New Computer Time: Why Not Apple?

I've finally had it with my computer's agonizingly slow processing of 5D files.
I even tried adding 1GB of memory this weekend, the whole thing crashed, the video card gave itself some weird setting, I spent hours putting things back and recalibrating, my desktop pile of magazines nosed dived to the floor, taking the lamp and breaking it.... aaaaghhh!
I yearn for a machine that's faster, reliable and just plain works.
Being the open-minded chap I am, I'm completely open to a Mac. And yet, a Mac doesn't make sense. Principally, it's because they cost twice as much, are not appreciably faster in real world terms, and become obsolete about as quickly as a PC. I thought about a 17" Macbook, running the laptop screen as my second monitor. But I really should wait until the 2nd generation comes out. And I don't want to wait. And all of my above reservations about Macs apply to the Macbook, too.
My option?
Go back to the local store that built and sold me my current machine. I can get the fastest AMD processor (currently the king of the hill, faster even than Macbook's Intel chip) with lots of memory for about $900. At that price, a two-year lifespan is affordable. Insane, but affordable.
So, that's probably what I'm going to do.
I even tried adding 1GB of memory this weekend, the whole thing crashed, the video card gave itself some weird setting, I spent hours putting things back and recalibrating, my desktop pile of magazines nosed dived to the floor, taking the lamp and breaking it.... aaaaghhh!
I yearn for a machine that's faster, reliable and just plain works.
Being the open-minded chap I am, I'm completely open to a Mac. And yet, a Mac doesn't make sense. Principally, it's because they cost twice as much, are not appreciably faster in real world terms, and become obsolete about as quickly as a PC. I thought about a 17" Macbook, running the laptop screen as my second monitor. But I really should wait until the 2nd generation comes out. And I don't want to wait. And all of my above reservations about Macs apply to the Macbook, too.
My option?
Go back to the local store that built and sold me my current machine. I can get the fastest AMD processor (currently the king of the hill, faster even than Macbook's Intel chip) with lots of memory for about $900. At that price, a two-year lifespan is affordable. Insane, but affordable.
So, that's probably what I'm going to do.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Comments 2 bob & i want it brought to the attention of the court that i didnt bag macburgers once in my reply.
Sounds like I'm on your page, mate. Can't make the math work any other way.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
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Not biting, Gus.
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
This same question has been taking up wayyy too much space in my head the last week or so....
Current machine ain't that bad (AMD 2800+ XP, 2GB PC3200 DDR, dual-channel nVidia board, two pretty fast Seagate 160GB ATA drives, yadda, yadda...).
But I've been processing several hundred RAW files from a school play, and between that and the uploading I've been getting pretty antsy
I love the specs on the MACs, but as usual cash is tight (when isn't it?), and I'm having a hard time "doing the math" to justify it. The other concern is the literally hundreds if not thousands of dollars in software that I'd lose :uhoh
With dual-core PCs available (either pre-built or parts) for around a grand and the benchmarks to compete very well with the Mac-boxes, is it really worth a platform change
Basically, with a new mother board and an AMD dual-core I'd be up and running. If I went with an Intel board, I'd have to pick up DDR2 and a processor, and I'd be up and running.
Lastly, the 20" iMac I was looking at for around $1600 did rather poorly in some CS2 benches in comparison to the dual-core G5, a Wintel 'core-duo' box, and an AMD Opteron box.
decisions, decisions.....
Apparently, I'm being shortsighted.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
When you speak about PC, do you mean a notebook (Apple portable computers no longer can be called laptops.....) or a desktop? I know you'd have to pay a bit of a premium to get a Mac, but I've not seen something comparable (desktop-desktop; notebook-notebook) that would have you pay double the price. So what are the two setups you're comparing?
I swapped for an easy life!
As you know my PC had some problems which I just couldn't get to the bottom of. I know things can go wrong with any system so for me it's how the problems are likely to be resolved that's more important.
Advent Customer services were useless, when, or if, I actually got through to them it seemed to be their policy to blame the software. After many hours on the phone without resolution I gave up & got an independant engineer to have a look but he was unable to give a definitive diagnosis either. If I had of replaced all the possiblities he gave, I would have pretty much ended up with a new machine anyway
I am sure there are PC suppliers out there that also have good customer services but the fact that with apple the hardware and os come from the same supplier ensures that there is no responsiblity dodging.
This coupled with talk of top notch customer service from apple was a powerful influence for me to make the swap.
I have had a couple of problems with the mac, first was due to my inexperience with OSX, the second was more serious. After installing the os updates the machine refused to boot. In both cases apple customer services were 1st class and sorted me out quickly and efficiently.
I find the speed, even under Rosetta to be acceptable, I had 500 5D RAW shots to process last weekend. Using this workflow which allows a lot of the work to go in the background or while I'm eating/sleeping etc...I have no complaints. I'd like more speed but it's not a big issue.
I am dissapointed adobe are taking so long to release a universal version of CS but if the speed increase of the the new noise ninja universal version is anything to go by it should be worth the wait.
I prefer using OSX to XP, but it's not a WOW and not enough of a reason to swap...
I do love how everything just works though!! No hardware wizards, no conflicts, no lock ups, no crashes (well just the 1
The screen is excellent, the design, even the box is cool. Erin doesn't mind it in the lounge
My gut feeling is that the resell value is better
I'm glad I swapped
While I can certainly appreciate that "everything just works" I can honestly say that I just have not experienced "conflicts, lockups, and crashes" to any real extent using XP!
Just doesn't happen (once I got the initial setup complete). I have four home-built XP boxes in my home right now, and apart from a hard drive failure on a secondary machine, they all just hum along 24/7 and have been soing so for over a year (one machine over THREE years!).
Consider this-
My thirteen year old daughter and my wife share a computer with the following specs:
ASUS P2B (BX baby, BX!!!
Intel PIII 733 Coppermine OVERCLOCKED to 933 (since the first week I had it).
768MB memory
GeForce 2 Pro GT graphics card
DVD player
Soundblaster Live! value soundcard
XP Home
Neither of these two know anything about PC's or PC maintenance. I can't even get them to log off the internet
So when I hear of 'issues' with Windows boxes
Bottom line is that I'm completely comfortable with a Win-tel or Win-AMD box, but if a MAC would really and truly offer me something unique then I'd go for it.
You get a 250gb 7200 rpm drive, 20" LCD, full keyboard, retain ability to run a second monitor and you can save $$ vs a Macbookpro if you don't need to take it on the road. You could take it with you in an ilugger bag.
edit: I should also add that my xp laptop is very stable.
I think the long-term costs are at least equivalent, if not lower for a Mac. You get more as far as bundled software, the time saved in not having to deal with all the malware (not that you should ignore it, but you do save time on a Mac), etc.
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I already have a Sony Vaio laptop, so the Macbook would serve as a desktop with a second monitor hooked-up.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Thanks, David.
Correct me if I'm wrong. But right now, I see the obsolescence rate of Macs and PCs as being roughly parallel. IOW, about every 2 years or so, hardware and software (cameras and PS) require an upgrade in processing speed.
That's a big sticking point for me, as I'm now on my third upgrade and see the pattern clearly. This upgrade cycle is why I see computers as disposable and why I'm loathe to spend (literally) more than twice as much on a Mac.
I have the software I currently need (minus the inevitable PS upgrade.) And I have the hardware I need (I assume I'd have to mess with my external HDs to format them for a Mac?)
And truly, I find you overstate the time needed to protect a PC from malware. As Gubbs sets his machine processing overnight/over dinner etc., so do i set mine to run debugging programs while I'm away. Pain free.
I'm not looking for a fight, David. I sincerely appreciate your feedback. It's just from where I'm sitting, looking at the need for yet another computer upgrade in 2-3 years, it's hard to justify the premium I'd have to pay for a Mac.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Thanks, I went to Apple to look it up.
Does it dual boot with XP? They didn't say. Rightly or wrongly, that's part of the appeal of the Macbook Pro.
For a 20", with 2GB memory, and fastest graphics card, and smallest hard drive (I have externals) the cost is $2,243.
As I said, that's more than twice as much as the PC from the corner store. For a machine that will likely need an upgrade in 2-3 years.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Gubbs, thanks for your thoughtful and detailed post.
Honestly, the appeal of ease-of-use and good service is strong, especially after my weekend wrestling match. I'm ready for it. But at what cost?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Don't forget to go the the NAPP discount page and it will drop the price some.
I believe it runs XP via bootcamp, just as the Macbook's do.
For starters you will now have two computers in one. You are also getting a 20" widescreen monitor, which I do not think you factored into the other computer. Then you get a much smaller computer footprint.
I don't know if I buy the need to buy a new computer every 2-3 years statement. I don't have any plans to replace my G5 and it is almost half way through your replacement cycle. My 3.5 year old laptop still works. The main reason I bought the new one was to get a smaller laptop and run XP. I am also happy to have a lot of new features, but many of them are also available on my G5. You are also not comparing Apple's to Apple's. You are trying to compare a window's tower with a Mac laptop. Not laptop to laptop. Apple will eventually release an Intel based tower and it will probably be super fast, but you will have to wait.
I'm confused. Did you start this thread just to bash Apple? You are fed up with a machine that crashes, and yet you don't see the value in paying more for something that is actually reliable and actually works. Instead you are going back to the same store that sold you your old machine.
I'm speechless.
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You have 3 computers for yourself and your wife and daughter share one....
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
Why can't he make a value judgement that differs from yours without it being "Apple-bashing"? I don't see any bashing of Apple here.
I wasn't sure how the clock speeds of apples / pc's related to speed or each other (still not actually). So rightly or wrongly tended to look at benchmarks. I found that similar speed, reputable brand pc's with a comparable screen weren't that much difference in price
I just upgraded my laptop, which was 3.5 years old. It's still going great. The biggest reason I upgraded? No USB 2.0 for my new iPod. Other than that, no complaints.
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I bought my latest macbook pro from amazon and used an elaborate matrix of money-saving ventures to shave some of the cost. Wish I had bought it from Apple, in spite of the higher cost and tax I would have paid. My logic board failed after 5 days, I took it to the Apple store near me. They would have replaced it with a new one right then and there. Now that's service. Instead, I had to send it in for repair...
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