Email groups
I take photos of a few local HS sports teams, and usually use the "share" feature to email a photo as notice to prior customers that there are new shots available.
It would simplify my life if I could create a group email list, (ie team x, team y, etc) so that I could send a note to the whole team with fewer clicks. I know I could set this up through my own email account, but the emails from smumug seem to have more impact.
I take photos of a few local HS sports teams, and usually use the "share" feature to email a photo as notice to prior customers that there are new shots available.
It would simplify my life if I could create a group email list, (ie team x, team y, etc) so that I could send a note to the whole team with fewer clicks. I know I could set this up through my own email account, but the emails from smumug seem to have more impact.
I wish you could edit complete themes/templates like you can with blogger.
Speaking of Blogger, I'd like to see options in the "share" URL lists to have them preformatted as HTML or BBCode tags for quicker insertion into blog posts and forum posts. Both should, of course, hotlink the image back to the gallery.
I'd post the BBCode equivalent as well, but I'm not sure how to escape it so that it will show properly. Right now, though, if I want to post a photo and link it back to the gallery, it takes a couple of switches back and forth to get both URLs and enter them.
Now, all that would get to be a pretty long list if just added to the "Get a link" page, but maybe an extra option or two could be added in the "Send an email | Get a link" bar to offer "Post to web or forum."
Blog - updated irregularly Photos - still under construction, suggestions welcome
Hi, When do you think the coupon feature will be offered? In time for the Holiday's maybe?
Summary of FRs implemented from the prior thread:
* automatic resize of too-large and too-many mb files
* holiday cards!
* RSS Feeds for unlisted galleries, for logged in users
* Don't count owner hits in stats
* Give owners easy way to download files (Owner Save)
* Give an easy way to see Visitor View
* Store Raw, DNG and other non-jpg files
* Paypal (alright, it's a lame option, but it's there)
* Give Pros the name & address of buyers
* Improve news to customers
* Outage notifications (
* Captions in slideshow
* Detect if flash needed for slideshow
* Square thumbs
* Flash Slideshow
* Lower prices (we did, on 5x7s, 8x10s, 8x12s)
* Speed up the shopping cart
* Power Accounts get Custom Domain Names
* Power Accounts get Right Click Protection
* Make the photo tools easier to use
* Make SmuggLr work with Phanfare & PicasaWeb
* Allow individual photos to be hidden
* Let power and pros decide about stretchy variables
* Increase the video limits (Pros can go to 10 mins)
* Improved video quality
Summary of "hot requests" (NOT implemented yet!
Virtual Galleies
Backup Customizing!
Customizing widgets
more levels of categories
Coupons packagages
Pro 'lightbox' or 'favorites'
Better organizing!
Self Fulfilmnet
More Pro Lab Options
Metallic Prints
Improve Bulk Setttings in many ways
PWD protect a category
EXIF in display copies
Better control over true/auto
Improve the Search- vastly improve it!
Rectangular thumbs as default - PLEASE
I will ask one more time. Can we PLEASE have a site-wide default for new gallery creation for the thumbs so I can set it to rectangular thumbs. One of the few times when I regularly get pissed at Smugmug is when I forget to set the thumbs to rectangular, upload a whole bunch of photos and then see a display like this with lots of heads cut off. While I'm sure that square thumbs are good for some kinds of photos, they are absolutely horrible for the one thing that I shoot the most of (sports in the portrait orientation when shooting tight).
I'd just like a site-wide default for new galleries so that it goes back to the way it used to be and rectangular thumbs are the default for me in any new gallery I create. Saved settings don't usually work because no non-web uploaders support them and because I don't always have a saved setting with the right settings to use (e.g. passwords, etc...).
Please, please, please.
There are likely other settings that would benefit from a site-wide default too like sharpening, geography, camera info, clean, filenames, sort, hello world, hello smuggers, right-click protection, watermarking, largest size, rank, comments, proof days, backprinting and true color.
Seeing Stars
Comment from someone looking at a gallery of mine while talking to me on the phone, they made the comment that it's far too much hassle to make comments on lots of pics because you have to not only write sonmething but have to pass the anti-spam security check each time - yet the thumbs gives so little feedback. 'Why don't you have stars on the fly?' they enquired?
