We'll be standardizing fonts, font size and color keeping them the same as the forum default. Going forward, FONT, SIZE and COLOR tags in signatures will be ignored.
Please, no smilies.
Do refrain from 'advertising' in your signature. It's OK to point to your photo site, Facebook or Twitter account but endorsing products or vendors is prohibited.
We suggest adding your gear list in the 'Equipment' field in your profile rather than in your signature.
Why don't you put the first five siggy lines on one line? Sure would decrease
the vertical space which is very annoying especially when scrolling thru posts.
Do not take this the wrong way Allen but memory on this forum is short...for most, not including you at all......I had all my links on 1 line and it was jumbled cramped and overlapping......so I did breaks and spaces and that did not work.....so hence the dropping to each on its own line.........Actually my current signatures are less than a year old...possibly less than 6 months....however when you make a change it changes all the way back to YOUR very 1st post...........
Thanks for that, David. It's a wonderfully graphic way of conveying one of the problems we wanted to address. I think we've all seen statistics about how many days we waste every year stuck in traffic. Somebody clever needs to start tracking how much time we waste scrolling.
On a serious note, if there are members that haven't been along for the fun ride through this thread, and say those members
have more than five lines in their sig, how will their sig be displayed?
Will there be lines removed, or will info be automatically rearranged so that they retain all of the info?
Are you ready for a massive influx of questions asking about why their sigs have changed?
Almost 56,000 members signed up for dgrin, and maybe 30 talking about it in this thread.
Think about it.
Signatures that exceed the limit will receive a popup warning. Tags will be ignored.
If you look at at the top of any forum, you'll see an announcement that's the same as the first post in this thread. These two posts refer end users to the support forum for assistance.
The good news is the vast majority of users do not use signatures
On a serious note, if there are members that haven't been along for the fun ride through this thread, and say those members
have more than five lines in their sig, how will their sig be displayed?
Will there be lines removed, or will info be automatically rearranged so that they retain all of the info?
Are you ready for a massive influx of questions asking about why their sigs have changed?
Almost 56,000 members signed up for dgrin, and maybe 30 talking about it in this thread.
Think about it.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
This is my Sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My Sig is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My Sig, without me, is useless. Without my Sig, I am useless. I must fire my Sig true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will...
Maybe I should get myself a Sig.... The mods are still allowing them, they are only asking to make it appear professional... seem reasonable to me....
Now, I just need some good photography to link my sig too..... oh...I know! the Dgrin Landscape forum...haha (Am I off topic? oh, sorry, thought we were here for photography....)
Food for thought everyone... And I know this comes up quite a bit here in Dgrin... but. Here is one issue with signatures, and posting web addresses, etc in your forum threads. It is simple. GOOGLE YOUR WEB ADDRESS THAT YOU ARE POSTING!!!
Now I assume most ppl who have a dedicated photography website, also have a business attached to that site. That being said. Pretend you are a client, you hear about this cool photog, get his/her site. First thing I am going to do is google him/her... Now what comes up? EVERTHING you have ever posted in forums here, and elsewhere. How much of that pertains to you getting clients or promoting yourself? My guess is not much. Maybe you post a lot of technical questions, or questions about shooting style, maybe you say something off color in your posts. Maybe you post something that says "I really need help with wedding photography..." in a forum, is that going tohelp you win over my business for my wedding? NOPE. Welcome to the WWW, and everyone can see that along with your photo website.
Point being: You may actually be hurting your business, not helping it, by having too much information in your signature.
Google your website, or items in your signature file and see what the world can read about you. What your potential customers can see without you really knowing...
Whoa, ouch! I just googled my website... uhg. Maybe it would help to have my Smug in my signature instead of the whole link.
Not really Art. First it ain't the truth, secondly its not painful just a tad tiresome.
Harry http://behret.smugmug.com/NANPA member How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Harry http://behret.smugmug.com/NANPA member How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Keep it up Art, and you're through here. Really. This isn't a democracy, you're right. We're lucky to have so many mods and admins who volunteer their time here to make Dgrin a wonderful place for everyone. You've MADE YOUR POINT now please stop, because at this point you are a destructive force here, not a contributing force (which you have been, over the years). If you do not, we'll have no other choice but to make you stop. I've said all I'm going to say about this, thanks for your understanding in this matter.
