Jenn, I totally agree with Sherry! I didn't make the cut, either, but when I look at all the entries, I can see that mine didn't have that "wow" factor. When you look at the photos that were selected, you will see that they all have something special going for them: they were taken from an unusual angle or maybe extremely close-up, various elements were put together in a creative way, the light was incredible, the idea was shocking, the story was amusing--there's always something that makes you look at the photo and think "WOW", and makes you want to linger on that photo. Mine didn't have it. Jenn, yours didn't have it. We need to read the comments, take the feedback for what its worth, and KEEP ON TRYING. Go have fun with your camera, and try to find something that will set your next photo apart in its uniqueness.
Well.. I thought some of the images that made it weren't any better than mine .. and some that made it ... I still haven't figured out what the Cliche was... I thought the cliche was supposed to be obvious and we were supposed to just take a picture and do general editing to it.. not combine layered images to create something that wasn't actually photographed. Anyone can do that and come up with an amazing image. How's that good photography? The rules are somewhat confusing.
Jenn, I totally agree with Sherry! I didn't make the cut, either, but when I look at all the entries, I can see that mine didn't have that "wow" factor. When you look at the photos that were selected, you will see that they all have something special going for them: they were taken from an unusual angle or maybe extremely close-up, various elements were put together in a creative way, the light was incredible, the idea was shocking, the story was amusing--there's always something that makes you look at the photo and think "WOW", and makes you want to linger on that photo. Mine didn't have it. Jenn, yours didn't have it. We need to read the comments, take the feedback for what its worth, and KEEP ON TRYING. Go have fun with your camera, and try to find something that will set your next photo apart in its uniqueness.
Some of the pictures have a wow factor.. but others don't, imo. They were ordinary and the cliches weren't obvious... some were layered images of multiple photos, too... that isn't a great image created by taking a picture with a camera utilizing any specific camera skill ... layered photos are totally manipulated to look like whatever the person wants. I can do that in my sleep. How's that good photography? I just took a picture and edited for the light and cropped it. I didn't add other pictures to it... it was the photo I took. It's frustrating to try to take a photo and get it right and then find out it wasn't really about taking the photo as much as it was about how you can manipulate it.
Jenn, you have had many nice people counsel with you....
Please let me add to the mix and ask you a few things?
Do you know your insulting every hard working person here? They put forth great effort to enjoy their past time in competing here in DSS and you're just flinging around a ignorant opinion discounting what they accomplish....
Once again.. I'm just not good at this not measuring up stuff. Didn't make the cut.. not even a favorite of anyone.. and at this rate I probably never will be .. I'm totally outclassed by professionals who have better equipment, studios, and even people to model for them.. (NO FAIR, I say!) What about us regular people who just have a digital camera with a few minor bells and whistles..? HUH HUH? :patch We don't stand a chance next to all of these photogs who have the big advantage over us little people in the photography world. {{mumbles}} It's so frustrating to try and re-try and edit (and injure onesself trying to get that perfect angle).. and get a 'you've improved' and a "good job!" AND STILL NOT make the cut.... {{mumbles some more :patch}}
Ok .. whens the next challenge? (Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment!! :crazy)
hey.. that's still more equipment than I can come up with even tho my husband is a huge pack rat. One would think I'd find something I could use in all of his collection of junk.. but no satisfaction there. All I had was a black robe, a round jar, and some swiped pennies off my sons bedside table.
I'll have to go look ... my problem is that everyone says something different about what makes a good photo, so I think I'm doing it right according to the feedback ... but it still doesn't measure up. One person didn't like one image cuz it was a bit grainy, and another fellow liked it despite it being a bit grainy. I have to admit each time I do this and don't get past "go" I get very disappointed and want to quit trying.
the next challenge should be "disappointment" ... I'm getting good at that topic. I'm really not good with watching everyone else succeed while I fail.
Well.. I thought some of the images that made it weren't any better than mine .. and some that made it ... I still haven't figured out what the Cliche was... I thought the cliche was supposed to be obvious and we were supposed to just take a picture and do general editing to it.. not combine layered images to create something that wasn't actually photographed. Anyone can do that and come up with an amazing image. How's that good photography? The rules are somewhat confusing.
Some of the pictures have a wow factor.. but others don't, imo. They were ordinary and the cliches weren't obvious... some were layered images of multiple photos, too... that isn't a great image created by taking a picture with a camera utilizing any specific camera skill ... layered photos are totally manipulated to look like whatever the person wants. I can do that in my sleep. How's that good photography? I just took a picture and edited for the light and cropped it. I didn't add other pictures to it... it was the photo I took. It's frustrating to try to take a photo and get it right and then find out it wasn't really about taking the photo as much as it was about how you can manipulate it.
Tomorrow I will try to touch base on many of your statments and see if I can lend any helpful counsel
Jenn, you have had many nice people counsel with you....
Please let me add to the mix and ask you a few things?
Do you know your insulting every hard working person here? They put forth great effort to enjoy their past time in competing here in DSS and you're just flinging around a ignorant opinion discounting what they accomplish....
I've been told that I'm supposed to give my critique. I said what I thought.
Tomorrow I will try to touch base on many of your statments and see if I can lend any helpful counsel
Well... I have a camera, but I'm not a professional. Everyone has different advice to give as to what is good or great and it's never the same thing twice. Photos that look ordinary to me, other people say they are wonderful.. photos that look great to me other people think they aren't good enough.
Jenn - ha - sometimes injury or risk of goes along with it. I've had some seniors want their pictures taken on top of a very high pile of rocks or down a cascading stream of rocks. They wanted and were willing to do it, so I climbed right up or down the slippery slopes with them. If you want the shot, you do what it takes to get it.
Last winter, I was trying to get a shot of steam coming from an exhaust. Why? I don't know, the mood possessed me. To get it, I had to walk down a very icy alley. I slipped and fell flat on my back. Also cracked my camera on the ground. I sat up and noticed I was right next to the steam, so I sat there and got the picture. My friend thought I was hurt and couldn't get up because I just sat there, but no, while I was near it, I took advantage of the moment. Was it worth it? Heck no, it wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. I did get a shot of the outline of my body on the ice after I got back up the hill. That was much more exciting.
The cut on my leg that I got 3 weeks ago trying to take a photo is now just healed up and it's going to scar. <sigh> All I have is my camera and nothing else. No props .. no special lights .. just lamps or ceiling lights.. and natural light it's never the right angle and way to hot to try it outside. I'd get heat stroke at the rate I'm going. <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
Hey Jenn,
Please stick with it!
What got you interested in photography? If you're like me, its the inspirational work of other photographers that I saw. To this day, I still aspire to make photographs as incredible as the work of so many others that I admire.
When I'm feeling like a not-so-great photographer, I like to look at others' work to remind me of what I might be able to achieve some day, and that totally inspires me to keep going.
I think its like playing a musical instrument. I'm such a frustrated musician. Can't seem to play any instrument. But I shouldn't expect to be able to play because I don't practice regularly. You gotta practice regularly to be good at any instrument, right? The camera is no different. Keep practicing!
Sorry.. I meant to respond to this earlier today but forgot. By trade I'm a graphic artist. People just tell me what they want and I give it to them. When I play with imgs I do it to please myself.. like my avatar thingy under my name. When I have many people telling me whats good or bad and none of them agree it is just confusing to me. It's like putting a goal in front of me on wheels and it's always going to be out of reach. Make sense?
Not trying to single anyone out but the two most recent posts are exactly what I was referring to. They are off topic for this thread and so I have moved them to general discussion starting on page 74 where you are very welcome to continue the conversation.
Any further posts that do not give specific feedback for the current challenge will likely be moved there as well.
EDIT: Any replies to posts in this thread can still be referenced in the general discussion thread there is a link in each reply that links it back to the original post.
lol ok but I don't know how to respond to something said here and make it show up there..
lol ok but I don't know how to respond to something said here and make it show up there..
That is easy
click reply here but do not actually "Post it", then copy the block of text that gets generated. Specifically everything between the two QUOTE tags.
Once you have copied you can then do a standard reply in the general discussion thread and paste your Quote in your post.
That is easy
click reply here but do not actually "Post it", then copy the block of text that gets generated. Specifically everything between the two QUOTE tags.
Once you have copied you can then do a standard reply in the general discussion thread and paste your Quote in your post.
nice ears you have there I'll give it a try thanks
Well... I have a camera, but I'm not a professional. Everyone has different advice to give as to what is good or great and it's never the same thing twice. Photos that look ordinary to me, other people say they are wonderful.. photos that look great to me other people think they aren't good enough.
Photography is art, therefore very subjective, so opinions and advice/critique/etc., will not be the same from everyone. If you are relying on everyone's input solely, to make it "right" and not "wrong", than you're not really creating your own vision (IMO). The rules for the challenges are there for a reason, but how you interpret the theme is up to you, there is no right or wrong, and I guarantee that not everyone will like it, what matters is what you think of it. Dissapointment comes with the territory here (not speaking for everyone else), but in the two years I've been participating in these challenges, without a doubt have felt defeated. But when I look back through my gallery with all my past entries, I can smile, because I see growth. I think if you can accept the idea that everyone sees things different, and has a different view of what is good or not so good, instead of trying to get it "right" and not "wrong", you may be able to work through your dissapointment easier. Just my thoughts FWIW.
