Bring back the "Rotating Picture" notice in the rotate screen. I keep rotating pictures I already set for rotating because of how long the actual rotating is taking.
As an international Smugmug user, I'm disappointed to see that the request for working UTF-8 support in categories and keywords is missing in the "hot list" - although it seems to have been present in almost every FR thread (and several bug threads).
The current situation is somewhat strange: when a keyword including a non-ascii character is uploaded, this character seems to be preserved (it appears in the "edit keyword" field), but is dropped when the keyword is rendered. This produces very strange words (maybe sometimes even "bad" words) in all the languages that use such characters (for instance, German needs the äöü & such). When the non-ascii is uploaded as an HTML entity, it causes the edit keyword feature to break completely (the string is cut where the entity character used to be).
The reasons for not supporting UTF-8 that were mentioned in the prior posts are varied but non seems very valid. Handling UTF-8 using AJAX is not a problem (in fact, it works at smugmug for captions and such) and URL encoding for any unicode character is defined using UTF-8 (RFC3987).
I do think that this feature would make smugmug much more attractive for an international audience - and should not be difficult to implement (definitely an easy one compared to many of the above).
The "hot list" is not a list that we are working on or one that we want to implement soon. Rather it's a list of very commonly requested features. You know the stuff that gets asked repeatedly every time that we open a new feature request thread and stuff that is commonly emailed into the help desk. Don't worry, we keep track of all the requests that come in. Even if they are not real common, if they are good enough, we'll use them. I've made a record of your request.
Two of the most common photo items purchased are calendars, and greeting cards. It would be very nice if smugmug could allow customers (and "owners") to create calendars and folding greeting cards from members' photos. Perhaps that could be a partnered arrangement (as with blurb for books).
Ideally I would like to see several sizes of calendar with customizable starting month and layout. Ideally cards should allow custom message and back printing.
Currently I have to resort to winkflash or other sites for these products... and their products are pretty good.
It would be so nice to have the excellent smugmug interface include these options! :soapbox
It's long been a dream feature of mine and I'm drooling over it; I'd love if Smugmug implemented it.
In short:
"Name tags helps you automatically find similar faces in your photo collection. All you have to do is enter a name or choose from your contacts."
"Once you've named the people in your photos, you can do things like sort your photo collection by person, create custom slideshows, and easily share photos with the people in your albums."
In micro:
Automatic facial recognition and tagging (once you teach it a few faces).
I've been using Smugmug for some months now and I very happy with it .
Nevertheless, I'd like to propose a new feature.
Indeed, most of my galleries are protected because there are some people that do not want to have their photos freely displayed on the net. But on the same galleries there are many other photos that do not need protection and that I would like to share with everybody.
Instead of protecting the whole gallery, I think it would be interesting to protect selected photos.
For such galleries:
=> there would be a special icon near the gallery thumbnail to inform the user that some photos are protected
=> the gallery thumbnail could display randomly the public photos (indeed you cannot choose the gallery thumbnail for protected galleries)
=> when the user click on the gallery thumbnail, instead of getting the gallery content immediately the user would get an intermediate page where he could choose either to continue without entering the password and thus see only public photos, either to enter the password and thus see all photos including the protected ones
For me it would be the best of both worlds: public and protected galleries.
It's long been a dream feature of mine and I'm drooling over it; I'd love if Smugmug implemented it.
In short:
"Name tags helps you automatically find similar faces in your photo collection. All you have to do is enter a name or choose from your contacts."
"Once you've named the people in your photos, you can do things like sort your photo collection by person, create custom slideshows, and easily share photos with the people in your albums."
In micro:
Automatic facial recognition and tagging (once you teach it a few faces).
Yeah, that would be sweet. It was in fact a topic of discussion just the other day. Isn't technology great? I'll make sure that everyone knows that that feature has been requested.
I've been using Smugmug for some months now and I very happy with it .
Nevertheless, I'd like to propose a new feature.
Indeed, most of my galleries are protected because there are some people that do not want to have their photos freely displayed on the net. But on the same galleries there are many other photos that do not need protection and that I would like to share with everybody.
Instead of protecting the whole gallery, I think it would be interesting to protect selected photos.
For such galleries:
=> there would be a special icon near the gallery thumbnail to inform the user that some photos are protected
=> the gallery thumbnail could display randomly the public photos (indeed you cannot choose the gallery thumbnail for protected galleries)
=> when the user click on the gallery thumbnail, instead of getting the gallery content immediately the user would get an intermediate page where he could choose either to continue without entering the password and thus see only public photos, either to enter the password and thus see all photos including the protected ones
For me it would be the best of both worlds: public and protected galleries.
Popular Ranking by Views
It would nice to be able to display popular photos based on the number unique visitor views instead of a popular view based on rankings... Maybe a toggle button on the Most Popular Screen...
Also a "times viewed" stat on the info popup window... A report showing the most popular photos would also be great for the owner...
I would like keywords be accessible in private galleries. Even if it's only within the same gallery.
I do events frequently involving children. The gallery must be password protected. I see no reason why someone with the password shouldn't be able to click a keyword and get all the photos within that gallery that have that keyword.
I would like keywords be accessible in <layer id="google-toolbar-hilite-0" style="background-color: Yellow; color: black;">private</layer> galleries. Even if it's only within the same gallery.
I do events frequently involving children. The gallery must be password protected. I see no reason why someone with the password shouldn't be able to click a <layer id="google-toolbar-hilite-2" style="background-color: Cyan; color: black;">keyword</layer> and get all the photos within that gallery that have that <layer id="google-toolbar-hilite-3" style="background-color: Cyan; color: black;">keyword</layer>.
When I log in all my keywords in passworded galleries show in the keyword
list. Obviously they are appended to the public KW list with the log in PW so
why not when entering a password for a gallery that those kW's are also
appended to the list. This would make a lot of families happy.
Viewing page with password on iPhone
I am unable to view my family's smugmug page on the iPhone in the mobile mode since I was dismayed to find out that password protected pages cannot be displayed in the iPhone supported mode?!?!
Can someone please fix this so I can use the iPhone mode on a password protected smugmug page.
Create Gallery page
As a minimum the security settings need to be set BEFORE upload of photos.
Uploading photos to a new passworded or unlisted gallery could take hours
and any web crawler could find them in the mean time. Not very secure.
The new gallery page should have some of the security settings on it.
change this
Customize this gallery to your heart's content, including privacy
settings, after you create it. to this
Customize this gallery to your heart's content, including privacy
settings, before you create it.
As a minimum the security settings need to be set BEFORE upload of photos.
Uploading photos to a new passworded or unlisted gallery could take hours
and any web crawler could find them in the mean time. Not very secure.
The new gallery page should have some of the security settings on it.
change this
Customize this gallery to your heart's content, including privacy
settings, after you create it. to this
Customize this gallery to your heart's content, including privacy
settings, before you create it.
Got an idea? Give it to us here. All of the SmugMug crew read this thread so feel free to share your ideas. Go ahead, give us the requests.
Summary of FRs implemented from the prior thread:
* automatic resize of too-large and too-many mb files
* holiday cards!
* RSS Feeds for unlisted galleries, for logged in users
* Don't count owner hits in stats
* Give owners easy way to download files (Owner Save)
* Give an easy way to see Visitor View
* Store Raw, DNG and other non-jpg files
* Paypal (alright, it's a lame option, but it's there)
* Give Pros the name & address of buyers
* Improve news to customers
* Outage notifications (
* Captions in slideshow
* Detect if flash needed for slideshow
* Square thumbs
* Flash Slideshow
* Lower prices (we did, on 5x7s, 8x10s, 8x12s)
* Speed up the shopping cart
* Power Accounts get Custom Domain Names
* Power Accounts get Right Click Protection
* Make the photo tools easier to use
* Make SmuggLr work with Phanfare & PicasaWeb
* Allow individual photos to be hidden
* Let power and pros decide about stretchy variables
* Increase the video limits (Pros can go to 10 mins)
* Improved video quality
Summary of "hot requests" (NOT implemented yet!
Virtual Galleies
Backup Customizing!
Customizing widgets
more levels of categories
Coupons packagages
Pro 'lightbox' or 'favorites'
Better organizing!
Self Fulfilmnet
More Pro Lab Options
Metallic Prints
Improve Bulk Setttings in many ways
PWD protect a category
EXIF in display copies
Better control over true/auto
Improve the Search- vastly improve it!
It would be great if we could hide a bunch of photos at once. Just like the interface for moving a bunch of photos. I guess this counts as improve bulk settings, but this feature would be nice.
Oh and also a blog-like interface for featuring photos. I'm thinking of something similar to
I have a Pro account, and am a newbie here on DGrin.
Is there a feature in the pro account where we can add comments about an image, so that the client cannot read them. I often caption an image with titles like 'vintage filter' 'sepia conversion' etc, so that the client knows what finish I've applied on a photo, and they can request that on another image in the gallery. However, sometimes it takes me several actions and tweaks in CS3 to get the image to it's final look, and I would like to record that in detail and have that linked to the image, so that I can access the info and replicate it in a different image, but I don't want to share my workflow with the client.
Proshow Gold & Producer
It surely would be great if Smugmug would/could allow slideshow presentations created with Proshow Gold and/or Proshow Producer. They provide the ability to create some seriously awesome presentations, and export to the web.
Slideshow Music
It would be nice if we had the ability to upload and assign music to the slideshows. Visually the slideshows look very impressive right now, but it seems a bit stale to watch a slideshow without some music to set the appropriate mood. Any chance of this happening?
I have a Pro account, and am a newbie here on DGrin.
Is there a feature in the pro account where we can add comments about an image, so that the client cannot read them. I often caption an image with titles like 'vintage filter' 'sepia conversion' etc, so that the client knows what finish I've applied on a photo, and they can request that on another image in the gallery. However, sometimes it takes me several actions and tweaks in CS3 to get the image to it's final look, and I would like to record that in detail and have that linked to the image, so that I can access the info and replicate it in a different image, but I don't want to share my workflow with the client.
Does such a feature exist?
It is possible to do this on the image before it is uploaded, by putting comments in IPTC fields which will be stored as metadata on the image. That IPTC data will only be available on the original size so if you don't share that with clients they will not see it. There isn't any magic way for you to see that info on Smugmug. You could see it either by looking at the metadata in the image on your hard drive or you could download the original from your smugmug gallery (which only you have access to) and look at the metadata.
Alternatively, you could put the data in captions, show captions when you are logged in, but hide them for your viewers. But, then you could use captions for their intended purpose because you'd have them hidden for viewers.
Thanks for all the requests! We've recorded them all so far. We just had a release last night. Some of the requests that we released that have been asked for include:
Putting the sharegroup into the breadcrumbs of galleries included in a sharegroup
The sharegroup inherits the Hide Owner feature when all galleries in the sharegroup use Hide Owner.
For everything relating to this release, keep an eye on the Release Notes. They should be updated soon.
Friends and family option?
I would LOVE to be able to have my website all nice and pro looking, but still have my personal pics on my website. If it was possable to create a password protected gateway to a category where I could store all my personal pics, that would be swell.
I would LOVE to be able to have my website all nice and pro looking, but still have my personal pics on my website. If it was possable to create a password protected gateway to a category where I could store all my personal pics, that would be swell.
If I understand you correctly this is all possible at the present time. Just password protect the galleries in question. A protected category is probably what you are looking for but you could do the same with a menu that said Private or something similar...then if visitors still choose to go to those galleries they would be met with the login dialog box.
I registered just to re-emphasize the "pre-caching" requests. Didn't see too much fan fare on this one. A little curious as to why, it seems like it'd be a really good feature for end users.
Anyway, I just started using smugmug for my venture into the business, so hope I don't have to use the forums for support too much
Save Quick Setting as Default?
Hi -- Quick Settings are nice and all, but neither the Picasa Uploader nor the Lightroom plug-in let you pick a Quick Setting when you create a new gallery, so after creation you have to go through the annoyance of Customize Gallery and selecting it there.
Since not all of the upload tools support selecting a Quick Setting (although they should!), it would be swell if you could set one of your Quick Settings to be the default for new galleries. Or maybe it could be an ad hoc thing, a button to "Save these settings as the default for new galleries" (ok, so that wouldn't really fit on a button, whatever.)
Hi -- Quick Settings are nice and all, but neither the Picasa Uploader nor the Lightroom plug-in let you pick a Quick Setting when you create a new gallery, so after creation you have to go through the annoyance of Customize Gallery and selecting it there.
Since not all of the upload tools support selecting a Quick Setting (although they should!), it would be swell if you could set one of your Quick Settings to be the default for new galleries. Or maybe it could be an ad hoc thing, a button to "Save these settings as the default for new galleries" (ok, so that wouldn't really fit on a button, whatever.)
This would be a great feature and would save having to ALWAYS go to customize settings after every gallery you create. Then, if you don't like square thumbs, you just save rectangular thumbs as your default quick setting. FYI, I don't think quick settings are available via the API so that's why no uploaders support them.
Want faster uploading? Vote for FTP!
The "hot list" is not a list that we are working on or one that we want to implement soon. Rather it's a list of very commonly requested features. You know the stuff that gets asked repeatedly every time that we open a new feature request thread and stuff that is commonly emailed into the help desk. Don't worry, we keep track of all the requests that come in. Even if they are not real common, if they are good enough, we'll use them. I've made a record of your request.
It's long been a dream feature of mine and I'm drooling over it; I'd love if Smugmug implemented it.
In short:
"Name tags helps you automatically find similar faces in your photo collection. All you have to do is enter a name or choose from your contacts."
"Once you've named the people in your photos, you can do things like sort your photo collection by person, create custom slideshows, and easily share photos with the people in your albums."
In micro:
Automatic facial recognition and tagging (once you teach it a few faces).
Hello everybody,
I've been using Smugmug for some months now and I very happy with it .
Nevertheless, I'd like to propose a new feature.
Indeed, most of my galleries are protected because there are some people that do not want to have their photos freely displayed on the net. But on the same galleries there are many other photos that do not need protection and that I would like to share with everybody.
Instead of protecting the whole gallery, I think it would be interesting to protect selected photos.
For such galleries:
=> there would be a special icon near the gallery thumbnail to inform the user that some photos are protected
=> the gallery thumbnail could display randomly the public photos (indeed you cannot choose the gallery thumbnail for protected galleries)
=> when the user click on the gallery thumbnail, instead of getting the gallery content immediately the user would get an intermediate page where he could choose either to continue without entering the password and thus see only public photos, either to enter the password and thus see all photos including the protected ones
For me it would be the best of both worlds: public and protected galleries.
Thanks! :bread
Yeah, that would be sweet. It was in fact a topic of discussion just the other day. Isn't technology great? I'll make sure that everyone knows that that feature has been requested.
Cool. Thanks for the request.
On this page
The code at the top has parameters like this
showThumbs: 'true',
But all the ones listed below are like this and some might be confused what to use.
randomStart = 'true/false';
Could these be a little more consistent?
My Website index | My Blog
It would nice to be able to display popular photos based on the number unique visitor views instead of a popular view based on rankings... Maybe a toggle button on the Most Popular Screen...
Also a "times viewed" stat on the info popup window... A report showing the most popular photos would also be great for the owner...
I do events frequently involving children. The gallery must be password protected. I see no reason why someone with the password shouldn't be able to click a keyword and get all the photos within that gallery that have that keyword.
Please Vote - External Shopping Cart Links:
When I log in all my keywords in passworded galleries show in the keyword
list. Obviously they are appended to the public KW list with the log in PW so
why not when entering a password for a gallery that those kW's are also
appended to the list. This would make a lot of families happy.
My Website index | My Blog
I am unable to view my family's smugmug page on the iPhone in the mobile mode since I was dismayed to find out that password protected pages cannot be displayed in the iPhone supported mode?!?!
Can someone please fix this so I can use the iPhone mode on a password protected smugmug page.
An easy way to:
Take a screen capture & upload it to smugmug. Mac of course!
As a minimum the security settings need to be set BEFORE upload of photos.
Uploading photos to a new passworded or unlisted gallery could take hours
and any web crawler could find them in the mean time. Not very secure.
The new gallery page should have some of the security settings on it.
change this
Customize this gallery to your heart's content, including privacy
settings, after you create it.
to this
Customize this gallery to your heart's content, including privacy
settings, before you create it.
Something like this.
My Website index | My Blog
Yes! Excellent.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Implement a new solution or integrate smugmug photos into solution.
I use all the time to try to find my next lens and camera... It would be great to be able to search photo exif data
Oh and also a blog-like interface for featuring photos. I'm thinking of something similar to
Is there a feature in the pro account where we can add comments about an image, so that the client cannot read them. I often caption an image with titles like 'vintage filter' 'sepia conversion' etc, so that the client knows what finish I've applied on a photo, and they can request that on another image in the gallery. However, sometimes it takes me several actions and tweaks in CS3 to get the image to it's final look, and I would like to record that in detail and have that linked to the image, so that I can access the info and replicate it in a different image, but I don't want to share my workflow with the client.
Does such a feature exist?
It surely would be great if Smugmug would/could allow slideshow presentations created with Proshow Gold and/or Proshow Producer. They provide the ability to create some seriously awesome presentations, and export to the web.
Can you look into that?
Hocus Pocus Focus
It would be nice if we had the ability to upload and assign music to the slideshows. Visually the slideshows look very impressive right now, but it seems a bit stale to watch a slideshow without some music to set the appropriate mood. Any chance of this happening?
It is possible to do this on the image before it is uploaded, by putting comments in IPTC fields which will be stored as metadata on the image. That IPTC data will only be available on the original size so if you don't share that with clients they will not see it. There isn't any magic way for you to see that info on Smugmug. You could see it either by looking at the metadata in the image on your hard drive or you could download the original from your smugmug gallery (which only you have access to) and look at the metadata.
Alternatively, you could put the data in captions, show captions when you are logged in, but hide them for your viewers. But, then you could use captions for their intended purpose because you'd have them hidden for viewers.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Putting the sharegroup into the breadcrumbs of galleries included in a sharegroup
The sharegroup inherits the Hide Owner feature when all galleries in the sharegroup use Hide Owner.
For everything relating to this release, keep an eye on the Release Notes. They should be updated soon.
I would LOVE to be able to have my website all nice and pro looking, but still have my personal pics on my website. If it was possable to create a password protected gateway to a category where I could store all my personal pics, that would be swell.
If I understand you correctly this is all possible at the present time. Just password protect the galleries in question. A protected category is probably what you are looking for but you could do the same with a menu that said Private or something similar...then if visitors still choose to go to those galleries they would be met with the login dialog box.
I do this with client galleries.
Anyway, I just started using smugmug for my venture into the business, so hope I don't have to use the forums for support too much
CSS Block To Flow Down To Children Folders/Pages/Galleries
gallery-download-button-for-my-visitors"]bulk download option for clients[/URL]
Hi -- Quick Settings are nice and all, but neither the Picasa Uploader nor the Lightroom plug-in let you pick a Quick Setting when you create a new gallery, so after creation you have to go through the annoyance of Customize Gallery and selecting it there.
Since not all of the upload tools support selecting a Quick Setting (although they should!), it would be swell if you could set one of your Quick Settings to be the default for new galleries. Or maybe it could be an ad hoc thing, a button to "Save these settings as the default for new galleries" (ok, so that wouldn't really fit on a button, whatever.)
This would be a great feature and would save having to ALWAYS go to customize settings after every gallery you create. Then, if you don't like square thumbs, you just save rectangular thumbs as your default quick setting. FYI, I don't think quick settings are available via the API so that's why no uploaders support them.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question