I tried again tonight (with Chrome, same Flash) and I see bugs in the card picker. When I select Christmas, I get dead image links. When I select other categories the names concatenate on the same line instead of replacing the Holiday category. Attached are some screenshots.
Clicking on the dead-link images works fine, so it looks like the small icon files are missing. I was able to successfully get a card into my shopping card.
Is there a way to order 125 cards at the 100-card rate? I don't want to order 100 at the 100 card rate and then 20 at the 20 card rate.
Does anyone have a solution for the uploading problem yet? I uploaded 53 files and they all went in random order. Why can't it just go back to the way it was? Is it a fixable bug? Please help!!
Snady :thumb
my money well spent
Nikon D4, D3s, D3, D700, Nikkor 24-70, 70-200 2.8 vrII, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4, 105mm macro, sigma fisheye, SB 800's and lots of other goodies!
Simple Uploader Problem fixed???
Several problems with Simple Uploader have been posted lately, including mine, about it not loading or freezing. Don't know if this will help but I apparently fixed my problem by updating to latest Java update. For some reason, when I checked for latest update in my Java Control Panel, response was there were no updates. Well, I went to this Java test page and the quick test said I did not have latest. So I downloaded/installed Java 6 update 10 and the Simple Uploader is working fine now, both for Smugmug and another site where it was freezing up.
Don't know if this will help anyone else...just passing the info on.
Acadiana Al
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Something not working right? Might be a bug, reply here. Give us all the details you can. Anything that might be relevant like your browser.
The gallery control that says "Page X of Y Next > >>" stays on top of the floating Photo Information "window". Z-index issue I guess. It happens on IE 7.0.6001.18000, while it works fine on Firefox 3.0.4.
The gallery control that says "Page X of Y Next > >>" stays on top of the floating Photo Information "window". Z-index issue I guess. It happens on IE 7.0.6001.18000, while it works fine on Firefox 3.0.4.
The gallery control that says "Page X of Y Next > >>" stays on top of the floating Photo Information "window". Z-index issue I guess. It happens on IE 7.0.6001.18000, while it works fine on Firefox 3.0.4.
The gallery control that says "Page X of Y Next > >>" stays on top of the floating Photo Information "window". Z-index issue I guess. It happens on IE 7.0.6001.18000, while it works fine on Firefox 3.0.4.
Same problem on my PC using IE 7.0.5730.11. All galleries...seems to be associated with [div #pageNavigation_top .pageNav leftColumn nav] only.
Acadiana Al
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Hi, Anna,
Sorry that I can't help more. I received some hints that it may be a cache problem. So I cleared both Java and FF browser temp internet files. I thought I was onto something as both worked a couple of times if I cleared caches each time and restarted FF. But problem came back to stay for a while! However, I am able to use the Aurigma Java uploader for both Smugmug and Mpix using IE7:nah. Go figuire! Where are the Smugmug gurus when we need them?
I just wanted to report the latest on my uploading problems, for anyone following this or having the same... Bottom line is I'm still looking for answers on Firefox & uploading to SmugMug. I can only upload a couple (2 or 3) photos using any of the Java-based methods without crashing Firefox. So-- still highly frustrating.
Secondly, on the advice I got here, we did double-check that we have the very latest Java, and we do-- Java 6 update 10. As I stated earlier, we had completely dumped Firefox & re-installed it. We clear the cache often. We also checked for updates on add-ons. CoolIris (formerly PicLens) had a new one, so we updated that. But still cannot upload larger batches of images through Firefox.
Thirdly-- the IE problem (where I could not even click on "add photos" and get a response) was a completely un-related, bizarre fluke. By accident, the cursor had gotten switched to "select area" or somesuch! So all we had to do was choose another selection for the cursor (a right-click function, I think-- I'm not sure; my spouse fixed it in a second.... but it took him awhile to figure out that was the problem; not something that's ever happened!) So, bottom line there is that IE uploading works fine.