My signature really wasn't that much and I like to keep it simple anyway, but I was hoping that I can keep my sky blue website name colour (and the quote) to match my website colour scheme (banner, text highlights, etc). I have it this way now. Can I still keep it?
To anyone who has a white background... Can you read my signature colour and the font size and style okay?
My signature really wasn't that much and I like to keep it simple anyway, but I was hoping that I can keep my sky blue website name colour (and the quote) to match my website colour scheme (banner, text highlights, etc). I have it this way now. Can I still keep it?
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited February 8, 2011
I totally support the mods in their approach to this matter. The signature function has been mercilessly stretched way beyond its original intent in many cases. Any effort to standardize this issue has my understanding and gratitude.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
First of all, why are people calling signature lines 'sigs'? This is a Sig!
Second of all, when did David TO change his avatar? It looks like that baby in the SuperBowl ad :wow
"Don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to. Oh well."
-Fleetwood Mac
Now, if only you could flip that switch now.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Do not take this the wrong way Allen but memory on this forum is short...for most, not including you at all......I had all my links on 1 line and it was jumbled cramped and overlapping......so I did breaks and spaces and that did not work.....so hence the dropping to each on its own line.........Actually my current signatures are less than a year old...possibly less than 6 months....however when you make a change it changes all the way back to YOUR very 1st post...........
That's a very welcome consequence of the change!
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Really nice that your little blue arrows include the bottom the post above and a bunch of the post below.......
That only works in your favor, percentage-wise!
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
What's your point? He's comparing screen size. If he measured the post and your signature, it'd be worse.
have more than five lines in their sig, how will their sig be displayed?
Will there be lines removed, or will info be automatically rearranged so that they retain all of the info?
Are you ready for a massive influx of questions asking about why their sigs have changed?
Almost 56,000 members signed up for dgrin, and maybe 30 talking about it in this thread.
Think about it.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
If you look at at the top of any forum, you'll see an announcement that's the same as the first post in this thread. These two posts refer end users to the support forum for assistance.
The good news is the vast majority of users do not use signatures
Maybe I should get myself a Sig.... The mods are still allowing them, they are only asking to make it appear professional... seem reasonable to me....
Now, I just need some good photography to link my sig too.....
oh...I know! the Dgrin Landscape forum...haha
(Am I off topic? oh, sorry, thought we were here for photography....)
Whoa, ouch! I just googled my website... uhg. Maybe it would help to have my Smug in my signature instead of the whole link.
Well...now we see what a trivial impact this change will make.
You should have kept that info to yourself.
Makes a person wonder.
Maybe. But like blue arrows...
Getting the idea of what is truly going on Ric????????
Make it a rule and say we received many many complaints and it won't seem like a personal attack.
As Ian said about 50 posts ago, give it a rest, Art. Comments like this do not contribute to the discussion.
Not really Art. First it ain't the truth, secondly its not painful just a tad tiresome.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Harry YOU totally convinced me.....
Then my job is done here. :ivar
At least we can stop :deadhorse
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Keep it up Art, and you're through here. Really. This isn't a democracy, you're right. We're lucky to have so many mods and admins who volunteer their time here to make Dgrin a wonderful place for everyone. You've MADE YOUR POINT now please stop, because at this point you are a destructive force here, not a contributing force (which you have been, over the years). If you do not, we'll have no other choice but to make you stop. I've said all I'm going to say about this, thanks for your understanding in this matter.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
My signature really wasn't that much and I like to keep it simple anyway, but I was hoping that I can keep my sky blue website name colour (and the quote) to match my website colour scheme (banner, text highlights, etc). I have it this way now. Can I still keep it?
To anyone who has a white background... Can you read my signature colour and the font size and style okay?
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
Sorry, Paula, but the rules apply to everyone.
I'm totally for smaller sigs. I guess I'm just a little disappointed in the lack of any hint of colour. Oh well...
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
Second of all, when did David TO change his avatar? It looks like that baby in the SuperBowl ad :wow
-Fleetwood Mac