I don't know if this is technically a bug report or a feature request,
Thanks for the feature request, John, I'll be sure that our Product Manager and engineers see this.
No guarantee on if or when it will be addressed as you request - so for now, I might suggest adopting some new naming conventions, perhaps adding some info after the child's name or something like that.
Thanks for the feature request, John, I'll be sure that our Product Manager and engineers see this.
No guarantee on if or when it will be addressed as you request - so for now, I might suggest adopting some new naming conventions, perhaps adding some info after the child's name or something like that.
One possible simple solution for the programmers (although a bit ugly) would be to include the galleryId following the gallery name in the pull-down list.
(e.g. KellyC 12345365
KellyC 98765432
While not ideal one could keep up with which galleryId belonged to which sport. This is one time the sequential numbering is helpful. If you create the categories/ sub-categories at the same time for a given sport the galleryIds would start with the same number.
Hey! I read the entire thread...
Well, first up-thanks to everyone at Smugmug for making it pretty easy for me (us...) to setup our pro-accounts . The time you guys spend helping out is incredible, and refreshing.
Now, a couple things came to mind tonight as I puttered (sp?) around my site here:
1. I really wish there was a faster (more efficient actually...) way to do bulk pricing across entire categories or sub-categories. Perhaps right from a master pricing page? I'd like to be able to select a subcategory say "Senior Girls LAX 2006" and set the pricing for every gallery in it. I know this has been asked by at least two other people in line before me, but I didn't see a direct answer (I may have missed it though...).
2. Please-no PLEASE! Put some type of warning box or block on the 'bulk' gallery settings (or whatever it's called) before I reset my entire site to 'smugmug default' again :cry I'm not even sure what or how I did it, but I lost every password and other critical control panel setting across my entire page . I thought I was just changing the 'look' of the selected gallery pages, but it changed EVERYTHING. Thankfully, I didn't have to reset all of the pricing (please see #1 above). Perhaps a big 'ole RESET button would help? ...
Thanks again for all you guys to to make Smugmug the best-bar none.
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
Please make the new "foil spammers" commenting code optional! If spamming was a concern for me I wouldn't mind but I haven't gotten spammed but once in 4 years. It's really annoying for people visiting me and for myself when I try to comment on other sites.
Well, first up-thanks to everyone at Smugmug for making it pretty easy for me (us...) to setup our pro-accounts . The time you guys spend helping out is incredible, and refreshing.
Now, a couple things came to mind tonight as I puttered (sp?) around my site here:
1. I really wish there was a faster (more efficient actually...) way to do bulk pricing across entire categories or sub-categories. Perhaps right from a master pricing page? I'd like to be able to select a subcategory say "Senior Girls LAX 2006" and set the pricing for every gallery in it. I know this has been asked by at least two other people in line before me, but I didn't see a direct answer (I may have missed it though...).
2. Please-no PLEASE! Put some type of warning box or block on the 'bulk' gallery settings (or whatever it's called) before I reset my entire site to 'smugmug default' again :cry I'm not even sure what or how I did it, but I lost every password and other critical control panel setting across my entire page . I thought I was just changing the 'look' of the selected gallery pages, but it changed EVERYTHING. Thankfully, I didn't have to reset all of the pricing (please see #1 above). Perhaps a big 'ole RESET button would help? ...
Thanks again for all you guys to to make Smugmug the best-bar none.
Yes. Along the lines of bulk settings. I would like to be able to apply a single setting.
For example, Suppose I want to make all my galleries (or a subset of galleries) public but I don't want to modify the rest of the settings. Currently there is no easy way to do this.
Personally, I can write some code and use the API (THANK YOU!) but that is not a good solution for most people.
Please put the EXIF link with the sharing links. It'd be great to be able to post piccies with EXIF to dgrin without shuffling so many pages to get the photo link and the EXIF link. One-stop-shopping!!!
Please add the gallery name to the password prompt screen
I use a bunch of different password protected galleries all with different passwords for different audiences.
It would help me if the password prompt page could include the gallery name. When I follow a link from a statcounter report to see which gallery is being looked at and I get a password prompt, I often have no idea which gallery it is so I have to guess.
Please put the EXIF link with the sharing links. It'd be great to be able to post piccies with EXIF to dgrin without shuffling so many pages to get the photo link and the EXIF link. One-stop-shopping!!!
Thanks David, for the feature request - it's a GREAT idea, I hope JT can do it.
So my request is for international customisation. Can we have the option of dimensions on the prints, or even something like 20"x30" (51cmx76cm) ?
And can we have US$ or better still the option of AU$ (or currency of choice.)
Through this thread I discovered that there seem to be maintainance directories for every SM account. So far I came across '/admin' (shows empty page) and '/test' (shows error page:not having permission).
When I tried to create the categories 'test' and 'admin' I got the message that they were successfully created and no error. This is confusing and should be prevented. I guess the API lacks this error handling, too.
Maybe there's a possibility for the SM team to redirect these maintainance folders back to the homepage for anyone without sufficient credentials if it accidently gets hit by a visitor?!
EDIT: both categories also show up in my list of custom categories - so I could assign pictures to them!
Suggestion for problems with SM
I think it would be nice to have a link on the main SM website (e.g. http://www.smugmug.com/status.mg) which gives the current (and past) problems. This would be similar to what many ISPs provide. This way people would not have to post here to know when the problems are SM's and when they might involve something on their end. It would also let us know that you are aware and are working on the problem.
In addition it might be nice to have a bug report page like many groups do with software projects. This would also speed along the debugging process.
I think it would be nice to have a link on the main SM website (e.g. http://www.smugmug.com/status.mg) which gives the current (and past) problems. This would be similar to what many ISPs provide. This way people would not have to post here to know when the problems are SM's and when they might involve something on their end. It would also let us know that you are aware and are working on the problem.
In addition it might be nice to have a bug report page like many groups do with software projects. This would also speed along the debugging process.
The idea with the status history page sounds good to me.
A while ago people asked for an official bug report/tracking interface for users to report there problems, but apparently SM uses one internally only - can't remember the exact answear anymore.
EDIT: Here's the thread and looks like I actually brought this up.
gallery access without username annoyance + communities
I know you've got other problems right now, but I'm annoyed once again by how my username or domain name is hidden when someone accesses one of my galleries through smugmug.com/gallery and through communities.
I want my name to show up and therefore a redirect when someone comes through smugmug.com!
A while ago I started making all the links on my site relative, so people can choose to go by my domain or my smugmug name. If for example my domain is down for whatever reasons people access it directly using my smugmug nick. Worked fine until I figured that all galleries accessed through communites don't include my nickname. That totally screwed my relative links in the navbar! I had to hardcode them and decided to use my domain name - should work for now, but that's not a solution, because it robs people of the possibility to browse my site through the alternative smugmug nickname. :bash
Today I discovered that all the relative links I put into the captions only point to the smugmug.com address if accessed from a community - nothing new I guess, but it just popped into my mind and that's why I'm currently ranting. Because this sends my visitors to a non-customized site which of course totally screws my multilingual captions! :bash
I mentioned this before, but it really annoys me that I don't have any control over this! If I would want to hide my customizations I would activate the 'hide owner' setting in the gallery settings! This is a backdoor around my stuff that I want to have closed ASAP.
Give me an additional option in my control panel to turn of the smugmug.com crap and redirect every request for *any* of my sitecontent to either my nickname or my domain!
Sorry for the rant, but I need to have this backdoor closed.
OK, guys. This one is long overdue & should have been better by now.
2 things. When Lightbox is activated, the browser shouldnt scroll back up to the top. It should stay at the position it was in when first activated. This also goes for all the other page styles. Its a real pain when you are in Smugmug Small Style & you just wanna click on the thumbs & not have the browser window take you back to the top of the page everytime you click on a thumb. Exactly what is the reasoning for this?? Because as it is now, its a CONSTANT scroll-fest & super annoying.
I was looking at Zenfolio and even they got that part right, even though they are like 6 months old. Come on, ya'll. You say "Viewing is our obsession", then here you go.
upload status suggestion
Right now all of my uploads are listed all at once which can take a long time. Especially with the thumbnails.
Could you have a text only option?
Also could you break it up say by date?
The first page would be a list of dates with the number uploaded on that date. Clicking on the link would bring you to a more detailed list for that date.
I am mainly a sports photographer. After much experimentation I decided to have an overall price list but have a discounted price list during "the season" to encourage people to buy now and not 3 years from now. This means that 4 times a year I go through all the current season galleries and clear out the gallery price so the portfolio prices take over.
1. When you click on custom pro pricing it takes a "long time" to get to the price change screen. This allows me to do other things like write in this forum while I'm waiting...
2. I need to do this for each gallery and I'm talking about hundreds of galleries each season.
Guys, THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY! This is torture! Please! I've seen price changes by category and sub-category suggested. I'D LOVE TO SEE THAT!
I love Smugmug but the pricing changes are so difficult.
I have set up prices in the sizes that conform to the 3:2 ratio of the dlsr. (6x4, 12x8 etc)
Would it be possible to have those on the same list, rather than on standard prints and specialty prints ?
I can see the need for seperate categories if you have all the prints prices enabled, but if you only have half a dozen then it's annoying.
Anything happening with the display of units and currency in the cart ?
Want to see print prices "before" adding to cart
One thing I find odd about buying prints at Smugmug is that you have to add something to the cart before you can see what the print prices are. I find that odd and very inconsistent with most internet shopping. It's kind of analagous to a store that has no prices posted on any items and the only way you can find out a price is to put the item in your cart and take it over to the cashier and ask the price. To do that requires that you've pretty much decided you want the item almost regardless of the price. It discourages the thought process of "I'll buy that if the price is right" because it's not easy to get the info to make that decision before feeling like you had to do some work.
What I'd like to see is some sort of button or link that pops up a window (or expands a section of the page if there's a desire to avoid pop-up windows) with the current print pricing on it so you can easily and clearly see what the print prices for the different sizes are before you add something to your cart.
I've got a speed related suggestion for the browse pages:
I noticed that you seem to load all pictures/thumbnails from the popular today/all gallery using the subdomain (user.smugmug.com) of the photographer instead of directly through smugmug.com. In the worst case using all thumbs view the browser has to resolve 1000 different subdomains which seems to me like a whole lot of overhead.
Why not simply load them using smugmug.com - saves the browser a lot of time and resources looking up all the subdomains which then again all point to the same IP anyways.
If possible, please have the zoomed thumbnail retained when the 'replace photo' command is used. Or, have it automatically applied to the replacement photo when the dimensions are identical.
p.s. Some really great addtions/updates/tweaks put into place recently.
We are the music-makers; and we are the dreamers of dreams.
... come along.
If possible, please have the zoomed thumbnail retained when the 'replace photo' command is used. Or, have it automatically applied to the replacement photo when the dimensions are identical.
It's not possible, so the engineers tell me. Sorry about that!
Comment related features
I wish i could move comments from galleries to particular shots withing the gallery. Often people will comment at the gallery level on a particular shot, especially when the gallery only has one shot (but others soon to be added.)
I wish comment email would contain the text of the comment, just like dgrin reply notifications do.
It's not possible, so the engineers tell me. Sorry about that!
I'm not sure why I like to be a stickler for these details, but I think what the engineers really mean is that it wouldn't be easy (given the current design), not that it isn't possible.
That's probably because they aren't saving the crop position and size, only the cropped thumb result which gets replaced automatically when the image is replaced so it's not easy to reapply the crop to the new thumb. But, it would be possible if they so chose to change the way it works and actually save the crop instructions rather than just the result.
I wish i could move comments from galleries to particular shots withing the gallery. Often people will comment at the gallery level on a particular shot, especially when the gallery only has one shot (but others soon to be added.)
I wish comment email would contain the text of the comment, just like dgrin reply notifications do.
I've wanted this too. I'm even thinking of turning gallery comments off for this reason. Not a big problem, but it would be nice to be able to do housekeeping if it feels untidy.
add id tags to "save photo" and other sizes
People who visit my photos have a hard time finding the link to download the photos.
I want to make the "Save photo" LARGE and offset so people know how to download the photos.
I made the whole "other sizes" section larger and red but it would be nice to have just the "save photo" surrounded by a div with an unique id so I can just highlight that link.
Mac Uploader Feature Request-queuing
At present I can only place files to upload to ONE folder on my SM site
This means that if I have say 6 different shots to put in EACH of the folders on my site I have to wait by the comp while 6 upload to folder no1, then still be there to place the next 6 shots into folder no2 etc
It would be great if I could place multiple shots into multiple folders and the uploader would queue them so I didn't have to be by the comp all the time, as it is a very slow process ( from the UK) - only uploading about one pic per the amount of time it has taken me to type (and edit;-)) - this (in fact it is 10 mins now and the first pic is still uploading, whether my ISP's fault or not the slowness would be hugely mitigated by an uploader that would queue the shots, letting me walk away for a few hours while it did the uploading in sequence - it doesn't have to try to do them all in one go otherwise when some fail ( as they so often do) it would be nightmare trying to reorganise them, whereas if it's sequential then you can just see where it got up to with COMPLETE uploads and restart it from there (it's on pic no 2 now:-)
Thanks for the feature request, John, I'll be sure that our Product Manager and engineers see this.
No guarantee on if or when it will be addressed as you request - so for now, I might suggest adopting some new naming conventions, perhaps adding some info after the child's name or something like that.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Is there a way to tell how many photos I currently have on SM?
My control panel shows me how many I have uploaded but not how many are currently in the system.
"photos uploaded: 36387 | disk space used: 78.73 GB"
What I would like is an additional line summarizing everything:
"current galleries: 532 | current photos: 35238"
(those are my numbers based on the API)
As you can see I have deleted over 1000 photos but that is not refelected in the photos uploaded information.
Another question: Is the disk space used based on current or total uploaded photos?
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
(e.g. KellyC 12345365
KellyC 98765432
While not ideal one could keep up with which galleryId belonged to which sport. This is one time the sequential numbering is helpful. If you create the categories/ sub-categories at the same time for a given sport the galleryIds would start with the same number.
Just a thought,
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
Thanks for the request. You might check out the reporting features in Star Explorer, as well as Luke's Tools
Disk space is total actual usage.
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Well, first up-thanks to everyone at Smugmug for making it pretty easy for me (us...) to setup our pro-accounts
Now, a couple things came to mind tonight as I puttered (sp?) around my site here:
1. I really wish there was a faster (more efficient actually...) way to do bulk pricing across entire categories or sub-categories. Perhaps right from a master pricing page? I'd like to be able to select a subcategory say "Senior Girls LAX 2006" and set the pricing for every gallery in it. I know this has been asked by at least two other people in line before me, but I didn't see a direct answer (I may have missed it though...).
2. Please-no PLEASE! Put some type of warning box or block on the 'bulk' gallery settings (or whatever it's called) before I reset my entire site to 'smugmug default' again :cry I'm not even sure what or how I did it, but I lost every password and other critical control panel setting across my entire page
Thanks again for all you guys to to make Smugmug the best-bar none.
Yes. Along the lines of bulk settings. I would like to be able to apply a single setting.
For example, Suppose I want to make all my galleries (or a subset of galleries) public but I don't want to modify the rest of the settings. Currently there is no easy way to do this.
Personally, I can write some code and use the API (THANK YOU!) but that is not a good solution for most people.
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I use a bunch of different password protected galleries all with different passwords for different audiences.
It would help me if the password prompt page could include the gallery name. When I follow a link from a statcounter report to see which gallery is being looked at and I get a password prompt, I often have no idea which gallery it is so I have to guess.
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we don't commentn on 100% of the posts made in this thread. BUT you can be 1000% assured that all feature requests are read and digested fully!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
When I tried to create the categories 'test' and 'admin' I got the message that they were successfully created and no error. This is confusing and should be prevented. I guess the API lacks this error handling, too.
Maybe there's a possibility for the SM team to redirect these maintainance folders back to the homepage for anyone without sufficient credentials if it accidently gets hit by a visitor?!
EDIT: both categories also show up in my list of custom categories - so I could assign pictures to them!
SmugMug Support Hero
I think it would be nice to have a link on the main SM website (e.g. http://www.smugmug.com/status.mg) which gives the current (and past) problems. This would be similar to what many ISPs provide. This way people would not have to post here to know when the problems are SM's and when they might involve something on their end. It would also let us know that you are aware and are working on the problem.
In addition it might be nice to have a bug report page like many groups do with software projects. This would also speed along the debugging process.
Both of these could also be searchable.
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
A while ago people asked for an official bug report/tracking interface for users to report there problems, but apparently SM uses one internally only - can't remember the exact answear anymore.
EDIT: Here's the thread and looks like I actually brought this up.
SmugMug Support Hero
I know you've got other problems right now, but I'm annoyed once again by how my username or domain name is hidden when someone accesses one of my galleries through smugmug.com/gallery and through communities.
I want my name to show up and therefore a redirect when someone comes through smugmug.com!
A while ago I started making all the links on my site relative, so people can choose to go by my domain or my smugmug name. If for example my domain is down for whatever reasons people access it directly using my smugmug nick. Worked fine until I figured that all galleries accessed through communites don't include my nickname. That totally screwed my relative links in the navbar! I had to hardcode them and decided to use my domain name - should work for now, but that's not a solution, because it robs people of the possibility to browse my site through the alternative smugmug nickname. :bash
Today I discovered that all the relative links I put into the captions only point to the smugmug.com address if accessed from a community - nothing new I guess, but it just popped into my mind and that's why I'm currently ranting. Because this sends my visitors to a non-customized site which of course totally screws my multilingual captions! :bash
I mentioned this before, but it really annoys me that I don't have any control over this! If I would want to hide my customizations I would activate the 'hide owner' setting in the gallery settings! This is a backdoor around my stuff that I want to have closed ASAP.
Give me an additional option in my control panel to turn of the smugmug.com crap and redirect every request for *any* of my sitecontent to either my nickname or my domain!
Sorry for the rant, but I need to have this backdoor closed.
Thanks a lot,
SmugMug Support Hero
2 things. When Lightbox is activated, the browser shouldnt scroll back up to the top. It should stay at the position it was in when first activated. This also goes for all the other page styles. Its a real pain when you are in Smugmug Small Style & you just wanna click on the thumbs & not have the browser window take you back to the top of the page everytime you click on a thumb. Exactly what is the reasoning for this?? Because as it is now, its a CONSTANT scroll-fest & super annoying.
I was looking at Zenfolio and even they got that part right, even though they are like 6 months old. Come on, ya'll. You say "Viewing is our obsession", then here you go.
Right now all of my uploads are listed all at once which can take a long time. Especially with the thumbnails.
Could you have a text only option?
Also could you break it up say by date?
The first page would be a list of dates with the number uploaded on that date. Clicking on the link would bring you to a more detailed list for that date.
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
Hi all,
I am mainly a sports photographer. After much experimentation I decided to have an overall price list but have a discounted price list during "the season" to encourage people to buy now and not 3 years from now. This means that 4 times a year I go through all the current season galleries and clear out the gallery price so the portfolio prices take over.
1. When you click on custom pro pricing it takes a "long time" to get to the price change screen. This allows me to do other things like write in this forum while I'm waiting...
2. I need to do this for each gallery and I'm talking about hundreds of galleries each season.
Guys, THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY! This is torture! Please! I've seen price changes by category and sub-category suggested. I'D LOVE TO SEE THAT!
I love Smugmug but the pricing changes are so difficult.
I'll go back under my rock now.
I have set up prices in the sizes that conform to the 3:2 ratio of the dlsr. (6x4, 12x8 etc)
Would it be possible to have those on the same list, rather than on standard prints and specialty prints ?
I can see the need for seperate categories if you have all the prints prices enabled, but if you only have half a dozen then it's annoying.
Anything happening with the display of units and currency in the cart ?
One thing I find odd about buying prints at Smugmug is that you have to add something to the cart before you can see what the print prices are. I find that odd and very inconsistent with most internet shopping. It's kind of analagous to a store that has no prices posted on any items and the only way you can find out a price is to put the item in your cart and take it over to the cashier and ask the price. To do that requires that you've pretty much decided you want the item almost regardless of the price. It discourages the thought process of "I'll buy that if the price is right" because it's not easy to get the info to make that decision before feeling like you had to do some work.
What I'd like to see is some sort of button or link that pops up a window (or expands a section of the page if there's a desire to avoid pop-up windows) with the current print pricing on it so you can easily and clearly see what the print prices for the different sizes are before you add something to your cart.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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I noticed that you seem to load all pictures/thumbnails from the popular today/all gallery using the subdomain (user.smugmug.com) of the photographer instead of directly through smugmug.com. In the worst case using all thumbs view the browser has to resolve 1000 different subdomains which seems to me like a whole lot of overhead.
Why not simply load them using smugmug.com - saves the browser a lot of time and resources looking up all the subdomains which then again all point to the same IP anyways.
Am I missing something on why you're doing this?
SmugMug Support Hero
p.s. Some really great addtions/updates/tweaks put into place recently.
... come along.
It's not possible, so the engineers tell me. Sorry about that!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I wish i could move comments from galleries to particular shots withing the gallery. Often people will comment at the gallery level on a particular shot, especially when the gallery only has one shot (but others soon to be added.)
I wish comment email would contain the text of the comment, just like dgrin reply notifications do.
I'm not sure why I like to be a stickler for these details, but I think what the engineers really mean is that it wouldn't be easy (given the current design), not that it isn't possible.
That's probably because they aren't saving the crop position and size, only the cropped thumb result which gets replaced automatically when the image is replaced so it's not easy to reapply the crop to the new thumb. But, it would be possible if they so chose to change the way it works and actually save the crop instructions rather than just the result.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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I've wanted this too. I'm even thinking of turning gallery comments off for this reason. Not a big problem, but it would be nice to be able to do housekeeping if it feels untidy.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
People who visit my photos have a hard time finding the link to download the photos.
I want to make the "Save photo" LARGE and offset so people know how to download the photos.
I made the whole "other sizes" section larger and red but it would be nice to have just the "save photo" surrounded by a div with an unique id so I can just highlight that link.
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
At present I can only place files to upload to ONE folder on my SM site
This means that if I have say 6 different shots to put in EACH of the folders on my site I have to wait by the comp while 6 upload to folder no1, then still be there to place the next 6 shots into folder no2 etc
It would be great if I could place multiple shots into multiple folders and the uploader would queue them so I didn't have to be by the comp all the time, as it is a very slow process ( from the UK) - only uploading about one pic per the amount of time it has taken me to type (and edit;-)) - this (in fact it is 10 mins now and the first pic is still uploading, whether my ISP's fault or not the slowness would be hugely mitigated by an uploader that would queue the shots, letting me walk away for a few hours while it did the uploading in sequence - it doesn't have to try to do them all in one go otherwise when some fail ( as they so often do) it would be nightmare trying to reorganise them, whereas if it's sequential then you can just see where it got up to with COMPLETE uploads and restart it from there (it's on pic no 2 now:-)
Good idea?