Ha, but I made the darn thing work. For how long, I don't know. Funny what you can accomplish when you lose a connection.
Yep, Donna.. when one is under fire, and their addiction is on the line, well it is amazing what you will come up with.. so how is the duck tape holding out?
Yep, Donna.. when one is under fire, and their addiction is on the line, well it is amazing what you will come up with.. so how is the duck tape holding out?
well, it took a can of air to blow all the moisture out of the box. I had been trying that all day, but I guess I hit it just right this time.
Duck tape is a good idea for the NEW box the phone guy WILL be putting up. No rain will get in there if I Duck it!
Ohhh. This is tricky. Do you take a picture first, and then find a song title to fit it. Or do you think of a song title, and then compose a shot? If you go with the latter, purer, approach, you'll really have to be careful on the song title. If you choose Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World," how do you do this justice with a single picture. So you'll have to choose something more obscure. There are some classic, silly country song titles (e.g., "Your Wife is Cheatin' on Us Again," and "It's Hard to Kiss the Lips at Night that Chew Your Ass Out All Day Long"), but I think the punk band The Cramps might have some songs well-suited to literal, photographic interpretation:
"Eyeball in My Martini," "Naked Girl Falling Down the Stairs," "Don't Eat Stuff off the Sidewalk," "Bikini Girls With Machine Guns."
shoot with your vision in mind...if it does not turn out change your vision to what the camera gave you...:D thats what i do.
first posted in the gallery gets first dibs.... a Toto tune comes to my mind....[now heading for the camera]heheheheheheeeeee, whaaaaahahahahaaaaaaha.
j/k....I think i have my idea, i just need to see if it turns out....
ohhhhhh, no ya don't.. Toto is grandfathered in Aaron..
I wish.. ........where on earth would I get the elephants and giraffes to pull that off? Then there is the issue of Aborigines.. haha.. you pull that one off and I will eat my camera lens.. winkwinkseamus
well, it took a can of air to blow all the moisture out of the box. I had been trying that all day, but I guess I hit it just right this time.
Duck tape is a good idea for the NEW box the phone guy WILL be putting up. No rain will get in there if I Duck it!
Well being American, I am sure you have some sitting right there in the old junk drawer ready to go..... Good Luck with it............
ohhhhhh, no ya don't.. Toto is grandfathered in Aaron..
I wish.. ........where on earth would I get the elephants and giraffes to pull that off? Then there is the issue of Aborigines.. haha.. you pull that one off and I will eat my camera lens.. winkwinkseamus
ooooo Kat, be careful there. That glass could hurt going down.
I listen to alot of more "indie" music which have alot of really crazy song titles/lyrics they are mostly NYC and Boston bands, as well as a few from random countries around the world that could be added to my song/photo idea list. (some titles might need translation)
I already started to make calls to set some of these up, this is going to be a great month!!
On a related note, I'll be around intermittently during July (leaving on a jet plane), so the fabulous Greensquared has agreed to help answer any questions you may have during my absence. Of course, supermod Erik will be lurking in the shadows.
So continue on as you were! Emily's words are better than mine anyway.
many many of my DSS shots are with a P&S... you cant tell me you left without one of those did you?
Actually I didn't bring a camera of any kind, I do have a camera on my iPhone, but its not the same lol. Where I am at your not allowed to have them. Sucks!!!!
Being half-way around the world is a good thing. Being there without a camera is BAD! Where's half-way for you?
Half-way is Afghanistan!! Gonna be here till August... So yeah I basically just get top watch all the wonderfull stuff you all come up with!!! But I'll be in on the next one!!
UGH!!!!!! I wanna play in this one sooooooo bad!!!!! Darn, why do I got to be on the other side of the world with no camera... :cry This should be a good one! My two favorite things music and photography!! Somebody take a shot for me!!!
You have a month to borrow a camera....even point and shoots are great especially if you have PS. lol
Would that be a Shot of the man Jose Cuervo, No Training Wheels??
