Hey All....
At 3:00 in the morning, having nothing better to do, I was up playing with another idea, while my husb
and slept snoring in the bed to my right... The kittens were quite amused with the whole thing, as normally when night falls and the hour is late, I am urging them to be still and sleep...
IF you have time, let me know, one of these? or the "Vanity" shot?
Dugmar, I like your beach scenes, very soothing. I suspect that you too, as others, are having trouble deciding "which picture?"
Lynn, Very nice hand pump... I love them. You really have gotten the "glamour blur" down to an art, eh?
Sandy, I too like your woman weaving the palms... Even if it is not right for the challenge, it is a gentle image. She looks content in her task.
Hey All....
At 3:00 in the morning, having nothing better to do, I was up playing with another idea, while my husb
and slept snoring in the bed to my right... The kittens were quite amused with the whole thing, as normally when night falls and the hour is late, I am urging them to be still and sleep...
IF you have time, let me know, one of these? or the "Vanity" shot?
The window shots are very nice, but the vanity shot is more unique with the soft lighting.
Thanks Sandy... For your comments... I was thinking along similar lines... yet, I always want more?
Odd isn't it, that inspiration tends to flare in the 11th hour, when the rush is on. Sometimes I wonder what it is that makes most of us work a little harder, stretching ourselves a little further into the recesses, during those last moments before a deadline.
I don't think I will be able to participate in this next challenge, as I do not have a wide angle lens for my digital Nikon 5700... (Which BTW, I am going to sell, if anyone is interested.) Unless they can be "wide angle views," shot with the on camera lens. Of course I could just break down and do some darkroom work for this challenge... Boy has the immediate-ness of digital got me spoiled! Ugh... Bonne Chance, Sandy...
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Ginette, Vanity.... Loved the first one though...it's kool
Thank You Spockling... I do appreciate your opinion. For me, with dial-up out here in the middle of "near to nowhere..." I doubt I could change it now any way... With my luck I would be removing "Vanity" and the replacement shot wouldn't upload on time!
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Odd isn't it, that inspiration tends to flare in the 11th hour, when the rush is on.
I don't think I will be able to participate in this next challenge, as I do not have a wide angle lens for my digital Nikon 5700... (Which BTW, I am going to sell, if anyone is interested.) Unless they can be "wide angle views," shot with the on camera lens. ginette
Ginette - Just use your 5700 at the short end of the zoom and yuo will be good to go for the WIDE challenge. If you have concerns about this PM Andy and I am sure he will verify it. It just has to be less than a 50mm equivalent lens on a standard full frame 35mm camera. If I may ask, what do you plan to replace the 5700 with?
And you've been sandbagging us too! "Vanity" is gorgeous. Very nicely done - I said before on the bright light challenge that I was surprised no one was trying studio type lighting shots - you ARE! Great! Keep 'em coming.
ginette re: nikon 5700 and wide angle
ginette, your nikon 5700 is 35mm on the wide end (in 35mm equivalent) so you have plenty of room on the wide end - wide angle is 50mm or less for purposes of this challenge.
Thanks Sandy... For your comments... I was thinking along similar lines... yet, I always want more?
Odd isn't it, that inspiration tends to flare in the 11th hour, when the rush is on. Sometimes I wonder what it is that makes most of us work a little harder, stretching ourselves a little further into the recesses, during those last moments before a deadline.
I don't think I will be able to participate in this next challenge, as I do not have a wide angle lens for my digital Nikon 5700... (Which BTW, I am going to sell, if anyone is interested.) Unless they can be "wide angle views," shot with the on camera lens. Of course I could just break down and do some darkroom work for this challenge... Boy has the immediate-ness of digital got me spoiled! Ugh... Bonne Chance, Sandy...
ginette, your nikon 5700 is 35mm on the wide end (in 35mm equivalent) so you have plenty of room on the wide end - wide angle is 50mm or less for purposes of this challenge.
please go shoot, and enter!
Andy & Path...
I never think of the low end of my Nikon 5700 as being a "true" wide angle. Of course with my N90, I change lenses and use a 28mm and go at it, the look is so different. I have always loved the "Fish Eye" effect, and lets face it 35mm is not even close. But if anything under 50mm is all that's required for this challenge, then "By George (aka Andy) I think I've got it!"
It's late in the day, the clouds are covering us with a hazy film... sort of gray, and yet perhaps hopeful... for the evening, anyway.
Need to sit down and think of places to shoot for this next challenge...
Having fun, having fun...
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Ginette - If I may ask, what do you plan to replace the 5700 with?
I am looking at the Sony F828 and the Mamiya 645D... I may even look at some of the new Nikons, but if I do get another Nikon I would like it to be a Digital SLR so that I can use some of my DX lenses... (If that is a possibility.)
Right now, I am leaning towards the Mamiya, as I love medium format. But the cost is a real issue there. If I stick with something like the Sony, then I can afford to do something in the next few weeks, rather than wait until I have $3,000. saved up. With a family of 5 children, 3 of which still live at home, money is always an issue. Wish it weren't sometimes... But then, don't most of us?
I have some old studio lights and a fantastic darkroom set up, mostly for Zone and Alternative Print work, but all of it is still in boxes and in storage. I've not been near them for 2 years, and I really miss it. Right now we are getting ready to empty out the storage units and so there is hope, that soon, I will be able to set things back up... Problem then, according to my family, is that they never get a meal, as I am always locked away in the darkroom... Oh well.... de rien...
Any ideas on camera direction would be appreciated... I know that Andy uses a Sony, but I am not sure of the specs.
I remain,
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
I am looking at the Sony F828 and the Mamiya 645D... I may even look at some of the new Nikons, but if I do get another Nikon I would like it to be a Digital SLR so that I can use some of my DX lenses... (If that is a possibility.)
Right now, I am leaning towards the Mamiya, as I love medium format. But the cost is a real issue there. If I stick with something like the Sony, then I can afford to do something in the next few weeks, rather than wait until I have $3,000. saved up. With a family of 5 children, 3 of which still live at home, money is always an issue. Wish it weren't sometimes... But then, don't most of us?
I have some old studio lights and a fantastic darkroom set up, mostly for Zone and Alternative Print work, but all of it is still in boxes and in storage. I've not been near them for 2 years, and I really miss it. Right now we are getting ready to empty out the storage units and so there is hope, that soon, I will be able to set things back up... Problem then, according to my family, is that they never get a meal, as I am always locked away in the darkroom... Oh well.... de rien...
Any ideas on camera direction would be appreciated... I know that Andy uses a Sony, but I am not sure of the specs.
OMG ginette...if you can, get the 645D...how much are the digital backs you're looking at?? Leaf is a great one...
Damon... Welcome Home?
Yeah, I would love the 645, but the cost of the back is the cost block... That is why I am trying to be reasonable, and hang on for another year... I am hoping to go to the Photo Expo in NYC at Javits October... I've been known to get lucky there... I have always prefered medium to large format... but may still have to wait a bit longer before I make the jump to Mamiya Digital... So I am trying to get info on the Sony... Just need to get the Nikon Sold or at least out there first. It's been a great camera, but I am ready to move up yet again... Step by step...
So how was the trip home... I haven't heard much from you since you left China... How is Lida? Fill me in, you know my address...
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Congratulations on the finalists, there are some wonderful shots in there! I never did get a really good lines shot. Here's one more from last weekend.
Congratulations on the finalists, there are some wonderful shots in there! I never did get a really good lines shot. Here's one more from last weekend.
Not so bad, Sid. You're just spoiled. Won't enter unless you have a sure winner. We should just put you in the hall of fame and make you inelegible for future competition.
Not so bad, Sid. You're just spoiled. Won't enter unless you have a sure winner. We should just put you in the hall of fame and make you inelegible for future competition.
Not so bad, Sid. You're just spoiled. Won't enter unless you have a sure winner. We should just put you in the hall of fame and make you inelegible for future competition.
Not fair! I did enter, but I wasn't worthy. 's OK, serves me right, I thought lines and curves would be dead easy, 'cause they're in everything, and I always think about composition. Instead, I ended-up with a bunch of middling shots, not bad but not great either. Tomorrow night I'm going to the Braves game with my wide angle. I doubt I'll see much of the game!
Stopped on the way home tonight and took this one, do you think the lines and curves strong enough??
I've been away for a while and came back to see this in the challenge.
What a great shot. I can't say exactly why I like it. But perhaps it's the
combination of the equipment, farmer and the harvest all rolled into one.
The color is perfect for this scene.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
Loved the first one though...it's kool
Thanks Sandy... For your comments... I was thinking along similar lines... yet, I always want more?
Odd isn't it, that inspiration tends to flare in the 11th hour, when the rush is on. Sometimes I wonder what it is that makes most of us work a little harder, stretching ourselves a little further into the recesses, during those last moments before a deadline.
I don't think I will be able to participate in this next challenge, as I do not have a wide angle lens for my digital Nikon 5700... (Which BTW, I am going to sell, if anyone is interested.) Unless they can be "wide angle views," shot with the on camera lens. Of course I could just break down and do some darkroom work for this challenge... Boy has the immediate-ness of digital got me spoiled! Ugh...
Bonne Chance, Sandy...
Thank You Spockling...
And you've been sandbagging us too! "Vanity" is gorgeous. Very nicely done
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
ginette, your nikon 5700 is 35mm on the wide end (in 35mm equivalent) so you have plenty of room on the wide end - wide angle is 50mm or less for purposes of this challenge.
please go shoot, and enter!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Andy & Path...
I never think of the low end of my Nikon 5700 as being a "true" wide angle. Of course with my N90, I change lenses and use a 28mm and go at it, the look is so different. I have always loved the "Fish Eye" effect, and lets face it 35mm is not even close. But if anything under 50mm is all that's required for this challenge, then "By George (aka Andy) I think I've got it!"
It's late in the day, the clouds are covering us with a hazy film... sort of gray, and yet perhaps hopeful... for the evening, anyway.
Need to sit down and think of places to shoot for this next challenge...
Having fun, having fun...
I am looking at the Sony F828 and the Mamiya 645D... I may even look at some of the new Nikons, but if I do get another Nikon I would like it to be a Digital SLR so that I can use some of my DX lenses... (If that is a possibility.)
Right now, I am leaning towards the Mamiya, as I love medium format. But the cost is a real issue there. If I stick with something like the Sony, then I can afford to do something in the next few weeks, rather than wait until I have $3,000. saved up. With a family of 5 children, 3 of which still live at home, money is always an issue. Wish it weren't sometimes... But then, don't most of us?
I have some old studio lights and a fantastic darkroom set up, mostly for Zone and Alternative Print work, but all of it is still in boxes and in storage. I've not been near them for 2 years, and I really miss it. Right now we are getting ready to empty out the storage units and so there is hope, that soon, I will be able to set things back up... Problem then, according to my family, is that they never get a meal, as I am always locked away in the darkroom... Oh well.... de rien...
Any ideas on camera direction would be appreciated... I know that Andy uses a Sony, but I am not sure of the specs.
I remain,
Damon... Welcome Home?
Yeah, I would love the 645, but the cost of the back is the cost block... That is why I am trying to be reasonable, and hang on for another year... I am hoping to go to the Photo Expo in NYC at Javits October... I've been known to get lucky there... I have always prefered medium to large format... but may still have to wait a bit longer before I make the jump to Mamiya Digital... So I am trying to get info on the Sony... Just need to get the Nikon Sold or at least out there first. It's been a great camera, but I am ready to move up yet again... Step by step...
So how was the trip home... I haven't heard much from you since you left China... How is Lida? Fill me in, you know my address...
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I've been away for a while and came back to see this in the challenge.
What a great shot. I can't say exactly why I like it. But perhaps it's the
combination of the equipment, farmer and the harvest all rolled into one.
The color is perfect for this scene.