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I wonder if I'm subscribed to this thread ... now .. automatically?
Since your now subscribed, and I mentioned that I would repond to your complaining in the other feedback thread so "here I am".... but heck I just spent the last hour reading all your comments and member responses just in this thread alone and I dont want to even try....
I gotta tell you! I can't add anything helpful in a nice way to what has already been said!
So I guess if you stop attacking everyone's efforts like in the other thread all will just fizzle away...
So good luck...
(I can't believe I almost spent time to explain what 10 others already have... something is fishy if you ask me... Manbou is that you?)
Jenn, you're just going to continue to beat yourself up over your results until you accept your own current level of photography skill and decide what you want to get out of this forum, why you even come in here. No matter the level, from beginner to seasoned pro, participation in here should not present such a hardship as you seem to be making out of it. I imagine that for each and every one of us there has been a level of doubt at some point as to how we each answer that question for ourselves. I assume from the start that we all want to take pictures and want to get better at it.
Even I have had to come to grips with the subjectivity of these challenges, having had my hopes dashed time and time again both when what I thought was a competitive image didn't get selected for the vote, and then even when an image of mine got selected when I thought others were really much much better.. If I weren't getting anything out of it, I wouldn't keep coming back.
Now I might encourage you to kind of decide what things you like to photograph, use the available light that you have said is all you have, and just enjoy coming up with something to enter. Why don't you make it a simple goal to just enter 10 of these in a row, and then take a look at how your style and skills grow over that 20 week period. Get advice on the open threads and run with it.
And above all, stop beating yourself up so much over all of this. It just ain't that important!
In addition to what has been said, I'd like to mention that there are places on Dgrin
(, where you can learn a lot of things,
post specific questions and get specific answers, like:
* When I was in the very beginning, I was advised to go to the school.
I went, and I can say I benefited a lot from it.
At this point in time, I feel like I want to go a step further into my photography learning
and I'll seriously go back to school again - maybe I'll meet you there, Jenn…
Since your now subscribed, and I mentioned that I would repond to your complaining in the other feedback thread so "here I am".... but heck I just spent the last hour reading all your comments and member responses just in this thread alone and I dont want to even try....
I gotta tell you! I can't add anything helpful in a nice way to what has already been said!
So I guess if you stop attacking everyone's efforts like in the other thread all will just fizzle away...
So good luck...
(I can't believe I almost spent time to explain what 10 others already have... something is fishy if you ask me... Manbou is that you?)
i highly recommend commenting as an exercise. It has really helped me to improve my own work and develop an eye for the nits that prevent a good photo from being a great one.
I may sometimes be off the mark or be able to say only that something is off. Making the attempt to articulate it will result in improvement in the ability to do so.
Photography is art, therefore very subjective, so opinions and advice/critique/etc., will not be the same from everyone. If you are relying on everyone's input solely, to make it "right" and not "wrong", than you're not really creating your own vision (IMO). The rules for the challenges are there for a reason, but how you interpret the theme is up to you, there is no right or wrong, and I guarantee that not everyone will like it, what matters is what you think of it. Dissapointment comes with the territory here (not speaking for everyone else), but in the two years I've been participating in these challenges, without a doubt have felt defeated. But when I look back through my gallery with all my past entries, I can smile, because I see growth. I think if you can accept the idea that everyone sees things different, and has a different view of what is good or not so good, instead of trying to get it "right" and not "wrong", you may be able to work through your dissapointment easier. Just my thoughts FWIW.
If you have felt defeated then you should understand how I feel. I'm not really the sort of person who can fake being happy when I'm disappointed. Yeah, it may come across as not being what some people want to hear, but at least everyone knows where I'm at and when I'm really happy or really sad... I don't know how else to be.
Since your now subscribed, and I mentioned that I would repond to your complaining in the other feedback thread so "here I am".... but heck I just spent the last hour reading all your comments and member responses just in this thread alone and I dont want to even try....
I gotta tell you! I can't add anything helpful in a nice way to what has already been said!
