Just found this thread doing a search for Seattle.. I joined yesterday!
What brought me here was curiosity about SmugMug, my growing frustration with Flickr, and finding a community I can learn from.
I think I found it.
This is the latest fun pic of me. I am in the 365day group at Flickr and this pic was for that.
I was messing around with the flash which I never do. Not perfect but I think it's pretty funny.
Hello! Hello everyone! I'm very new here at DGrin and SmugMug as well as to photography. Bear with me as I try to figure out how to use all this stuff.
My Mug
I'm new here to the SmugMug and DGrin community. I'm also a newcomer to photography as well! I went out and bought a Nikon D300 a few weeks before the D700 came out!
I just hope to learn something from all of you good people and have fun at the same time!
Hello, I'm Sandi. I admit I'm a Wannabe and am hoping to learn a lot from all of you. I have taken senior pictures in the past and have recently done engagement pictures. I am open to critique (but go easy on me).
I have a Nikon D40x - nothing fancy but it's a great little camera.
Photography has always been one of my hobbies, but it's been a while since I posted pictures to the web. I have a Gallery2 gallery on my web server, but I have limited disk space, so I haven't uploaded much in the last few years. (I bought a Canon Powershot S3 IS about two years ago, and now I end up with several gigabytes of pictures from each trip. Server disk space with my web host isn't cheap, and I don't want to compress down the pictures). I was thinking about signing up for Flickr, but once I saw how much nicer the SmugMug galleries looked, I decided to sign up. Unlimited space is a big plus...
In the process of migrating my old albums over, and then I'll start uploading all of the newer stuff to my SmugMug account. I recently started using a GPS datalogger, so I should be able to map the newer photos, too.
No "mug" of me, yet. I posted one to my gallery, but it's not a great picture, I'm going to take a new self-portrait soon.
Hello, I just stumbled upon this site and decided to sign up. I hope to meet other like-minded folks and learn a trick or two as well.
I'm a 52 y/o woman who's only been doing the photography thing for about 4 years. Seriously ... it all began when I used a tax return and bought my first 'fancy' p&s a Kodak DX7590. That's when I fell in love with both the camera and picture taking. I've since collected other cameras such as an Olympus SP 550UZ, a digital Elph (a fun little thing), a Pentax manual SLR that doesn't get as much use as I'd like it to. A couple of Holgas and a couple of Lomos (4 and 8 lensers) ... you know those fun plastic, toy cameras ... oh and my newest an Oly EVolt E500 DSLR. It's basically what I shoot with nowdays. What started out and for the most part is still a hobby/stress reliever is also beginning to pay out. What's not to like about that as long as it remains fun and doesn't become work.
I live in SE IN and work as a live-in college residence hall coordinator who manages 2 halls (over 600 guys and gals). One hall is all-female and the other is all-male. They are what keep me young, oh, and my hairdresser if you know what I mean! :tuesday
Anyway, I'll lurk for a bit, but will more than likely start posting soon.
Hello, I just stumbled upon this site and decided to sign up. I hope to meet other like-minded folks and learn a trick or two as well.
I'm a 52 y/o woman who's only been doing the photography thing for about 4 years. Seriously ... it all began when I used a tax return and bought my first 'fancy' p&s a Kodak DX7590. That's when I fell in love with both the camera and picture taking. I've since collected other cameras such as an Olympus SP 550UZ, a digital Elph (a fun little thing), a Pentax manual SLR that doesn't get as much use as I'd like it to. A couple of Holgas and a couple of Lomos (4 and 8 lensers) ... you know those fun plastic, toy cameras ... oh and my newest an Oly EVolt E500 DSLR. It's basically what I shoot with nowdays. What started out and for the most part is still a hobby/stress reliever is also beginning to pay out. What's not to like about that as long as it remains fun and doesn't become work.
I live in SE IN and work as a live-in college residence hall coordinator who manages 2 halls (over 600 guys and gals). One hall is all-female and the other is all-male. They are what keep me young, oh, and my hairdresser if you know what I mean! :tuesday
Anyway, I'll lurk for a bit, but will more than likely start posting soon.
Hi. I'm Sammie. A SAHM who has found herself with lot's of free time since my 4 year old started school! Full day school at that! lol
I found this site by searching for Virtual Oil Painting techniques.. I would really love to learn to do that but I am so new at using Painter it may be a while...
Scott C.
Hey, whats up? I suppose I should have tarted here but, it's better late than never, right? Well, for now, I think I'll just give you guys my right eye!
New member to Dgrin, I'm 24 years old, part time student, full time 9 to 5'er.
My first self portrait not as awkward as I expected. I really like what Fish posted about how you want the world to view you. Had a lazy Sunday and decided to give it a whirl. This is a corner in my room that is in a house in the Registry of land marks here in Las Cruces, the house will be 100 years old in 4 years I believe.
New member to Dgrin, I'm 24 years old, part time student, full time 9 to 5'er.
My first self portrait not as awkward as I expected. I really like what Fish posted about how you want the world to view you. Had a lazy Sunday and decided to give it a whirl. This is a corner in my room that is in a house in the Registry of land marks here in Las Cruces, the house will be 100 years old in 4 years I believe.
My name's Scott too! I was thinking of changing my name to something with my initials but, I think I'll live. Nice shoes, by the way.
Hello Everyone Just a quick hello to introduce myself to everyone. I'm Loree, the Sales director for R Gebbie Photography. we just set up our smugmug account and I'm excited about the possibilities!
Looking forward to getting to know many of you and figuring out the best way to make this site work for us!
What brought me here was curiosity about SmugMug, my growing frustration with Flickr, and finding a community I can learn from.
I think I found it.
This is the latest fun pic of me. I am in the 365day group at Flickr and this pic was for that.
I was messing around with the flash which I never do. Not perfect but I think it's pretty funny.
just so you know, we have a 365 community on SmugMug as well and flickr-fleeers (is that a word?) get a 50% discount
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Athena Carey Photography
"It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are." - Edward Estlin Cummings
I used to be at Flickr, but access to Flickr is banned from my place, so here I am at SmugMug.
Hello everyone! I'm very new here at DGrin and SmugMug as well as to photography. Bear with me as I try to figure out how to use all this stuff.
I'm new here to the SmugMug and DGrin community. I'm also a newcomer to photography as well! I went out and bought a Nikon D300 a few weeks before the D700 came out!
I just hope to learn something from all of you good people and have fun at the same time!
Start posting and enjoy !
My Gallery
Hello everyone my name is Shane. I am new here! Here is my smugmug. http://shanejeffers.smugmug.com thanks for looking.
SmugMug Support Specialist - www.help.smugmug.com
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
Hello, I'm Sandi. I admit I'm a Wannabe and am hoping to learn a lot from all of you. I have taken senior pictures in the past and have recently done engagement pictures. I am open to critique (but go easy on me).
I have a Nikon D40x - nothing fancy but it's a great little camera.
Here are some of my pics. I hope the link works:
This is me....
APL Photography || My Gear: Bunch of 4/3rds stuff
Facebook: Friend / Fan || Twitter: @aplphoto
Photography has always been one of my hobbies, but it's been a while since I posted pictures to the web. I have a Gallery2 gallery on my web server, but I have limited disk space, so I haven't uploaded much in the last few years. (I bought a Canon Powershot S3 IS about two years ago, and now I end up with several gigabytes of pictures from each trip. Server disk space with my web host isn't cheap, and I don't want to compress down the pictures). I was thinking about signing up for Flickr, but once I saw how much nicer the SmugMug galleries looked, I decided to sign up. Unlimited space is a big plus...
In the process of migrating my old albums over, and then I'll start uploading all of the newer stuff to my SmugMug account. I recently started using a GPS datalogger, so I should be able to map the newer photos, too.
No "mug" of me, yet. I posted one to my gallery, but it's not a great picture, I'm going to take a new self-portrait soon.
My Gallery
I'm a 52 y/o woman who's only been doing the photography thing for about 4 years. Seriously ... it all began when I used a tax return and bought my first 'fancy' p&s a Kodak DX7590. That's when I fell in love with both the camera and picture taking. I've since collected other cameras such as an Olympus SP 550UZ, a digital Elph (a fun little thing), a Pentax manual SLR that doesn't get as much use as I'd like it to. A couple of Holgas and a couple of Lomos (4 and 8 lensers) ... you know those fun plastic, toy cameras ... oh and my newest an Oly EVolt E500 DSLR. It's basically what I shoot with nowdays. What started out and for the most part is still a hobby/stress reliever is also beginning to pay out. What's not to like about that as long as it remains fun and doesn't become work.
I live in SE IN and work as a live-in college residence hall coordinator who manages 2 halls (over 600 guys and gals). One hall is all-female and the other is all-male. They are what keep me young, oh, and my hairdresser if you know what I mean! :tuesday
Anyway, I'll lurk for a bit, but will more than likely start posting soon.
Welcome to Dgrin.
I am 27, and I live in Paris France (please foregive my English, i still need to practice).
I have discovered this great website, a few days ago, and I am sure I will come here very often.
If you have suggestions or comments on my smugmug custommization, please do not hesitate: http://www.edouardsteru.com/ .
I found this site by searching for Virtual Oil Painting techniques.. I would really love to learn to do that but I am so new at using Painter it may be a while...
Hey, whats up? I suppose I should have tarted here but, it's better late than never, right? Well, for now, I think I'll just give you guys my right eye!
Vampires! A Dark Alleyway!
My first self portrait not as awkward as I expected. I really like what Fish posted about how you want the world to view you. Had a lazy Sunday and decided to give it a whirl. This is a corner in my room that is in a house in the Registry of land marks here in Las Cruces, the house will be 100 years old in 4 years I believe.
My name's Scott too! I was thinking of changing my name to something with my initials but, I think I'll live. Nice shoes, by the way.
Vampires! A Dark Alleyway!
Mucho respect for all the awesome shots! All the animals you've got are superb!
Vampires! A Dark Alleyway!
Scott is a good name to have you'll regret changing it if you do...
Hello Ian thank you for the welcome.
I will agree with the other Scott Edouarr, your shoots a impressive!:D
Haha! I meant changing my name on this site to something more like my real name, not changing my real name
Vampires! A Dark Alleyway!
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Just a quick hello to introduce myself to everyone. I'm Loree, the Sales director for R Gebbie Photography. we just set up our smugmug account and I'm excited about the possibilities!
Looking forward to getting to know many of you and figuring out the best way to make this site work for us!