1. If I change metadata, but not development settings, is the whole image re-rendered and uploaded? Ideally, of course, just the metadata updates would be transmitted.
That's our preference as well, but unfortunately that's a limitation of the plugin architecture...at the point the image is being exported, I have no way to determine why the image is being republished.
Thanks but no thanks - I am not going to play around with this Publish thing - I have cancelled my SmugMug setup and will now cancel my Flickr setup.
Thanks but no thanks - I am not going to play around with this Publish thing - I have cancelled my SmugMug setup and will now cancel my Flickr setup.
Ed I have your tickets on the help desk now and I'm going to help you personally
I LOVE this new feature, but I do have one quick question. I use multiple catalogs as a way to categorize my shoots. It looks like I have to set up my SmugMug account every time I create a new catalog.
Is there an option to set up my SmugMug account as the default and then every new catalog I create will automatically have my SmugMug account authenticated as a publication source?
Thanks for the awesome upgrade!
I'm no expert with LR, but you may want to check on a few LR specific forums about your use of multiple catalogs to categorize your photos, from what I read about it, you may be defeating one of the major reasons for using LR. It would make it much simpler to use the Publish feature also. Here's a few links:
We'll re-render new copies on SM. Multi-word keywords should be separated by commas
kwdone kwdtwo, kwdthree, kwdfour
Hi Andy, thanks for taking the time to respond. I'm not quite sure that I understand, though.
EDIT: Removed further questions re: publishing metadata updates as I had missed that devbobo answered them.
On the keywords question, let me explain further. In Lightroom, I have a keyword "Shot by Mathew Johnston". This is a single keyword - it shows up in the Lightroom Keywording pane as a single item. However, when I upload this to SmugMug, the photo has 4 keywords:
1. By
2. Mathew
3. Johnston
4. Shot
If I use the Web based SmugMug Tools > Caption/Keyword editor and enter, with quotes around it, "Shot by Mathew Johnston", SmugMug correctly records a single keyword.
It seems that the SmugMug publish functionality simply fails to maintain multi-word keywords as whole strings; in effect, forgetting to put them in quotes in order to keep them whole.
I hope that this can be fixed soon - it has made my keywording scheme rather useless for the time being!
If I use the Web based SmugMug Tools > Caption/Keyword editor and enter, with quotes around it, "Shot by Mathew Johnston", SmugMug correctly records a single keyword.
This is to support some backwards compatiblity, if you want them to be imported as separate keywords on import they need to be comma separated as Andy originally outlined.
It's not a bug with the plugin, if you want to discuss in more detail, please open another thread.
Love Lightroom? So do we. Download the latest version from Adobe and see a familiar face under Publishing Services.
If you don't see it yet, click Lightroom's Help > Check for Updates... option to get it.
Set it up and sync your account in seconds. From there you can import, organize, edit and publish to your SmugMug site... all from one place. Need help? Look here.
And it's never been a better time to be Smug: Open a new trial account through Lightroom 3 and automatically get 20% off your first year. Adobe is also sharing a sweet 15% discount for Smuggers when they purchase Lightroom 3 or any Adobe product.
Questions? Comments? Please post right here in this thread. We're watching.
Sweet for you all to love Lightroom, but where is the Love for Aperture 3.0 your plug-in hasn't done much since I started using it what are your plans if any to integrate better into Aperture 3.0??
Sweet for you all to love Lightroom, but where is the Love for Aperture 3.0 your plug-in hasn't done much since I started using it what are your plans if any to integrate better into Aperture 3.0??
Just tried creating and uploading a gallery. Had a couple problems.
I created a new gallery in the new Lightroom Publishing Services area. It seemed simple enough. However, the "Quick Settings" setting apparently didn't stick. After I started uploading the photos, I checked the gallery on on my site and saw that they were getting the big "PROOF" watermark instead of the watermark used in my quick settings. I then right-clicked the SM gallery in Lightroom > Edit settings and saw that Quick Settings was set for Custom. I looked and didn't see anything different than it should have been other than the watermark being set for Default instead of my watermark.
So, at this point, the potential time saved is a wash because I will now have to fix this on SM and have the site re-watermark all of my images. Lame but not the end of the world.
But then I ran into this other problem and I have no idea how to fix it:
I was uploading 30 images, dragged from the Library module. I should have checked them better before I clicked "Publish" because there were 7 images at the end of the list that I didn't want uploaded. I clicked one of the images and pressed the "delete" key and it appeared to remove it from the upload list so I assumed that was the way to prevent those images from being uploaded. So I then clicked and deleted the other 6 images I didn't want uploaded.
When the publish job finished, those 7 images and 6 others (which happen to be the last 13 images of the original upload list) are now listed in the "Deleted Photos to Remove" section. I think I understand why the 7 I deleted are in that list (they were uploaded after I clicked delete and now need to be deleted?) but the other 6 should not be in this list and should not be deleted. This is a problem in and of itself but the bigger problem for me is that I don't know how to remove those 6 good images from the "to be deleted" list. Clicking them and pressing the delete key does not work. I have no idea what to do at this point other than to click "Publish" and let Lightroom delete the 13 photos and then re-upload the 6 that shouldn't have been deleted.
When the publish job finished, those 7 images and 6 others (which happen to be the last 13 images of the original upload list) are now listed in the "Deleted Photos to Remove" section. I think I understand why the 7 I deleted are in that list (they were uploaded after I clicked delete and now need to be deleted?) but the other 6 should not be in this list and should not be deleted. This is a problem in and of itself but the bigger problem for me is that I don't know how to remove those 6 good images from the "to be deleted" list. Clicking them and pressing the delete key does not work. I have no idea what to do at this point other than to click "Publish" and let Lightroom delete the 13 photos and then re-upload the 6 that shouldn't have been deleted.
Just a guess, but have you tried dragging those 6 from the library again? I'm guessing that should tell LR that you want them uploaded, and it would remove them from from the list to delete. If not, then your only option is probably what you guessed already...
Found a situation that might be working as designed, but it is not telling the user that there is an error. It might not be directly related but all my testing indicated it was the cause. What is happening is that if multiple images are included in a Lightroom published online gallery are trying to be deleted the multiple images cannot be deleted at the same time as other multiple images not published within the local Lightroom catalog. There is no error indication of what is occuring. I was able to get Lightroom confused twice and working twice with the difference being multiple images I was trying to delete as part of a larger set was published to SmugMug via Lightroom.
I am using Lightroom 3.2 for Mac in 64 Bit mode under OS 10.6.4. My catalog is spread across two drives, one internal.
Here are the steps to recreate it (I put in image counts just for reference)
Mark some images in the catalog rejected (997 of which six were published up to SmugMug) [Since I had restored these images just for the article I did not need them on my hard drive - they were on the cloud already]
Continue to try to delete images using the select all, delete rejected photos commands... etc.
Mutter expletives under breath and start Google searches about why not deleting - no good results
Try deleting just from local drive, it works
Try deleting small number from external drive, it works
Continue to try larger and larger sets of items to be deleted (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 108) and they continue to work
Select a set and it does not delete, for some reason receive an error message stating "One or more of these photos are published on the service 'SmugMug'." First time I had received the error message, not sure what the difference was. Select cancel from the options presented.
Find the six images that are on SmugMug and mark them Unflagged (not rejected).
Execute the Delete Rejects command, and it deletes the remaining images. (634)
I tried it again with smaller numbers and it seems that once a group of rejects contained four images that were published to SmugMug the group cannot be deleted and there is no error indication.
Make sense?
Found the answers to the rest of my questions in this thread
Photos Listed as Modified During Publish
Hi, I've noticed an odd behavior that I wonder if anyone else has seen.
I'm creating a new gallery and populating it through the Lightroom Publish function. During publishing, some of my photos move from a "New Photos to Publish" state to a "Modified Photos to Re-Publish" state instead of to the "Published Photos" state. These photos are successfully uploaded - I can see them in the gallery on the web. Why would these photos be incorrectly listed as being modified?
Did you do anything at all, metadata or otherwise with them after clicking the "Publish" button? any change will do this!
Don Ricklin - Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, was Pentax K7
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook.
I've been super frustrated with the jf SmugMug plug in lately being super buggy and wasting my time when updating my site for clients- especially when I'm often in a press room or hotel. It's been screwing with my normal workflow. Very pleased to see this new option. I'm going to give it a go and see how it works.
First upload (just an update to an existing gallery) worked great so there is hope if the other plug-in is failing you too...
I'm no expert with LR, but you may want to check on a few LR specific forums about your use of multiple catalogs to categorize your photos, from what I read about it, you may be defeating one of the major reasons for using LR. It would make it much simpler to use the Publish feature also. Here's a few links:
Is there any chance of adding an output sharpening option to the Smugmug Publishing tool for Lightroom 3? It is the one feature of Jeffrey's plugin that I use that seems to be missing in your official tool.
Can it be set up that the order of my LR3 gallery is reflected when it is uploaded? I have my gallery settings to "none" in the sort settings and in LR3 the sort settings for the Publishing Services galleries are also "User Order" so theoretically I can move them myself but they don't seem to follow any order in particular. Can it be done?
Is there any chance of adding an output sharpening option to the Smugmug Publishing tool for Lightroom 3? It is the one feature of Jeffrey's plugin that I use that seems to be missing in your official tool.
Digital DavoRegistered UsersPosts: 1Beginner grinner
edited September 12, 2010
Not sure why no-one else is posting about this ...
when I use the new publish feature in 3.2 to publish to SmugMug, it strips the IPTC Title so that there is no caption when the photo arrives. The photo just shows up with "Digital Davo photo" as the caption.
The jf SmugMug export profile works fine wrt. Title -> Caption.
I do _not_ have Minimize Embedded Metadata set in the publish settings, so I am confused as to why this doesn't work properly. anyone?
1 - Email, twitter, and other types of notifications would be super helpful. I would use them to notify myself when a large gallery has finished, and I could notify my customers when their particular gallery is ready. That would be especially useful when I have a large number of orders. Check out http://store.MotoHD.net/Motorcycles to see what I mean by "order."
2 - SPEED IT UP! I don't know why it's so slow, but it takes 5x longer than Freidl's export plugin to upload the same material.
moving from jf SmugMug to LR's own SmugMug-plugin
Since I upgraded to LR 3.2 about 2 weeks ago, the "jf SmugMug" plugin doesn't operate anymore and I am forced to switch to the new SmugMug-plugin provided in LR 3.2.
It's not too bad, just I don't know how to apply the Mogrify-plugin in the new workflow. Previously, I used the Export-workflow to apply Mogrify and send to SmugMug using jf SmugMug.
Now with LR's SmugMug-plugin, you do not use the Export dialogue - you just drop your photos to the SmugMug-folder. Pretty cool, just I wonder how to apply Mogrify? Do I have to export to HardDisk, re-import to LR and then drop it into the SmugMug-folder?
Hope I haven't missed an answer, but when I re-publish a photo after making one or two minor corrections, no name change or anything. Am I supposed to have to go back into SM and remove the original published photos, or is the re-publsih itself supposed to remove the originals?
Since I upgraded to LR 3.2 about 2 weeks ago, the "jf SmugMug" plugin doesn't operate anymore and I am forced to switch to the new SmugMug-plugin provided in LR 3.2.
It's not too bad, just I don't know how to apply the Mogrify-plugin in the new workflow. Previously, I used the Export-workflow to apply Mogrify and send to SmugMug using jf SmugMug.
Now with LR's SmugMug-plugin, you do not use the Export dialogue - you just drop your photos to the SmugMug-folder. Pretty cool, just I wonder how to apply Mogrify? Do I have to export to HardDisk, re-import to LR and then drop it into the SmugMug-folder?
You are not forced to use SmugMug's plugin, for whatever reason Jeffrey's plugin may have become disabled during the upgrade. To re-enable it in LR, goto File->Plugin Manager..., then select his plugin from the list and click 'enable'.
That's our preference as well, but unfortunately that's a limitation of the plugin architecture...at the point the image is being exported, I have no way to determine why the image is being republished.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Ed I have your tickets on the help desk now and I'm going to help you personally
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I'm no expert with LR, but you may want to check on a few LR specific forums about your use of multiple catalogs to categorize your photos, from what I read about it, you may be defeating one of the major reasons for using LR. It would make it much simpler to use the Publish feature also. Here's a few links:
If I'm butting in, just ignore me.
Hi Andy, thanks for taking the time to respond. I'm not quite sure that I understand, though.
EDIT: Removed further questions re: publishing metadata updates as I had missed that devbobo answered them.
On the keywords question, let me explain further. In Lightroom, I have a keyword "Shot by Mathew Johnston". This is a single keyword - it shows up in the Lightroom Keywording pane as a single item. However, when I upload this to SmugMug, the photo has 4 keywords:
1. By
2. Mathew
3. Johnston
4. Shot
If I use the Web based SmugMug Tools > Caption/Keyword editor and enter, with quotes around it, "Shot by Mathew Johnston", SmugMug correctly records a single keyword.
It seems that the SmugMug publish functionality simply fails to maintain multi-word keywords as whole strings; in effect, forgetting to put them in quotes in order to keep them whole.
I hope that this can be fixed soon - it has made my keywording scheme rather useless for the time being!
This is to support some backwards compatiblity, if you want them to be imported as separate keywords on import they need to be comma separated as Andy originally outlined.
It's not a bug with the plugin, if you want to discuss in more detail, please open another thread.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Sweet for you all to love Lightroom, but where is the Love for Aperture 3.0 your plug-in hasn't done much since I started using it what are your plans if any to integrate better into Aperture 3.0??
Have you tried this awesome plugin to Aperture?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I created a new gallery in the new Lightroom Publishing Services area. It seemed simple enough. However, the "Quick Settings" setting apparently didn't stick. After I started uploading the photos, I checked the gallery on on my site and saw that they were getting the big "PROOF" watermark instead of the watermark used in my quick settings. I then right-clicked the SM gallery in Lightroom > Edit settings and saw that Quick Settings was set for Custom. I looked and didn't see anything different than it should have been other than the watermark being set for Default instead of my watermark.
So, at this point, the potential time saved is a wash because I will now have to fix this on SM and have the site re-watermark all of my images. Lame but not the end of the world.
But then I ran into this other problem and I have no idea how to fix it:
I was uploading 30 images, dragged from the Library module. I should have checked them better before I clicked "Publish" because there were 7 images at the end of the list that I didn't want uploaded. I clicked one of the images and pressed the "delete" key and it appeared to remove it from the upload list so I assumed that was the way to prevent those images from being uploaded. So I then clicked and deleted the other 6 images I didn't want uploaded.
When the publish job finished, those 7 images and 6 others (which happen to be the last 13 images of the original upload list) are now listed in the "Deleted Photos to Remove" section. I think I understand why the 7 I deleted are in that list (they were uploaded after I clicked delete and now need to be deleted?) but the other 6 should not be in this list and should not be deleted. This is a problem in and of itself but the bigger problem for me is that I don't know how to remove those 6 good images from the "to be deleted" list. Clicking them and pressing the delete key does not work. I have no idea what to do at this point other than to click "Publish" and let Lightroom delete the 13 photos and then re-upload the 6 that shouldn't have been deleted.
Just a guess, but have you tried dragging those 6 from the library again? I'm guessing that should tell LR that you want them uploaded, and it would remove them from from the list to delete. If not, then your only option is probably what you guessed already...
I am using Lightroom 3.2 for Mac in 64 Bit mode under OS 10.6.4. My catalog is spread across two drives, one internal.
Here are the steps to recreate it (I put in image counts just for reference)
I tried it again with smaller numbers and it seems that once a group of rejects contained four images that were published to SmugMug the group cannot be deleted and there is no error indication.
Make sense?
Found the answers to the rest of my questions in this thread
Pictures | Website | Blog | Twitter | Contact
Hi, I've noticed an odd behavior that I wonder if anyone else has seen.
I'm creating a new gallery and populating it through the Lightroom Publish function. During publishing, some of my photos move from a "New Photos to Publish" state to a "Modified Photos to Re-Publish" state instead of to the "Published Photos" state. These photos are successfully uploaded - I can see them in the gallery on the web. Why would these photos be incorrectly listed as being modified?
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
Nope, just clicked publish and from there it's been hands off the computer entirely. ebwest, I'll read that
First upload (just an update to an existing gallery) worked great so there is hope if the other plug-in is failing you too...
This appears to be a bug in Lightroom and affects all publish services: http://forums.adobe.com/message/3099284
You're not butting in at all. I was considering looking into lumping my shoots into one big catalog anyway. Thanks for the links. I'll read up on it.
Is there any chance of adding an output sharpening option to the Smugmug Publishing tool for Lightroom 3? It is the one feature of Jeffrey's plugin that I use that seems to be missing in your official tool.
Maybe I just missed it, but I haven't seen an answer to this question. Care to comment?
Hey Tom,
Yes, I'll be adding it back in the next release.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
when I use the new publish feature in 3.2 to publish to SmugMug, it strips the IPTC Title so that there is no caption when the photo arrives. The photo just shows up with "Digital Davo photo" as the caption.
The jf SmugMug export profile works fine wrt. Title -> Caption.
I do _not_ have Minimize Embedded Metadata set in the publish settings, so I am confused as to why this doesn't work properly. anyone?
1 - Email, twitter, and other types of notifications would be super helpful. I would use them to notify myself when a large gallery has finished, and I could notify my customers when their particular gallery is ready. That would be especially useful when I have a large number of orders. Check out http://store.MotoHD.net/Motorcycles to see what I mean by "order."
2 - SPEED IT UP! I don't know why it's so slow, but it takes 5x longer than Freidl's export plugin to upload the same material.
Since I upgraded to LR 3.2 about 2 weeks ago, the "jf SmugMug" plugin doesn't operate anymore and I am forced to switch to the new SmugMug-plugin provided in LR 3.2.
It's not too bad, just I don't know how to apply the Mogrify-plugin in the new workflow. Previously, I used the Export-workflow to apply Mogrify and send to SmugMug using jf SmugMug.
Now with LR's SmugMug-plugin, you do not use the Export dialogue - you just drop your photos to the SmugMug-folder. Pretty cool, just I wonder how to apply Mogrify? Do I have to export to HardDisk, re-import to LR and then drop it into the SmugMug-folder?
"An internal error has occurred: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)"
You are not forced to use SmugMug's plugin, for whatever reason Jeffrey's plugin may have become disabled during the upgrade. To re-enable it in LR, goto File->Plugin Manager..., then select his plugin from the list and click 'enable'.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos