SmugMug Bug Reporting Thread

Something not working right? Might be a bug, reply here. Give us all the details you can. Anything that might be relevant like your browser. Are you logged in? What were you doing before the problem? Send us a link to the SmugMug page you were using. Anything that you can think of to help us track down the problem.
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Nevermind, it was a problem with Firefox. Basic troubleshooting for the browser fixed it.
Hi, been trying different things, but cant solve two issues in two different albums. The 1st is my captions in this album -->
Theres spaces in between the words and also don't allign right with the photos.
The 2nd problem is with vertical photos being cut off when displayed in the album, NOT when you click to enlarge. -->
Cant seem to figure out how to fix it.
Looks like you've got "Square thumbs" for this gallery. Click on customize gallery and tick the box that says "Original".
It'll take a few minutes to take effect, but that should fix the problem.
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Thats a negative. Box is already at "original" for thumbs. I even used the settings from other albums that are fine and get the same results.
too low, under photos tools > Crop Thumbnail, readjust 1x1 square to where
you want it.
Add this to CSS
.traditional .caption {text-align: center !important;}
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The first problem you brought up has to do with the Spoonman theme that you are using. The captions are centered with other themes. I'll report this problem.
The second issue you brought up probably happened because you used a quicksettings template. Using them can change the way that the thumbnails setting is displayed in the Gallery Customization page. However, that won't start the process in the gallery. Sorry about that. You'd have to switch the setting to Square then back to Original. Or, you could leave the setting on Original and rotate one way and then back again. I'm in the process of fixing your thumbnails, please stand by. Again, sorry about this, I'll make sure that the engineers know about it.
Thanks, fixed the thumbs!! Thanks for the quick resonse!
This is an observation I noticed today:
I was moving photos (one of which was the featured photo of the gallery) out of one gallery to a new one via "Move to Other Gallery" and created a new gallery by entering the new gallery name from there. After I was done, it seems that the featured photo still remained as the old gallery's featured thumbnail despite that photo being moved into the new gallery.
This is not a big deal at all, but it was interesting. Perhaps if the featured photo were moved out of a gallery, the gallery should go back to randomly selecting a photo as the gallery thumbnail?
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Yeah, this is one of those silly little bugs that we're aware of but haven't fixed yet. Sorry. Thanks for bringing it up!
then move them to an unlisted gallery so they will not show with the other
photos in the gallery.
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Interesting. I was going to suggest using "hide photo" but I guess that actually does work how I expected it to and you're not able to use it as a special featured thumb for that gallery.
Honestly, it makes more sense to give "hide photo" the ability to do what you'd like (preserving the ability for you have special featured thumbs), and fix the 'bug' for moved photos, since that seemed to be more of an inconvenient hack. Perhaps a more specific option called "feature photo + hide" so you don't even have to use a work-around to have special featured thumbs that need to be moved to a different unlisted gallery?
I'm definitely not asking to remove functions that other users actually use, but hopefully it makes sense not having to jump through hoops either to do what you want
Canon S95 | Panasonic FZ-20 w/ 36-432mm (35mm equiv.) | Canon SD500 | and of course my old Canon S230 =D
haha. I don't think it's in danger of being fixed any time soon. It's very LOW in priority. You can rest easy tonight.
Here's a minor bug:
I have my homepage set to the "light" color scheme, so my homepage has a white background and the hyperlinks are black.
I upload my images with the Picasa2 plugin. When the confirmation page pops up ("Success! All %d of your photos were uploaded"), the background is black and the hyperlinks are black, so I can't see them.
Sure enough, when I change my homepage scheme to "dark" again, the confirmation page has white hyperlinks, allowing me to read them.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention this is on IE7. Haven't tried any other browser.
linking to my nickname. I solved this by reducing the number showing from the
33 to 1 and then back to 33 which seemed to regenerate the links to domain.
Now just noticed they are back to nickname links. I removed ALL
customization even theme and didn't help.
Edit: regenerated the links again, will see how long this lasts.
Edit: 'nuther test. This is really weird. Now on Nickname HP all pop thumbs show as domain links
not nickname links and clicking thumb to popular gallery now switches all links to domain.
(all nav links are relative) Clear cache and cookies no effect.
Edit: bam! they reverted back to nickname links, what's going on?
Checking each time in FF2, Flock and IE6
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When I create a gallery that requires a password, the slide show will not work. Specifically, if I login to the locked/protected gallery as its owner, the slideshow works fine. However, if I enter the protected gallery using its password, the slideshow hangs-up. This is a major problem. I cannot use protected galleries because they do not function properly. This is a severe limitation since many galleries cannot be made available for viewing by the general public. This problem REALLY hurts! & smugmug
sorry for the hassle, however I can't seem to replicate this. Can you give (by PM if you wish) me a link to one of the galleries that is causing hickups for you? Also, let me know what browser you are using, please. Thanks. & smugmug
I'm using IE6; however, have tried it using FireFox and had the same problem. SmugMug admits this is an issue but, apparently, has been unable to fix it. I'm disappointed that they have not made some general recognition/announcement of the problem and what the status is. Please send me an email and I will provide you all the particulars as well as the link/password to get into the gallery.
Thank you.
It's a known bug and I'm sorry that we weren't clear on that. It's in the bug list and our developer will fix it.
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I uploaded a few pictures and then rotated them in SmugMug. During the time while the photos were rotating, I realized that I also needed to remove red-eye. So I opened the original pics on my computer, then rotated and removed the red-eye using The Gimp. I then did a replace on the SmugMug photos, which still had not finished being rotated. The photos seemed to replace the bad ones OK, then a little later they got rotated.
My guess is that the rotate job never finished before the replacement photos went up, so the replacements got rotated. It's not a big deal since I just rotated the replacements back to the correct orientation.
what exactly is (not) happening? & smugmug
Welcome to Digital Grin & smugmug
getting system error(invalid album id)(5) when the files are trying to get sent. & smugmug
Color effects lowered the quality of one of my images. Here's the before and after. Ignore the brightness difference... I'm talking about the jpeg artifacts (I think) and small watermark:
After auto color correct:
Here's a reproducible bug. If my regular viewing style is the smugmug view and I open a gallery, it comes up on the smugmug style. If I then switch to the traditional style, I get a grid of images. If I click one one of the thumbs, it opens a single image view of that image. If I then try to switch to any other view, nothing happens. It won't let me change the viewing style. If I go back to my home page and re-enter the gallery from there, the newly chosen viewing style goes into effect, but not once I've gotten to the single image view. The same seems to be true whether I start in Traditional or All Thumbs or Critique or Journal. When I click on the main image and go to the single image view, I can no longer switch to another view.
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I've tried moving both bulk and single photos, but no rotating seems to work
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