Fourthly, I hate IE. Sorry, I shouldn't vent here except that there may be sympathetic ears. The latest glitch with that is that IE wants to open new windows for EVERYthing-- for each new choice on SmugMug, such as choosing a gallery, or uploading, or even logging in, it insists on choosing a new window & I end up having to close gazillions of windows--AAaaargh! I've never seen this before. It's the latest IE, but the problem did not crop up with an update. It just cropped up randomly. I think I'll copy this & onto a new thread so others may see it, since it's not only related to the uploading thing. It's only related because I'm forced to use IE whenever I have the intent to upload, since FF isn't working for that.
Well, thanks for all attempts to help-- we did learn useful info. from all of your answers. And if anyone hears something new on FF & Java, please keep me posted! I'm going to look like this: :pissed if I have to use IE much longer: Thanks ! --Anna Lisa
IE Opens New Windows Constantly on SmugMug
IE wants to open new windows for EVERYthing I do on SmugMug-- for each new choice, such as choosing a gallery, or uploading, or even logging in, it insists on choosing a new window & I end up having to close gazillions of windows--AAaaargh! I've never seen this before. It's the latest IE, but the problem did not crop up with an update. It just cropped up randomly and without seeming provocation.
IE also wants some kind of "permission" on two of the early steps of getting onto SmugMug. I've never seen that before, either. By the end of any process on SmugMug, I end up with as many windows open as Imelda had shoes... it's ridiculous. When uploading, I'm not sure how many of them I can close without interrupting the process. Is anyone else experiencing this? I can't say if IE is doing this on other sites, as I avoid it like the plague. I'll try to take a deep breath and check on that. I know I haven't been very nice to IE on here. Am I getting my hand slapped by some IE big brother??!! [eta: oops, I guess these posts both ended up in the same place... I didn't mean to do that, exactly...]
have you tried the third party uploader?
Its an extra step but what I do is create the gallery online.
Then I select it from the third party app and it works everytime.
much more reliable.
I just wanted to report the latest on my uploading problems, for anyone following this or having the same... Bottom line is I'm still looking for answers on Firefox & uploading to SmugMug. I can only upload a couple (2 or 3) photos using any of the Java-based methods without crashing Firefox. So-- still highly frustrating.
Secondly, on the advice I got here, we did double-check that we have the very latest Java, and we do-- Java 6 update 10. As I stated earlier, we had completely dumped Firefox & re-installed it. We clear the cache often. We also checked for updates on add-ons. CoolIris (formerly PicLens) had a new one, so we updated that. But still cannot upload larger batches of images through Firefox.
Thirdly-- the IE problem (where I could not even click on "add photos" and get a response) was a completely un-related, bizarre fluke. By accident, the cursor had gotten switched to "select area" or somesuch! So all we had to do was choose another selection for the cursor (a right-click function, I think-- I'm not sure; my spouse fixed it in a second.... but it took him awhile to figure out that was the problem; not something that's ever happened!) So, bottom line there is that IE uploading works fine.
Fourthly, I hate IE. Sorry, I shouldn't vent here except that there may be sympathetic ears. The latest glitch with that is that IE wants to open new windows for EVERYthing-- for each new choice on SmugMug, such as choosing a gallery, or uploading, or even logging in, it insists on choosing a new window & I end up having to close gazillions of windows--AAaaargh! I've never seen this before. It's the latest IE, but the problem did not crop up with an update. It just cropped up randomly. I think I'll copy this & onto a new thread so others may see it, since it's not only related to the uploading thing. It's only related because I'm forced to use IE whenever I have the intent to upload, since FF isn't working for that.
Well, thanks for all attempts to help-- we did learn useful info. from all of your answers. And if anyone hears something new on FF & Java, please keep me posted! I'm going to look like this: :pissed if I have to use IE much longer: Thanks ! --Anna Lisa
have you tried the third party uploader?
Its an extra step but what I do is create the gallery online.