Is there some rule here that says all the comments have to be sweet and nice even when you are feeling disappointed and frustrated? I read all the comments and think about them. Yes, I get disappointed and I show it by my comments. I also ask questions and have gotten some good information along the way. I haven't quit yet, and I think for me anyway, expressing how I feel is part of the process. All this is new to me, whereas, many of you all have been here a long time and you know each other. I'm still an outsider looking in trying to figure out who everyone is, why they say the things they do, read between the lines, and learn something all at the same time. To you a critique may always be a welcome thing because you're used to it and expect it .. but to me a critique can sound like gibberish and make me feel like I'm trying to understand Russian, a language I don't speak. Try getting from point A to point B when all the signs are in Russian and I'll show you what real frustration is all about. I'm trying to learn your language and ways and somehow get good at it with the occasional tip here or there.
So I guess if you stop attacking everyone's efforts like in the other thread all will just fizzle away...
I will disagree with you here ... because I haven't attacked anyones efforts. I have expressed my own disappointment and frustration, and I have given my own critique regarding pictures chosen. Is my critique not valid?
* When I was in the very beginning, I was advised to go to the school.
I went, and I can say I benefited a lot from it.
At this point in time, I feel like I want to go a step further into my photography learning
and I'll seriously go back to school again - maybe I'll meet you there, Jenn…
My husband went to school for a bit to learn photography, but he set it aside to work other jobs because photography couldn't pay the bills. Then I got a digital camera and started taking my own photos. Some turn out very good, but randomly, so it's frustrating to have gotten some really good photos totally by accident and not be able to do the same thing for these challenges. Alas ... working full-time leaves no time to go back to school for photography for a while anyway.
Even I have had to come to grips with the subjectivity of these challenges, having had my hopes dashed time and time again both when what I thought was a competitive image didn't get selected for the vote, and then even when an image of mine got selected when I thought others were really much much better.. If I weren't getting anything out of it, I wouldn't keep coming back.
Everyone should be picked and win at some point if not just to encourage a person to keep working at it. Heck.. I'd vote for people just so they COULD win for that very reason because I know how bad it feels to think you'll not every acheive it. That might sound silly to everyone else, but when I, the amateur, tries to compete amongst pro's any glimmer of hope gives me some semblence of encouragement, if that makes sense?
Now I might encourage you to kind of decide what things you like to photograph, use the available light that you have said is all you have, and just enjoy coming up with something to enter. Why don't you make it a simple goal to just enter 10 of these in a row, and then take a look at how your style and skills grow over that 20 week period. Get advice on the open threads and run with it.
Available light I can do, and I can keep trying, but I can't guarantee I won't be disappointed again and say so.
Everyone should be picked and win at some point if not just to encourage a person to keep working at it. Heck.. I'd vote for people just so they COULD win for that very reason because I know how bad it feels to think you'll not every acheive it. That might sound silly to everyone else, but when I, the amateur, tries to compete amongst pro's any glimmer of hope gives me some semblence of encouragement, if that makes sense?
FYI I have been with dgrin for a little over a year, got my first and only entry level dslr around the same time. I've been competing in the challenges consistently since then only missing maybe 3 and I just won my first one on the last go round. I was beside myself with excitement and I know I still have a ways to go though. Dgrin has been my photography school--I also work full time and have two small kids at home. I've been editing my photos on picnik, a free website for editing offered through smugmug. I'm telling you this so you don't think everyone here is a pro or went to photography school etc. or don't have day jobs.
We have every level of photography here on dgrin. You can learn something from all of them if you so choose. From what I can see you've been getting some awesome helpful tips.
You've only been competing a short while--waaaaaay too early to get discouraged. You are going to have to grow some thick skin if you plan on hanging around for a while.
FYI I have been with dgrin for a little over a year, got my first and only entry level dslr around the same time. I've been competing in the challenges consistently since then only missing maybe 3 and I just won my first one on the last go round. I was beside myself with excitement and I know I still have a ways to go though. Dgrin has been my photography school--I also work full time and have two small kids at home. I've been editing my photos on picnik, a free website for editing offered through smugmug. I'm telling you this so you don't think everyone here is a pro or went to photography school etc. or don't have day jobs.
We have every level of photography here on dgrin. You can learn something from all of them if you so choose. From what I can see you've been getting some awesome helpful tips.
You've only been competing a short while--waaaaaay too early to get discouraged. You are going to have to grow some thick skin if you plan on hanging around for a while.
Well said, Liz. I, too, have just started in photography, have no other equipment other than my camera, work full time, have three kids and other committments....I, for one, would not want anyone's pity vote! I want to be excited when I win on the merits of my photo.
Kate "You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Well.. I thought some of the images that made it weren't any better than mine .. and some that made it ... I still haven't figured out what the Cliche was... I thought the cliche was supposed to be obvious and we were supposed to just take a picture and do general editing to it.. not combine layered images to create something that wasn't actually photographed. Anyone can do that and come up with an amazing image. How's that good photography? The rules are somewhat confusing.
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Jenn, you have had many nice people counsel with you....
Please let me add to the mix and ask you a few things?
Do you know your insulting every hard working person here? They put forth great effort to enjoy their past time in competing here in DSS and you're just flinging around a ignorant opinion discounting what they accomplish....
Tomorrow I will try to touch base on many of your statments and see if I can lend any helpful counsel
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
That is easy
click reply here but do not actually "Post it", then copy the block of text that gets generated. Specifically everything between the two QUOTE tags.
Once you have copied you can then do a standard reply in the general discussion thread and paste your Quote in your post.
Like this as an example.
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
you were already from previous posts
Photography is art, therefore very subjective, so opinions and advice/critique/etc., will not be the same from everyone. If you are relying on everyone's input solely, to make it "right" and not "wrong", than you're not really creating your own vision (IMO). The rules for the challenges are there for a reason, but how you interpret the theme is up to you, there is no right or wrong, and I guarantee that not everyone will like it, what matters is what you think of it. Dissapointment comes with the territory here (not speaking for everyone else), but in the two years I've been participating in these challenges, without a doubt have felt defeated. But when I look back through my gallery with all my past entries, I can smile, because I see growth. I think if you can accept the idea that everyone sees things different, and has a different view of what is good or not so good, instead of trying to get it "right" and not "wrong", you may be able to work through your dissapointment easier. Just my thoughts FWIW.
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Since your now subscribed, and I mentioned that I would repond to your complaining in the other feedback thread so "here I am"....
I gotta tell you! I can't add anything helpful in a nice way to what has already been said!
So I guess if you stop attacking everyone's efforts like in the other thread all will just fizzle away...
So good luck...
(I can't believe I almost spent time to explain what 10 others already have...
Even I have had to come to grips with the subjectivity of these challenges, having had my hopes dashed time and time again both when what I thought was a competitive image didn't get selected for the vote, and then even when an image of mine got selected when I thought others were really much much better.. If I weren't getting anything out of it, I wouldn't keep coming back.
Now I might encourage you to kind of decide what things you like to photograph, use the available light that you have said is all you have, and just enjoy coming up with something to enter. Why don't you make it a simple goal to just enter 10 of these in a row, and then take a look at how your style and skills grow over that 20 week period. Get advice on the open threads and run with it.
And above all, stop beating yourself up so much over all of this. It just ain't that important! / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
(, where you can learn a lot of things,
post specific questions and get specific answers, like:
1. For cameras and all kind of equipment, here:
and here:
2. For computer related questions, here:
3. For support regarding how to use the forums, here:
4. Last but no least the photography school here:
* When I was in the very beginning, I was advised to go to the school.
I went, and I can say I benefited a lot from it.
At this point in time, I feel like I want to go a step further into my photography learning
and I'll seriously go back to school again - maybe I'll meet you there, Jenn… ...... Facebook
Facebook Fan Page
Well said
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
I will disagree with you here ... because I haven't attacked anyones efforts. I have expressed my own disappointment and frustration, and I have given my own critique regarding pictures chosen. Is my critique not valid?
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Available light I can do, and I can keep trying, but I can't guarantee I won't be disappointed again and say so.
I'll try ..
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Photobug is referring to the part of the forum called Finishing School.
I have neither time nor money to go to a real-world, physical photography school. Dgrin is my photography school.
I would recommend taking a look around at all of the other forums.
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
FYI I have been with dgrin for a little over a year, got my first and only entry level dslr around the same time. I've been competing in the challenges consistently since then only missing maybe 3 and I just won my first one on the last go round. I was beside myself with excitement and I know I still have a ways to go though. Dgrin has been my photography school--I also work full time and have two small kids at home. I've been editing my photos on picnik, a free website for editing offered through smugmug. I'm telling you this so you don't think everyone here is a pro or went to photography school etc. or don't have day jobs.
We have every level of photography here on dgrin. You can learn something from all of them if you so choose. From what I can see you've been getting some awesome helpful tips.
You've only been competing a short while--waaaaaay too early to get discouraged. You are going to have to grow some thick skin if you plan on hanging around for a while.
Well said, Liz. I, too, have just started in photography, have no other equipment other than my camera, work full time, have three kids and other committments....I, for one, would not want anyone's pity vote! I want to be excited when I win on the merits of my photo.
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
I 2nd that!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
My SmugMug