SmugMug Feature Requests



  • leftquarkleftquark Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,785 Many Grins
    edited August 5, 2008
    HDR to SmugVault + Better "Tool Tip Control
    Three feature requests:
    1. I have a bunch of HDR's that I've uploaded as final products. I've got the JPG that is displayed, the TIFF that was outputted from PhotoMatix (or whatever HDR program you use), but then I've got the 2,3,5,(x) number of photos used to make the HDR that I cannot upload. It would be awesome if there was a way to specify that the following <x> number of pictures were what was used to make the one image. I would love to have my final HDR image and when I click "Save Image" I would be able to see or download the original images that made the HDR. I don't want to upload these as individual gallery pictures -- I just want them associated with the HDR in my SmugVault. Possible in the future?
    2. There may be some way to do this already but I would like to have some more control over where the tooltip pops up when you put your mouse over the image. As it stands now, as soon as you put the mouse over the image the little tool tip pops up asking me for thumbs up/down, photo sizes, photo info, save photo, etc. It ends up covering up my image the second the mouse goes over anywhere on the picture. It'd be great if we could do the following
      • Specify where (how) the tool tip popped out from (top, left, bottom, or right)
      • Specify in what direction it should pop out: if I select the right side, it can pop out to the left (covers the image) or to the right (doesn't cover the image), etc.
    3. Have the galleries named logically. The random string is hard to paste to someone and doesn't make quite sense to someone looking at it. If my gallery was http://<blah> it's a lot nicer to send than http://<blah>.smugmug/com/seior39487askjfhako2_sdkjfh34.
    Thanks again and keep up the awesome work!
    dGrin Afficionado
    Former SmugMug Product Team
    aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
    My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
  • JKLionheartJKLionheart Registered Users Posts: 47 Big grins
    edited August 5, 2008
    Most Recent Photos
    Under Control Panel -> Homepage, it was really easy to add a section for "Most Popular Photos" to my homepage. I was wondering why there isn't a similar one for "Most Recent Photos"? This is similar to subscribing to an RSS feed, but for people visiting the actual link (which I keep on my GChat status message), it would be a quick way for them to notice any newly added photos.

    Thanks for reading! thumb.gif
    Canon 5D Mark II | EF 24-70mm f/2.8L | EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS | EF 28-135mm | EF 50mm f/1.8 | EF 100-300 f/4.5-5.6 | EF 100mm f/2.8 macro | Feisol CF 3301N Tripod + Kirk BH-3 Ballhead | Speedlite 430EX

    Canon S95 | Panasonic FZ-20 w/ 36-432mm (35mm equiv.) | Canon SD500 | and of course my old Canon S230 =D
  • JKLionheartJKLionheart Registered Users Posts: 47 Big grins
    edited August 5, 2008
    I tried customizing my gallery to sort in descending order by "date uploaded", which it did beautifully. But if I go into "Arrange Mode" and try to custom place one or two photos, the "Saving..." window shows up but if I reload, the order seems fixed to the 'date uploaded' order without preserving the few I wanted to custom place.

    Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do? Before, I would upload photos, which would appear at the end of my gallery, and I'd move them accordingly. I basically want to have photos uploaded to the front instead of the end of the gallery, but not necessarily strictly sorted by 'date uploaded'.

    Thanks in advance :)
    Canon 5D Mark II | EF 24-70mm f/2.8L | EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS | EF 28-135mm | EF 50mm f/1.8 | EF 100-300 f/4.5-5.6 | EF 100mm f/2.8 macro | Feisol CF 3301N Tripod + Kirk BH-3 Ballhead | Speedlite 430EX

    Canon S95 | Panasonic FZ-20 w/ 36-432mm (35mm equiv.) | Canon SD500 | and of course my old Canon S230 =D
  • ThandoThando Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2008
    petebocken wrote:
    In the "Move to other galleries" you cannot get info on a picture by clicking on the little "i" icon in the bottom right corner of the thumb like you can in the "Move to other gallery".

    Thanks! That's a good one.
  • ThandoThando Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2008
    Yes, correct. But that depends on how you define "most current browsers". If by "current" you mean browsers released recently, then yes. If you mean, "the browser currently being used by my aunt", then maybe — and then again, maybe not.