Then I select it from the third party app and it works everytime.
much more reliable.
Hmm, no I haven't tried this. I'm not entirely sure what you mean, though. I may need more details... I don't know of any other place online where I can create a gallery-- I mean, SmugMug is the only place I have this kind of gallery. I only have art portfolios on a couple places like FineArtAmerica & RedBubble & NaturePhotographers, and have stock photos with several agencies. I'm guessing you're talking about Flickr or Photobucket. I was hoping not to need to bother with them since as far as I know, I have no need of them for any other photography purposes that I have... am worried about security on there & feel MUCH safer with SmugMug's settings choices on Pro galleries.
Create the gallery settings in IE or firefox.
Then use this software to upload them to smugmug.
Its great and recommended by others here.
Its called send to smugmug, so you can send photos from anywhere on your pc.
Hmm, no I haven't tried this. I'm not entirely sure what you mean, though. I may need more details... I don't know of any other place online where I can create a gallery-- I mean, SmugMug is the only place I have this kind of gallery. I only have art portfolios on a couple places like FineArtAmerica & RedBubble & NaturePhotographers, and have stock photos with several agencies. I'm guessing you're talking about Flickr or Photobucket. I was hoping not to need to bother with them since as far as I know, I have no need of them for any other photography purposes that I have... am worried about security on there & feel MUCH safer with SmugMug's settings choices on Pro galleries.
IE wants to open new windows for EVERYthing I do on SmugMug-- for each new choice, such as choosing a gallery, or uploading, or even logging in, it insists on choosing a new window & I end up having to close gazillions of windows--AAaaargh! I've never seen this before. It's the latest IE, but the problem did not crop up with an update. It just cropped up randomly and without seeming provocation.
IE also wants some kind of "permission" on two of the early steps of getting onto SmugMug. I've never seen that before, either. By the end of any process on SmugMug, I end up with as many windows open as Imelda had shoes... it's ridiculous. When uploading, I'm not sure how many of them I can close without interrupting the process. Is anyone else experiencing this? I can't say if IE is doing this on other sites, as I avoid it like the plague. I'll try to take a deep breath and check on that. I know I haven't been very nice to IE on here. Am I getting my hand slapped by some IE big brother??!! [eta: oops, I guess these posts both ended up in the same place... I didn't mean to do that, exactly...]
Note: here's the first message I get on IE when trying to open my page, www.winsomeworks : "IE needs to open a new window to display this website. For your computer's security, websites that are in different security zones must open in different windows".
Create the gallery settings in IE or firefox.
Then use this software to upload them to smugmug.
Its great and recommended by others here.
Its called send to smugmug, so you can send photos from anywhere on your pc.
Ok, thanks-- I've seen this suggestion before but wasn't clear on why it should work any better. Is the difference that it does not use Java for the upload? 'Cause I assume Java is the problem (or Java's non-communication with FF). And otherwise, is this method faster for uploading for some reason?
Ok, thanks-- I've seen this suggestion before but wasn't clear on why it should work any better. Is the difference that it does not use Java for the upload? 'Cause I assume Java is the problem (or Java's non-communication with FF). And otherwise, is this method faster for uploading for some reason?
Correct with the first one, your browser isn't open.
plus, if it crashes, it remembers what was the last file uploaded so you don't get duplicates.
I wish I could donate to this guy because its great software.
Ok, thanks-- I've seen this suggestion before but wasn't clear on why it should work any better. Is the difference that it does not use Java for the upload? 'Cause I assume Java is the problem (or Java's non-communication with FF). And otherwise, is this method faster for uploading for some reason?
I just verified that Smugmug Java Simple Uploader works okay on both latest FF and IE7. Wish I could help more. At the risk of making dumb suggestions, I'll throw a few things out that you may wish to check:
Check if your Java Control Panel/General/Temp Internet Files/Disk Space is set to max 1000 MB. Don't know if this affects anything.