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
Can't wait to see what everyone does with this one! I'm always stunned by the creative variations on the theme people put together for these challenges. For this challenge theme the possibilities are endless.
This is going to be a tough one. I've been thinking how can i do this? and what song?
how in the world does someone present a photo that somebody can derive a song from it?
its like...ok, get an America Flag for the back ground, then a farmer with a John Deer hat held to his chest covering his heart and i have the "Star Spangled Banner".
ok, thats a easy one.... but now how would i do a Metallica song?
seriously i wonder how important it will be in the voting, that the voter knows the actual song we are trying to present...
so maybe i better stick with notorious songs OLD MCDONALD HAD A FARM...E I e i o
This is going to be a tough one. I've been thinking how can i do this? and what song?
how in the world does someone present a photo that somebody can derive a song from it?
its like...ok, get an America Flag for the back ground, then a farmer with a John Deer hat held to his chest covering his heart and i have the "Star Spangled Banner".
ok, thats a easy one.... but now how would i do a Metallica song?
seriously i wonder how important it will be in the voting, that the voter knows the acually song we are trying to present...
so maybe i better stick with notorious songs
You realize we probably did this to ourselves... posting all those links to songs. We gave her the ammo and she used it!
This is going to be a tough one. I've been thinking how can i do this? and what song?
how in the world does someone present a photo that somebody can derive a song from it?
I know, I was thinking the same, and cannot stop laughing about ghinson's post:
Ohhh. This is tricky. Do you take a picture first, and then find a song title to fit it. Or do you think of a song title, and then compose a shot? If you go with the latter, purer, approach, you'll really have to be careful on the song title. If you choose Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World," how do you do this justice with a single picture. So you'll have to choose something more obscure. There are some classic, silly country song titles (e.g., "Your Wife is Cheatin' on Us Again," and "It's Hard to Kiss the Lips at Night that Chew Your Ass Out All Day Long"), but I think the punk band The Cramps might have some songs well-suited to literal, photographic interpretation:
"Eyeball in My Martini," "Naked Girl Falling Down the Stairs," "Don't Eat Stuff off the Sidewalk," "Bikini Girls With Machine Guns."
.... and it will be very fun to watch all the entries too... :lol4 :lol :lol4 :lol
seriously i wonder how important it will be in the voting, that the voter knows the actual song we are trying to present...
On a serious note, I think this is likely to happen on the same level as the Emulation Challenge. There's an aspect of trust. I've been thinking about what musical artist would inspire an image and wondered whether anyone would even know the artist.
I've also wondered about the need for this to be a month challenge. Longer challenges seems to bring out more PS work than photography. No problem with that, but it's not my forte. I think my solution is going to be select an album and take a thematically consistent series of shots for each track. Maybe one will be good enough to submit.
... I think my solution is going to be select an album and take a thematically consistent series of shots for each track. Maybe one will be good enough to submit.
Wow... this requires some serious knowledge of music...
so maybe i better stick with notorious songs OLD MCDONALD HAD A FARM...E I e i o
Awww, that's so cute Aaron..
wait, wait.. I got one for ya...She'll be coming around the mountain...
Metallica huh? hmmmmmmm... seeing you pull that off will be interesting indeed,,, so if ya decide to go with that one >> I get front row seats
I wanna watch.. ha ha ha..
I listen to alot of more "indie" music which have alot of really crazy song titles/lyrics they are mostly NYC and Boston bands, as well as a few from random countries around the world that could be added to my song/photo idea list. (some titles might need translation)
I already started to make calls to set some of these up, this is going to be a great month!!
Aaron you just have to plaster someone with sand and have them walk through the a door or entrance. Enter Sandman.
Just have to talk someone into the karo syrup and sand spraysuper
There's an aspect of trust. I've been thinking about what musical artist would inspire an image and wondered whether anyone would even know the artist.
Well, since the title has to be the song, it's easy enough to google it....
