SmugMug Feature Requests

Got an idea? Give it to us here. All of the SmugMug crew read this thread so feel free to share your ideas. Go ahead, give us the requests.
Summary of FRs implemented from the prior thread:
* automatic resize of too-large and too-many mb files
* holiday cards!
* RSS Feeds for unlisted galleries, for logged in users
* Don't count owner hits in stats
* Give owners easy way to download files (Owner Save)
* Give an easy way to see Visitor View
* Store Raw, DNG and other non-jpg files
* Paypal (alright, it's a lame option, but it's there)
* Give Pros the name & address of buyers
* Improve news to customers
* Outage notifications (
* Captions in slideshow
* Detect if flash needed for slideshow
* Square thumbs
* Flash Slideshow
* Lower prices (we did, on 5x7s, 8x10s, 8x12s)
* Speed up the shopping cart
* Power Accounts get Custom Domain Names
* Power Accounts get Right Click Protection
* Make the photo tools easier to use
* Make SmuggLr work with Phanfare & PicasaWeb
* Allow individual photos to be hidden
* Let power and pros decide about stretchy variables
* Increase the video limits (Pros can go to 10 mins)
* Improved video quality
Summary of "hot requests" (NOT implemented yet!
Virtual Galleies
Backup Customizing!
Customizing widgets
more levels of categories
Coupons packagages
Pro 'lightbox' or 'favorites'
Better organizing!
Self Fulfilmnet
More Pro Lab Options
Metallic Prints
Improve Bulk Setttings in many ways
PWD protect a category
EXIF in display copies
Better control over true/auto
Improve the Search- vastly improve it!
Prior Threads here:
When this thread is closed, you can be sure that all of the feature requests have been shared with everyone at SmugMug.
Summary of FRs implemented from the prior thread:
* automatic resize of too-large and too-many mb files
* holiday cards!
* RSS Feeds for unlisted galleries, for logged in users
* Don't count owner hits in stats
* Give owners easy way to download files (Owner Save)
* Give an easy way to see Visitor View
* Store Raw, DNG and other non-jpg files
* Paypal (alright, it's a lame option, but it's there)
* Give Pros the name & address of buyers
* Improve news to customers
* Outage notifications (
* Captions in slideshow
* Detect if flash needed for slideshow
* Square thumbs
* Flash Slideshow
* Lower prices (we did, on 5x7s, 8x10s, 8x12s)
* Speed up the shopping cart
* Power Accounts get Custom Domain Names
* Power Accounts get Right Click Protection
* Make the photo tools easier to use
* Make SmuggLr work with Phanfare & PicasaWeb
* Allow individual photos to be hidden
* Let power and pros decide about stretchy variables
* Increase the video limits (Pros can go to 10 mins)
* Improved video quality
Summary of "hot requests" (NOT implemented yet!
Virtual Galleies
Backup Customizing!
Customizing widgets
more levels of categories
Coupons packagages
Pro 'lightbox' or 'favorites'
Better organizing!
Self Fulfilmnet
More Pro Lab Options
Metallic Prints
Improve Bulk Setttings in many ways
PWD protect a category
EXIF in display copies
Better control over true/auto
Improve the Search- vastly improve it!
Prior Threads here:
When this thread is closed, you can be sure that all of the feature requests have been shared with everyone at SmugMug.
This discussion has been closed.
I've seen the past posts on how to setup a virtual gallery based on a keywork, but it looks like that feature no longer exists..
I want to create a dynamic "virtual" gallery based on keyword...
Is there a way to do this still?
What does the keyword entry in the gallery customize screen do? It would be nice if I added my keywords here, and the gallery would populate based on this search criteria...
Also what kind of mess would it cause to be able to have people pay for the sitting fee via my smugmug site? I know I could price a 4x6 titled sitting fee and have them do that but that seems a little out of line and working the system.
And last but not least, is it possible or would it be possible to set print package options in galleries.
Wow three requests and my first post. Don't burn me too bad!!:D
My Site
I was hoping that it would be possible to get some overseas print labs involved. It looks as though this is already on the to-do list, so just wanted to add my vote ... especially one for Australia
Not sure how this would work, but to outsource that kind of work, would SM contact print labs they've dealt with; wait for a print lab to offer their services; perhaps act on a recommendation from someone who has had good service from a particular print lab?
I'm happy to test out various print labs to provide one opinion on quality and service.
Keywords are still in use so the "virtual" gallery work-around that you read about should still work. I'm not sure what that was, but we haven't changed the functionality of keywords so everything should behave the same. We don't have Virtual Galleries yet. It's a popular request and we won't forget about it.
The keywords in the Customize Gallery page is for the gallery. Just as keywords on photos will bring up the photos in a search, the keywords that you enter there for the gallery will bring up the gallery when you search for that keyword. So sorry, but it has nothing to do with a virtual gallery.
No burning here
Sorry, no proof books. There are books that you can get from Blurb.
But probably not what you are looking for.
I don't know what kind of mess that would create to collect the sitting fee. I'll share with the rest of the crew.
No print package options yet. However, we recently released our new shopping cart. That is going to open the door to many wonderful options that Photographers have been begging for.
We appreciate the suggestion.
Thanks for your vote. Lots involved here with this one. We definitely hear you on this one.
The slideshow gets old always starting in the same order. Random is a choice in most software slideshows and would be a big improvement in SmugMug.
I have another feature to suggest/request in the theme of working with geotagged images
I would love to see a viewing style - similar to journal that displayed mapping in place of the description.
here is a example I stitched together. ideally would be more zoomed out and not sure if I would like other pinpoints to show too (other nearby images)
Thanks for listening!
Two of the most common photo items purchased are calendars, and greeting cards. It would be very nice if smugmug could allow customers (and "owners") to create calendars and folding greeting cards from members' photos. Perhaps that could be a partnered arrangement (as with blurb for books).
Ideally I would like to see several sizes of calendar with customizable starting month and layout. Ideally cards should allow custom message and back printing.
Currently I have to resort to winkflash or other sites for these products... and their products are pretty good.
It would be so nice to have the excellent smugmug interface include these options! :soapbox
Bogor, Indonesia
Portland, Oregon
What I would like to see is the ability to use non-ascii characters everywhere (keywords, categories, sub-categories).
Jan Erik Moström
I would love to be able to hide photos in bulk, instead of one at a time. Simliar to the bulk delete photos feature.
I know there are RSS feeds already implemented, but for some more casual users that don't use RSS feeds, being able to subscribe using their e-mail address for (daily, weekly, monthly) updated to a gallery or "most popular" photos (just like the current frontpage RSS feeds) would be great.
I am not a casual user by any means (addicted?) and I still prefer simply visiting all my individual sites vs. RSS feeds. What can I say? I'm old fashioned
This may have been suggested before (hopefully not already implemented, if so, sorry!) but I just wanted to toss this out there before lunch
Canon S95 | Panasonic FZ-20 w/ 36-432mm (35mm equiv.) | Canon SD500 | and of course my old Canon S230 =D
Cool thanks. Would be a good addition.
Very cool. Looks pretty handy.
Two of the most requested products available. We realize how much they are wanted. Thanks for gently nudging us again.
Thanks for the Feature Request
Another popular and useful request. Thanks for reminding us!
Nope we don't have it. It's been noted, thanks. Hope lunch was good!
Yes, and please don't forget to include some sort of visual indicator for logged in owner on or around or near the thumbnail (regardless of style, and including keyword search results pages) to indicate that the image is hidden to visitors...small border of 'x's around the image, or a watermark across the image...something, anything, to highlight the fact that the image is hidden when logged out. Thanks in advance.
I'd like to see "named resources", so that URLs into my smugmug domain could be friendly. I have seen the javascript tricks, but they aren't really suitable - I'd like something "real", in the sense that it works on the URL and virtual filesystem level, even when javascript is not available.
The "keyword" approach is about 23% of what I'm looking for... a-la:
Use case:
Our organization hosts events, and after the events we put up posts on our site to show the rest of the world that something happened, with a couple of thumbnails in the article. The intention is to hotlink the thumbnail to the corresponding item at our SmugMug site.
[The following example assumes that httq:// is the site with our CMS/blogging system, and is the site glued to via a CNAME record, and properly configured as such within the SM control panel.]
For example, the article at:
would contain text, and a thumbnail:
and this thumbnail would be linked to
This would be instead of httq:// or something, which, in the minds of my contributors, translates roughly into this:
If this functionality were available, it would allow a user to create a story on one site, "MyLatestStory", and also create a gallery at SmugMug of the same name, "MyLatestStory", and be able to crosslink between resources without confusion. The easier it is for users to post stories including links to SmugMug, the more links to SmugMug will exist, and more traffic for SmugMug will be the result.
I can imagine tricks using .htaccess files, or virtual directory settings, or something in Apache to make this work, or the equivalent in whatever tech you are using, but I have no idea if that would be practical or not, based on implementation complexity, added resource usage, etc.
An elaboration on the scheme could be something like:
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's thoughts on my suggestion. Hopefully it hasn't been posted before, I skimmed through all of the other feature requests and I didn't see anything similiar, other than the repeated pleas for Virtual Galleries. But this is really something different.
P.S. I used "httq" to suppress the auto-hotlinking behavior of this board.
Jan Erik Moström
Exactly - it's the difference between this conversation:
Don't you have a direct link, like
and this one:
Thanks for listening.
But spaces are always getting munged or eaten when links get emailed, reposted, etc. Using %20 in the URL will allow the space to survive, but it breaks the "easy to type", "easy to verbalize", and "not confusing to mom" rules.
Most current browsers will automagically convert spaces to %20 when typed in the address bar
◇ Photos | Blogs | Twitter | MySpace | Facebook ◇
Jan Erik Moström
In any case, certainly one cannot say that all hosted BBS and blogging software will behave as expected when mom clicks on the address bar and copies an URL containing spaces and pastes it in a post, email message, IM, etc. Your really cool URL with spaces, like
So I guess I will add another requirement to the request: URLs using a list of concatenated keywords should be represented in a form which will survive reposting in any environment. (So my suggestion above to use commas would likely have problems, some software might want to be "helpful" and insert a line break after the comma.)
for example, I've got a gallery here at
I want the keyword 'rover' to redirect to that gallery automatically, so I go into my control panel and add the keyword 'rover', setting it to redirect to the gallery I want.
After setting that up, then I just give my customer a url something like
Which then will automatically redirect them to the gallery I specify. This way, if I move the gallery, I can just change the redirector, to the new location, and the customer can still find the photos.
Also, I would love to see a Copy to gallery function for the web interface, as it is, I have a gallery that automatically recieves all my photo's from an Eye-Fi, then I move them to other galleries as needed. However, I have been leaving the photo's in the original location as an archive of photo's, so as it is, I have to make a copy of every photo I want to move, and then move them. It would be much easier if all I had to do was one step that copied the photo's to the other gallery...