You may want to compare your Java Control Panel/Advanced/Settings with my settings. You may notice something there.
Options/Privacy/Cookies - Third Party cookies is checked until expire.
Options/Privacy/Cookies/Exceptions - Possible Smugmug cookies blocked or disabled?
Possible disabling/blocking of Smugmug cookes by add-ons like CookieSafe??
As for IE7...
My Internet Options/Security/ set to Med High.
My Privacy set to Med High. Note 'Turn on Popup Blocker' is unchecked.
My Advanced Settings:
Java (Sun) is checked.
Microsoft VM/JIT Compiler is checked.
Good luck!
Acadiana Al
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
It stopped working last night. It had been working just fine that same night. I noticed a few of the example sites from the post on setting it up appear to not be working as well. In particular...http://bigwebguy.smugmug.com/
I am very new and just getting things setup up so I thought it may be something I have done, but wanted to post to make sure as other sites seem to be impacted.
It stopped working last night. It had been working just fine that same night. I noticed a few of the example sites from the post on setting it up appear to not be working as well. In particular...http://bigwebguy.smugmug.com/
I am very new and just getting things setup up so I thought it may be something I have done, but wanted to post to make sure as other sites seem to be impacted.
I am using IE7.
I deleted the html in my bio and started over. It's working now.
if it wasn't for omar's uploader I would seriously contimplate leaving smugmug.
This absolutely ridiculous that uploading from firefox or ie (tried on two vista business and one vista home pc) crashes after every third or fourth file.
if it wasn't for omar's uploader I would seriously contimplate leaving smugmug.
This absolutely ridiculous that uploading from firefox or ie (tried on two vista business and one vista home pc) crashes after every third or fourth file.
It shouldn't do that at all, nor does it, for 99.99% of our customers - browser, local comms, local pc issues, local environment or network issues all can play a factor - we'd LOVE to help you if you'll write our heroes and let us. Thanks!
It shouldn't do that at all, nor does it, for 99.99% of our customers - browser, local comms, local pc issues, local environment or network issues all can play a factor - we'd LOVE to help you if you'll write our heroes and let us. Thanks!
Sorry Andy,
just venting.....this issue has been discussed here and at dpreview about this especially now with the flash upgrade.
The only uploader that works is omar's.
I will send an email to support.
Still nothing on the upload in order problem?? Mac Daddy continues to have the flu. VERy frustrating at this time of the year. Having a labprints storefront is starting to look really enticing at this point.......... nobody seems to want to address this issue? Is there a number to call?
Snady :thumb
my money well spent
Nikon D4, D3s, D3, D700, Nikkor 24-70, 70-200 2.8 vrII, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4, 105mm macro, sigma fisheye, SB 800's and lots of other goodies!
Can someone change the wording in this tutorial from:
"Footer Javascript" to "Bottom Javascript".
We have users like this one who are reading "Footer Javascript" and only finding one field that has the name "Footer" in it and are putting it in the wrong place. Now that the javascript locations have been changed to top and bottom so they are less likely to get confused with header and footer, we just need a few words in tutorial to be updated to match.
Can someone change the wording in this tutorial from:
"Footer Javascript" to "Bottom Javascript".
We have users like this one who are reading "Footer Javascript" and only finding one field that has the name "Footer" in it and are putting it in the wrong place. Now that the javascript locations have been changed to top and bottom so they are less likely to get confused with header and footer, we just need a few words in tutorial to be updated to match.
That is not true, our team is aware. I'm sorry that I have no update right now. Stay tuned, thanks.
Is there a number to call?
We do all of our support by email. We're real people, here for you, 365 days a year, nights, weekends, all major holidays - and nearly round-the-clock We promise fast, accurate, friendly answers. http://www.smugmug.com/help/emailreal
I tried again tonight (with Chrome, same Flash) and I see bugs in the card picker. When I select Christmas, I get dead image links. When I select other categories the names concatenate on the same line instead of replacing the Holiday category. Attached are some screenshots.
Clicking on the dead-link images works fine, so it looks like the small icon files are missing. I was able to successfully get a card into my shopping card.
Is there a way to order 125 cards at the 100-card rate? I don't want to order 100 at the 100 card rate and then 20 at the 20 card rate.
Several problems with Simple Uploader have been posted lately, including mine, about it not loading or freezing. Don't know if this will help but I apparently fixed my problem by updating to latest Java update. For some reason, when I checked for latest update in my Java Control Panel, response was there were no updates. Well, I went to this Java test page and the quick test said I did not have latest. So I downloaded/installed Java 6 update 10 and the Simple Uploader is working fine now, both for Smugmug and another site where it was freezing up.
Don't know if this will help anyone else...just passing the info on.
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
The gallery control that says "Page X of Y Next > >>" stays on top of the floating Photo Information "window". Z-index issue I guess. It happens on IE 7.0.6001.18000, while it works fine on Firefox 3.0.4.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
#pageNavigation_top {
z-index: 50 !important;
My Website index | My Blog
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
For now, just move the exif floatie pls
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
showing though in Firefox and also IE6.
#pageNavigation_top img,
#pageNavigation_top {
z-index: 50 !important;
.exifBox {z-index: 99;}
My Website index | My Blog
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Second grab with IE6 with the CSS added.
My Website index | My Blog
I just wanted to report the latest on my uploading problems, for anyone following this or having the same... Bottom line is I'm still looking for answers on Firefox & uploading to SmugMug. I can only upload a couple (2 or 3) photos using any of the Java-based methods without crashing Firefox. So-- still highly frustrating.
Secondly, on the advice I got here, we did double-check that we have the very latest Java, and we do-- Java 6 update 10. As I stated earlier, we had completely dumped Firefox & re-installed it. We clear the cache often. We also checked for updates on add-ons. CoolIris (formerly PicLens) had a new one, so we updated that. But still cannot upload larger batches of images through Firefox.
Thirdly-- the IE problem (where I could not even click on "add photos" and get a response) was a completely un-related, bizarre fluke. By accident, the cursor had gotten switched to "select area" or somesuch! So all we had to do was choose another selection for the cursor (a right-click function, I think-- I'm not sure; my spouse fixed it in a second.... but it took him awhile to figure out that was the problem; not something that's ever happened!) So, bottom line there is that IE uploading works fine.
Fourthly, I hate IE. Sorry, I shouldn't vent here except that there may be sympathetic ears. The latest glitch with that is that IE wants to open new windows for EVERYthing-- for each new choice on SmugMug, such as choosing a gallery, or uploading, or even logging in, it insists on choosing a new window & I end up having to close gazillions of windows--AAaaargh! I've never seen this before. It's the latest IE, but the problem did not crop up with an update. It just cropped up randomly.
Well, thanks for all attempts to help-- we did learn useful info. from all of your answers. And if anyone hears something new on FF & Java, please keep me posted! I'm going to look like this: :pissed if I have to use IE much longer: Thanks !
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
IE wants to open new windows for EVERYthing I do on SmugMug-- for each new choice, such as choosing a gallery, or uploading, or even logging in, it insists on choosing a new window & I end up having to close gazillions of windows--AAaaargh! I've never seen this before. It's the latest IE, but the problem did not crop up with an update. It just cropped up randomly and without seeming provocation.
IE also wants some kind of "permission" on two of the early steps of getting onto SmugMug. I've never seen that before, either. By the end of any process on SmugMug, I end up with as many windows open as Imelda had shoes... it's ridiculous. When uploading, I'm not sure how many of them I can close without interrupting the process. Is anyone else experiencing this? I can't say if IE is doing this on other sites, as I avoid it like the plague. I'll try to take a deep breath and check on that. I know I haven't been very nice to IE on here. Am I getting my hand slapped by some IE big brother??!! [eta: oops, I guess these posts both ended up in the same place... I didn't mean to do that, exactly...]
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
have you tried the third party uploader?
Its an extra step but what I do is create the gallery online.
Then I select it from the third party app and it works everytime.
much more reliable.
APL Photography || My Gear: Bunch of 4/3rds stuff
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @aplphoto
Hmm, no I haven't tried this. I'm not entirely sure what you mean, though. I may need more details... I don't know of any other place online where I can create a gallery-- I mean, SmugMug is the only place I have this kind of gallery. I only have art portfolios on a couple places like FineArtAmerica & RedBubble & NaturePhotographers, and have stock photos with several agencies. I'm guessing you're talking about Flickr or Photobucket. I was hoping not to need to bother with them since as far as I know, I have no need of them for any other photography purposes that I have... am worried about security on there & feel MUCH safer with SmugMug's settings choices on Pro galleries.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Then use this software to upload them to smugmug.
Its great and recommended by others here.
Its called send to smugmug, so you can send photos from anywhere on your pc.
APL Photography || My Gear: Bunch of 4/3rds stuff
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @aplphoto
Note: here's the first message I get on IE when trying to open my page, www.winsomeworks : "IE needs to open a new window to display this website. For your computer's security, websites that are in different security zones must open in different windows".
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Ok, thanks-- I've seen this suggestion before but wasn't clear on why it should work any better. Is the difference that it does not use Java for the upload? 'Cause I assume Java is the problem (or Java's non-communication with FF). And otherwise, is this method faster for uploading for some reason?
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Correct with the first one, your browser isn't open.
plus, if it crashes, it remembers what was the last file uploaded so you don't get duplicates.
I wish I could donate to this guy because its great software.
APL Photography || My Gear: Bunch of 4/3rds stuff
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @aplphoto
- Check if your Java Control Panel/General/Temp Internet Files/Disk Space is set to max 1000 MB. Don't know if this affects anything.
- You may want to compare your Java Control Panel/Advanced/Settings with my settings. You may notice something there.
FF 3.0.4...- These are my FF 3.0.4 Tools/Options/Content/ settings. Note 'Block Popup Windows' is OFF.
- Options/Privacy/Cookies - Third Party cookies is checked until expire.
- Options/Privacy/Cookies/Exceptions - Possible Smugmug cookies blocked or disabled?
- Possible disabling/blocking of Smugmug cookes by add-ons like CookieSafe??
As for IE7...- My Internet Options/Security/ set to Med High.
- My Privacy set to Med High. Note 'Turn on Popup Blocker' is unchecked.
- My Advanced Settings:
- Java (Sun) is checked.
- Microsoft VM/JIT Compiler is checked.
Good luck!Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
I am using Shizam's slide show on my page http://prairietrail.smugmug.com
It stopped working last night. It had been working just fine that same night. I noticed a few of the example sites from the post on setting it up appear to not be working as well. In particular...http://bigwebguy.smugmug.com/
I am very new and just getting things setup up so I thought it may be something I have done, but wanted to post to make sure as other sites seem to be impacted.
I am using IE7.
I deleted the html in my bio and started over. It's working now.
This absolutely ridiculous that uploading from firefox or ie (tried on two vista business and one vista home pc) crashes after every third or fourth file.
APL Photography || My Gear: Bunch of 4/3rds stuff
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @aplphoto
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Sorry Andy,
just venting.....this issue has been discussed here and at dpreview about this especially now with the flash upgrade.
The only uploader that works is omar's.
I will send an email to support.
APL Photography || My Gear: Bunch of 4/3rds stuff
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @aplphoto
"Footer Javascript" to "Bottom Javascript".
We have users like this one who are reading "Footer Javascript" and only finding one field that has the name "Footer" in it and are putting it in the wrong place. Now that the javascript locations have been changed to top and bottom so they are less likely to get confused with header and footer, we just need a few words in tutorial to be updated to match.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter