SmugMug Feature Requests #2

Hi folks, please put your feature requests in this thread, thanks!
The last feature request thread, here.
The prior four feature request threads:
The last feature request thread, here.
The prior four feature request threads:
This discussion has been closed.
Hi - a couple of things which I didn't see as I quickly scrolled through the older threads:
Creative Common Licenses - it would be great to utilize these in two ways:
* on each picture/entire galleries
* as part of the URL which you can cut and past for blogs - a secondary one to both show yoru picture and teh type of license your pictures have. Flickt does a good job with this.
Selling photos: a couple of ideas here - possibly a less expensive fee to have this ability as a photographer but larger smugmug commission? Also, what about a SmugMug Sales Gallery where best images of purchasable photos can be highlighted?
thanks for listening
I would like to have the ability to offer 4x6 images in minimum quantities of two. I'm not asking for a package
On the pro sales page, an unobtrusive indicator of the status of a proof order would be helpful. Maybe something simple like a green dot for approved orders or a different font color for orders that are waiting attention.
I apologize if these requests have been posted previously. I looked, but I may not have seen...
Thanks for your consideration.
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I'd love to see the following features (or know how it can be done if these features already exists):
1. Customize the email message that a customer receives after placing an order and when their prints ship. The Smugmug emails are cute but I'd like to tailor them to my business.
2. The download feature under "Sales Details" is great. I can view all my orders but I'd love the csv file to include the original image name (uploaded file name) in addition to the smugmug ID. Even better if I could customize the report by specifing field tags to be included (like the back printing option).
Quite a few make folders for seperate events or shots, would it be possible to edit the geography for an entire folder. Thanks
"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced... Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice"
My new camera has got an orientation sensor and mow I don't have to bother with rotating portrait format photos, except for that smugmug doesn't rotate those photos automaticly. It would be awesome if I didn't have to rotate them just for smugmug when I post photos directly out of the camera!
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Here's a natural. OpenID support for dgrin. New users will then be able to use their Smugmug OpenID to login to dgrin.
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We're keeping a close eye on this:
Don also commented in a similar vein on his blog:
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I figured you were waiting for vBulletin support. Thanks for the links.
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I absolutely love Smugmug and all the customization features - it's a geek's playground...
I do have a pretty serious issue with it however. I am/was a flickr user as well - and like to have my own admin interface - meaning no restrictions. Currently the admin interface is identical to what the end-user/client/customers see... Is there a way to change a few things?
Original file downloads - I want to block them from everyone, but still have the option of seeing them if I want too without customizing the gallery and yadda yadda back and forth... It would be nice for the admin, as well as others trustworthy to be granted a guest admin password so they could have access to all the original sized photos too. This brings me to another problem....
Right clicking. I want it to block everyone else, but not ME. I am the copyright holder, I am the person who CAN right click - but it still blocks anyone - is there a way to allow right clicking while logged in as admin/guest?
Statistics - exclude my clicking from the statistics, or make it a definable statistic with a drop down asking to include my actions or disregard? I'd like to see what is popular in OTHER people's eyes, not just my own...
So my current three requests are:
Original File sizes availabled to logged in admins
Right Click blocking override for admins
Statistics to have option or permenantly ignore admin's surfing
What do you think Andy? Thanks for this awesome site and all the amazing support.
I agree on the access to originals for the account owner. It's a real pain (and a temporary security hole) to have to unblock originals just so you can download the original of one of your own images. I don't use right click protection so that one doesn't matter much to me, but I can see why people would want that too. There are work-arounds for the right-click protection, but not for accessing your own originals.
If you want to make sure site owners don't get confused about why these setting are not being enforced though they've turned them on, then just put some text on the page when they are viewing that explains that security options are not enforced when it's the site owner accessing the account.
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thank you ehverso mutch!
EDIT: Forgot the link.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks for the plug Sebastian.
It works for most, but not all gallery settings, somethings currently aren't settable via the api.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Yeah, Nik also has the problem with his S*E that some gallery settings are still not availiable via the api. In your SmugBrowser all the settings that aren't working are greyed out, right?
SmugMug Support Hero
yeah...and I am trying to get the other options made available
SmugMug API Developer
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Just like on some websites, there is a box with the pre-formatted IMG tags with the URL for the image, so you can just copy and paste it into a forum and the pic is good to go.
I would like to see that, and the ability to autogenerate that same IMG tags with URL codes for multiple pictures in a gallery. If you had more than 1 picture that you wanted to put into a forum to post about, this would be a lot easier.
I am actually working on a flock photo service, which allows you to drag-n-drop images from the media bar directly into blog posts.
If you are interested in more details, PM me.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
This was mentioned last December, any update?
In the cart if you pick "adjust crop" and do some adjustments there's no
easy option to cancel and go back to cart if you change your mind.
Need a cancel or back button on adjust crop page.
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The current production selection is fun, but a bit kitschy. Framed prints and books would be a great addition to the lineup.
I'd like to be able to change the pricing of several images within a gallery all at once, similar to the way it's done with watermarking.
Say I have a gallery of 300 images, and I've set gallery-wide pricing. Now I want to edit the pricing on a group of 75 images within that one gallery. As it is now, the only way to do this is image by image, which is painfully tedious.
If I were watermarking, I would choose "Watermarking", and the entire gallery appears as a page of thumbnails. I then select any group of thumbs and apply 'my_watermark_1'. If necessary, I could then choose another group of thumbs and apply 'my_watermark_2', etc.
Why not the same with pricing?
Choose "Custom pro pricing" and the entire gallery appears as a page of thumbs. I then select any group of images and apply 'my_pricing_1', etc. Of course, I would have several price lists already saved, exactly the way I have several watermarks saved.
The other advantage to this pricing system is that, if you edit any saved price list, those changes would immediately apply to any images/galleries that are associated with that price list. It's one-stop editing, just like CSS.
I see a few possible implementations :
- making the name field mandatory
- making the name field more visible
- pre-populating the comment text box with something like this "Thanks for your comment, please remember to enter a name in the box above so I can know who's talking"
Previous thread was
The proof delay is a great feature to make sure that customers get the best prints.
Here is the problem when I want to purchase my prints from my own site. I have to either go into each gallery and turn proof delay off while I place my order. Or send a request to the help desk to release the order.
We really need a better way to address this.
Some possible options.
1. Omit proof delay any time prints are ordered while logged in.
2. Access to you're own orders to release to ship
For galleries with a large number of photos, it's very slow to scroll up/down a long page of thumbs when bulk captioning/keywording. Is it possible to add "top of page" and "bottom of page" links repeatedly down the page? Perhaps also an "up(down) 10 photos" or similar.
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So that's what those keys do! You'd think keyboards would come with a instruction manual.
That completely solves my problem and negates my previous feature request.
Thanks Allen.
I found that by clicking the center wheel on the mouse to "lock" it allows me to dynamically scroll up or down a long page of thumbnails very quickly....(caution: I also found that if you do this repeatedly for very long it can make your head spin). But it makes bulk updating of large galleries a much quicker chore. I use this method almost exclusively.
Just click the mouse wheel with the cursor just a bit to the left of the thumbnails...then physically drag the mouse itself slightly up or down to scroll (the further away from the up/down icon you drag it, the faster the resultant scrolling)...then slow down when you find thumbnails you want to select, click the center wheel again to release the "lock" and click the left button to select multiple images for keyword/caption updating.