    In any case, certainly one cannot say that all hosted BBS and blogging software will behave as expected when mom clicks on the address bar and copies an URL containing spaces and pastes it in a post, email message, IM, etc. Your really cool URL with spaces, like Suddenly becomes: ... which is when my phone starts ringing, and my logs get filled with 404's instead of happy customers finding what they want.

    So I guess I will add another requirement to the request: URLs using a list of concatenated keywords should be represented in a form which will survive reposting in any environment. (So my suggestion above to use commas would likely have problems, some software might want to be "helpful" and insert a line break after the comma.)

    Thanks so much for the request and the details. That's good stuff. Makes it easier explain to the Sorcerers.
  • pyrypyry Registered Users Posts: 1,733 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2008
    Copy to other galleries
    Here's a little tweak I'd really like to see:

    Could you guys add a check box that says "Copy instead of moving" to the two move to gallery tools or make a new tool for it?

    Thanks thumb.gif
    Creativity's hard.
  • leadZEROleadZERO Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited August 5, 2008
    Here are things that have continually bugged me:

    1) Mentioned before, named resources. We already have named categories (ie, why not let us choose the gallery URL if we're not worried about people guessing it.

    2) Better geotagging support, specifically mass-tagging. I'm not fortunate enough to own anything fancy to geotag when I capture or link the two in post. And it's a big pain to tag dozens of photos by searching for the location for each individual one. It would even be helpful just to mass-tag an entire gallery to a single location and then refine each photo later.

    3) Keyword tracking... I'm a statistics hound, I'd love to see which keywords returned my photos in searches, at the least. Optimally I'd love to see which keywords lead people to clicking on a photo of mine.

    4) Better support for gallery settings and price templates. I liked the addition of gallery settings templates, but I've yet to find a way to updates or remove one of them... I'd love to see the same thing for pricing.

    If further explanation for any of those is needed, please let me know!

    Thanks again for a great product!
    Ryan P Sommers

    Canon 5D Mk II
  • JKLionheartJKLionheart Registered Users Posts: 47 Big grins
    edited August 5, 2008
    Most popular photos
    This is both a question and a suggestion:
    For the homepage section for "Most Popular Photos", I'm not entirely sure if it's ranked by photo views (which I know is tracked in the stats page already) or by viewer ranking by thumbs up. It would be a subtle but helpful addition to be able to let viewers (or the owner) choose which method to rank popular photos.

    I know that I personally scroll through almost every photo in a gallery I visit, but I also know that the ones I like are the ones I'll be direct-linking to friends to view, so sort-by-photo-hits should still allow popular photos to stand out in terms of stats.
    Canon 5D Mark II | EF 24-70mm f/2.8L | EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS | EF 28-135mm | EF 50mm f/1.8 | EF 100-300 f/4.5-5.6 | EF 100mm f/2.8 macro | Feisol CF 3301N Tripod + Kirk BH-3 Ballhead | Speedlite 430EX

    Canon S95 | Panasonic FZ-20 w/ 36-432mm (35mm equiv.) | Canon SD500 | and of course my old Canon S230 =D
  • MontecMontec Registered Users Posts: 823 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2008
    Print packages
    I just want to throw my support in for adding print packages. Custom packages we create ourselves would be awesome. I know other labs use things like "Pick a Pak" and other ways that allow you create your own packages to sell at set prices.

    Memory Mates for sports and schools would be a very nice addition.

    Thanks for listening thumb.gif
  • pyrypyry Registered Users Posts: 1,733 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2008
    leadZERO wrote:
    1) Mentioned before, named resources. We already have named categories (ie, why not let us choose the gallery URL if we're not worried about people guessing it.

    I'll put my vote in for that too.
    Creativity's hard.
  • raulpeschraulpesch Registered Users Posts: 64 Big grins
    edited August 6, 2008
    My top 10 wishlist:

    1) clear 'buffering indication' for videos
    Currently, users are presented with a black screen without much indication of what's happening.

    2) a recent update overview (homepage widget) and a 'what's new?' indication for galleries
    Users of my website find it hard to see my recent updates, especially when galleries are 'hidden' inside categories.

