be confused about how to get back to your home page than whether a prospective SmugMug member, or a prospective purchaser of a Pro user's photographs will pay $$$.
SmugMug has always said that your galleries will not contain any ads, and in fact, this is listed as their main selling point on their home page. Not "a community of great photographers", not "a place to search for great pictures." No, the emphasis has always been on *your* photos, because you are *paying* for the service.
SmugMug says they will never offer free accounts. One of the reasons is because it frees them from having to run advertising alongside your photos. I posit that as innocuous as they are, the prominent links back to SmugMug's home page are in fact ads.
I don't begrudge SmugMug from trying to grow their userbase, or kowtow to the needs of people that think SmugMug should be more like Flickr (ugh). But I do think that the fix for this should not require a Power/Pro account and Javascript hacking or posting to Dgrin or even to support@smugmug.com for a customization. It should be set to your own home page by default, and if for some reason you *want* to confuse your users, there should be a radio button buried somewhere deep in the Control Panel to let you set the links to www.smugmug.com.
Barring that, at least make a radio button to switch it to yoursite.smugmug.com w/o JavaScript hacks. I guess that's my Feature Request.
Save-all-customizations button
Some way to easily save all of your customization code and settings to a single file would be a great feature.
I recently spent several weeks of painstaking work to customize my site. It required lots of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in dozens of locations to get it done. To protect my investment, I periodically back up all of my customization code in files on my hard disk and make copies of them on CD. It's a very time consuming, yet necessary, task. It would be very nice to have a control panel option that would automate the whole process.
Would it be possible for me to get access to Smugmug's API so I could develop my own utility for this?
Some way to easily save all of your customization code and settings to a single file would be a great feature.
I recently spent several weeks of painstaking work to customize my site. It required lots of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in dozens of locations to get it done. To protect my investment, I periodically back up all of my customization code in files on my hard disk and make copies of them on CD. It's a very time consuming, yet necessary, task. It would be very nice to have a control panel option that would automate the whole process.
Would it be possible for me to get access to Smugmug's API so I could develop my own utility for this?
Love the idea and I hope we'll have it.
For now, just make copy paste text files and save 'em on your computer - pretty easy once you start doing it.
Good point, added it to my 'Whiteboard of Requests'.
Thanks for your speedy response. After my post I went back to trying to view the slide show: one shot was up for 8 seconds before the progress indicator appeared for an interminable 75 more. That's how bad it can be!
I think the red profit should show $1.56 carried from the portfolio price.
Would be nice if they appeared in red if actually $0.00 as a warning.
Probably applies to the image view also.
My Website index | My Blog
In the galleries can Smugmug replace "hide gallery comments" with a YUI graphic similar to the "Add Comment" button?
Also, if possible, can the Add button be to the left of the hide option.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
This is kind of a simple request.
Can we have a different color bar or something to more easily separate the price sections for different size prints? That would make it easier when we are making price changes to the portfolio. Thanks.
Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
As DMC eloquently put it waaaay back in Dec. 2005:
As it stands, I position everything manually, but have to make sure all of my galleries are named 2008.09.30 - foo, 2008.10.01 - bar so that I can then go in and use "quick sort" under "arrange" to list them in reverse order by title. I suppose I could write a Perl script to periodically do this for me automatically, but eeyugh.
So yeah, ideally you'd offer "sort by title" too.
For my son's preschool, we want Guest Uploaders to use one of 6 top-level categories.
There is a HUGE list of built-in categories, and the 3 main galleries are named Teacher Jane, Teacher Mary, and Teacher Molly, so they end up being at the bottom of that long drop-down menu, so it's a pain to find them, and sometimes people just don't see them all the way down there.
It would be nice if there were an option to either delete, or simply not show some or all of the huge list of built-in categories upon New Album creation.
(We are using Events and Portraits, but I wouldn't mind creating new categories called "SSNS Events" and "SSNS Portraits" if all of the built-ins could be hidden.)
(Yeah, sure, I could probably use the workaround of naming my custom categories with a caret or some other symbol to get those to pop to the top of the list, but then that wouldn't display very well on the home page or in the category pages, now would it?)
Thanks! Yes, I know this request is destined to be buried in the big "Feature Request" thread, Andy, but could you let it sit out here in the open for a day or two so people can actually see it?
It is so hard to follow the threads about different Feature Requests in a single thread. I suppose another request would be to create a Feature Request sub-sub-forum for SmugMug Support or if that's not possible, simply another sub-forum specifically dedicated to Feature Requests and another one to Bugs. Ok, I'll file this last one on the Dgrin support sub-forum. :-}
Hi Darryl - the reason it's now in this thread is so that WE (SmugMug Team) see all your FRs.
If we left them in the wild, our team won't always see them. Here, we will. Others can see it too, simply by going to this sticky thread.
Thank you.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Please add Calendars to your list of photo gifts. My husband and I gave photo calendars, with pictures of our trip to Greece, to our family and friends last Christmas, and this year they've actually requested that we do another one. It's an item that people use every day and people especially love seeing photos taken by someone they know proudly displayed in their calendar. [They also spark great conversations]. Based on my experience, I'd say that it would be beneficial to the smugmuggers and to the site.
Just like Owner Save, if possible, put in an Owner Print. I don't want some of my prints available to others to print, but would still like the freedom to print myself without that small window of making it publicly available
Canon S95 | Panasonic FZ-20 w/ 36-432mm (35mm equiv.) | Canon SD500 | and of course my old Canon S230 =D
I was just going to suggest that! But also how about digital video sales. We can sell photos so why not the videos?
Really good upload program for smugmug^^^
label added to the package that the customer receives.
ExposureManager.com allows this. I want this added along with the customer being able to add frame and matte in cart.
All the photo tools should default to the selected photo. The watermarking tool and "move to other gallery" tool (at least) don't pre-select the current photo. That's incredibly annoying when I want to do anything quickly. Example... I want to copy a picture from one gallery to another. I make a second copy, which brings me right to the new copy. Perfect. Then I select "move to other gallery" and I have to find the picture I just copied before I can move it. Why wouldn't you assume I'm looking at the picture I want to move?
Overall, I'd like a better way to make text pages. The journal style is perfect for that but the clickable images get in the way.
Can there be a way to see detailed statistics of say only "Medium" or "Large" (or even XL and XXL, etc.) image views?
Basically with a gallery of 1000 images, seeing the massive page with stats on the thumbnails and smalls are pretty useless, IMHO.
Fundamentally I want to know what images someone clicked on within a gallery to see a larger image of it, not all the thumbnails that were displayed.
Possible? Thanks.
Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
Please Vote - External Shopping Cart Links:
Well, it's a good idea! Glad someone else thinks so
Canon S95 | Panasonic FZ-20 w/ 36-432mm (35mm equiv.) | Canon SD500 | and of course my old Canon S230 =D
That would be very cool, if possbile.
Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
Really good upload program for smugmug^^^
It would be very helpful to receive an email notification when a new member requests membership in your photo community.
The way it is now, if you have the Membership option set to "Public, owner authorization required", then people wishing to join must request membership. Unfortunately, unless you constantly check the community, there's no way to know that a person has requested membership. Or have I missed something?
I noticed that blurb allow sales in pound sterling and euro as well as dollar - I would love to see that feature in smugmug, as I am UK based and the fact that they would have to pay in dollars has already caused some confusion in my clients. Thanks!
I would love to see a collage feature. Not like the other ones that automatically set your pictures but one you can drag, drop, re-size, change colors and all that good stuff.
Thanks for listening.
i saw this idea on a photographers website. Wouldn't it be cool if this would be a gallery style. and it could automatically generate the writing etc around the photo?
Add another option to the photo tools. "Copy this photo to other gallery". It
would be for the single photo so no bulk abuse would be involved. But would
be faster then the confusing making 2nd copy and moving.
My Website index | My Blog
I can't remember if AutoViewer can be configured to include captions. Also it's in Flash. But it does seem similar: http://gladlee.smugmug.com/gallery/5526583_dZyNR
Ahem: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?p=933326#post933326
See Andy? This is a fine example of why Feature Requests should be a sub-sub-forum instead of a regularly archived thread. Allen, who probably hangs out here as much as any non-SmugMug employee (man, if Allen doesn't get paid, he should at least get as much Smug swag and as many free Pro accounts as he wants, what with all the free advice he doles out :-) either couldn't find or didn't want to bother reading through lengthy "Feature Request" archived threads to find this particular request so he could say "me too".
(I'm assuming Allen did a cursory search before making his post. He just seems like that kind of guy. :-)
By default, in all SmugMug layouts, when you click on the SmugMug logo in the top-left corner, or the Home link in the navbar, you get taken to www.smugmug.com, instead of yoursite.smugmug.com
Baldy explained that this is based not on customer feedback, but rather prospective customer feedback.
That is, they are less concerned about whether your grandma is going to be confused about how to get back to your home page than whether a prospective SmugMug member, or a prospective purchaser of a Pro user's photographs will pay $$$.
SmugMug has always said that your galleries will not contain any ads, and in fact, this is listed as their main selling point on their home page. Not "a community of great photographers", not "a place to search for great pictures." No, the emphasis has always been on *your* photos, because you are *paying* for the service.
SmugMug says they will never offer free accounts. One of the reasons is because it frees them from having to run advertising alongside your photos. I posit that as innocuous as they are, the prominent links back to SmugMug's home page are in fact ads.
I don't begrudge SmugMug from trying to grow their userbase, or kowtow to the needs of people that think SmugMug should be more like Flickr (ugh). But I do think that the fix for this should not require a Power/Pro account and Javascript hacking or posting to Dgrin or even to support@smugmug.com for a customization. It should be set to your own home page by default, and if for some reason you *want* to confuse your users, there should be a radio button buried somewhere deep in the Control Panel to let you set the links to www.smugmug.com.
Barring that, at least make a radio button to switch it to yoursite.smugmug.com w/o JavaScript hacks. I guess that's my Feature Request.
Some way to easily save all of your customization code and settings to a single file would be a great feature.
I recently spent several weeks of painstaking work to customize my site. It required lots of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in dozens of locations to get it done. To protect my investment, I periodically back up all of my customization code in files on my hard disk and make copies of them on CD. It's a very time consuming, yet necessary, task. It would be very nice to have a control panel option that would automate the whole process.
Would it be possible for me to get access to Smugmug's API so I could develop my own utility for this?
For now, just make copy paste text files and save 'em on your computer - pretty easy once you start doing it.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter