>>> challenge 17 - comments and critiques thread <<



  • SandySandy Registered Users Posts: 762 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    SeeMoon wrote:
    I forgot to post the one i personally like best 11doh.gif (..freakin' time difference..)
    Here it is, what do you think?

    This is a really great shot, amazing lines, it's perfect in black and white.
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    Love Snappy's and Seemoon's escalator shots
    Sandy wrote:
    This is a really great shot, amazing lines, it's perfect in black and white.
    Yes, IMO, that is the reflection, that is what I thought. If it is, I would enter it SeeMoon, I think it is one of the stronger things you have done.

    That is just my opinion.

    Two very different escalator shots from two different people.


    (Then I can vote for both of them, Laughing.gif)
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • snapapplesnapapple Registered Users Posts: 2,093 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    I found a horse too...
    ginger_55 wrote:
    too bad he is just a reflection.


    Gee, I had no idea this was going to be so hard. Good reflections are hard to find. I don't have any kids at home, so I can't do the kid reflected in the toy store window. I decided to go downtown to the harbor area and Seaport Village. They have toy stores and teddy bear stores. I couldn't find any kids near the stores. The reflections were no good anyway. I think it was the time of day. I tried to get the carousel horse reflected in the mirror, but I was too far away and couldn't get inside to get a better angle. Need a better zoom or my old film camera with the good zoom lens. Then I decided to go inside that hotel and there were the escalators! I knew that was the shot. Here are my other tries.
    The horse:

    The escalators - another view, but reflection is blown out right in the center.

    "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
    Susan Appel Photography My Blog
  • SandySandy Registered Users Posts: 762 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    Snappy I love merry-go-round horses, and the reflection in the mirror, very colorful. You want try to use a slight correction with RGB curves,to deepen the vibrant colors. Also try cropping it a tad bit a above the horses ear.

  • lynnmalynnma Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 5,208 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    this ones from the car, hopefull I will be able to hobble next week and maybe get a better one..
  • SandySandy Registered Users Posts: 762 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    Thanks for the complement Ginger. I knew you would like it because you have so much love for dogs. Me too! Andy's Christmas photo is an inspiration in reflections. I believe it's just being at the right place and seeing the shot.

    ginger_55 wrote:
    Sandy, with the doggie a big YEAH!!!!
    I am sooooo proud and happy, you got one.

    I still wish Andy would come on and tell me a bit more about that one photo he did. The second one, the Christmas time one.

    But you did do it!!!! I love it!

    ginger, smile, big grin
  • snapapplesnapapple Registered Users Posts: 2,093 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    Sandy, thanks for the suggestions...
    Sandy wrote:
    Snappy I love merry-go-round horses, and the reflection in the mirror, very colorful. You want try to use a slight correction with RGB curves,to deepen the vibrant colors. Also try cropping it a tad bit a above the horses ear.


    I passed this one up as a "reflections" possibility, but cropped it and tried to make it acceptable. I could always frame it and use it in a kids room. I tried your suggestions as best I could. I don't have RGB curves on Photoshop Elements, so I had to try something else. I used the selective color adjustments that they have. It worked pretty well. I cropped it again and I really like it a lot better now. Thanks.
    "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
    Susan Appel Photography My Blog
  • snapapplesnapapple Registered Users Posts: 2,093 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    Another of my early tries at reflections...
    snapapple wrote:
    Gee, I had no idea this was going to be so hard. Good reflections are hard to find. [QUOTE:]

    This one is also from Seaport Village: It's way overlit. The whites are all blown out. It was midday. But, just wanted to show you how desperate I was.

    "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
    Susan Appel Photography My Blog
  • snapapplesnapapple Registered Users Posts: 2,093 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    Hi Lynn...
    lynnma wrote:
    this ones from the car, hopefull I will be able to hobble next week and maybe get a better one..

    Glad you're getting out. Reflections are harder to find than we imagined, huh?
    Good ones, that is. I could take a picture of myself in the mirror, or my husband shaving. But, it's been tough finding a "contender". That is for us folks who don't get out much. You got a nice one there. Good work.
    "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
    Susan Appel Photography My Blog
  • SandySandy Registered Users Posts: 762 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    Snappy, it seems to me that the most interesting part of the photo is the people on the bridge that are reflected in the water. Try cropping the photo to included just above their heads on top, and in reflection in the water. You may also want to try a black and white, gradient map. On the horse you can go a bit closer to the edge of the mirror.

    snapapple wrote:
    snapapple wrote:
    Gee, I had no idea this was going to be so hard. Good reflections are hard to find. [QUOTE:]

    This one is also from Seaport Village:

  • snapapplesnapapple Registered Users Posts: 2,093 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    Last try...
    Sandy wrote:
    Snappy, it seems to me that the most interesting part of the photo is the people on the bridge that are reflected in the water. Try cropping the photo to included just above their heads on top, and in reflection in the water. You may also want to try a black and white, gradient map. On the horse you can go a bit closer to the edge of the mirror.


    I think I've fixed the horse up pretty good now. I lightened the bottom right and I cropped it a little more. I was afraid to get too close to his nose. I wanted to give him breathing room. I don't know if this is good now or not.

    For the people on the bridge, I tried the crop you suggested. It does simplify the shot, but I'm not sure about it. I wonder if the bigger background makes the shot more interesting. I forgot to try the black and white. In the simple composition, that sounds like it would work better. I'll give it a try. I don't have time for uploading now. Have to go make dinner.
    Here's what I have now:

    "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
    Susan Appel Photography My Blog
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    Ideas I have for reflections, grab a few if you want
    snapapple wrote:
    Glad you're getting out. Reflections are harder to find than we imagined, huh?
    Good ones, that is. I could take a picture of myself in the mirror, or my husband shaving. But, it's been tough finding a "contender". That is for us folks who don't get out much. You got a nice one there. Good work.

    OK, this is a thought I had, but I can't afford it, especially since I don't "need" the picture. I used to have old mirrors, but I gave them to my daughter. While I was in the antique store, the thought hit me to buy a mirror. She said she didn't have any "cheap" ones, and she was not nice about it. I actually could go back and buy a not large one for 20.00, but I am resisting. It is certainly a good idea.

    If I had the mirror, I would take it around with me, my husband, dogs, nothing, whatever.................... I think it would be a definite possibility.

    Another thing I have thought is to think of.............it is hard for me to explain this, but he shot that at Saks, we have a Saks, too, but no big modern bldgs, but we do have bldgs, so the idea is to have a window and try to find one with something that makes an interesting background, have something interesting in the window, and go back at the right time of day if possible.

    I have a book, too, and it happens to have a picture of a window, old window with old glass. The frame and house part are white peeling wood, and reflected, yes, in the window, the bottom part, is just the yard, not a very nice yard, but a pretty color. That comes from the lighting conditions, or the time of day. The photographer said it was an accident he found it, but since he did, he goes back whenever the lighting is interesting, or the time of day is right. It is a horizontal, I would not have thought a horizontal would work, but it could.

    I cannot use my townhouse for anything, nothing, it is not clean enough. My dogs look out the window, but they don't reflect................

    Anyway, there is a park with an old house, it is not weathered, but all we would need is the right reflection in the window. One thing that makes that reflection so good, the one in my book, is the slightly wavy, or he says bowed, window...................... I could find one. The trick is to get the time of day. Parks close so darn early!

    Yes, it is a real handicap not to have kids to photograph. I know, I had two young ones when I was doing this stuff before. They were my models. One instructor said he was not going to give me a lesser grade, but that he wished I would go beyond using my kids, lol.

    However, I am kind of teeming with ideas here. That mirror thing could really work in a pinch, and old mirrors are kind of cool.

    I still would have hopes of doing the downtown thing and looking for 1) the window with something interesting in it, and 2) that same window would have to reflect something to go with the composition, and I think the lighting might have to be right, so that would restrict me to which ever side of the street early evening ligthing was on.

    One thing I would do would be to check out the saks windows, check out the windows of an interesting "new" hotel thing that we have had for about 20 yrs, maybe the book store part of it could reflect "the market", a place I hate, but is historic and would make a good reflection in my part of the world. Got to figure what you have and work with it.

    We are big on some very upscale antique stores, the right time of day they would be a definite possibility. And all this is in walking distance of each other. And there is the old large house by the museum, would cost me a bit for a tour, but the windows are old (curving stairway, too.......do you all think I could use that next time?). Problem with that house is I think at this time of year the reflection would be green from foliage.

    In that old house the reflection in the yard was yellow, partly as the grass was dead and partly from the light, so light is a player here.

    Now, I have a big computer problem,................ does anyone know how to get rid of the Hunt Bar spyware?

    I got rid of everything else. This Hunt Bar thing decides what is going to be your home page. So far, I think it has just decided that Comcast is OK, but I have read some horror stories on the internet. I could have porn as my home page. Right now the thing won't let me use AOL for any length of time. I have spent most of the day on this, and instead of looking for pictures, my husband might have to spend all day tomorrow using the phone to Dell and AOL and whoever else.

    It is interesting re my ideas, I think we do work with the areas we are used to and know about. I don't think I have been on an escalator in this town.

    Smile, ginger
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    some of my faves: (not for consideration)
    hopefully these'll inspire you. none are by me.

    by harry behret, my good friend:


    by james langford, another photog friend:
  • SandySandy Registered Users Posts: 762 Major grins
    edited July 17, 2004
    Good job, you may be right about the bigger background making the shot more interesting. What I do is open both in photoshop and then evaluate which one I like better.
    snapapple wrote:
    I think I've fixed the horse up pretty good now. I lightened the bottom right and I cropped it a little more. I was afraid to get too close to his nose. I wanted to give him breathing room. I don't know if this is good now or not.

    For the people on the bridge, I tried the crop you suggested. I does simplify the shot, but I'm not sure about it. I wonder if the bigger background makes the shot more interesting. I forgot to try the black and white. In the simple composition, that sounds like it would work better. I'll give it a try. I don't have time for uploading now. Have to go make dinner.
    Here's what I have now:

  • snapapplesnapapple Registered Users Posts: 2,093 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    Can't see the links...
    andy wrote:
    hopefully these'll inspire you. none are by me.

    by harry behret, my good friend:


    by james langford, another photog friend:

    andy, the links are not showing up on the site. But, I opened the window to reply and I see the links here. I can't click on them here though. Can you fix it? headscratch.gif
    "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
    Susan Appel Photography My Blog
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    I can't see them either, not very inspiring, yet, lol.
    All I can see are those stupid red Xs, and since my whole computer, just about, doesn't work, I can't access AOL, well, I am sure glad to hear Snappy say she couldn't see them either.

    Oh, you all, too, if worse comes to worse, go to water, calm water, if possible, and look for reflections. I will say that filling the dog bowl with water is not enough to give one the reflections needed. I already tried it the first day.

    This computer thing is scary.

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    Still can't see........
    Not me, same X. Maybe it is X rated.

    And no, I have not had a cocktail.

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • tmlphototmlphoto Registered Users Posts: 1,444 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    Picture viewing workaround for the insomnaics... :)
    ginger_55 wrote:
    Not me, same X. Maybe it is X rated.

    And no, I have not had a cocktail.

    If you right click on the red X, and choose "Properties" you can see the link address. If you highlight this and "copy" you can "paste" it into your address bar of your browser and see the picture if you are really that interested. It is a really neat shot.
    Thomas :D

    TML Photography
  • wxwaxwxwax Registered Users Posts: 15,471 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    snapapple wrote:
    Reflections are harder to find than we imagined, huh?
    Good ones, that is. I could take a picture of myself in the mirror, or my husband shaving.

    I tried a shot of my wife shaving. My ears are still ringing. I keep telling her to try Golden Gloves. rolleyes1.gif

    I agree, this is a very challenging, uh, challenge. I guess I usually just don't see reflections. I've had a couple of ideas, but would need a model to make them work. In the meantime, here are a few to chew on. Not worth commenting on, they're not very good, just the first day of shooting, hopefully it will get better.




    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
  • wxwaxwxwax Registered Users Posts: 15,471 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    tmlphoto wrote:
    I tried pasting the link. Can you see it now?

    Cutting and pasting made them appear. Those are two marvellous shots. Thanks for sharing them. Now that's what reflections are all about.
    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    Well, I'll be ...........
    I am speechless, why didn't I think of that. Get out in the snow, hang a left to the big city, get me reflections by day and by night, hahahahahha.

    And to think I won't have to worry about the a/c breaking. Andy, you rogue, you. I sure feel dumb. You all get on out there in the snow now, you hear me.

    Actually, there is a spot where I have seen many evening (they look like night, but they are not), shots by a small lake downtown, the old houses seem to make a good reflection there, I see that picture once a year, at least. Especially when it is like winter. Christmas, that shot is a given.

    If I were desperate, I wouldn't tell you all that, but the lake is man made, I just can't get excited about it.

    I totally broke AOL, at least, can't access it at all. I even risked talking to someone on the phone about it. I wonder if I can talk my husband into going to Cypress Gardens with me............. or Magnolia gardens. Reflections garanteed, and it is nice there.

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    Does this get you all going, actually, I think it is spring there


    The little one, that is Cypress gardens.

    I would be pushing my luck with this computer to try to get ahold of the picture I took that is hanging just to my right here, it has the same trees, but yellow spring flowers, instead of lily pads. I don't know about any of these places in the dead of July, but I don't think there is much snow.

    ginger (We just have to work with what we have, smile.)
    I just assumed that you all know I didn't take these photos, I lifted them off the internet. Geez, smile.
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    finished the ch 16 comments
    i've finished my comments for the ch 16 winners.

    they are here

    shay needs to be whipped a bit, i'm sure he'll finish shortly. :whip :D
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    sorry about the links .. it's a pbase thing!
    anyhow, here are about 200 photos that could inspire you "reflection hunters."

    it's a challenge i hosted at dpreview, the sony forum, a while back. eligible gallery is all sony camera images, the exhibition gallery is any camera images.

    the gallery is right here
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    one of my all-time favorite reflections
    photo by one of my favorite photographers, mr. elliott erwitt


    if you want more of erwitt's work, it's right here
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    Andy is a romantic and what about my cups, reflected in silver
    andy wrote:
    photo by one of my favorite photographers, mr. elliott erwitt



    Andy, you are a romantic. In the month, or so, I have been a member, I have noticed that............

    Andy, anyone, I like my china reflected in the silver......... I really think it is a good shot, tell me what you all think. Here it is again. Maybe I will make it a medium.


    I will critique it, defend it, explain my thinking, whatever. Then you all tell me what you were thinking. Since it was not mentioned, I assume that it just didn't do it for anyone. First off, I do not have, like or use good china, or anything resembling this. I like substance. But esthetically, I like the china as it is reflected in the silver tray behind it. I have about 6 shots, or more, so I know what it looks like tighter, and I like this shot best. Enough of the china, no distortion, all is in focus, etc. I even like the little touch of the price tag. The subject of the photo would only invoke feelings, if one were to feel that the use of china like this is from a by gone, less busy, time.

    I really like this photo, and I have said why.


    (Andy, I just don't have any lovebirds anywhere..........was that a mirror reflecting the heads, if so, my mirror idea is not so bad, and I might spring for a small one today)
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    the mirror comment by you ginger is what make me think of the erwitt photo....

    teacups - nice find, shows you are observant for these things. i really like "found" reflections. perspective - i think it may even be a better shot from about a foot or two lower, and maybe off to the side.

    ginger_55 wrote:
    andy wrote:
    photo by one of my favorite photographers, mr. elliott erwitt



    Andy, you are a romantic. In the month, or so, I have been a member, I have noticed that............

    Andy, anyone, I like my china reflected in the silver......... I really think it is a good shot, tell me what you all think. Here it is again. Maybe I will make it a medium.


    I will critique it, defend it, explain my thinking, whatever. Then you all tell me what you were thinking. Since it was not mentioned, I assume that it just didn't do it for anyone. First off, I do not have, like or use good china, or anything resembling this. I like substance. But esthetically, I like the china as it is reflected in the silver tray behind it. I have about 6 shots, or more, so I know what it looks like tighter, and I like this shot best. Enough of the china, no distortion, all is in focus, etc. I even like the little touch of the price tag. The subject of the photo would only invoke feelings, if one were to feel that the use of china like this is from a by gone, less busy, time.

    I really like this photo, and I have said why.


    (Andy, I just don't have any lovebirds anywhere..........was that a mirror reflecting the heads, if so, my mirror idea is not so bad, and I might spring for a small one today)
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    Grandmother's Treadle, for sale with the leftovers of yesterday
    Grandmother's Treadle


    My grandmother used a sewing maching with just such a treadle. (My mother did not use a sewing machine, and neither do I). I did spend hours at my grandmother's machine as I was fascinated with the treadle part, and here it is thrown away with the death of her generation. This is reflected in a mirror, not set up, the mirror edge can be seen on your right, looking at the photograph. (In the old days, I might have dodged it a bit, but I think it is fine) The colors are the colors, the hue has not been altered. There is a little play of light there, too.

    Comments on this?

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • SeeMoonSeeMoon Banned Posts: 355 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    wxwax wrote:
    I really like this one, SeeMoon. Just to satisfy myself, I tried raising the contrast a wee bit and slightly changing the crop, but it didn't make a huge difference. It's a strong photo and is really nice.

    I wonder if the judges will feel that it strongly enough reflects (little pun, hehe naughty.gif) the theme of the challenge? ne_nau.gif

    headscratch.gif Dunno about the big window reflection, tho. It's just my opinion, and I think you're a lot closer, but something's still missing. I tried cropping out the column to the left, and that seemed to help the composition. But it still feels like it's missing something magical - and I still wonder if it isn't missing the 'second story.' You know, the first story is the guys with the luggage carts. But what's the secondary theme or story? Again, just my ramblings.

    That puddle shot's kinda cool. :D

    Thanks for your comments Sid! I agree on the airport shot; it's a bit better but still not great. I'm satisfied though; still no picture to enter the challenge with, but I went back, tried to make it better, gave it another 'look' and that's what it's all about; had fun!
    I don't think that the escalator shot is worth entering the reflection challenge; it's there but certainly not the main thing in the picture.. Well; one week left.. mwink.gif
  • SeeMoonSeeMoon Banned Posts: 355 Major grins
    edited July 18, 2004
    snapapple wrote:
    SeeMoon wrote:
    Oh no..Snappy got the escalator-pic! (nice one, by the way!) I went back to that mall to make some more, but now..what to do? headscratch.gif I'll post it anyway here; i went through a lot of rain to make it, haha!

    I didn't know you were going to do escalators. Gee, they look like they were designed by the same person. Anyway, It's a nice shot. Maybe you should enter it anyway.

    I like the second one too. I tried a crop on it. Selected the bright windows on top with the magic wand and increased blues on it. Then did unsharp mask. I think that's allowed.

    Now, the three curving escalators, That's a Great Shot! Really! It's the best one of all. The repetition of three is cool and the contrast of the lines and curves. Black and white emphasizes it. Is it a reflection? Or is the reflection the light patterns on it? Not sure. Hmmmm, maybe if we have a lines and curves challenge.... this would be a sure winner. You could take it again I guess. It's such a great shot. It has to be entered in something. clap.gifclap.gifclap.gif

    Thanks for your nice words! It's not a reflection itself, but i was going for those on the side..don't think it's enough though.. And please don't be sorry; it's nice to see we had the same 'eye' for a moment!
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