Ivar, big problem. When you edited the text, Smugmug's wonderful Ajax processing stripped the plus signs out of the javascript code. We now have users following that tutorial and getting bad code installed here and here. Can you or any support hero please fix up the code in that same caption that you just edited so that it's right. Hint, it is at least missing some plus signs. My guess is you might be able to edit it in the bulk caption tool and avoid the darn ajax processing that is losing the + signs.
FYI, I have complained about this issue of the ajax code stripping plus signs before, but nobody seemed to be bothered by it. It has now bitten the tutorials.
FYI, I have complained about this issue of the ajax code stripping plus signs before, but nobody seemed to be bothered by it.
Bothered by it is a bad choice of words. We read and process all of your suggestions. I have given your suggestions to the sorcerers, John. I don't they can do anything about that.
Ivar will try and fix this tute as soon as possible. Thanks.
Bothered by it is a bad choice of words. We read and process all of your suggestions. I have given your suggestions to the sorcerers, John. I don't they can do anything about that.
Ivar will try and fix this tute as soon as possible. Thanks.
Maybe we have a disagreement then. If you all thought it was important enough to fix, it could be fixed. I said it the way I said it because I left the last conversation on this topic thinking that nobody thought it was important enough to fix it and never hearing anyone say they wanted to actually fix it.
I'm glad the tute will get fixed soon. I've now seen two users bitten by it.
Bothered by it is a bad choice of words. We read and process all of your suggestions. I have given your suggestions to the sorcerers, John. I don't they can do anything about that.
Ivar will try and fix this tute as soon as possible. Thanks.
I see the plus signs are back, but I don't use the code on my site so I don't have a working copy to compare it with.
Plus's missing when I look
function hasPath(sPath) { re = new RegExp("\/" sPath "(\/|$)"); return re.test(window.location) } if (hasPath("galleries")) YD.addClass(document.body, "galleries");
function hasPath(sPath) { re = new RegExp("\/" sPath "(\/|$)"); return re.test(window.location) } if (hasPath("galleries")) YD.addClass(document.body, "galleries");
I agree, the code in the caption is not right. I might have been looking at the image that has the right code in it. It also lost carriage returns which make it even further messed up. The code in the caption just needs to look like the code in the image.
I agree, the code in the caption is not right. I might have been looking at the image that has the right code in it. It also lost carriage returns which make it even further messed up. The code in the caption just needs to look like the code in the image.
Alright. Ivar will fix it, I tried (using the non-ajax tool) but it didn't work. Ivar will fix it right
On the last two uploads that I have made, the images are being placed in the gallery in random order. They are organized on my computer in sequential (image #) order, and uploading them in the same order has always worked flawlessly - til now.
Help? I really do not want to be organizing after upload regularly.
Hi guys. I still have this problem, and don't know if there is a solution or work around (different uploader?)
Any news?
Still safari, simple, and now it is this gallery
Hi Ann,
The uploaders upload in whatever order is fastest, so sorry that they're getting scrambled. You can always set your galleries to auto-sort by filename so that the order is sequential, or you can configure it to sort by date uploaded. Either way should work.
Recently I've been having a problem with the slideshow. If I click the slideshow button from a gallery, I'll get the full screen slideshow, but if I get the link for the slideshow from "Share", all I get is the slideshow with teeny little pictures. Here is one of the slideshow links - http://www.hometoursbyjim.com/photos/swfpopup.mg?AlbumID=5153288&AlbumKey=kQPeM
If they would replace the caption with this the plus will show. However it
needs to be pasted in each time when hitting edit or the plus disappears..
<font color=yellow><b>The Galleries Page I</b></font>
For the Galleries page we are going to use one of <a href="http://www.dgrin.com/member.php?u=1150">Devbobo's</a> tricks. See the dgrin thread <a href="http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?p=355505#post355505">here</a>.<br>
What it does, in short, is it duplicates the homepage, but makes it separately adressable for us.<br>
<b>Add this to your "Bottom javascript":</b><br>
<table border=1 cellspacing =10>
function hasPath(sPath)<br>
re = new RegExp("\/" &[B]#[/B]043; sPath &[B]#[/B]043; "(\/|$)");<br>
return re.test(window.location)<br>
if (hasPath("galleries"))<br>
YD.addClass(document.body, "galleries");
Now we have your <b>'normal' homepage</b> which is accessible
at <b>XXXXX.smugmug.com</b><br> and your <b>'duplicate' homepage</b> which
is accessible at <b>XXXXX.smugmug.com/galleries</b><br><br>
<i>cavet: You can not have a cetegory named Galleries or galleries.</i>
Recently I've been having a problem with the slideshow. If I click the slideshow button from a gallery, I'll get the full screen slideshow, but if I get the link for the slideshow from "Share", all I get is the slideshow with teeny little pictures. Here is one of the slideshow links - http://www.hometoursbyjim.com/photos/swfpopup.mg?AlbumID=5153288&AlbumKey=kQPeM
I'm seeing the large images in both of the links. How small are the ones you are seeing? Thumbs?
If you could get a screen grab that will help us to 'see' what your are seeing.
Ya know, today I found the 'sort' button in the arrange gallery category. It works like a charm, so I have no worries any longer. Don't know if 'sort' by filename has always been an option as I didn't need it til now, but I am content to use that.
The uploaders upload in whatever order is fastest, so sorry that they're getting scrambled. You can always set your galleries to auto-sort by filename so that the order is sequential, or you can configure it to sort by date uploaded. Either way should work.
Site-wide Customization Problem
I new so .... I was trying to do some Site-wide Customization - I would make a change hit update and be taken to a login screen - then hit the back button redo my change hit update and it would work. I made a few changes and 75% of the time this would happen.
Popular box photo link
Please fix the popular box photo link. I only publish my domain and clicking a
popular photo on my homepage switches to my nickname.
Still nothing on the upload in order problem?? Mac Daddy continues to have the flu. VERy frustrating at this time of the year. Having a labprints storefront is starting to look really enticing at this point.......... nobody seems to want to address this issue? Is there a number to call?
I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that someone did address this topic. I'm probably wrong.
So, for about 4 years now, we have not changed the way that the photos were uploaded and processed in any way that would change the order that your photos land in the gallery. Well, that's what I've been told. I don't mess with code at all so I know I didn't change it and I have no reason to believe that anyone at SmugMug would lie to me. If there was a change, it was inadvertent and we don't know where it happened.
When the process was adjusted about 4 years ago, we added a new sort order in the Gallery Customization settings. That sort order is Date Uploaded because some photos would not end up in the gallery the same order they were received. After we receive your photos, we have to process them. Then after we process the photos they are dropped into your gallery in that order. So, since we have hundreds of thousands of photographers, we can't just process the photos one at a time, first come first serve. We get as many photos done as soon as possible. That means that we might not get them processed in exactly the same order as we received them. So, they might not show up in your gallery in the exact order that we received them. And that is why we added the sort order for Date Uploaded. If we forced galleries to sort by Date Uploaded, we wouldn't need that sort order in the Gallery Customization Settings.
Now we realize that there are more people experiencing a different order in their galleries than they expect. We've discussed this as a company. That means everyone from the CEO on down has been involved in one way or another on this issue. But as I said, we are not sure where a change could have happened, so we don't know where to "fix" it. Until we can decide the best way to deal with this, then sorting by Date Uploaded will have to be the solution.
imgBorderOn not set when Gallery loads
When a gallery loads for the first time (smugmug style), the thumbnail of the current image does not have the style imgBorderOn set. Once I start navigating, the style is set properly. I wanted to set the border green for the current thumbnail, but seems I can never start off correctly with the above behaviour
I don't know what photo is active, have to right arrow to next and back to see it
Is this a bug or someone thought this out as a feature?
At this point you can check any of my galleries for an example. The thumbnail border will become green only after you start navigating (happens with all browsers, whether or not I am logged in)
I posted in cutomization forum here and a few others confirmed this bug
Just realised that my banner is not working. It shows up fine when I am logged in but for others NOT logged in it doesn't show. What can I do? www.aperture-photos.co.uk
Just realised that my banner is not working. It shows up fine when I am logged in but for others NOT logged in it doesn't show. What can I do? www.aperture-photos.co.uk
Thanks, Ute
Make sure the gallery it's in has external links on and the photo is not checked "hide".
Password protected pictures appear in slideshow
When keywords are used to find images, as I expected, the images in password protected galleries are not returned. However, when the slideshow button is then clicked, the images from the password protected galleries are shown. This doesn't seem appropriate. Shouldn't the slideshow present the same images that are in the keyword results list?
When keywords are used to find images, as I expected, the images in password protected galleries are not returned. However, when the slideshow button is then clicked, the images from the password protected galleries are shown. This doesn't seem appropriate. Shouldn't the slideshow present the same images that are in the keyword results list?
If you are logged in you'll see all the keywords even in passworded galleries.
Logged off, you or visitors shouldn't see them.
If you are logged in you'll see all the keywords even in passworded galleries.
Logged off, you or visitors shouldn't see them.
Yes, this is the way that I expected it to work. But it doesn't. So I think it is a bug. I am not logged in when this happens. The protected images don't show up in the keyword results, but they do in the slideshow (and they shouldn't).
Yes, this is the way that I expected it to work. But it doesn't. So I think it is a bug. I am not logged in when this happens. The protected images don't show up in the keyword results, but they do in the slideshow (and they shouldn't).
Hello, please give me the exact keyword url on your site so I can check it out, thanks!
Ivar, big problem. When you edited the text, Smugmug's wonderful Ajax processing stripped the plus signs out of the javascript code. We now have users following that tutorial and getting bad code installed here and here. Can you or any support hero please fix up the code in that same caption that you just edited so that it's right. Hint, it is at least missing some plus signs. My guess is you might be able to edit it in the bulk caption tool and avoid the darn ajax processing that is losing the + signs.
FYI, I have complained about this issue of the ajax code stripping plus signs before, but nobody seemed to be bothered by it. It has now bitten the tutorials.
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Ivar will try and fix this tute as soon as possible. Thanks.
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I'm glad the tute will get fixed soon. I've now seen two users bitten by it.
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Is this fixed now John?
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function hasPath(sPath) { re = new RegExp("\/" sPath "(\/|$)"); return re.test(window.location) } if (hasPath("galleries")) YD.addClass(document.body, "galleries");
My Website index | My Blog
I agree, the code in the caption is not right. I might have been looking at the image that has the right code in it. It also lost carriage returns which make it even further messed up. The code in the caption just needs to look like the code in the image.
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Any news?
Still safari, simple, and now it is this gallery
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
Hi Ann,
The uploaders upload in whatever order is fastest, so sorry that they're getting scrambled. You can always set your galleries to auto-sort by filename so that the order is sequential, or you can configure it to sort by date uploaded. Either way should work.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Bump. There are still customers trying to implement the faulty code.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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needs to be pasted in each time when hitting edit or the plus disappears..
My Website index | My Blog
If you could get a screen grab that will help us to 'see' what your are seeing.
Ya know, today I found the 'sort' button in the arrange gallery category. It works like a charm, so I have no worries any longer. Don't know if 'sort' by filename has always been an option as I didn't need it til now, but I am content to use that.
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
I new so .... I was trying to do some Site-wide Customization - I would make a change hit update and be taken to a login screen - then hit the back button redo my change hit update and it would work. I made a few changes and 75% of the time this would happen.
The tutorial is still busted with bad javascript code. More victims of it every hour.
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I fixed it, I think - pls verify, John? http://dgrin.smugmug.com/gallery/2160039_nu3PM/1/112133524_WHPN9/Large
I see the + signs.
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I see the + signs now. It looks fixed to me as long as nobody touches it again! Thanks.
When I read "I see the + signs", why did the phrase "I see dead people" from The Sixth Sense come popping into my head?
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Please fix the popular box photo link. I only publish my domain and clicking a
popular photo on my homepage switches to my nickname.
My Website index | My Blog
I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that someone did address this topic. I'm probably wrong.
So, for about 4 years now, we have not changed the way that the photos were uploaded and processed in any way that would change the order that your photos land in the gallery. Well, that's what I've been told. I don't mess with code at all so I know I didn't change it and I have no reason to believe that anyone at SmugMug would lie to me. If there was a change, it was inadvertent and we don't know where it happened.
When the process was adjusted about 4 years ago, we added a new sort order in the Gallery Customization settings. That sort order is Date Uploaded because some photos would not end up in the gallery the same order they were received. After we receive your photos, we have to process them. Then after we process the photos they are dropped into your gallery in that order. So, since we have hundreds of thousands of photographers, we can't just process the photos one at a time, first come first serve. We get as many photos done as soon as possible. That means that we might not get them processed in exactly the same order as we received them. So, they might not show up in your gallery in the exact order that we received them. And that is why we added the sort order for Date Uploaded. If we forced galleries to sort by Date Uploaded, we wouldn't need that sort order in the Gallery Customization Settings.
Now we realize that there are more people experiencing a different order in their galleries than they expect. We've discussed this as a company. That means everyone from the CEO on down has been involved in one way or another on this issue. But as I said, we are not sure where a change could have happened, so we don't know where to "fix" it. Until we can decide the best way to deal with this, then sorting by Date Uploaded will have to be the solution.
I'm sorry that I don't have better news for you.
When a gallery loads for the first time (smugmug style), the thumbnail of the current image does not have the style imgBorderOn set. Once I start navigating, the style is set properly. I wanted to set the border green for the current thumbnail, but seems I can never start off correctly with the above behaviour
I don't know what photo is active, have to right arrow to next and back to see it
Is this a bug or someone thought this out as a feature?
At this point you can check any of my galleries for an example. The thumbnail border will become green only after you start navigating (happens with all browsers, whether or not I am logged in)
I posted in cutomization forum here and a few others confirmed this bug
smugmug ID: ashishpandey (but I prefer my domain URL above
Just realised that my banner is not working. It shows up fine when I am logged in but for others NOT logged in it doesn't show. What can I do?
Thanks, Ute
My Website index | My Blog
When keywords are used to find images, as I expected, the images in password protected galleries are not returned. However, when the slideshow button is then clicked, the images from the password protected galleries are shown. This doesn't seem appropriate. Shouldn't the slideshow present the same images that are in the keyword results list?
Logged off, you or visitors shouldn't see them.
My Website index | My Blog
Yes, this is the way that I expected it to work. But it doesn't. So I think it is a bug. I am not logged in when this happens. The protected images don't show up in the keyword results, but they do in the slideshow (and they shouldn't).
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