Hello, please give me the exact keyword url on your site so I can check it out, thanks!
You can use any keyword. An example is the keyword 'davis', which returns 9 images. Then, I click the slideshow button and the slideshow presents way more than 9 images, including images from galleries that are password protected.
You can use any keyword. An example is the keyword 'davis', which returns 9 images. Then, I click the slideshow button and the slideshow presents way more than 9 images, including images from galleries that are password protected.
problem sharing photos from gallery via email...
I'm trying to share photos from one of my galleries with my family. After I preview the email and click send, it says their email addresses cannot be reached. But when I go to the sent link, it says they were sent??? I tried sharing the same email with myself, but I still have not received it in my inbox.
I get 34 results for the keyword 'davis', and also 34 images when I hit the slideshow button?
9 are public and 25 are from password protected galleries.
If I use Firefox, do not log in, and clear all private data then go to dsweet.smugmug.com, enter the site password and then do a keyword search on 'davis' there are 9 images returned. That is all anyone should be able to see without the protected gallery password.
I am not sure if you are logged in as me (the owner) or not. If you are not then protected galleries are not working correctly either.
New tools menu problem
The tools menu does not act properly. When you open the menu and click on an option that has sub menus the menu collapses instead of opening the sub menu. This is non intuitive and annoying.
The tools menu does not act properly. When you open the menu and click on an option that has sub menus the menu collapses instead of opening the sub menu. This is non intuitive and annoying.
Hi Dennis, can you be much more specific, with a link to where you're doing this, and exactly the steps your taking to make this problem happen for you?
Hi Dennis, can you be much more specific, with a link to where you're doing this, and exactly the steps your taking to make this problem happen for you?
Also, what browser are you using?
Hi Andy,
I use Internet Explorer on a PC with Vista.
When I go to rearrange my my pictures in a gallery, because the pictures go to the bottom of the gallery even though I don't want them to, see http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=112170&page=2, I click on the tools icon, glide down to the arrange choice and click on it. This causes the menu to close instead of opening the sub menu. I know if I just hover over the arrange choice the sub menu will open, but the normal way for windows to work is to click on the choice and this locks the menu open till you make your choice. Habit makes me click on the arrange choice and this causes the whole menu to close so I have to start over.
When I go to rearrange my my pictures in a gallery, because the pictures go to the bottom of the gallery even though I don't want them to, see http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=112170&page=2, I click on the tools icon, glide down to the arrange choice and click on it. This causes the menu to close instead of opening the sub menu. I know if I just hover over the arrange choice the sub menu will open, but the normal way for windows to work is to click on the choice and this locks the menu open till you make your choice. Habit makes me click on the arrange choice and this causes the whole menu to close so I have to start over.
Hi Dennis, it's not a bug - I realize you may not like it but this is the way this menu works. FWIW, our ceo mentioned it the other day, he doesn't like it either We'll see if it can be tweaked!
Hi Dennis, it's not a bug - I realize you may not like it but this is the way this menu works. FWIW, our ceo mentioned it the other day, he doesn't like it either We'll see if it can be tweaked!
It's a bug to me, thanks for ignoring the arrange problem again as usual.
When a gallery loads for the first time (smugmug style), the thumbnail of the current image does not have the style imgBorderOn set. Once I start navigating, the style is set properly. I wanted to set the border green for the current thumbnail, but seems I can never start off correctly with the above behaviour
I don't know what photo is active, have to right arrow to next and back to see it
Is this a bug or someone thought this out as a feature?
At this point you can check any of my galleries for an example. The thumbnail border will become green only after you start navigating (happens with all browsers, whether or not I am logged in)
I posted in cutomization forum here and a few others confirmed this bug
Bump. Can I hope this to be in a list of fixes please?
Hello, we'll see - not sure if it's a bug or not. Stay tuned.
Never considered it a bug. Seemed natural to assume the first pic was the one displayed.
Acadiana Al
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Hello, we'll see - not sure if it's a bug or not. Stay tuned.
Thanks Andy. At least I know someone has picked it for evaluation. Let's give your design team some time to think whether it makes sense. It makes sense to me to make it consistent.
The style is set as soon as you start to navigate, but it's not set initially. Based on the link I share, you will never know where you have started from. Is there a reason why we would like to keep it this way?
Thanks Andy. At least I know someone has picked it for evaluation. Let's give your design team some time to think whether it makes sense. It makes sense to me to make it consistent.
The style is set as soon as you start to navigate, but it's not set initially. Based on the link I share, you will never know where you have started from. Is there a reason why we would like to keep it this way?
Obviously, it does cause a problem for those of you who choose to beautifully customize your sites. And since that is the case for a great many Smugmuggers, I can see your point and it is valid. I am sure the SM team will wisely address the problem. My comment was simply from my point of view as a casual SM user. Have a great day!
Acadiana Al
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Obviously, it does cause a problem for those of you who choose to beautifully customize your sites
I don't think it has anything to with customization. The default Smugmug display style already has the highlight feature, though the border goes white instead of the green on my customization
I am not so adament on calling it a bug and will be happy to call it an inconsistency if people prefer so . However, being an IT professional myself, I think this is more of an oversight on the developers part rather than being by design
I don't think it has anything to with customization. The default Smugmug display style already has the highlight feature, though the border goes white instead of the green on my customization
I am not so adament on calling it a bug and will be happy to call it an inconsistency if people prefer so . However, being an IT professional myself, I think this is more of an oversight on the developers part rather than being by design
Okay, I see your point. When the gallery link also includes a specific photo ID and is not default blank, there is no highlight indication in the displayed thumbs to show which/where it is. Yes, this is surely something that should be fixed. Good point...thanks for clarification.
Acadiana Al
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
"Homepage Tools" button
If your galleries/category box is hidden in the control panel under the
homepage tab the "Gallery Categories" selection is not under the "homepage
tool" dropdown. It's only there if the box is active.
This makes it very difficult to set the sort by recent to position if the box is
hidden and that is needed for sorting any category or sub-cat page. In the
control panel the sort toggle doesn't exist so have to move out to the
homepage, set the sort and move back.
Add the "Gallery Categories" selection to the "homepage tool" dropdown even
if the box is hidden.
Sharegroups Recently Visited Text won't go away
I am as new as they come, so this could be operator error. If so, I apologize in advance.
I began customizing my site today, and I thought Sharegroups might be wirthwhile to add a third level of categorization. I changed my mind when I saw Sharegroups Last Visited: Mississippi occupying prime real estate on the home page. So, I deleted the one Sharegroup I had set up.
Try clearing your browser cache (or easier to open in another browser). I don't see it. It's most likely something sitting in your cache
No, It's a cookie thing; Used sharegroups show up on your homepage for a week after the last time it was used; I'm not sure how this works for deleted sharegroups to be honest, but I'll have a look and see what's going on
Please fix the slideshow so that it will still display and NOT use 100% of your CPU if the splash image is not correct. Good defensive coding techniques should still be able to display the slideshow and not gobble up your Windows CPU just because the splash image URL is incorrect.
Here's the latest customer victim of such a behavior in the slideshow.
Please fix the slideshow so that it will still display and NOT use 100% of your CPU if the splash image is not correct. Good defensive coding techniques should still be able to display the slideshow and not gobble up your Windows CPU just because the splash image URL is incorrect.
Here's the latest customer victim of such a behavior in the slideshow.
Hi John - both Shizam and {JT} know about this from your prior emails to us. It's on the list of repairs, John, thanks!
No, It's a cookie thing; Used sharegroups show up on your homepage for a week after the last time it was used; I'm not sure how this works for deleted sharegroups to be honest, but I'll have a look and see what's going on
Thank you both for your responses.
I had tried clearing my cache. No luck. I hadn't deleted cookies. I did so just now, but it's still there.
Hey Dan, sorry! SmugMug is up and going fine - this gallery http://dlplumer.smugmug.com/gallery/5576599_HmJoP#437395394_hJYQx loads instantly - can you please tell us more? What browser are you using? Can you see other sites? Other SmugMug galleries? Exactly what happens when you try, and the site doesn't load?
HTML bug This appears to be a bug in the HTML generation for the homepage which can cause a duplicate object ID to be used.
When a gallery appears as a featured gallery, and the homepage is set to display galleries, not categories, you will get a duplicate div ID defined in the page in this part of the HTML for the display of a gallery thumb:
The exact same HTML will appear in both the featuredBox and the galleriesBox. Since an ID is only supposed to be used once per page, this is technically an HTML error and makes it unreliable to use that ID with CSS rules. This does not occur if you are displaying by category.
The same issue happens for this part of the thumb HTML too:
Found when doing HTMLTidy on someone else's page who had other problems.
You can use any keyword. An example is the keyword 'davis', which returns 9 images. Then, I click the slideshow button and the slideshow presents way more than 9 images, including images from galleries that are password protected.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
I'm trying to share photos from one of my galleries with my family. After I preview the email and click send, it says their email addresses cannot be reached. But when I go to the sent link, it says they were sent??? I tried sharing the same email with myself, but I still have not received it in my inbox.
Any ideas as to why this isn't working?
I just checked and the bug is still there.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
9 are public and 25 are from password protected galleries.
If I use Firefox, do not log in, and clear all private data then go to dsweet.smugmug.com, enter the site password and then do a keyword search on 'davis' there are 9 images returned. That is all anyone should be able to see without the protected gallery password.
I am not sure if you are logged in as me (the owner) or not. If you are not then protected galleries are not working correctly either.
The tools menu does not act properly. When you open the menu and click on an option that has sub menus the menu collapses instead of opening the sub menu. This is non intuitive and annoying.
Also, what browser are you using?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Hi Andy,
I use Internet Explorer on a PC with Vista.
When I go to rearrange my my pictures in a gallery, because the pictures go to the bottom of the gallery even though I don't want them to, see http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=112170&page=2, I click on the tools icon, glide down to the arrange choice and click on it. This causes the menu to close instead of opening the sub menu. I know if I just hover over the arrange choice the sub menu will open, but the normal way for windows to work is to click on the choice and this locks the menu open till you make your choice. Habit makes me click on the arrange choice and this causes the whole menu to close so I have to start over.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
It's a bug to me, thanks for ignoring the arrange problem again as usual.
Bump. Can I hope this to be in a list of fixes please?
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
Really? Try opening this link and tell me what you feel
The style is set as soon as you start to navigate, but it's not set initially. Based on the link I share, you will never know where you have started from. Is there a reason why we would like to keep it this way?
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
I don't think it has anything to with customization. The default Smugmug display style already has the highlight feature, though the border goes white instead of the green on my customization
example: http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/6462715_gEKoA/1/409914777_GFsQF#409914777_GFsQF
If you see this in SmugMug style, you will notice that the border on selected image's thumb will become white once you start navigating
It's not even about my galleries. You can see this in action is one of your galleries too: http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/6008761_bSzdP#377342442_WFWE2
I am not so adament on calling it a bug and will be happy to call it an inconsistency if people prefer so
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
Smugmug: Bayou Oaks Studio
Blog: Journey to the Light
"Serendipity...the faculty of making happy, unexpected discoveries by accident." .... Horace Walpole, 1754 (perhaps that 'lucky shot' wasn't really luck at all!)
If your galleries/category box is hidden in the control panel under the
homepage tab the "Gallery Categories" selection is not under the "homepage
tool" dropdown. It's only there if the box is active.
This makes it very difficult to set the sort by recent to position if the box is
hidden and that is needed for sorting any category or sub-cat page. In the
control panel the sort toggle doesn't exist so have to move out to the
homepage, set the sort and move back.
Add the "Gallery Categories" selection to the "homepage tool" dropdown even
if the box is hidden.
My Website index | My Blog
I am as new as they come, so this could be operator error. If so, I apologize in advance.
I began customizing my site today, and I thought Sharegroups might be wirthwhile to add a third level of categorization. I changed my mind when I saw Sharegroups Last Visited: Mississippi occupying prime real estate on the home page. So, I deleted the one Sharegroup I had set up.
But the text lives on. See http://roundamerica.smugmug.com/
I am using IE 7.
When I click on "Sharegroups" in the Control Panel, it says I have none (as it should.)
This shows up even on Visitor View.
Is this a bug, or do I need to do something to make it go away?
Round America
SmugMug Site: http://www.roundamerica.smugmug.com
Trip Site: http://www.roundamerica.com
Travel & Tour Site: http://www.roundamerica.us
Try clearing your browser cache (or easier to open in another browser). I don't see it. It's most likely something sitting in your cache
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Here's the latest customer victim of such a behavior in the slideshow.
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Thank you both for your responses.
I had tried clearing my cache. No luck. I hadn't deleted cookies. I did so just now, but it's still there.
I'm glad I'm the only one who sees it.
Round America
SmugMug Site: http://www.roundamerica.smugmug.com
Trip Site: http://www.roundamerica.com
Travel & Tour Site: http://www.roundamerica.us
I took my laptop home, and when I rebooted, the unwanted text is gone.
Just thought you should know to try rebooting after clearing cache and clearing cookies.
Round America
SmugMug Site: http://www.roundamerica.smugmug.com
Trip Site: http://www.roundamerica.com
Travel & Tour Site: http://www.roundamerica.us
My SmugMug site is not loading galleries.
Facebook Fan Page
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This appears to be a bug in the HTML generation for the homepage which can cause a duplicate object ID to be used.
When a gallery appears as a featured gallery, and the homepage is set to display galleries, not categories, you will get a duplicate div ID defined in the page in this part of the HTML for the display of a gallery thumb:
The exact same HTML will appear in both the featuredBox and the galleriesBox. Since an ID is only supposed to be used once per page, this is technically an HTML error and makes it unreliable to use that ID with CSS rules. This does not occur if you are displaying by category.
The same issue happens for this part of the thumb HTML too:
Found when doing HTMLTidy on someone else's page who had other problems.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
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