Watermarking for larger pictures only feature?
I'd like to see a feature which enables watermarking for pictures of only say 800 pixels and above (or a size set via user options). Watermarking small pictures doesn't always make sense.
So my gallery may display the pictures up to 600 pixels with no watermark, but above that to show a watermark.
I did look around for such an option on Smugmug, but couldn't locate one.
If it's not already possible, how easily might this be introduced to our customize gallery page?
Share Photo/Album via Facebook Connect
I would like to request a feature whereby you can select "Facebook" under the "Share" menu.
At that time you wold be prompted to enter your username/password for FB using Facebook Connect.
You would then select the representative photo to share or chose the album to share w/ the photo you would like to represent the album.
Completing this request would add a Facebook news feed item with the image shared (or representative image of the album shared) along w/ a link to the Smugmug gallery.
This is seemingly easy to implement and doesn't require that we install a Smugmug application that somehow is competing with the Facebook Photos.
Show non-logged-in view of the gallery
I upload every photo I take and hide all the ones that I don't want to show publicly. I don't know if this is standard practice. Doing this I often find myself having to log out of Smugmug when I'm done, or worse, opening another browser (IE or opera) to see how the album looks to the general populace.
I often see a photo or two that I meant to hide that was missed.
It would be nice to have a button called something like: "View as Regular Joe"
You guys are good with naming stuff so if you actually call it that then I will be disappointed!
I'd like to see some kind of a search/filtering tool for owners that's based on file names. The tasks I'd like to be able to accomplish are:
- Find in which galleries I have a certain file,
- Find all videos in a category (e.g. all *.avi files)
I'm really pumped about the stickers option that you can get now but a customer requested black t-shirts being available for a couple of my photoshopped for fun pictures.
Will that ever be possible?
The Smug Mug superheroes are doing a good job and I really appreciate the quick help and support.
Viewer Comments on Home Page
Hi, Real new to the Smuglers group but I have a humble request
I would like to have the latest viewer comments on my home page with the photo they commented on. A running History would also be nice, some scrolly thing.
I would also like to have a section where I, as owner, can sort all pics in a gallery to see which ones have comments.
Is this possible, does it exist with out my writing my own web page?
Manual resorts should open with existing gallery sort order
Here's a simple feature that would make my life easier. I put numeric prefixes on my files before uploading them, so that "auto sort ascending" does the right thing even though the upload page seems to choose an arbitrary order to load the files. This is great, until I decide I'd like to make a minor rearrangement; when I start one of the manual sort modes, the initial load ordering returns, and I have to rearrange (or rename and re-upload) potentially hundreds of photos.
If, instead, the manual sort page were to start with the images sorted as they are currently displayed in my gallery, I'd have to move only the one or two photos I need to move, with no uploading required.
Here's a simple feature that would make my life easier. I put numeric prefixes on my files before uploading them, so that "auto sort ascending" does the right thing even though the upload page seems to choose an arbitrary order to load the files. This is great, until I decide I'd like to make a minor rearrangement; when I start one of the manual sort modes, the initial load ordering returns, and I have to rearrange (or rename and re-upload) potentially hundreds of photos.
If, instead, the manual sort page were to start with the images sorted as they are currently displayed in my gallery, I'd have to move only the one or two photos I need to move, with no uploading required.
-- Erik
I sometimes do what you do (rename so I can get the order I want). It's my work-around for getting a gallery sorted by Lightroom rating.
You can work around your issue. If you turn off the automatic sort (images will go into a random order). Then, do a manual sort by filename (Tools/Many Photos/Arrange/Sort) and the images will go back into the order you want. This will establish the sort order you want as a starting point for your manual rearrangement.
comments on new feature request - picasa like face tagging
is picasa like face-tagging on the horizon for smugmug? would be very powerful. others who would want this feature, please chime in!
would love to hear from a smugmug person also.
note: for those of you who have not experienced it, picasa (i.e. google), lets you tag a face multiple times, and i believe thr promise is that over time they will automatically tag faces for you. that would be so powerful and useful for those who post family pictures here.
apple mobileme like uber-thumbnail - possible here at smugmug
apple mobileme, does one thing well. at least one that i really like. it displays albums with a thumbnail that allows you to scan through all the images in an album.
it has been a feature there fore more than a year. have folks at smugmug given that feature a thought? any plans to include that at some point in smugmug?
my veryfirst post here, so please do not kill me but I would like to have a feature that allows to see how many thumbs up/down a single photograph receives.
My humble opinion is that it could help to understand "how" a shot is good or not-good and the way it's perceived by the others, even without comments.
I've extensively explored the user's control panel, the on-line help and digged the forums but I've not found this (for me at least) useful function: moreover the search for the word "thumb" returns thousands of topics referring to "miniatures of the photos" and not "photo ranking".
Please, do not ban me if you think my request is silly!
Thankyou very much in advance for your kindness and time.
apple mobileme, does one thing well. at least one that i really like. it displays albums with a thumbnail that allows you to scan through all the images in an album.
it has been a feature there fore more than a year. have folks at smugmug given that feature a thought? any plans to include that at some point in smugmug?
my veryfirst post here, so please do not kill me but I would like to have a feature that allows to see how many thumbs up/down a single photograph receives.
My humble opinion is that it could help to understand "how" a shot is good or not-good and the way it's perceived by the others, even without comments.
I've extensively explored the user's control panel, the on-line help and digged the forums but I've not found this (for me at least) useful function: moreover the search for the word "thumb" returns thousands of topics referring to "miniatures of the photos" and not "photo ranking".
Please, do not ban me if you think my request is silly!
Thankyou very much in advance for your kindness and time.
P.S. Smugmug is great, plain and simple!
I'd like to have this feature too. This is part of the feature groups that "would be cool to have but I can survive without it".
Though many times I wonder how my thumbed shots are compared. I'd even push it to know what shots are thumbed down. it can be available on stats so only the owner of the page can see it (especially for the shots thumbed down )
Anyway as I said it is not vital and I really appreciate the work you are doing
Please oh please make the Share button available at all times when logged in you your own site.
I'll upload a gallery and then often will want to post a few samples on various forums, my blog, etc. Or I'll want to send an email announcing the gallery through SM. I have to go into customizations and enable sharing, then go back in and disable after I've sent the email or gotten the links that I want.
If I'm the owner and never want to share anything I just don't need to click the button. If I do want to share, but don't want other to do so, I have to change settings every time.
Please oh please make the Share button available at all times when logged in you your own site.
I'll upload a gallery and then often will want to post a few samples on various forums, my blog, etc. Or I'll want to send an email announcing the gallery through SM. I have to go into customizations and enable sharing, then go back in and disable after I've sent the email or gotten the links that I want.
If I'm the owner and never want to share anything I just don't need to click the button. If I do want to share, but don't want other to do so, I have to change settings every time.
If you have a power or pro account, you can already have what you want. It takes one line of CSS to make the share button only visible for you. You have to enable it on all your galleries and then add this one line of CSS:
If you have a power or pro account, you can already have what you want. It takes one line of CSS to make the share button only visible for you. You have to enable it on all your galleries and then add this one line of CSS:
New Request for Invitations
I would like to request a new feature that would allow me to send an invitation to view photos to multiple email addresses at the same time without allowing each recipient to see the long list of other recipients of the invitation (i.e., each recipient would only see their own email address on the "To:" line.
If this is already possible, please let me know. Thanks!
is picasa like face-tagging on the horizon for smugmug? would be very powerful. others who would want this feature, please chime in!
would love to hear from a smugmug person also.
note: for those of you who have not experienced it, picasa (i.e. google), lets you tag a face multiple times, and i believe thr promise is that over time they will automatically tag faces for you. that would be so powerful and useful for those who post family pictures here.
I just downloaded Picasa for Mac which led me to play around with the face recognition on web albums which is pretty damn sweet. You feed it a bunch of photos - it returns the ones that have faces, you start tagging these and it then grabs batches and has suggested tags. As msim stated above I think the ultimate goal is to have these automatically tagged- pretty cool! Would like to see something on the horizon, even if distant, at smugmug.
"Can I lock a category, so you cant get in to see the subcatagorys then I wont have to lock them? I'm trying to keep a semi professional site but want to be able to get family and friends stuff online as well. I fiddled around, looked in Smug help and searched here but couldnt find my answer."
Accept payments in currencies other than $USD
I know I have made many noises about this before, but it's not in the first post of this thread as being under consideration so I though I better log it here.
As I am getting more exposure for my site I am getting an increasing number of potential customers simply not buying or trying to get me to print stuff out for them just because they don't want to pay in $USD.
Payment options in other currencies would help almost every non-US photographer.
The HIDE option is a fine and much needed feature. The main issue I see is that the HIDE check box is displayed indiscreetly by the TOOLS for each photo. It doesn't catch my eye. It would be very nice if there was some sort of "flag" displayed on thumbnails to show "hidden" photos at a glance so Owner doesn't have to look at each photo in a gallery to see what was hidden. As an intermediate fix, maybe have the HIDE check box stand out...perhaps different color text and bright RED check mark. Just my thoughts on this issue....
Is anything in the works addressing this feature request? Need some quick way to look at thumbnails and see which are hidden. Wishfully asking...Thanks.
Acadiana Al
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Post To Blog
How about add "post to blog" under the share menu. The ability to post photos to blogs like wordpress, blogger, etc. One of the features I miss from flickr.
Right now I have to get the gallery link and the photo link and build the blog post myself.
I upload every photo I take and hide all the ones that I don't want to show publicly. I don't know if this is standard practice. Doing this I often find myself having to log out of Smugmug when I'm done, or worse, opening another browser (IE or opera) to see how the album looks to the general populace.
I often see a photo or two that I meant to hide that was missed.
It would be nice to have a button called something like: "View as Regular Joe"
You guys are good with naming stuff so if you actually call it that then I will be disappointed!
All Feature Requests in this thread have been noted and won't be forgotten. Features added while this thread has been open include:
4x8 Baby Cards
5x7 Folded Cards
Sharegroups inherit Hide Owner properties when all sharegroup galleries use Hide Owner
Sharegroups show in the breadcrumbs
Metallic Prints and additional products
Ability to use a photo as a preview for a video rather than automatically generating a photo from the video
Calendars (through MyCanvas)
Stuff already asked for by multiple people:
Virtual Galleies
More levels of categorization
Pro 'lightbox' or 'favorites'
Self Fulfilmnet
More Pro Lab Options
Improve Bulk Setttings in many ways
PWD protect a category
Improve the Search- vastly improve it!
I'd like to see a feature which enables watermarking for pictures of only say 800 pixels and above (or a size set via user options). Watermarking small pictures doesn't always make sense.
So my gallery may display the pictures up to 600 pixels with no watermark, but above that to show a watermark.
I did look around for such an option on Smugmug, but couldn't locate one.
If it's not already possible, how easily might this be introduced to our customize gallery page?
I would like to request a feature whereby you can select "Facebook" under the "Share" menu.
At that time you wold be prompted to enter your username/password for FB using Facebook Connect.
You would then select the representative photo to share or chose the album to share w/ the photo you would like to represent the album.
Completing this request would add a Facebook news feed item with the image shared (or representative image of the album shared) along w/ a link to the Smugmug gallery.
This is seemingly easy to implement and doesn't require that we install a Smugmug application that somehow is competing with the Facebook Photos.
I upload every photo I take and hide all the ones that I don't want to show publicly. I don't know if this is standard practice. Doing this I often find myself having to log out of Smugmug when I'm done, or worse, opening another browser (IE or opera) to see how the album looks to the general populace.
I often see a photo or two that I meant to hide that was missed.
It would be nice to have a button called something like: "View as Regular Joe"
You guys are good with naming stuff so if you actually call it that then I will be disappointed!
yes, for the virtual galleries...
- Find in which galleries I have a certain file,
- Find all videos in a category (e.g. all *.avi files)
I'm really pumped about the stickers option that you can get now but a customer requested black t-shirts being available for a couple of my photoshopped for fun pictures.
Will that ever be possible?
The Smug Mug superheroes are doing a good job and I really appreciate the quick help and support.
Thank you.
Hi, Real new to the Smuglers group but I have a humble request
I would like to have the latest viewer comments on my home page with the photo they commented on. A running History would also be nice, some scrolly thing.
I would also like to have a section where I, as owner, can sort all pics in a gallery to see which ones have comments.
Is this possible, does it exist with out my writing my own web page?
Thanks in Advanced!
Here's a simple feature that would make my life easier. I put numeric prefixes on my files before uploading them, so that "auto sort ascending" does the right thing even though the upload page seems to choose an arbitrary order to load the files. This is great, until I decide I'd like to make a minor rearrangement; when I start one of the manual sort modes, the initial load ordering returns, and I have to rearrange (or rename and re-upload) potentially hundreds of photos.
If, instead, the manual sort page were to start with the images sorted as they are currently displayed in my gallery, I'd have to move only the one or two photos I need to move, with no uploading required.
-- Erik
I sometimes do what you do (rename so I can get the order I want). It's my work-around for getting a gallery sorted by Lightroom rating.
You can work around your issue. If you turn off the automatic sort (images will go into a random order). Then, do a manual sort by filename (Tools/Many Photos/Arrange/Sort) and the images will go back into the order you want. This will establish the sort order you want as a starting point for your manual rearrangement.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
is picasa like face-tagging on the horizon for smugmug? would be very powerful. others who would want this feature, please chime in!
would love to hear from a smugmug person also.
note: for those of you who have not experienced it, picasa (i.e. google), lets you tag a face multiple times, and i believe thr promise is that over time they will automatically tag faces for you. that would be so powerful and useful for those who post family pictures here.
apple mobileme, does one thing well. at least one that i really like. it displays albums with a thumbnail that allows you to scan through all the images in an album.
it has been a feature there fore more than a year. have folks at smugmug given that feature a thought? any plans to include that at some point in smugmug?
my veryfirst post here, so please do not kill me but I would like to have a feature that allows to see how many thumbs up/down a single photograph receives.
My humble opinion is that it could help to understand "how" a shot is good or not-good and the way it's perceived by the others, even without comments.
I've extensively explored the user's control panel, the on-line help and digged the forums but I've not found this (for me at least) useful function: moreover the search for the word "thumb" returns thousands of topics referring to "miniatures of the photos" and not "photo ranking".
Please, do not ban me if you think my request is silly!
Thankyou very much in advance for your kindness and time.
P.S. Smugmug is great, plain and simple!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I'd like to have this feature too. This is part of the feature groups that "would be cool to have but I can survive without it".
Though many times I wonder how my thumbed shots are compared. I'd even push it to know what shots are thumbed down. it can be available on stats so only the owner of the page can see it (especially for the shots thumbed down
Anyway as I said it is not vital and I really appreciate the work you are doing
My page
I'll upload a gallery and then often will want to post a few samples on various forums, my blog, etc. Or I'll want to send an email announcing the gallery through SM. I have to go into customizations and enable sharing, then go back in and disable after I've sent the email or gotten the links that I want.
If I'm the owner and never want to share anything I just don't need to click the button. If I do want to share, but don't want other to do so, I have to change settings every time.
My Galleries
My Photo Blog
.notLoggedIn #shareButton {display:none;}
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
My Galleries
My Photo Blog
I would like to request a new feature that would allow me to send an invitation to view photos to multiple email addresses at the same time without allowing each recipient to see the long list of other recipients of the invitation (i.e., each recipient would only see their own email address on the "To:" line.
If this is already possible, please let me know. Thanks!
I just downloaded Picasa for Mac which led me to play around with the face recognition on web albums which is pretty damn sweet. You feed it a bunch of photos - it returns the ones that have faces, you start tagging these and it then grabs batches and has suggested tags. As msim stated above I think the ultimate goal is to have these automatically tagged- pretty cool! Would like to see something on the horizon, even if distant, at smugmug.
x post from the customization forum
"Can I lock a category, so you cant get in to see the subcatagorys then I wont have to lock them? I'm trying to keep a semi professional site but want to be able to get family and friends stuff online as well. I fiddled around, looked in Smug help and searched here but couldnt find my answer."
I know I have made many noises about this before, but it's not in the first post of this thread as being under consideration so I though I better log it here.
As I am getting more exposure for my site I am getting an increasing number of potential customers simply not buying or trying to get me to print stuff out for them just because they don't want to pay in $USD.
Payment options in other currencies would help almost every non-US photographer.
Cheers - N
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
Will Smugmug have certain items like:
Postcards, Stamps?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
How about add "post to blog" under the share menu. The ability to post photos to blogs like wordpress, blogger, etc. One of the features I miss from flickr.
Right now I have to get the gallery link and the photo link and build the blog post myself.
This is called "Visitor View" and already exists.
- Calendars (through MyCanvas)
Stuff already asked for by multiple people:Virtual Galleies
More levels of categorization
Pro 'lightbox' or 'favorites'
Self Fulfilmnet
More Pro Lab Options
Improve Bulk Setttings in many ways
PWD protect a category
Improve the Search- vastly improve it!
Post new Feature Requests here:
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