    3) inline video playback
    It would be great if videos could play inline (eg. in Smugmug view) instead of opening in a new window.

    4) ability to set the default quality/resolution for video playback.
    Currently SM defaults to the highest quality but unfortunately the HD videos take a very long time to start playing and this causes many viewers to abandon it. Would be great if I could set the default to eg. iPod/DVD format.

    5) a more polished look and feel
    There have been already some improvements in this regard but a more polished look for Smugmug would be appreciated. I've seen some awesome Silverlight and Flash photo & video gallery demo's on the web that would be awesome to be included in Smugmug.


    6) pre-caching of images
    Some competitors of SM offer a faster/snappier photo viewing experience especialy when clicking 'next' to view the next picture. Eg. Zenfolio and Phanfare display the photo almost instantly while Smugmug has a slight loading delay.

    7) Speed improvements!
    As discussed in a seperate thread, Smugmug could use an overal speed increase. Most notably: slow loading of thumbnails and very slow loading of galleries (since SM has to pick a random thumbnail per gallery).

    8) Preserve the layout when I am logged in
    When I am logged in, Smugmug ruins my layout by inserting logged in features such as 'add photos' and 'control panel'. It would be great if these features where placed at the bottom of the page. On a sidenote, it would also be great if there was an option to take you to the control panel directly after logging in. Currently I have to click 2 or 3 times to enter the control panel (login -> view my homepage -> control panel).

    9) A better Search!!!
    I know this is mentioned already but this really need to be improved. I cannot find half of my uploaded galleries through Smugmug search.

    10) Easier customization options
    Would be nice if Smugmug offered easier customization options. There are many features that many users currently try to implement through hacks and custom code (eg. second homepage for photos, recent update listing etc.). It would be great if Smugmug added an advanced tab in the control for tweaking the look and feel.
  • ande8150ande8150 Registered Users Posts: 74 Big grins
    edited August 6, 2008
    Guest Uploading and Shopping Cart Downloads
    2 things I would like to see in SmugMug:
    1. The ability to provide a guest with a URL they can use to upload their pics to my gallery with my permission. When combining pics from group activities they have to email them to me for uploading.
    2. A shopping cart system for free downloading of full sized originals. Currently my guests much downaoad each picture one by one instead of selecting a list of pictures or an entire album. If they could specify which ones they wanted and then download a zip file, it would be much more efficient. This is intended for sharing with friends & family as opposed to the current option of selling pictures.
  • ThandoThando Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2008
    leftquark wrote:
    Three feature requests:
    1. I have a bunch of HDR's that I've uploaded as final products. I've got the JPG that is displayed, the TIFF that was outputted from PhotoMatix (or whatever HDR program you use), but then I've got the 2,3,5,(x) number of photos used to make the HDR that I cannot upload. It would be awesome if there was a way to specify that the following <x> number of pictures were what was used to make the one image. I would love to have my final HDR image and when I click "Save Image" I would be able to see or download the original images that made the HDR. I don't want to upload these as individual gallery pictures -- I just want them associated with the HDR in my SmugVault. Possible in the future?</x>
    2. There may be some way to do this already but I would like to have some more control over where the tooltip pops up when you put your mouse over the image. As it stands now, as soon as you put the mouse over the image the little tool tip pops up asking me for thumbs up/down, photo sizes, photo info, save photo, etc. It ends up covering up my image the second the mouse goes over anywhere on the picture. It'd be great if we could do the following
      • Specify where (how) the tool tip popped out from (top, left, bottom, or right)
      • Specify in what direction it should pop out: if I select the right side, it can pop out to the left (covers the image) or to the right (doesn't cover the image), etc.
    3. Have the galleries named logically. The random string is hard to paste to someone and doesn't make quite sense to someone looking at it. If my gallery was http://<blah> it's a lot nicer to send than http://<blah>.smugmug/com/seior39487askjfhako2_sdkjfh34.</blah></blah&gt;
    Thanks again and keep up the awesome work!

    Yeah, what we call Entangling (multiple file types associated by the same filename) wouldn't work with multiple photos with the same file types but different filenames that you use. I don't know if it will be made possible in the future or not, but it's on our Feature Request list now.

    Check this thread out for your photobar issues:

    The Custom URL request is noted. Thanks.
  • ThandoThando Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2008
    This is both a question and a suggestion:
    For the homepage section for "Most Popular Photos", I'm not entirely sure if it's ranked by photo views (which I know is tracked in the stats page already) or by viewer ranking by thumbs up. It would be a subtle but helpful addition to be able to let viewers (or the owner) choose which method to rank popular photos.

    I know that I personally scroll through almost every photo in a gallery I visit, but I also know that the ones I like are the ones I'll be direct-linking to friends to view, so sort-by-photo-hits should still allow popular photos to stand out in terms of stats.

    I'm gonna hit your three requests here. Thanks for the request about the most recent feature. The Most Popular photo section contains photos that are ranked with the thumbs or with comments. It isn't related to photo views.

    You can't use the Auto Sort feature and then arrange the photos while using that. It will force the photos you are trying to move back to where the Auto Sort put them. There has been some discussion recently about doing what you are trying to do and I'll talk to the Sorcerers about it.
  • ThandoThando Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2008
    pyry wrote:
    Here's a little tweak I'd really like to see:

    Could you guys add a check box that says "Copy instead of moving" to the two move to gallery tools or make a new tool for it?

    Thanks thumb.gif

    Thanks for the request.
  • ThandoThando Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2008
    leadZERO wrote:
    Here are things that have continually bugged me:

    1) Mentioned before, named resources. We already have named categories (ie, why not let us choose the gallery URL if we're not worried about people guessing it.

    2) Better geotagging support, specifically mass-tagging. I'm not fortunate enough to own anything fancy to geotag when I capture or link the two in post. And it's a big pain to tag dozens of photos by searching for the location for each individual one. It would even be helpful just to mass-tag an entire gallery to a single location and then refine each photo later.

    3) Keyword tracking... I'm a statistics hound, I'd love to see which keywords returned my photos in searches, at the least. Optimally I'd love to see which keywords lead people to clicking on a photo of mine.

    4) Better support for gallery settings and price templates. I liked the addition of gallery settings templates, but I've yet to find a way to updates or remove one of them... I'd love to see the same thing for pricing.

    If further explanation for any of those is needed, please let me know!

    Thanks again for a great product!

    Your first two requests are fairly popular requests. I've recorded your other requests. Thanks.
  • ThandoThando Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2008
    Montec wrote:
    I just want to throw my support in for adding print packages. Custom packages we create ourselves would be awesome. I know other labs use things like "Pick a Pak" and other ways that allow you create your own packages to sell at set prices.

    Memory Mates for sports and schools would be a very nice addition.

    Thanks for listening thumb.gif

    Thanks for adding your vote!
  • ThandoThando Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2008
    raulpesch wrote:
    My top 10 wishlist:

    1) clear 'buffering indication' for videos
    Currently, users are presented with a black screen without much indication of what's happening.

    2) a recent update overview (homepage widget) and a 'what's new?' indication for galleries
    Users of my website find it hard to see my recent updates, especially when galleries are 'hidden' inside categories.

    3) inline video playback
    It would be great if videos could play inline (eg. in Smugmug view) instead of opening in a new window.

    4) ability to set the default quality/resolution for video playback.
    Currently SM defaults to the highest quality but unfortunately the HD videos take a very long time to start playing and this causes many viewers to abandon it. Would be great if I could set the default to eg. iPod/DVD format.

    5) a more polished look and feel
    There have been already some improvements in this regard but a more polished look for Smugmug would be appreciated. I've seen some awesome Silverlight and Flash photo & video gallery demo's on the web that would be awesome to be included in Smugmug.


    6) pre-caching of images
    Some competitors of SM offer a faster/snappier photo viewing experience especialy when clicking 'next' to view the next picture. Eg. Zenfolio and Phanfare display the photo almost instantly while Smugmug has a slight loading delay.

    7) Speed improvements!
    As discussed in a seperate thread, Smugmug could use an overal speed increase. Most notably: slow loading of thumbnails and very slow loading of galleries (since SM has to pick a random thumbnail per gallery).

    8) Preserve the layout when I am logged in
    When I am logged in, Smugmug ruins my layout by inserting logged in features such as 'add photos' and 'control panel'. It would be great if these features where placed at the bottom of the page. On a sidenote, it would also be great if there was an option to take you to the control panel directly after logging in. Currently I have to click 2 or 3 times to enter the control panel (login -> view my homepage -> control panel).

    9) A better Search!!!
    I know this is mentioned already but this really need to be improved. I cannot find half of my uploaded galleries through Smugmug search.

    10) Easier customization options
    Would be nice if Smugmug offered easier customization options. There are many features that many users currently try to implement through hacks and custom code (eg. second homepage for photos, recent update listing etc.). It would be great if Smugmug added an advanced tab in the control for tweaking the look and feel.

    Wow, nice list! Some very good requests. Thanks and keep 'em coming.
  • petebockenpetebocken Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited August 6, 2008
    Change Email Photo
    When you use the send email command it puts in the photo that you are currently on when you click the share link. I would like to be able to send the link to the gallery so when they click on it they go to the first image not the image that i happen to be on when i click share. So you should be able to choose the photo that shows up in the email.
  • rsi1986rsi1986 Registered Users Posts: 113 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2008
    I would love to be able to offer a whole gallery for download. It would save me a lot of CDs.wings.gif
    Stimulating the economy one lens at a time. :super
    Robert A.

  • encosionencosion Registered Users Posts: 100 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2008
    [1] A bulk 'hide photo' option... Really useful when you only want to publicly display the obviously good pictures in a shoot and hide the rest (for archival / later review / retrieval)...

    [2] A more obvious indication that photos have been hidden (I'm sure this has been mentioned before)... How about a 30% transparency of the thumbnail(s) in question... It's maybe just a stylesheet thing which can be handled differently by the stylesheet designers... But something more obvious like a 30% transparency (with 100% on mouseover) would be fairly innocuous across styles...

    [3] Larger thumbnails when adding captions and keywords... Or the option to view a larger image on request (mouseover after a 1 second pause for example) like in the shopping cart... I find myself having to squint at the thumbnail all too often when I'm trying to make out who is in the photo!

    [4] Keyword / cloud consistancy... I have a few photos tagged with "tim", "myu" and "best"... When looking through a keyword search on "myu", it allows me to combine with "tim" or "best"... If I combine with "best" I no longer have the option of combining with "tim"... However, if I chose to combine with "tim" first, I can now combine with "best"... What gives?

    [5] Keyword / cloud filtering by category and subcategory... This would be very usefull: I wrote some more about that here:

    [6] A bulk copy to feature... It's been mentioned before many times... I know you're probably not too keen on making it too easy for people to duplicate files on your servers, but I think people want to be able to make galleries of highlighted photos etc... If some sort of linking isn't an option (which it isn't right now), the solution is to make a 2nd copy and move it... Or reupload the image... Help us out please!
    Canon EOS 500D (Kiss X3)
    85mm f/1.8, 17-50 + 28-75m
    f/2.8 lenses
    iMac 24" 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Extreme, 4Gb RAM, OSX 10.5.7 |
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2008
    2nd copy and move
    Add a selection to the photo tools for "2nd copy and move".

    This would act on the single photo and would save all the steps of moving
    after making the copy. The way it's set up now is you don't easily know
    which is the original or copy.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • MontecMontec Registered Users Posts: 823 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2008
    Picture Packages again
    I know I commented on this already but I didn't elaborate.

    I would love to be able to create custom packages for schools and sports teams. To be able to have 5 or 6 custom packages available to each person to order from would be extremely useful.

    Especially if I could add memorabilia items like mugs and key-chains to the packages.
  • ThandoThando Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2008
    rsi1986 wrote:
    I would love to be able to offer a whole gallery for download. It would save me a lot of CDs.wings.gif

    A popular request. Thanks for adding your vote.
  • ThandoThando Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2008
    encosion wrote:
    [1] A bulk 'hide photo' option... Really useful when you only want to publicly display the obviously good pictures in a shoot and hide the rest (for archival / later review / retrieval)...

    [2] A more obvious indication that photos have been hidden (I'm sure this has been mentioned before)... How about a 30% transparency of the thumbnail(s) in question... It's maybe just a stylesheet thing which can be handled differently by the stylesheet designers... But something more obvious like a 30% transparency (with 100% on mouseover) would be fairly innocuous across styles...

    [3] Larger thumbnails when adding captions and keywords... Or the option to view a larger image on request (mouseover after a 1 second pause for example) like in the shopping cart... I find myself having to squint at the thumbnail all too often when I'm trying to make out who is in the photo!

    [4] Keyword / cloud consistancy... I have a few photos tagged with "tim", "myu" and "best"... When looking through a keyword search on "myu", it allows me to combine with "tim" or "best"... If I combine with "best" I no longer have the option of combining with "tim"... However, if I chose to combine with "tim" first, I can now combine with "best"... What gives?

    [5] Keyword / cloud filtering by category and subcategory... This would be very usefull: I wrote some more about that here:

    [6] A bulk copy to feature... It's been mentioned before many times... I know you're probably not too keen on making it too easy for people to duplicate files on your servers, but I think people want to be able to make galleries of highlighted photos etc... If some sort of linking isn't an option (which it isn't right now), the solution is to make a 2nd copy and move it... Or reupload the image... Help us out please!

    Thanks for the requests. Not quite sure about the keyword thing. If you'd like me to take a look for you, can you give me your nickname?
  • ThandoThando Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2008
    Allen wrote:
    Add a selection to the photo tools for "2nd copy and move".

    This would act on the single photo and would save all the steps of moving
    after making the copy. The way it's set up now is you don't easily know
    which is the original or copy.

    Thanks for the FR!!!
  • ThandoThando Registered Users Posts: 148 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2008
    Montec wrote:
    I know I commented on this already but I didn't elaborate.

    I would love to be able to create custom packages for schools and sports teams. To be able to have 5 or 6 custom packages available to each person to order from would be extremely useful.

    Especially if I could add memorabilia items like mugs and key-chains to the packages.

    Something we'll keep looking into. It's a common request and we're glad that you clarified your vote to get it.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,418 moderator
    edited August 7, 2008
    raulpesch wrote:
    8) Preserve the layout when I am logged in
    When I am logged in, Smugmug ruins my layout by inserting logged in features such as 'add photos' and 'control panel'. It would be great if these features where placed at the bottom of the page.
    You can move these buttons to the side if you'd like. I can't remember which wizard here supplied the code, but I've used this on my site for a long, long time.

    Add this to your CSS:
    /* Float the homepageTools */
    #homepageTools {
    #homepageTools .buttons {
        width: 100px;
        margin: 1px 0;
    The buttons are placed on top of my banner at the top left corner of the screen. But they don't alter the placement of anything on the screen.

    --- Denise
  • EJP PhotoEJP Photo Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
    edited August 9, 2008
    I have a few requests. Most I see are suggested already, but I'd just like to add my voice/vote for them:

    1. Be able to put photos into multiple galleries without uploading the photo separate times (or making copies on the servers). Ranking and comments stay with the photo, I only have to replace the one copy if I want to replace it, but it should appear in whatever galleries I place it in. The "virual galleries" discussed above based on a keyword, or timeframe, or EXIF data would be great as well.

    (I hate to say "more like Flickr" but honestly that's a better model - separate out the "photostream" from the organization and presentation)

    2. The javascript hacks work well enough, but it would be nice to have a navigation bar supported directly, as well as a separate home page and galleries page supported directly. I *love* that I can do basically anything with the javascript... but even some of the most common customizations seem to take an advanced CS degree to implement.

    3. Photo titles - we get the caption and keywords from the EXIF data, but the closest thing we get to a title is the filename?
  • leftquarkleftquark Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,785 Many Grins
    edited August 9, 2008
    I know it's been requested already, but if there's a "tally" keeping track of the "most requested features" I'd like to add a point to:

    - Be able to download an entire galleries images with one click. I suppose it could just be a zip file of all the jpgs/tifs/RAW files?
    - Being able to download an entire gallery on SmugVault would be nice too (Is there a way to do this already?)! It's great to backup my pictures, but if my HD crashes, is there an easy way to grab all my RAW files again? One by one clicking can be a pain (although it's better than having none of the RAW images backed up anywhere!).

    Thanks. Keep up the great work!
    dGrin Afficionado
    Former SmugMug Product Team
    aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
    My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
This discussion has been closed.