What a brill idea, and why not indeed - stars don't really need the same level of security as a comment do they?
I would love that if peeps could just click say one to five stars to give a more meaningful rating to the thumbs, and just as easily as checking the thumbs up or down
I know the thumbs will push images into favourites but it doesn't give me as much feedback as I'd like whilst being ultra user friendly
Virtual copy to new gallery
Problem: more than one group of people want to see a different selection of the same event's photos.
-Currently to make this happen I need to create more than one gallery and either upload the different sets of the same shoot to different galleries ( takes a long time to upload and SM ends up with more server space used than necessary) or make a copy of each individual shot that needs to be in the new gallery before I can move them to the new gallery
Solution: if I could 'make virtual copies of many' I could select the images I want to have copied to another gallery in one windowand all at once and then move them all from the same window
There would ideally be no need to make actual copies just virtul cpopies thus not taking up extra room on SMs servers? It would also be good if that one window displayed thumbs and stars ratings to facilitate choosing which pics need moving
It would be great if we could have a "guest" class added to the body tag when the guest account is being used. This way we can kind of customize our own "permissions" of the guest account without affecting the general loggedIn class. We could remove buttons and such that will confuse guests or maybe hid stuff we don't want to let them know is there .
It would be great if we could have a "guest" class added to the body tag when the guest account is being used. This way we can kind of customize our own "permissions" of the guest account without affecting the general loggedIn class. We could remove buttons and such that will confuse guests or maybe hid stuff we don't want to let them know is there .
This shouldn't be too hard, should it?
Kevin Helton
Awseome idea!
It is probably possible to use javascript to examine the cookie that is set on a guest login and add the class to the body tag yourself with javascript, but that would require a little sleuthing of the cookie.
Wish List at the moment- more to come
1. Calendars to make for sale
2. EXIF-- Shows lens used
3. Unblock password protected use of keywords. Or add password overide for keywords.
Many family etc unhappy they cannot use... (future smuggers)
4. Best photo. site with best help.. thanks
Notes on photos?
I'm new to smugmug.
I'm sure this has been discussed here, but, as I don't know what nomenclature is used, I'm not sure what to search for.
Does SmugMug have, or intend to have, a feature where I can add annotations to parts of an image?
For example, I want to associate a specific keyword with a specific face
or add a comment about the dress that someone is wearing in the photo
so that when the viewer hovers over the photo, the annotations appear
I did a forum search and came up empty handed, so how about adding a function to SmugMug that allows a direct upload of photos from a cell phone? There are similar features on sites such as YouTube...
Fix the Iphone link
When is the Iphone interface going to be fixed so the REST OF THE WORLD can use it?
None of the categories are links on a non-Iphone device and the
galleries pick is totally useless with many many many galleries to page
The visited link color is dark purple on black background and almost
impossible to see.
Otherwise everything else seems to work fine including keywords and
search. Except log in doesn't work.
non-iphone interface
With right click protection on all of the thumbs and photos are the blank gifs.
Log in submit button missing and <enter> doesn't work.
What do you mean by drop shipping? Usually that phrase means that items can be shipped directly from the factory/source to the customer and that is what happens when a customer orders prints.
When is the Iphone interface going to be fixed so the REST OF THE WORLD can use it?
Allen Allen... haven't you heard the first commandment of the iPhone?
Thou Shalt Have No Other Phones Before Me!
But semi-seriously -- c'mon, Don bought iPhones for everybody in the office. How much time do you think they're going to spend tweaking their fancy iPhone UI so that it works on anything else? For one thing, they'd actually have to *own* one of those inferior phones. :P
You know, I wrote an alternate UI for Phanfare because it displayed so poorly on my Wii. Turns out that it worked well for my poor little Palm Centro as well, and lots of other non-iPhone phones. Heck, before Phanfare came out with their iPhone-specific UI, Fan-Phan (my alt UI) was the only way to reasonably view your photos on an iPhone.
Perhaps I should look into porting the code to work with SmugMug galleries.
But you're right. It wouldn't take a lot of tweaking to make an iPhone-only UI also look kind of ok on regular phones. (And hey, some of these regular phones run reasonably powerful browsers like Opera, so it's not like we're asking you to create a WAP version of SmugMug. Guh.)
I did a forum search and came up empty handed, so how about adding a function to SmugMug that allows a direct upload of photos from a cell phone? There are similar features on sites such as YouTube...
What do you mean by drop shipping? Usually that phrase means that items can be shipped directly from the factory/source to the customer and that is what happens when a customer orders prints.
Drop shipping means that SM would ship the photos out for you by your information would appear on the return label so that it looks as if you shipped the photos. I would LOVE to have this feature. I made a post in another thread about what features I would like to see. I will have to copy them and move them over hear, to make sure they get noticed.
Drop shipping means that SM would ship the photos out for you by your information would appear on the return label so that it looks as if you shipped the photos. I would LOVE to have this feature. I made a post in another thread about what features I would like to see. I will have to copy them and move them over hear, to make sure they get noticed.
- Proper title tags. I was told "we'll look into it" months ago and never heard of it again.
- Remove the "Ultimate photo sharing bla bla" when there is no description entered.
- Short of virtual galleries, make a "copy to gallery"
- Reversed timeline so "recent" photos" show firsy instead of last.
- Bring us back to the keyword/caption page instead of the gallery page after saving keywords/captions.
- Lightbox when clicking a pic in journal view.
- Some easy way of giving away and downloading original images.
I like the idea of the user having the ability of choosing the lab to use. When I get customers , I would venture to say that most of them will be local customers. For local orders, I would rather print (at a local shop) and deliver the pictures myself. The user will get their pictures faster and it will give a bit of personal touch to my site.
I like the idea of being able to create my own custom products and sell them on my site. SM would process the payment for me, they would only send me the detail of the order and I would develop and ship the product myself.
Mpix now offers a "white label" drop shipment service. With this, when Mpix sends out an order the person uploading (site owner) the photo has the option to remove all Mpix branding from the shipping contents and the return address on the envelope is an address that the uploader specifies. It looks a little more professional.
Of course with these options, SM would still charge a percentage of the sale, but just not as much of a percentage.
I am a relatively new user to smugmug and have been uploading photos. Here are some suggestions I have related to gallery and catagory displays.
1. It would be nice to have some options on how galleries are displayed in the same way that photos can be displayed in Smugmug, Traditional, or Thumbs, etc. I like the way picassa displays albums with the title underneath, the # of photos and the date. This gives more info and allows more albums to be displayed on the screen at one time.
2. It would be nice to have more options to turn on and off in the customize such as number of photos, or date taken. Why is description grouped with update time. What if you just wanted the description.
3. I would like to be able to list galleries alphaetically by gallery name.
4. It would be nice if galleries and catagories looked different so you could differentiate visually which was which. I would also like to see # of galleries in a catagory as part of the display.
5. I would like to be able to change the default gallery settings. I see that I can name a set of customized gallery settings and apply those to new galleries but I don't see how to make a name set the default.
Zoom Slider for enlarging pics
I think it would be fantastic--a huge help--if there were simple Zoom Slider instead of the 'Photo Sizes' pop-out thing.
I've found that many people don't know they can change the sizes (they don't hover the mouse over the picture so they never see the pop-out) or if they do, they say clicking each size--then having to click "Close" (after one *finds* the Close link which becomes hidden if the photo is huge) after each one is a pain.
IMG Code for Forums & Bullentin Boards Like Photobucket Has
With PB, all I have to do is click the IMG Code & paste it right into the body of a post on a message board. I can do this multiple times within the same post. It's VERY convinent! Can SM add this feature? It's really a deal maker for me.
Slideshow Progress Bar
I mentioned this when you first changed the slide show but a visitor that I referred to my site complained about it to me today so here's another try.
I live in a part of the world where the internet is not always great. There must be a lot of places like this. Smugmug is often very slow to load, so much so that people frequently ask me if my files are huge (I thought it didn't matter - don't you optimize the display versions to speed things up?). When viewing a slide show however, 60% or 70% of the time a picture is on screen is wasted since the progress bar appears in the middle thereby (a) making you realise how infernally slow things are running and (b) ruining the picture that you could at least be enjoying in the meantime.
Please, please move the progress bar to some other place - bottom right hand corner aligned with the top line of the caption would look fine. Anywhere, anywhere at all outside the picture area would do the trick. I can't imagine this is a difficult tweak and no-one is going to complain since I assume most people don't see it anyway, just us bandwidth challenged folK.
I take photos of a few local HS sports teams, and usually use the "share" feature to email a photo as notice to prior customers that there are new shots available.
It would simplify my life if I could create a group email list, (ie team x, team y, etc) so that I could send a note to the whole team with fewer clicks. I know I could set this up through my own email account, but the emails from smumug seem to have more impact.
I did see a similar request on the board, ( but could not see if there were any serious thoughts about implementing it.
Any thoughts?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Speaking of Blogger, I'd like to see options in the "share" URL lists to have them preformatted as HTML or BBCode tags for quicker insertion into blog posts and forum posts. Both should, of course, hotlink the image back to the gallery.
For example, currently this is all that's copied;
Adding this would allow quick posting to another website or to Blogger:
I'd post the BBCode equivalent as well, but I'm not sure how to escape it so that it will show properly. Right now, though, if I want to post a photo and link it back to the gallery, it takes a couple of switches back and forth to get both URLs and enter them.
Now, all that would get to be a pretty long list if just added to the "Get a link" page, but maybe an extra option or two could be added in the "Send an email | Get a link" bar to offer "Post to web or forum."
Photos - still under construction, suggestions welcome
Hi, When do you think the coupon feature will be offered? In time for the Holiday's maybe?
Summary of FRs implemented from the prior thread:
* automatic resize of too-large and too-many mb files
* holiday cards!
* RSS Feeds for unlisted galleries, for logged in users
* Don't count owner hits in stats
* Give owners easy way to download files (Owner Save)
* Give an easy way to see Visitor View
* Store Raw, DNG and other non-jpg files
* Paypal (alright, it's a lame option, but it's there)
* Give Pros the name & address of buyers
* Improve news to customers
* Outage notifications (
* Captions in slideshow
* Detect if flash needed for slideshow
* Square thumbs
* Flash Slideshow
* Lower prices (we did, on 5x7s, 8x10s, 8x12s)
* Speed up the shopping cart
* Power Accounts get Custom Domain Names
* Power Accounts get Right Click Protection
* Make the photo tools easier to use
* Make SmuggLr work with Phanfare & PicasaWeb
* Allow individual photos to be hidden
* Let power and pros decide about stretchy variables
* Increase the video limits (Pros can go to 10 mins)
* Improved video quality
Summary of "hot requests" (NOT implemented yet!
Virtual Galleies
Backup Customizing!
Customizing widgets
more levels of categories
Coupons packagages
Pro 'lightbox' or 'favorites'
Better organizing!
Self Fulfilmnet
More Pro Lab Options
Metallic Prints
Improve Bulk Setttings in many ways
PWD protect a category
EXIF in display copies
Better control over true/auto
Improve the Search- vastly improve it!
Prior Threads here:
When this thread is closed, you can be sure that all of the feature requests have been shared with everyone at SmugMug.[/quote]
Nautical & Travel Photographer
I will ask one more time. Can we PLEASE have a site-wide default for new gallery creation for the thumbs so I can set it to rectangular thumbs. One of the few times when I regularly get pissed at Smugmug is when I forget to set the thumbs to rectangular, upload a whole bunch of photos and then see a display like this with lots of heads cut off. While I'm sure that square thumbs are good for some kinds of photos, they are absolutely horrible for the one thing that I shoot the most of (sports in the portrait orientation when shooting tight).
I'd just like a site-wide default for new galleries so that it goes back to the way it used to be and rectangular thumbs are the default for me in any new gallery I create. Saved settings don't usually work because no non-web uploaders support them and because I don't always have a saved setting with the right settings to use (e.g. passwords, etc...).
Please, please, please.
There are likely other settings that would benefit from a site-wide default too like sharpening, geography, camera info, clean, filenames, sort, hello world, hello smuggers, right-click protection, watermarking, largest size, rank, comments, proof days, backprinting and true color.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Comment from someone looking at a gallery of mine while talking to me on the phone, they made the comment that it's far too much hassle to make comments on lots of pics because you have to not only write sonmething but have to pass the anti-spam security check each time - yet the thumbs gives so little feedback. 'Why don't you have stars on the fly?' they enquired?
What a brill idea, and why not indeed - stars don't really need the same level of security as a comment do they?
I would love that if peeps could just click say one to five stars to give a more meaningful rating to the thumbs, and just as easily as checking the thumbs up or down
I know the thumbs will push images into favourites but it doesn't give me as much feedback as I'd like whilst being ultra user friendly
any chance?
Problem: more than one group of people want to see a different selection of the same event's photos.
-Currently to make this happen I need to create more than one gallery and either upload the different sets of the same shoot to different galleries ( takes a long time to upload and SM ends up with more server space used than necessary) or make a copy of each individual shot that needs to be in the new gallery before I can move them to the new gallery
Solution: if I could 'make virtual copies of many' I could select the images I want to have copied to another gallery in one window and all at once and then move them all from the same window
There would ideally be no need to make actual copies just virtul cpopies thus not taking up extra room on SMs servers? It would also be good if that one window displayed thumbs and stars ratings to facilitate choosing which pics need moving
Good idea? or not?
Hi all,
It would be great if we could have a "guest" class added to the body tag when the guest account is being used. This way we can kind of customize our own "permissions" of the guest account without affecting the general loggedIn class. We could remove buttons and such that will confuse guests or maybe hid stuff we don't want to let them know is there
This shouldn't be too hard, should it?
Kevin Helton
Kevin Helton Photography
Awseome idea!
It is probably possible to use javascript to examine the cookie that is set on a guest login and add the class to the body tag yourself with javascript, but that would require a little sleuthing of the cookie.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
If possible, this would work with integration with
1. Calendars to make for sale
2. EXIF-- Shows lens used
3. Unblock password protected use of keywords. Or add password overide for keywords.
Many family etc unhappy they cannot use... (future smuggers)
4. Best photo. site with best help.. thanks
I'm new to smugmug.
I'm sure this has been discussed here, but, as I don't know what nomenclature is used, I'm not sure what to search for.
Does SmugMug have, or intend to have, a feature where I can add annotations to parts of an image?
For example, I want to associate a specific keyword with a specific face
or add a comment about the dress that someone is wearing in the photo
so that when the viewer hovers over the photo, the annotations appear
Thank you
Thanks for the feature request!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
and thanks to listening to your customers in adding Metallic paper recently. ...that was my number 2 request!
I did a forum search and came up empty handed, so how about adding a function to SmugMug that allows a direct upload of photos from a cell phone? There are similar features on sites such as YouTube...
Thanks in advance for the consideration!
When is the Iphone interface going to be fixed so the REST OF THE WORLD can use it?
None of the categories are links on a non-Iphone device and the
galleries pick is totally useless with many many many galleries to page
The visited link color is dark purple on black background and almost
impossible to see.
Otherwise everything else seems to work fine including keywords and
search. Except log in doesn't work.
non-iphone interface
With right click protection on all of the thumbs and photos are the blank gifs.
Log in submit button missing and <enter> doesn't work.
My Website index | My Blog
What do you mean by drop shipping? Usually that phrase means that items can be shipped directly from the factory/source to the customer and that is what happens when a customer orders prints.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Allen Allen... haven't you heard the first commandment of the iPhone?
Thou Shalt Have No Other Phones Before Me!
But semi-seriously -- c'mon, Don bought iPhones for everybody in the office. How much time do you think they're going to spend tweaking their fancy iPhone UI so that it works on anything else? For one thing, they'd actually have to *own* one of those inferior phones. :P
You know, I wrote an alternate UI for Phanfare because it displayed so poorly on my Wii. Turns out that it worked well for my poor little Palm Centro as well, and lots of other non-iPhone phones. Heck, before Phanfare came out with their iPhone-specific UI, Fan-Phan (my alt UI) was the only way to reasonably view your photos on an iPhone.
Perhaps I should look into porting the code to work with SmugMug galleries.
But you're right. It wouldn't take a lot of tweaking to make an iPhone-only UI also look kind of ok on regular phones. (And hey, some of these regular phones run reasonably powerful browsers like Opera, so it's not like we're asking you to create a WAP version of SmugMug. Guh.)
Drop shipping means that SM would ship the photos out for you by your information would appear on the return label so that it looks as if you shipped the photos. I would LOVE to have this feature. I made a post in another thread about what features I would like to see. I will have to copy them and move them over hear, to make sure they get noticed.
OK, thanks for clarifying.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
- Remove the "Ultimate photo sharing bla bla" when there is no description entered.
- Short of virtual galleries, make a "copy to gallery"
- Reversed timeline so "recent" photos" show firsy instead of last.
- Bring us back to the keyword/caption page instead of the gallery page after saving keywords/captions.
- Lightbox when clicking a pic in journal view.
- Some easy way of giving away and downloading original images.
- I like the idea of the user having the ability of choosing the lab to use. When I get customers
, I would venture to say that most of them will be local customers. For local orders, I would rather print (at a local shop) and deliver the pictures myself. The user will get their pictures faster and it will give a bit of personal touch to my site.
- I like the idea of being able to create my own custom products and sell them on my site. SM would process the payment for me, they would only send me the detail of the order and I would develop and ship the product myself.
- Mpix now offers a "white label" drop shipment service. With this, when Mpix sends out an order the person uploading (site owner) the photo has the option to remove all Mpix branding from the shipping contents and the return address on the envelope is an address that the uploader specifies. It looks a little more professional.
Of course with these options, SM would still charge a percentage of the sale, but just not as much of a percentage.
Dear Smugmug,
I am a relatively new user to smugmug and have been uploading photos. Here are some suggestions I have related to gallery and catagory displays.
1. It would be nice to have some options on how galleries are displayed in the same way that photos can be displayed in Smugmug, Traditional, or Thumbs, etc. I like the way picassa displays albums with the title underneath, the # of photos and the date. This gives more info and allows more albums to be displayed on the screen at one time.
2. It would be nice to have more options to turn on and off in the customize such as number of photos, or date taken. Why is description grouped with update time. What if you just wanted the description.
3. I would like to be able to list galleries alphaetically by gallery name.
4. It would be nice if galleries and catagories looked different so you could differentiate visually which was which. I would also like to see # of galleries in a catagory as part of the display.
5. I would like to be able to change the default gallery settings. I see that I can name a set of customized gallery settings and apply those to new galleries but I don't see how to make a name set the default.
right now I have the comments area but not really what I am looking for. I want people to leave comments but in a blog type setting.
Do we have something like that available or can I request it?
J o s e p h S a l m i
P h o t o g r a p h y
My google fu needs some serious work! Thank you very much for the pointers!!
I think it would be fantastic--a huge help--if there were simple Zoom Slider instead of the 'Photo Sizes' pop-out thing.
I've found that many people don't know they can change the sizes (they don't hover the mouse over the picture so they never see the pop-out) or if they do, they say clicking each size--then having to click "Close" (after one *finds* the Close link which becomes hidden if the photo is huge) after each one is a pain.
With PB, all I have to do is click the IMG Code & paste it right into the body of a post on a message board. I can do this multiple times within the same post. It's VERY convinent! Can SM add this feature? It's really a deal maker for me.
I mentioned this when you first changed the slide show but a visitor that I referred to my site complained about it to me today so here's another try.
I live in a part of the world where the internet is not always great. There must be a lot of places like this. Smugmug is often very slow to load, so much so that people frequently ask me if my files are huge (I thought it didn't matter - don't you optimize the display versions to speed things up?). When viewing a slide show however, 60% or 70% of the time a picture is on screen is wasted since the progress bar appears in the middle thereby (a) making you realise how infernally slow things are running and (b) ruining the picture that you could at least be enjoying in the meantime.
Please, please move the progress bar to some other place - bottom right hand corner aligned with the top line of the caption would look fine. Anywhere, anywhere at all outside the picture area would do the trick. I can't imagine this is a difficult tweak and no-one is going to complain since I assume most people don't see it anyway, just us bandwidth challenged folK.