I dunno - I keep trying to figure out how I can do "Che gelida manina" or "Winterstuerme" or something. Unfortunately, it seems that opera really digs winter instead of summer.... (And would the artist be the composer or the singer.... hmmm..... ):lol4
Yep, Donna.. when one is under fire, and their addiction is on the line, well it is amazing what you will come up with.. so how is the duck tape holding out?
What era are you digging from? lol
well, it took a can of air to blow all the moisture out of the box. I had been trying that all day, but I guess I hit it just right this time.
Duck tape is a good idea for the NEW box the phone guy WILL be putting up. No rain will get in there if I Duck it!
My SmugMug
first posted in the gallery gets first dibs.... a Toto tune comes to my mind....[now heading for the camera]heheheheheheeeeee, whaaaaahahahahaaaaaaha.
j/k....I think i have my idea, i just need to see if it turns out....
shoot with your vision in mind...if it does not turn out change your vision to what the camera gave you...:D thats what i do.
ohhhhhh, no ya don't.. Toto is grandfathered in Aaron..
I wish.. ........where on earth would I get the elephants and giraffes to pull that off? Then there is the issue of Aborigines.. haha.. you pull that one off and I will eat my camera lens..
Well being American, I am sure you have some sitting right there in the old junk drawer ready to go..... Good Luck with it............
My SmugMug
My SmugMug
That figures.. HA HA
Glass? Naw... I don't think I have anything to worry about.. There is no way Aaron could pull off the Aborigines.. lol
My SmugMug
I listen to alot of more "indie" music which have alot of really crazy song titles/lyrics they are mostly NYC and Boston bands, as well as a few from random countries around the world that could be added to my song/photo idea list. (some titles might need translation)
I already started to make calls to set some of these up, this is going to be a great month!!
Have a great vacation Kerry - well deserved!!!
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
Actually I didn't bring a camera of any kind, I do have a camera on my iPhone, but its not the same lol. Where I am at your not allowed to have them. Sucks!!!!
Half-way is Afghanistan!! Gonna be here till August... So yeah I basically just get top watch all the wonderfull stuff you all come up with!!! But I'll be in on the next one!!
You have a month to borrow a camera....even point and shoots are great especially if you have PS. lol
Would that be a Shot of the man Jose Cuervo, No Training Wheels??
how in the world does someone present a photo that somebody can derive a song from it?
its like...ok, get an America Flag for the back ground, then a farmer with a John Deer hat held to his chest covering his heart and i have the "Star Spangled Banner".
ok, thats a easy one.... but now how would i do a Metallica song?
seriously i wonder how important it will be in the voting, that the voter knows the actual song we are trying to present...
so maybe i better stick with notorious songs
My SmugMug
I know, I was thinking the same, and cannot stop laughing about ghinson's post:
.... and it will be very fun to watch all the entries too... :lol4 :lol :lol4 :lol
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
On a serious note, I think this is likely to happen on the same level as the Emulation Challenge. There's an aspect of trust. I've been thinking about what musical artist would inspire an image and wondered whether anyone would even know the artist.
I've also wondered about the need for this to be a month challenge. Longer challenges seems to bring out more PS work than photography. No problem with that, but it's not my forte. I think my solution is going to be select an album and take a thematically consistent series of shots for each track. Maybe one will be good enough to submit.
Wow... this requires some serious knowledge of music...
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
ohhhhhhhhh... confirmed... See, she is listening...
Yep,,, we stepped in it for sure this time Donna...:D
Awww, that's so cute Aaron..
wait, wait.. I got one for ya...She'll be coming around the mountain...
Metallica huh? hmmmmmmm... seeing you pull that off will be interesting indeed,,, so if ya decide to go with that one >> I get front row seats
I wanna watch.. ha ha ha..
....a cuckoo here and a cuckoo there...?
My SmugMug
Your right Donna.. much more fitting...
Looks like your hot on it... Good Luck.!!
Just have to talk someone into the karo syrup and sand spray
Well, since the title has to be the song, it's easy enough to google it....
I dunno - I keep trying to figure out how I can do "Che gelida manina" or "Winterstuerme" or something. Unfortunately, it seems that opera really digs winter instead of summer....