SmugMug Feature Requests



  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 12, 2008
    dmc wrote:
    ...and when you click on a picture in Journal Style, it is displayed big in lightbox mode...
    That's {JT}'s plan, 'single image' view goes away in favor of lightbox links :) Mmmmmz
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited December 12, 2008
    Andy wrote:
    That's {JT}'s plan, 'single image' view goes away in favor of lightbox links :) Mmmmmz
    That would be great, then video galleries can be in traditionl format, correct?
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • papajaypapajay Registered Users Posts: 441 Major grins
    edited December 13, 2008
    Oh YES, yes, yes, I would just love this!! I hardly ever use journal, for this reason alone. It would just be great to have large sizes display automatically if desired. I'm sure lots of folks would be thrilled with a fix for this.

    Another "vote" for this. I've always preferred the Journal style over all the others, especially for "My most recent vacation trip" type galleries. But because the images are so small, I left it in favor of Smugmungous sized displays in some of the other styles (SmugMug Style, for instance).

    But occasionally quirkie behavior with slideshows etc from email shares keeps bringing me back to Journal style. Having BIG photos in Journal (without having to invoke hacks...which I'm not very skilled at) would be awesome!
  • kevinheltonkevinhelton Registered Users Posts: 25 Big grins
    edited December 13, 2008
    Lost another couple hundred dollars in sales today because SM doesn't offer gift certificates ne_nau.gif. Any word on this becoming available? Thanks guys.
    Kevin Helton
    Kevin Helton Photography
  • GatheringThunderGatheringThunder Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
    edited December 14, 2008
    Uploading images directly into other smugmuggers' galleries
    I'm not sure if this is currently possible, but it would be great if we could upload images directly into other smugmuggers' galleries without having thier username/password.

    This could just be an added functionality above enabling friends to edit keywords in password protected galleries.

    Thanks, and keep up the great work! You continue to outdo yourselves...
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited December 15, 2008
    Page that will clear all Smugmug cookies
    Here's a suggestion to help technical support. From time to time, those of us helping Smugmug customers (this probably applies to the support heroes too), suspect that a customer's Smugmug cookies might be wedged in a weird state and we want them to delete their Smugmug cookies. Though it's not hard to direct them how to delete all their cookies, it is still browser specific and it's kind of an unfriendly thing to do because you can lose lots of browser state that way.

    What we really want is a simple way to delete just the Smugmug cookies. So, I'm thinking that Smugmug could have a page that had a button on it that says "Delete Smugmug Cookies" and a process from that button would tell the browser to clear all known Smugmug cookies.

    Then, when we get a user like this one who can't seem to get logged in, we'd just tell him to go to this cookie clearing page page, press the "Clear" button and then try again. Much easier thing for all.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • OppsOpps Registered Users Posts: 160 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2008
    I've earlier mentioned that I wanted to have a more compact statistics view ... something I still want but I would also like to have a view where all albums are displayed in relation to each other --- now it's really cumbersome to see which albums get the most hits, there is no way to quickly scroll through the list and see which album has the most hits since they are all normalized - instead I need to read and remember the view count for each album.

    I would also like to be able to see how many hits different albums gets each day. Here I think that Flickr has a much better statistics presentation.

    Yes, I got too much time on my hands and sit here looking at the stats :D, seriously it's kind of interesting for me as a non-pro to see if people like my pictures, if they look at them etc.
    Jan Erik Moström
  • jhelmsjhelms Registered Users Posts: 651 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2008
    Opps wrote:

    Yes, I got too much time on my hands and sit here looking at the stats :D, seriously it's kind of interesting for me as a non-pro to see if people like my pictures, if they look at them etc.

    Amen to that, I'm not a programmer but have suggested before that it just seems like a simple thing to implement a quick 'sort' feature to the gallery stats page, right? Or is that a programming nightmare?

    Sort... most recent to oldest / sort most hits to least hits, etc.
    John in Georgia
    Nikon | Private Photojournalist
  • OppsOpps Registered Users Posts: 160 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2008
    jhelms wrote:
    it just seems like a simple thing to implement a quick 'sort' feature to the gallery stats page, right? Or is that a programming nightmare?

    In theory it's quite simple - it could be something so simple to change on a part of a SQL statement from something like "... order by name" to "... order by date"

    In reality it can be much more complex. The design of the database, the size of the database, performance issues in general, user interface etc can make it much more complex.
    Jan Erik Moström
  • KannafootKannafoot Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited December 16, 2008
    I didn't see it listed in the features summary, but I'd love a way to provide a custom URL for a gallery. Right now, I end up adding all my galleries to Tinyurl so they have meaningful (and relatively short names.) Is there any way this could be implemented as a feature?
  • jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2008
    Kannafoot wrote:
    I didn't see it listed in the features summary, but I'd love a way to provide a custom URL for a gallery. Right now, I end up adding all my galleries to Tinyurl so they have meaningful (and relatively short names.) Is there any way this could be implemented as a feature?

    You can implement vanity URLs which work kind of like tiny URLs (prettier and shorter names for your galleries that work as shortcuts), but unlike tinyURLs, vanity URLs have your own domain at the start.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
    Always include a link to your site when posting a question
  • absoluticabsolutic Registered Users Posts: 30 Big grins
    edited December 18, 2008
    More themes and iphone viewer application
    Hi, I've had smugmug for less than a month but I already have close to 6000 photos added and more coming. I am very happy with smugmug but these are the features that would make me even happier:

    1) more themes!!! For example, for sports there is only tennis and football. But other sports do exist. For example I go to a lot of hockey games and we take pictures...using a tennis theme for hockey is not really good. There is a single birthday theme: since there are a lot of birthdays, the same theme gets kind of old for all of them; so adding a couple more themes for birthday would be nice. Just overall, add more various themes, would be excellent!

    2) I'd love an ability to access my smugmug from my iphone, not for uploading low-quality iphone pictures, but to access all my photos so I could display and show them to my friends and collegues, so some kind of smugmug viewer application for iphone would be great

    3) Is there a way more than 2 featured categories could be seen? I am only able to have 2 displayed, 4 or 6 would be perfect. I know I can select 4 featured categories, but only 2 are displayed for some reason.:D
    D700/ 50mm 1.8G/ 85mm 1.4D /28-105D
    D90/ 18-200VR /35mm 1.8G /Tokina 11-16 F/2.8
    T2i kit/ 17-55 F2.8 /17-85
  • sskoutassskoutas Registered Users Posts: 437 Major grins
    edited December 18, 2008
    absolutic wrote:
    2) I'd love an ability to access my smugmug from my iphone, not for uploading low-quality iphone pictures, but to access all my photos so I could display and show them to my friends and collegues, so some kind of smugmug viewer application for iphone would be great

    This is already there, kind of. Go to your normal homepage via your iphone and you should see a link on there saying something like "you're on an iphone... want to see the iphone version of this page?" (definite paraphrasing). It gives you a much more "iPhone-ish" version of your page, but it still needs to DL. If you want speed, you want to move the photos manually over to your iphone during an iTunes sync. Then you can just flip away through them all.
    Stephen Skoutas Certe, toto, sentio nos in kansate non iam adesse

    Please feel free to retouch and repost my images. Critique, Suggestions, and Technique tips always welcomed.
  • absoluticabsolutic Registered Users Posts: 30 Big grins
    edited December 20, 2008
    sskoutas wrote:
    This is already there, kind of. Go to your normal homepage via your iphone and you should see a link on there saying something like "you're on an iphone... want to see the iphone version of this page?" (definite paraphrasing). It gives you a much more "iPhone-ish" version of your page, but it still needs to DL. If you want speed, you want to move the photos manually over to your iphone during an iTunes sync. Then you can just flip away through them all.

    oh thank you, I never noticed it :D
    D700/ 50mm 1.8G/ 85mm 1.4D /28-105D
    D90/ 18-200VR /35mm 1.8G /Tokina 11-16 F/2.8
    T2i kit/ 17-55 F2.8 /17-85
  • shfayashfaya Registered Users Posts: 59 Big grins
    edited December 21, 2008
    I am happy Andy that you take it into consideration. I am really looking forward to see multiple currency option.
    If no one minds I will ask for another somehow related option I was writing before. I would like you to put centimetre sizes as well. There shouldn't be much problem with that as the ratio of inch/centimetre doesn't change. Each time I count the prices, I should give, I need to count which size is which. I sell photos off-line after my clients see them on-line. Because of inches, spanish people have to make their own conversion into centimeters.
    What I would like to see is just a centimetre size next to inch but given in a bracket.
    Miro Slav
    smooth photography of...
  • DulaMugDulaMug Registered Users Posts: 90 Big grins
    edited December 21, 2008
    Available Products Need to be more obvious...
    Available products need to be obvious when selecting "Buy", "Photos in this Gallery". "Change Product" is lost up in the right corner and could be easily over looked and does not attract buyers or let them know that what other product categories are available. It would be great if the same tabs ("Print" "Merchandise", "Downloads") used on the "Buy This Photo" screen were also on the "Add Photos To Cart" screen.

  • Martin LeeMartin Lee Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited December 21, 2008
    I know this has been turned down a few times, but I'm going to ask again to show that there's a demand for it.

    I currently do no printing through smugmug. This is purely because it's not at all convenient to have customers in the UK using a photographer in the UK have everything printed from the USA and shipped over and paying for the currency conversion as well. I have 99% of my photos printed professionally as it's less hassle and tends to look much better.

    If smugmug had a relationship with a UK based printer (and I'm sure there are dozens who would love the extra business) I would use smugmug for my printing.
  • HoyBoyHoyBoy Registered Users Posts: 135 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2008
    Kannafoot wrote:
    I didn't see it listed in the features summary, but I'd love a way to provide a custom URL for a gallery. Right now, I end up adding all my galleries to Tinyurl so they have meaningful (and relatively short names.) Is there any way this could be implemented as a feature?

    I second this request!

    I know about the tinyurl option, but being able to have something like: http://mysmuggynam/clientname for a gallery would be awesome!
  • corosariocorosario Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited December 21, 2008
    Sort by Time Taken
    How about been able to sort by Time Taken?

    Currently the auto sort using file names is very useful (at least for me). During an event when I use two camera bodies that have different numbering (but the same time of day) it is a real hassle to sort the files manually.
  • trtlrocktrtlrock Registered Users Posts: 12 Big grins
    edited December 21, 2008
    corosario wrote:
    How about been able to sort by Time Taken?

    Currently the auto sort using file names is very useful (at least for me). During an event when I use two camera bodies that have different numbering (but the same time of day) it is a real hassle to sort the files manually.

    Yes -- this would be very useful!
  • blackshadowblackshadow Registered Users Posts: 79 Big grins
    edited December 21, 2008
    trtlrock wrote:
    Yes -- this would be very useful!

    It's already available - I use it frequently in my galleries.
  • blackshadowblackshadow Registered Users Posts: 79 Big grins
    edited December 21, 2008
    Email Groups
    I had a bit of a search around but found nothing that related to this.

    Is it possible to set up email groups (for instance to 50 photo editors) or to a bunch of family members that you would regularly contact instead of having to select each email address each time. It would be a real advantage for me.

    Cheers, Richard
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,418 moderator
    edited December 21, 2008
    corosario wrote:
    How about been able to sort by Time Taken?
    You can already sort by date taken, and the date in the EXIF should be a timestamp. That is, it includes both the date and the time.

    I'll include the photo info from one of my photos in smug showing the date taken.

    --- Denise
  • Erick LErick L Registered Users Posts: 355 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2008
    For vidéo:

    - Ability to jump anywhere in the vid without having to load what comes before.
    - Control over gallery and share links at the end.
    - Play in gallery, not just lightbox.

    Other things:

    - More related and combined keywords in keyword gallery.
    - Force people to a style in keyword gallery

  • eoren1eoren1 Registered Users Posts: 2,391 Major grins
    edited December 22, 2008
    I had a bit of a search around but found nothing that related to this.

    Is it possible to set up email groups (for instance to 50 photo editors) or to a bunch of family members that you would regularly contact instead of having to select each email address each time. It would be a real advantage for me.

    Cheers, Richard

    Hey Richard,
    I asked about the same thing a while back and the response was that this might open the door to spam which Smugmug tries its best to minimize/limit. I would be curious to see if there were any updates to this topic as I routinely send email updates to family members which runs 8 mouse clicks to hunt and peck them amongst my list of contacts. Even having the option to sort contacts (friends, family, work, etc) would be of help - at least then you could click the members in each group more easily.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 22, 2008
    eoren1 wrote:
    Hey Richard,
    I asked about the same thing a while back and the response was that this might open the door to spam which Smugmug tries its best to minimize/limit. I would be curious to see if there were any updates to this topic as I routinely send email updates to family members which runs 8 mouse clicks to hunt and peck them amongst my list of contacts. Even having the option to sort contacts (friends, family, work, etc) would be of help - at least then you could click the members in each group more easily.
    Now that we have a Social Sorcerer, it'd be cool if he looked @ this. Thanks!

  • Galaxy ImageGalaxy Image Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited December 26, 2008
    Multiple links
    How can I get multiple links from a gallery so that I can place them directly on my wordpress blog and/or forums?

    Couldn't find the answer anywhere in dgrin or smugmug site. Thanks!
  • olegosolegos Registered Users Posts: 94 Big grins
    edited December 26, 2008
    Sharegroups to include other sharegroups
    I would like to be able to include other sharegroups within a sharegroup. Thanks.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,418 moderator
    edited December 26, 2008
    How can I get multiple links from a gallery so that I can place them directly on my wordpress blog and/or forums?
    You can get a link for each photo in a gallery, or a link to the gallery itself. Unfortunately you can't currently grab multiple links with one copy; you would need to request a link for each photo.


    --- Denise
  • agalliaagallia Registered Users Posts: 541 Major grins
    edited December 27, 2008
    Need "Fix" for PhotoTools Move gallery selection
    This feature request is a spinoff from my previous Support Thread.

    There is a recognized problem when moving photos to other galleries using Move PhotoTools.

    If different categories/subcategores have same name galleries (i.e. "Gallery 1"), the Move To dropdown list shows multiple "Gallery 1" galleries. But there is no indication which category/subcategory each belongs way of knowing which to select. Apparently the only work-around to the problem is have unique gallery duplicates...which is not at all desirable. Even temp gallery name changes like adding a "x" prefix require fixing after move is done.

    Even with unique gallery names, we still have the problem about associating galleries names on the dropdown list with categories/subcategories.

    Andy hinted that a new lab release will provide opportunity to address this problem. I hope so.
    Acadiana Al
    Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
    Blog: Journey to the Light
    "Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
This discussion has been closed.